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End The Body Fascism of Size-ism!
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Monday March 28, 2005 21:34 by Ní thuigeann an sách an seang is má thuigeann, ní in am.

it's Time to re-awaken the indignation.
it has now been 5 years since Sizeism the concept entered the english language of Ireland when a The San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted on Monday May 8th, 2000 to outlaw discrimination against fat people. Well, of course they didn't really say fat people because that might reek of . . . discrimination. They voted to add the words "body size" to already exciting laws banning discrimination based on "race, colour, religion, age, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, disability, place of birth or gender identity".
The vote was a big victory for America's Fat Acceptance movement, which has scored similar legislative victories in Washington and Santa Cruz, California. The vote was a big victory for America's Fat Acceptance movement, which had scored similar legislative victories in Washington and Santa Cruz, California.
& the milestone in the struggle against Fascism
was reported by Elaine Lafferty for The Irish Times
Since then, sizeism didn't really get off the European rights based movement's table and walk the walk or talk the talk.
There was an internet site built after an 18stone (thats 95.2543977 kilograms if you're a numerate Irish primary school kid) I digress, into point placing...
yes after a 95.2543977kg woman was asked to leave Harrods supermarket for wearing leggings.
She sued and lost.
But her case inspired the keymakers to put this site together:-
under the slogan-
Sizeism can be as awful as sexism or racism.
But other than that, no Irish group to fight the rights of those who suffer for their size has emerged.
Whilst the neighbouring London Authority got int trouble for a prominent health campaign aimed at reducing disease amongst the young, with a "don't look like a back of a bus" advertising campaign.
indeed the World Cancer Research Fund UK paid for it.
So if you're "overweight" you might consider going to the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance, USA 2005 Convention.
NAAFA represents the interests of fat people globally, for various reasons,
due mostly to big bones and glands, the interests of fat people in the Third World don't seem to be an issue.
It is time that those who know we are closer to a Wallmart Telly dinner in Boston, than a drought efected field in Nigeria, to re-awaken the indignation. Enough of this "hypocrisy" in high places which offer size-ist propaganda like this-
Write to
the minister for health,
Mary Harney,
Leinster House,
Dublin 2.
and ask for her department to end this body fascism and blatent political correctness and maybe even support your rights based campaign.
The last link is to a site which invites you to relish the joys of irish fat based cookery and can only support itself with Tsunami relief funding adverts.
Indeed a second Tsunami is on it's way with a 8+ richter scale quake registered today. So if you can, donate. You know you're making a difference, and all the money is going to the poor people, fat or thin alike.
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Comments (26 of 26)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26The author of the above displays an unhealthy obsession with mary harney and her weight. See article written on mar 25th (I believe)where tonore correctly accused him(for i'm in no doubt its a him) of sexism.
The writings of this author are generally confused and oft indecipherable...
reminds one of a certain author from BCN?
Needless to say I loathe the PDs but this fixation with one politician who happens to be overweight and is coincidentally(yeah right) a woman is misogynyistic
What about UGLY-ISM? I dont hear much talk about that.
I can't call Mary Harney FAT, but I CAN call her UGLY??
and an end to the literature and propaganda which insults those of a generous girth which daily enamate from Harney's department calling for an end to "obesity".
I have indeed suggested that those who feel strongly on this issue ask her to support their call.
That's all. Send her a postcard.
I don't have any prejudice against people of size, they're very cuddly. I'm sure the mammy / granny Harney is very cuddly, and my dislike of her is merely based on the record, she did her upmost to strip my parents' generation of their security and peace of mind in their twilight years while vaunting the dubious successes of biotech by investing not only private but public resources and Irish graduates in products, which at end killed patients due to dodgey laboratory practise.
Of course if the minister for health and obseity policy was a svelte liberal and not a cold hearted fascist, the campaign might be more successful.
But that's how the cookie crumbles.
Being overweight and/or fat is bad for your health. Why should we want it to be acceptable?
I am no fitness fanatic myself, in fact i'm overweight and have been for over 20 years and i know that its bad for me and i dont believe the best thing for me to be doing is telling my similarly overweight and fat friends that its ok. Its not. It shortens life expectancy and impedes your ability to fully participate in a whole range of pleasureable human pursuits.
What we should be campaigning for is to ban those fattening foods that the multinationals are constantly pushing at our kids, campaigning for accessible sports complexes and swimming pools in every town and village in the country, and finally, getting out and doing a bit of walking ourselves, if our walk involves going in and out of peoples gardens to shove campaigning literature through their doors, or stopping every few yards to poster, then so much the better.
For gods sake dont lets fall into the trap of self pity and self justification. Obesity is bad. Full stop
"The vote was a big victory for America's Fat Acceptance movement, which had scored similar legislative victories in Washington and Santa Cruz, California"
A celebration party will be held at McDonalds.
Please join us for McBreakfast, McLunch and McDinner.
the "mc" culture which has offered people throughout the world stable employment, and real promotion opportunities has been through a law suit you know!
We of the Campaign for Irish people of ample size against prejudice in public life, are hoping that if the Minister for Health, Mary Harney doesn't become our defender, one of the lardy boys who follow Mr Mc Guinnness around will. We in the Campaign for Irish people of ample size against prejudice in public life, are not scared of anyone-
we are big and proud.
one size fits all if its big enough.
The rag! the Irish independent has published (front page on its website) a sexist and sizeist report on the singing lady Kylie Minogue.
It refers to her as "pint-sized".
She is not "pint-sized"- she's "height challenged".
They also claim her bottom is the most famous in the business. It isn't. And anyway what are they doing attracting peoples' attention to her bottom? HAs it got anything to do with her singing ability? Is she some sort of sex symbol perhaps whose wealth and fame and success is based on air-brushed pictures of her read end? How does this send a message of equality and inclusion and hope to other women especilaly of ireland 12.5% of whom happily have ample bottoms?
Boycott the size-ism and sex-ist music industry and the irish indepedent. pope's funeral day and all.
shame on yiz.
having checked out the Indymedia photos of recent Sinn Fein parades in Dublin, Im beginning to wonder about the origins of this group, the timing of this post ,and their overweight amigoes in the states.
the fact that the poster uses An Teanga as well leads me to a conclusion on this.
Yet another dastardly shinner campaign !!!!
The phrase "soldiers are wee" is lost on them.
reckon this is one of iosaf's posts, his style is fairly obvious after a while. Forget reds under the bed, I think you're seeing dastardly overweight shinners everywhere! (though i can understnad you being a bit paranoid what with those posts from 'Al' and all...)
I would not like to be a fat bastard myself. Where I come from it is very unsexy to be fat. I do not like my woman to be a big fatty either and it looks unhealthy and ugly. Why is it so bad to say something like this when very fat people are mostly lazy and greedy. Thes are two of the 7 deadly sins Im sure. I do not like it on the aeroplane when I have to be stuffed next to a big fat person either and sometimes they even smell. The weighty problems of the world are a big drain on medical practitiioners too and are indicating of an unhealthy society.
living in a sf stronghold, i do see overweight shinners everywhere on a daily basis.
nah...I cant seriously blame the shinners on this one.
Liked the bit about fat people blaming it on "big bones and glands" though. Maybe if they picked the big bones and glands out of the meat pies first theyd lose weight.
And that bit about the 95.5 kg woman wearing leggings.........eeesh
Yes Barry. I am concerned about the leggins too. Why do very big fatties too much wear vry tight clothes? I have seen some ugly and bumpy legs and baciksides like the rear end of a tram in legginsg and it is not very good for the eyes. There must be a lot of soreness in the legs too from the scratchy together of the big legs.
As well as fat women wearing belly tops and low slung jeans. Its just plain anti social.
Greek balladeer Demi Roussos of 1970s fame was a giant of a man, and a great singer, yet he had the decency to wear a kaftan. A true gentleman who knew the difference between right and WRONG !!!
I worked in a number of hospitals for years, and there ARE some medical conditions, such as diabetes which can undoubtedly lead to weight gain.
However, one tale from a nurse friend just sums up the obesity debate perfectly. A SERIOUSLY fat woman came in complaining of soreness and a developing rash on her stomach. The doctor examined her and upon lifting a fold of flab discovered an object in the affected area. This object turned out to be a half eaten and semi decomposed chocolate biscuit, I kid you not. That says it all.
Greed, sloth, self gratification....get some self respect and some exercise and sort it out. If Granny Harney takes up the challenge and becomes spokesperson for the rotund, I envisage pogroms of some kind. Lets face it, in such an event they wont be able to run away, or even hide very effectively.
Well done Barry.....Finally you made me laugh out loud....maybe you're not so bad after all?
Who ate all the pies?
Not exactly sure , but some of redjades recent photographs may hold a clue as to the culprits. Look closely and you can still see the crumbs on the corners of their mouths.
McDowell recently told the shinners they cant have their cake and eat it. Theyre not listening , and asking for second helpings. And to think they used to call the guards the heavy gang.
You are very uncharitable about larger people here. Some people just cannot help themselves. Eating is a very sensual pleasure and if people are lonely or lacking in other ways they might be eating too much because of this. Who said everybody has to be all skinny anyway? I think a lot of larger people are very lovely and happy. Some people here might be larger people and you might be hurting them terribly by your insensitive comments.
they should stay out of the kitchen.
Especially as thats where the fridge is.
That is not a very nice reply barry. I bet you have the misconception, same as presented in the media constantly, that all women should be thin to be sexually appealing or attractive or happy. Men like you are the reason why women struggle in life sometimes. Do you even like women barry or only the really skinny ones you see on tv or in magazines? I feel sorry for your girlfriend or wife, if you even have one.
out of house and home
I agree with the comments, pointing out the sexism of such posting. Mary Harney was NOT ruined lives and killed people. We're hardly talking UN Sanctions Against Iraq here. The original poster should be ashamed of himself (I agree it's a he) and have the BALLS to offer an apology. I wonder if Mz. Harney was physically disabled would be be willing to comment on that as well? If you have a personal resentment against Mz. Harney and her weight, well, we're not the kind of professionals that can help you.
Finally, I live in San Francisco. The "fat" campaign is a joke, and so are the policians in this city, and others in CA, like Santa Cruz. Another "lifestyle rights" decision without any merit, legislated for by narcissists. The same people who legislate against the use of the word "owner" when talking about pets because it could be an insult to black americans (you have to say "guardian"). The same people who positioned gay marriage in San Francisco as a human right without admitting it was political payback to the gay community for electing Democract Newsom over the Green mayoral candidate Gonzalez (Democracts almost lost the city). This kind of payback is the same stuff that SF Gay Buardian Brigadistas criticize Bush for.
The SF Gay community are the biggest bunch of fascists in the state.
However, Californian is fast turning Republican, and an end to such 70's nonsense is in sight. I'm proud to say it will be Latinos who drive such change.
I agree - this obsession with Mary H's weight and somehow seeking to link this with global obesity and health care policy is not only bizarre, it's wrong, and very very silly. One wonders if a posting called Fat Feminst Dies would be acceptable? Using the original posters logic, I think she hated men because she was fat and couldn't get a ride....
Its quite possible.
Rabbi, should people with the
obesity-mental retardation-delayed puberty-macroorchidism-acanthosis nigricans-hyperinsulinemia syndrome gene
be allowed to adopt children, or celebrate civil marriage unions or even encouraged to form stable loving and committed relationships?
Or should they just remain celibate ad take lessons in remedial latin?
The Q. should people carrying the obesity-mental retardation-delayed puberty-macroorchidism-acanthosis nigricans-hyperinsulinemia syndrome gene
be allowed to adopt children, or celebrate civil marriage unions or even encouraged to form stable loving and committed relationships touches on several areas of morality and ethics and public health. Can we imagine the sort of homelife a child without the obesity-mental retardation-delayed puberty-macroorchidism-acanthosis nigricans-hyperinsulinemia syndrome gene would experience, constantly being expected to sit on the sofa and eat junk food
But in the absence of any specific scriptural guidance on genetic inheritance due to unfortuanate incidents with the papyri going up in smoke, might it be too phariseeiac (they didn't go away) to suggest that people with obesity-mental retardation-delayed puberty-macroorchidism-acanthosis nigricans-hyperinsulinemia syndrome genes only be allowed to adopt children with obesity-mental retardation-delayed puberty-macroorchidism-acanthosis nigricans-hyperinsulinemia syndrome genes.
And the rest of society go easy on the sins of gluttony and sloth for a while, or indeed find something more serious to worry about like - does it need to have a label to be kosher? what can we do about the billions starving to death without vaccines and stuff scripture is clear on.
Tov Pesach!
thank you for using our online moral relativism guide - come back soon.
thank you for using our online moral relativism guide - come back soon.
you really want kids?
that Ireland is a nation of junk food eaters.
we spend 480,000,000€ a year on fast food.
this is 3 times the amount of money the minister responsible for shaping our attitude to diet lost on a computer progame. Its not a pittance. Think how much you and your family spend on burgers, kebabs, and msg laden takeaway syrups. If you had eaten 33% less and given it to Harney along with every other family in the state, she'd have enough money to build a hospital.