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Show Solidarity with Nonviolent Resistance to the U.S. War Machine

category national | anti-war / imperialism | news report author Monday April 04, 2005 20:08author by Ciaron Report this post to the editors

They're in Jail for Us, We're on the Loose for Them!

As the the Bush administration escalates it's war on the poor ,nonviolent resistance grows amongst the U.S. civilian population and within the U.S. military. Any serious movement that challenges power will have it's prisoners. Prison is designed to isolate, demoralise and crush the resister.

A smple way to counter such isolation is sending a letter or postcard to peace prisoners in military brigs, county jails and federal pens.

From personal experience I can assure you that getting such correspondence from Ireland when your living in a cage or cell lifts morale, makes it safer with the guards and is big hit fellow prisoners (especially stamp collecters!).

If you're going to write a letter against the war - makeit to a peace prisoner rather than a politician!

The link below will give you profiles and prison addresses for those sentenced for trespass at the "School of the Americas" where Latin American death squads are trained at Ft. Benning, Georgia, USA.

The soldiers go home to wage war on the poor on behalf of U.S. foreign policy (More info on School of the Americas www.soaw.org)

These folks were arrested in November and sentenced recently.

Related Link: http://www.soaw.org/new/article.php?id=322
author by VITWpublication date Fri Apr 08, 2005 20:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

4 Arrested at Senator Durbin's Chicago Office Bells Toll in Opposition
to the War in Iraq

CHICAGO, IL -- April 6 -- On April 5, four anti-war activists were
arrested at Senator Richard Durbin's office in Chicago for their
opposition to the war. The Senate Appropriations Committee is to
consider a spending bill on April 6 to provide nearly $80 billion more
to fund the war in Iraq. They sought a pledge from Senator Durbin to
vote against the bill.

The activists delivered a letter to Senator Durbin's office which read,
in part: "We urge you to vote against the proposed Supplemental
Spending Bill which is pending before the U.S. Senate. We urge you to
publicly state your opposition to this bill, both verbally and in
writing. Now is the time to end the U.S. war against and occupation of
Iraq. Our country has waged economic and military warfare against the
people of Iraq for the past 15 years. It is time for this war to end.
It is time to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq; to cancel the 'odious
debt' incurred by Saddam Hussein; to pay reparations to Iraqis injured
by the U.S. war against Iraqi people; and to fully fund the
reconstruction of Iraq as Iraqis exercise self-determination and
rebuild their country in a manner which benefits the ordinary Iraqi and
not the interests of the U.S., the World Bank, the IMF or other
international forces."

After an impromptu meeting with the Chicago Director of Senator
Durbin's office, in which it was confirmed that Senator Durbin will
vote for the supplemental spending bill, the activists began to read
the names of US soldiers and Iraqi civilians who have lost their lives
in the war. A bell tolled after each reading of the pairing of a US
soldier and an Iraqi civilian.

After approximately 20 minutes, the Senator's office staff asked the
activists to cease their action. Kathy Kelly of Voices in the
Wilderness responded that it was necessary to continue to read the
names as a form of petitioning the government and in remembrance of the
dead. Officers of the Federal Protective Service (FPS) arrived at the
office and directed the activists to cease their activity. They
continued to read the names of the dead. The bells continued to toll.

The 4 anti-war activists were detained by the FPS on two charges:
creating a disturbance and failure to conform with directions. Each
charge carries a potential maximum sentence of 30 days in jail. Those
arrested are: Kathy Kelly, co-founder of Voices in the Wilderness,
Chicago; Rosalie Riegle, author and Catholic Worker, Evanston; Katie
Dahlseng, Reba House, Evanston; and Jeff Leys, also of Voices in the
Wilderness, Chicago.

"In 1964, two Senators had the courage to vote against the Gulf of
Tonkin Resolution that laid the foundation for the Vietnam War," says
Jeff Leys. "Had the majority of Senators had the same courage as
Senators Gruening and Morse, 58,000 US soldiers and millions of
Vietnamese citizens would not have died. Now is the time for Senator
Durbin to show the same courage and leadership by voting against
additional funds for the war in Iraq. If not now, when?"

Related Link: http://www.commondreams.org/news2005/0406-01.htm
author by Jonahpublication date Sun Apr 10, 2005 23:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Photos & Report see link.....

Related Link: http://www.jonahhouse.org/F&RHolyWeek05Summary.htm
author by JONAHpublication date Tue Apr 12, 2005 00:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

4 plead innocent to antiwar protest charges: Trial set for May 7, 2005
Demonstrators poured their own blood at Ithaca recruiting office before Iraq war


BINGHAMTON -- Four antiwar demonstrators pleaded innocent Friday during an arraignment in federal court, maintaining their stance that they were upholding international law during a 2003 protest in which they poured out their own blood at a U.S. Military recruiting office in suburban Ithaca.

"What we do, I don't consider it as protesting," defendant Clare Grady said after the arraignment. "I consider it as upholding the best of human law that we've come up with so far, and upholding God's law."

Grady, 46, along with Teresa Grady, 39, Daniel Burns, 44, and Peter De Mott, 58, are facing multiple charges in connection with the March 17, 2003 incident. They maintain that the U.S. war in Iraq is illegal, and that their nonviolent protest was justified.

Following a Friday appearance before Judge David E. Peebles, they were processed by federal marshals and released on their own recognizance pending trial. Each could face up to six years in prison and fines as high as $250,000 on the primary charge: conspiracy to impede an officer of the United States.

Burns, De Mott and the Gradys were among a group of about 20 who gathered in front of the U.S. Army and Marine Corps recruiting station at the Cayuga Mallin Lansing two years ago, shortly before the United States began combat operations in Iraq.

The quartet, who entered the office, were arrested, but never convicted. A mistrial was declared last April after a Tompkins County jury failed to reach a unanimous decision regarding third-degree criminal mischief charges in the case. Tompkins County District Attorney George Dentes dismissed all charges pending against the four in Tompkins County Court, but asked the U.S.Attorney's office to get involved in the case.

The defendants are facing three other, lesser, federal charges. Injury and damage to government property, a misdemeanor, carries up to a year in prison and a potential $100,000 fine. Entering into a military station for unlawful purposes, a misdemeanor, could bring up to six months in jail and a $5,000 fine. They also are charged with entering into a military station after being removed, for allegedly returning to the office after their arrest.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Miroslav Lovric asked the judge to impose three conditions as part of releasing the four: that they be processed by the marshals, that they be advised against engaging in any criminal activity while awaiting trial, and that they be ordered to remain within the jurisdiction of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York.

As a rationale for the last condition, Lovric noted that the defendants have previously been involved in protests in other states, and said he was concerned such activities could lead them into situations of illegal behavior.

Peebles agreed to the processing and said he would warn against criminal behavior as a matter of course. He rejected the travel ban. Once the case reaches trial, the four will represent themselves, but likely with guidance from lawyers, as they did in Tompkins County. Peebles agreed, but also said they may apply for court-appointed lawyers at a later stage if they desire.

April 8 is set for the filing of motions at the federal court, and a tentative trial date is scheduled for May 7 under Judge Thomas J. McAvoy.

Outside the court, the four said they take the threat of prison time very seriously, but added that it's a step they'll face if that's the consequence for standing firm in their beliefs.

Burns said he would miss his infant son and the baby his wife will soon bear. He said the servicemen and women serving in Iraq also must leave their families behind, and he would deem his own sacrifice worthy. The son of former Binghamton mayor John Burns, who died last year, he said he also takes comfort in some of his father's last encouraging words.

"He told me that he was proud of me," Burns said, "and that meant a lot."

February 21, 2005
Peace Activists Tried a Second Time for the Same Act

For more information contact:

Clare Grady- (607) 273- 6257
Danny Burns- (607) 280-0369
Teresa Grady- (607) 277-8637
Peter De Mott- (607) 277-8932

On Friday, February 18, 2005, Peter DeMott, Clare Grady, Danny Burns, and Teresa Grady, 'the St. Patrick's 4', received a summons to appear in the United States Federal District Court in Binghamton, NY on felony charges reading 'conspiracy to impede an officer of the United States.'

This will be the second trial for the four for their act of nonviolent civil resistance at the local US Army/Marine Recruiting Center on March 17, 2003 . After prayer and discernment the four poured their own blood sacramentally in the vestibule of the center, thereby making visible the blood that is shed by the work of the center. They went there in the spirit of nonviolence, knelt in prayer and in no way threatened or used force.

"We can't help but wonder whether the timing of these charges are politically motivated to stifle dissent and resistance to war making as we approach the second anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq and the March 19, 2005 international call to action to resist the ongoing war" said Peter De Mott.

"We take note that, as a direct result of our US invasion, over 100,000 Iraqi civilians and 1,600 coalition soldiers have been killed. Wide areas of Iraq are now contaminated with depleted uranium, poisoning the people in these areas and the land permanently. While a few people and corporations make billions from this war, many in our nation are homeless, have no healthcare, living wage jobs, assurance of social security or adequate education," said Teresa Grady.

Clare Grady stated further that "we stand by our actions, believing that they are just, moral, legal, and required as the great crimes of mass murder, grand theft, and torture are perpetrated in our names."

"We are being prosecuted by the office of a man, Attorney General Gonzalez, who has worked to institute the use, by the United States, of torture, an international crime," Danny Burns noted. Burns went on to say, "Our nation's young people are being targeted by the military to participate in this illegal war. They are being promised jobs, education and a future. Instead, they are getting illness, death and deep trauma from participating in killing innocent people."

The four take full responsibility for entering the vestibule and pouring their own blood. They maintain that they are innocent of any crime because citizens have moral and legal obligations to take action to prevent greater crimes. They invite everyone to come to their court proceedings, the dates of which they will announce as they become known.

Clare Grady said, "We are heartened by people all around the world who are rising up for a just and peaceful world and we remember the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who said, 'the moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends towards justice.'"

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