Come to Ecotopia in Ireland
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news report
Wednesday June 19, 2002 21:05
by Ecotopia - Gluaiseacht
info at ecotopia2002 dot org

Ecotopia is a gathering of people from all over Europe who are interested in environmental and social change.
Participants will engage in workshops & discussions.
The idea is for those attending to have a minimal
impact on the environment. Sustainable energy is
used, locally grown organic food is provided and
local actions & clean ups are held. There will also
be the opportunity to learn about and try out other
cultures. The gathering is organised
non-hierarchically with decisions made by consensus
at the morning circle.
The theme of this years gathering is Conflict
Resolution and thus workshops on this will be held
A straw bale house will be built on site.
Ecotopia 2002 is being held on the Dingle Peninsula in
Kerry, South West Ireland from August 10th - 24th. The
site is in a remote valley surrounded on three sides
by mountains within sight of the Atlantic ocean.
All participants are asked to register online or by
post. The cost is 5 ecos per day. Accommodation is
camping but it is possible for groups or individuals to
book places in tipis, geodesic domes and yurts subject
to availability. For more details on registration,
ecorates and Ecotopia see the website at:
or email:
[email protected]
Translations of the Website content have been made into
Romanian, Welsh, Italian, Czech, Russian while posters
are available for download in English, Swedish, German,
Italian & Turkish. More translations to follow.
Ecotopia has been held in Europe since 1989 moving from
country to country each year. Last years gathering was
in Bulgaria while next years will be in Ukraine.
Sustainable transport to Ecotopia is encouraged be it
by train, bike, boat or bus. A bike tour to Ecotopia
takes place each year this years leaving Dover, England
on July 10th. For more information on the bike tour see:
or email
[email protected]
So see you in Kerry in August.
Failte roimh cách!