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offsite link Police Federation Sued by London Branch Chairman in Free Speech Row Tue Mar 18, 2025 09:00 | Toby Young
PC Rick Prior, Chairman of the London branch of the Police Federation, is suing the organisation because he's been suspended as a result of speaking out about double standards in policing on GB News.
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offsite link Why Are Some Rapes More Equal Than Others? Tue Mar 18, 2025 07:00 | Steven Tucker
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offsite link News Round-Up Tue Mar 18, 2025 01:36 | Richard Eldred
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offsite link How Does Gender Ideology End Up Everywhere? Mon Mar 17, 2025 19:00 | Caroline Ffiske
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offsite link Far-Left Campaigners Are Targeting GB News and Have Enlisted Ofcom as their Attack Dog Mon Mar 17, 2025 17:00 | Toby Young
The boss of GB News has said the channel is the victim of a "coordinated" attack by the far Left after Ofcom launched yet another investigation into one of its programmes.
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palestinian solidarity

category international | rights, freedoms and repression | opinion/analysis author Tuesday April 12, 2005 15:55author by l Report this post to the editors

Dear All, please circulate this call to as many contacts. Solidarity
the Palestinian Political PrisonersCall out for actions on April
attached you will find two documents the first is the call for the
solidarity action, and the second is a letter we are asking people to
to the ICRC, people who are intrested or looking for more information
please write to: [email protected] thanks alot for your
support and keep the good work. best regards Solidarity with the
Palestinian Political Prisoners

Call out for actions on April 17th

8000 Palestinians are currently being held as political prisoners by
Israel, including around 350 Palestinian children and 91 Palestinian
These prisoners face forms of torture and mistreatment during their
and detention, and are consistently denied family and lawyer visits.

April 17th is the International Day in Solidarity with Palestinian
Political Prisoners. It is marked by demonstrations through out the
Occupied Territories with families demanding the release of prisoners.
of these demonstrations take place outside the offices of the
Committee of the Red Cross, as this body is responsible for maintaining
contact with prisoners, as well as delivering clothes and other

We are calling on the Red Cross to take more meaningful steps
in the monitoring of prisoner conditions. Despite the grave violations
prisoner rights that take place in Israeli prisons, the ICRC mission in
West Bank and Gaza Strip is not carrying out frequent visits to central
Israeli prisons and has failed to deliver urgently needed supplies such
shoes and clothes.

We will be demonstrating outside the ICRC in as many cities as possible
Friday April 17th, in solidarity With Palestinian political prisoners
their families – demanding freedom for all political prisoners.

We are trying to build this campaign and
support the Palestinian prisoners. People are very encouraged to donate
support the campaign financially. Please send donations to this bank
Bank name: Cajastur
Bank main address: Plaza de la Escandalera 2, 33003 Oviedo, Spain
Account holder: Escanda
Account number: 2048 0022 6 9 0340014716
Branch address: Plaza Alfonso X el
Sabio, 33630 Pola de Lena, Spain
International code for bank account
(IBAN): ES25 2048 0022 6903 4001 4716
International code of bank

Attched you will find a copy of the letter that should be sent to the
The letter should be sent to the following addresses: Postal address
International Committee of the Red Cross 19 avenue de la PaixCH
Geneva Fax general: ++ 41 (22) 733 20 57 Phone ++ 41 (22) 734 60 01 We
on all Palestine solidarity groups and political prisoners support
to endorse this day of action and sign onto a letter we are delivering
the ICRC. To endorse or receive more information please contact:

[email protected]


Letter to ICRC

Dear Mr. Kellenberger,

We address this letter to you as President of the International
of the Red Cross on the occasion of Palestinian Prisoner Day, April 17.

As Palestinian and international solidarity organizations, we are
concerned by the situation of Palestinian prisoners inside Israeli
and detention centers. Approximately 8000 Palestinians are currently
held as political prisoners by Israel, including around 350 Palestinian
children and 91 Palestinian women. Almost all of these prisoners face
form of torture or mistreatment during their arrest and detention.
conditions of detention are extremely poor, and in some cases,
life-threatening. The majority of these detainees are being held in
violation of the IV Geneva Convention in prisons outside of the West
and Gaza Strip.

As the guardians of international humanitarian law, the ICRC is
“…to take cognizance of any complaints based on alleged breaches of
law” (Article 5.2c of the Statutes of International Red Cross and Red
Crescent Movement). In the case of Palestinian prisoners however, this
responsibility has quite clearly not been fulfilled. It appears to us
the ICRC has preferred to quietly accept Israel’s considerable and
increasing violations of the rights of Palestinian prisoners without
any meaningful action.

Indeed, the worsening situation of Palestinian prisoners and detainees
been widely documented by many of the Palestinian human rights
organizations listed below as well as international and UN bodies.

Israel continues to practice torture and other forms of mistreatment
against Palestinian detainees including severe beatings, being tied in
painful and contorted positions for long periods of time, psychological
abuse, and long periods of solitary confinement, and pressure to
collaborate with the occupying forces. These abuses are not restricted
Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip; two Palestinians with
Israeli citizenship recently launched a hunger strike following 54 days
detention in inhuman conditions in an Israeli detention center.

We are particularly concerned with reports from Facility 1391, a secret
prison reportedly in the North of Israel where prisoners report being
and sodomized by interrogators.

Inside Israeli prisons, Palestinian prisoners frequently report attacks
prison guards including the firing of tear gas inside prisoner’s cells,
beatings, denial of food and medical treatment and long periods of
confinement. Women prisoners report that they have been stripped naked
prison guards and shackled spread-eagled to prison beds in solitary

A large number of Palestinian prisoners are in urgent need of medical
treatment and yet receive little more than basic pain relievers.
report that provision of medical treatment is often used as another
form of
coercion against them by the prison authorities.

We are particularly concerned about the situation of Palestinian child
prisoners. As we are sure you are aware, in 2002 the UN Committee on
Rights of the Child has publicly raised the treatment of Palestinian
prisoners by Israel.

Of particular concern is Israel’s continual treatment of Palestinian
children 16 years and over as adults in violation of the UN Convention
the Rights of the Child. Furthermore, there is no child-specific
for Palestinian children.

Despite these grave violations of prisoner rights, the ICRC mission in
area only carries out visits to central Palestinian prisons every six
months. The ICRC has failed to adequately address our very real
for Palestinian prisoners during these visits, including the provision
urgently needed clothes, shoes and other personal needs for prisoners.

Furthermore, the ICRC has not adequately followed the cases of the 19
Palestinians who have been deported from the West Bank to Gaza Strip.
“persons deprived of their liberty”, they are entitled to
work, regular visits and contact with family and friends.

While we understand that Israel places very real structural obstacles
front of the work of the ICRC, this situation must be urgently
We therefore call on you, in your position as President of the ICRC, to
immediately take steps to fulfill the following measures:

*To take effective and public action to end the practice of Israel’s
incarceration of Palestinian prisoners from the West Bank and Gaza
Strip in
areas outside of the occupied territories.

*To take effective and public action against Israel’s widespread use of
torture against Palestinian detainees.

*To take effective and public action against the practice of Israel’s
deportation of Palestinian prisoners from the West Bank to the Gaza

*To fulfill the ICRC’s mandate in regards to above-mentioned deportees,
persons deprived of their liberty. This includes visits and following
the situation of these people in regards to accommodation, work and the
right to see families, friends and colleagues.

*To immediately demand that sick and injured prisoners are provided
adequate and appropriate medical treatment.

*To take effective and public action to pressure Israel to open the
prison Facility 1391 to representatives of the ICRC and Palestinian

*To urgently increase the frequency of visits by the ICRC to Israeli

*To insist that visits by ICRC staff to Israeli prisons also include
provision of urgently needed items such as clothes, underwear, shoes,
sanitary products and educational materials.

*To pressure Israel to allow unobstructed family visits by Palestinians
from the West Bank and Gaza Strip to their relatives in Israeli jails.
importantly, these visits should take place unobstructed by glass or

*To increase the visibility of the work of the ICRC to the Palestinian
public, in particular the actions you carry out around the above
This should be done in much closer coordination with Palestinian human
rights organizations.

author by Transparent...publication date Tue Apr 12, 2005 17:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"*To pressure Israel to allow unobstructed family visits by Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip to their relatives in Israeli jails. Most importantly, these visits should take place unobstructed by glass or other

LOL!!! How the heck are peace loving "palestininas supposed to pass weapons to their peaceful incarcerated brothers if they are obstructed by glass!!?

author by TheTrollpublication date Tue Apr 12, 2005 18:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Zionists just let go from prisons hundreds of Palestinian prisoners. They did so a year ago too.

Now, is ANYONE really prejudiced/stupid enough to think that the Zionist crusaders would let REAL terrorists out on the streets???? Anyone at all??? Why yes, that last poster seems to be such a person. What the ZIonist's release of over a thousand palestinians shows is 2 things: that "convicted terrorist" doesn't mean very much in ZIonist occupied Palestinian lands, AND that Zionists take hostages, over a thousand, at least, as the ZIonist's release of the obviously innocent Palestinians showcases.

Or, you can just admit that you are stupid/prejudiced enough to buy into the Zionist propaganda.

People who lie to you are cowards who don't have the balls to call you a fool to your face. And if you accept the lies, then you become thier tools as well. And you willingly let them use you as they will.

author by The Trollpublication date Tue Apr 12, 2005 18:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Zionists Squawk Squawk
Jews Squawk Squawk Squawk
Zionists Squawk Squawk Squawk Squawk

Islam means peace Squawk
Palestinians are nice people Squawk Squawk
Arabs would never slaughter their own children Squawk
Zionists SquawkSquawkSquawk

author by TheTrollpublication date Tue Apr 12, 2005 18:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You can always tell me from the new TheTroll by how 1 of us actualy has something of substance to write about. But lets go over the stuff he did write about.

Zionists, Jews, Zionists, Or should I write

Zionists= Jews = ZIonists

Is the new TheTroll sug-JESTING that because I witness against the ZIonists bloodsoaked crusade that I hate ALL Jews for no damned reason??? NO!!! An Enabler of the ZIonist's bloodsoaked crusade wouldn't stoop so low. Whould they???

Islam means peace. I don't care what Islam means. As a real Christian, I treat my neighbors as I would have them treat me. As Jesus said, obviously paraphrasing, "even a KKK asshole can love his own brother, that is nothing great."

Palestinians are my neighbors, and if Zionists were being murderous thieves of where I live, I would AT LEAST want Palestinians to witness against the ZIonist's offenses. I sure as hell would NOT want the Palestinians to be suplying Zionists with arms to destroy my community's lives and lifes like Democraps and Republitrash supply Zionists with the means to destroy Palestinians lives. Palestinians supplying ZIonists with the arms to destroy Americans would piss us off so much we would be dancing in the streets if someone slammed a plane into a Palestinian building.

ZIonism is murderous theft of Palestinian lands. Witnessing to that is propper. Slandering me for doing so is an offense.

Palestinians are nice people. Well, who cares if they are nice or not? Even if they are the world's biggest assholes, that wouldn't give ANY ZIonists a "birthright" of murderous theft of even 1 square inch of the palestinian's homeland. That would make the Zionists the world biggest assholes, at least one level lower than the Palestinians.

Slaughter thier own??? I don't know what that is about. Can you enlighten us???

Zionists. Yep, his last thought. Zionists. Well, he had to make it look meaningless/more meaningless.

author by The Trollpublication date Tue Apr 12, 2005 18:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Jews jews jews SquawkSquawkSquawkSquawkSquawk
Zionists SquawkSquawk
Jews Squawk
Zionists SquawkSquawk

author by TheTrollpublication date Tue Apr 12, 2005 19:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Slaughter thier own"???

Can you NOT enlighten us??? Do you run and hide from your own supposition??? Is your own supposition so weak, or do you already know what I will respond with???

author by The Trollpublication date Tue Apr 12, 2005 19:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Zionist Squawk Squawk
Slaughter Squawk Squawk Squawk
Bombelt Squawk Squawk Squawk
Zionist Squawk

author by TheTrollpublication date Tue Apr 12, 2005 20:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A new word-bombbelt, with slaughter and ZIonists.

And what percentage of Palestinians have ever straped a bombbelt to themselves??? Isn't it something like .000038%??? So why would someone suggest (vacantly) that Palestinians would slaughter thier own, just because a tiny fraction of a percent have sacrificed thier lives to liberate thier homeland of 400000 Zionist crusaders. Is the new TheTroll scapegoating ALL Palestinians because a tiny fraction fight against ZIonist offenses. Is he trying to denigrate ALL Palestinians for the actions of a few while ZIonists continue in thier murderous theft of more and more Palestinian lands.

Hey, don't scapegoat me just because you have nothing of substance in your rant.

author by The Trollpublication date Tue Apr 12, 2005 20:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Zionist Squawk
Bombelt Squawk Squawk
Crusaders Squawk Squawk Squawk
Murderous Squawk Squawk Squawk Squawk
Theft Squawk Slaughter Squawk Squawk
Zionist Squawk Squawk Squawk Squawk

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