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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45So it's all right to spread tacks for the dogs to injure themselves???intresting concept of animal rights!
In Eunan O'Halpins book , the Irish State & Its Enemies, he refers to a sabotage action in Mayo in 1922 during the Civil War. The Coursing area was trashed and the hares were released. I wonder if this was an action by precursors of the ALF? The 1st political action against coursing?
those who carried out the 1922 action were more likely republican.
i hasten to add that eunan o'halpin does not accept that this was an early manifestation of the alf! thats my idea.
its a pity the tenants in the 1840s didnt shoot more landlords, agents etc, for whatever reason.
That there is NO mention of this "attack" in ANY national media.
Especially as the ALF morons are supposedly have to have planted "incendiary devices".A surely newsworthy incident?dont tell me that ALF would not let such go unreported with their quslings in the national media???
Either Hunt sabs Ireland made this up totally ,or they were duped with a bogus report.Either way nothing new there.
this was one of the main stories on local radio the next day. is there much sab actions in ireland?
Not a blood sport, but then the idiots who were behind this infantile action, and the idiots who support them probably don't know that. If coursing is cruel to animals, and I agree that there is a point to be made, then EVERY human use of animals from horse-racing to guide-dogs to pet rodents to using them as a source of food, is cruel and again I accept that there may be a case to be made although I don't accept it myself and don't beleive that it is sutainable. If we lived in a world where every form of human cruelty to other humans had been eradicated - thus proving that we had attained some higher level of existence - then we could have a rational debate on these issues.
this is the station based in clonmel.
More today on Clonmel and the ALF. See the Sunday Mirror and the Sunday Star. 16th Jan 05
Funny to think if this is a bogus report that it's getting so much media attention. Several papers covered this story yesterday. And Mr. Robin Webb did an excellent interview on Beat 103 today. Could it be possible that the Coursing Club are trying to cover this up? Just goes to show how irresponsible people are when there is money at stake!
Coursing is every bit as cruel as horse racing, fishing etc Very few hares if any are killed are coursing meets nowadays as all the dogs are muzzled. The hares are cared for very well and in reality-more would probably die if they had being out in the wild.
These mindless idiots have put the safety of several exceptional greyhounds at risk-as another author pointed out above, interesting concept of animal cruelty!
Tom said: "Coursing is every bit as cruel as horse racing, fishing etc"
Exactly Tom!!!! How right you are!
Hey, let's round up all wild animals and treat them barbarically because Tom reckons it's better than letting them live their natural lives in the wild. In fact Tom, let's take all rights away from women and enslave blacks again, because that's where your mentality lies. Sad really. Maybe you just didn't feel loved as a child.
Perhaps you would like to volunteer to replace the hares and you can be chased around the track by a pack of dogs, dont worry tom its ok, theyre muzzled, so you probably wont be killed. Oh and by the way tom, the dogs wont be run on the track now - thats the whole point, you missed that bit didnt you?
Cat Lover, you have no idea what you are talking about. 'Around' what 'track' would this coursing meeting be taking place?? And what 'pack' of dogs?
It would help a small bit if you had the faintest clue what you are yapping about.
Obviously someone who beleives that the hare at greyhound tracks is real !!
You may laugh but I have met people who think that track racing is coursing. They're against it naturally.....
Funny how people get things wrong. Even the guy from the coursing club said on Beat 103 that the hares are muzzled so they don't kill the greyhounds. Goes to show that the coursing crowd don't have a clue what they are talking about.
Open/Closed Coursing... who cares?? The sooner it's banned, the better.
But don't the hares get trained from the first week in January for the coursing finals? No doubt having been mauled and then supplied by previous coursing events. They just love to run up and down the coursing field. Sure, only a few of them die of fright after being mauled by the dogs, so that makes it ok. (it's amazing how romantic it all sounded on Beat 103.) And then all the others just return home after the finals to live out the rest of their lives sitting by their fireplaces probably reading one of the bloodsport magazines. And probably live happily ever after telling all the little hares about how good life is on the coursing field.
So what's next after coursing? : horse racing, fishing, hurling (played with a ball made of animal hide)?
Master McGrath wrote:- "So what's next after coursing? : horse racing, fishing, hurling (played with a ball made of animal hide)?"
Yeah, hopefully. Or maybe even before!!!
And then all blood thirsty neanderthals will discover empathy and the whole world with be a safer place to live in. Especially as animal abuse and human abuse generally go hand in hand.
But, unfortunately we live in a sick society where low-life scumbags get pleasure out of the suffering of animals, both human and non-human.
A society of empathy. Don't make me laugh. What will people do for amusement? Sit around being lectured to by people like yourself I suppose? Thankfully, there is as much chance of your Orwellian nightmare coming to pass as there is of my greyhound winning the Derby.
Dont abuse Neandtherals, they only killed animals to eat, not for sport. These guys get a kick from watching animals either being torn apart or terrified to death. Scumbags will do nicely as a description.
What other sports will you ban when you and your friends take power? All sports or just ones where someone might get hurt or lose?
Reminds me of something I heard a while back about a teacher who organised football games for the 6 and 7 yr olds under her care in which there were no goals and no teams and the idea was to pass the ball randomly to anyone. The sensible boys and girls told her after a few days that they wanted to go back to playing real football!!
Nah, just ones involving cruelty to animals.
Hurling is cruel to animals? - You did say above that you would ban hurling.
Hurling? Why would I want to ban it? I was refering to the use of the leather ball, which like every other leather product can easily be substituted with another material.
You're right. Scumbag was a better word.
That's not very empathic !!
I dont think that the hare at greyhound racing is real, doesnt mean greyhound racing isnt cruel it just used to be even more cruel when the hare was real, the hares used in hare coursing are very much real (taken out of the wild real) and so hare coursing is also cruel as are all the other blood sports, so too is blooding (you probably dont see anything wrong with that either). Hare coursing is barbaric and if you were in the hares position you would soon see that. It doesnt matter what kind of coursing, it doesnt matter where it takes place, it doesnt matter how many dogs there are, it doesnt matter that the dogs are muzzled (they still maul the hares to death), it doesnt matter if you "treat the hares well" its all barbaric and cruel and the sooner its banned the better and people like you shouldnt be allowed to have an animal - any animal and I feel sorry for your greyhound, what will you do with it when its no longer of use to you to master mc grath (master of what exactly?) Illusions of grandure perhaps???
Live hares were never used in track racing.
As I said before, all human use of animals can be argued to be cruel. That includes all sports involving animals, all killing of animals for food, the keeping of pets, the use of guide dogs. Basically humans do use animals but we not have gotten to where we are (and maybe where we are is nothing to boast about) if we had not used animals in that manner.
I do have animals and I am in no way cruel to them, and in fact prefer them to most people that I know. Would they stay with me if they had a choice, or would they rather fuck off and do their own thing? I suppose they would. But what would they do? Would there be greyhounds or cattle or guinea pigs if we didn't use them in the way we do? Probably not.
Master Mc Grath what you say about cattle (for instance) not existing if we didnt use them the way we (not including me) do is very true, do you think these cattle would be better off never having lived than being bred and factory farmed? I do and the same applies to the animals in labs and fur farms etc etc. Its all cruel. Eating animals, wearing animals, using them for entertainment, none of it should be allowed and those animals who only exist because we breed them for our own uses would be better off never having been born. As for keeping pets, I keep pets, not purchased pets from a pet shop, no, pets that had no home and were wandering the streets hungry, now they have a wonderful home with me and they dont seem to want to fuck off somewhere else, I let them out and they come back. So obviously they want to be here. The animals in labs and fur farms and factory farms and circuses would no doubt fuck off and never come back given the choice. The way I see it is if people really love animals they wouldnt condone any cruelty whatsoever under any circumstances. As for dogs they tend to love being with people, when theyre well looked after anyway, so keeping pets is not really comparible to blood sports and fur farming and factory farming and circuses etc. But yes, breeding and using and abusing animals is cruel and I would be happy to see no more cows, pigs, chickens etc. I dont breed or use or eat animals, I just give them a good life, animals who ended up where they did because of other people neglecting them, abusing them, some of course just get lost, I know, but some have been abused by people and its people like me who try to help them and give them a good life, a life worth living, unlike the animals down on the factory farm whos lives arent worth living.
I would agree with a lot of what you say actually. I am opposed to fur farming and indeed to sports in which the object of the exercise is to kill animals. However, I do not agree with you that coursing fits into that category and was in favour of the muzzling of the dogs. There are undobutedly a small number of people who "blood" dogs with live animals and I think that is completely unacceptable as do the vast majority of people involved with greyhounds.
On a general philosophical level, I would still argue that animals are there "to be used" by humans but that they ought not to be treated badly. As I said before, you could argue that all human use of animals is cruel and you are consistent if you don't use them for meat and also oppose their use for any other human purposes. Maybe someday we will have attained a level of civilisation or "empathy" (apologies for taking the piss earlier by the way) where we have eliminated all forms of cruelty to one another and can then completely reassess our relationship with our furry cousins.
The banning of
hunting in all forms,shooting ,fishing,fur farming,farming in all formats,ownership of pets,banning of horse ownership and racing.Banning of circuses,wearing of leather products,total veganism worldwide.
A totally crazy world where animals will have the same"rights" as a human.
Last fellah who tried that was a nutty Roman Ceaser by the name of Caligulia.He made his horse a senator of Rome and orderd his sister to sleep with it!
Fortuneatly for 98% of us the rest of the world does not hold their crazy views.
so wat has berni wright to say about her involvment with her meat eating
this story was discussed at length on Morning Ireland on Monday , they had I think the chair of the ALF in Ireland on talking about the incendary devices placed on the course.... inetibly it got into a discussion of what was more violent , threatening to place incendary divices or hare coursing, and whether he condoned or had prior knowledge of the acts at the course above... the guy did make the point well that you can't be violent against property, but slipped up when referring to the previous report on bullying and relating that to bringing children with these so called bloody traditions... planting incendary divises could be called bullying but he said that all other avenues of protest have been exhausted and ignored, which they probably have been...(ignored)
ALF have absolutely no credibility. They are a bunch of losers who can justify attacking humans in alleged defence of animals. As for all avenues being exhausted. More crap. If there was enough support to ban coursing then legislation can be passed.
what humans have the alf in Ireland attacked?
I didn't say they had attacked anyone. I said that they justify it ideologically and ALF in Britiain has carried out attacks on humans has it not?
By the way, I don't dispute anyone's right to object to, or protest against coursing and was having what I beleived was a reasonable and interesting debate with Cat Lover above.
Master McGrath i like the cut if your jib!! I gaurantee that none of the clowns on this website that are so opposed to hare coursing have ever graced us with ther presence in clonmel or one of the local meetings around the country. If they spent a little time getting to know the sport and those invloved then perhaps it would be possible to critisise the sport in an accurate and intelligent manner. I am lucky enough to have been raised in a rural background where there have always been a couple of greyhounds around the place, coursing is one of our oldest sports in this country and if anyone knows anything about nature they can testify that the hare population in ireland is thriving. On being captured by a club the hares are immediately vaccinated by a qualified indivudual. They are carefully fed and nurtured by the club and released immediately after the meeing. (in the case of our own meeting the hares are released within an hour of the finish of the meet, and every hare is released EXACTLY where they were caught!!!!) They health and safety of the hares is the most important thing to any true coursing fan, i invite anyone to come to powerstown park next week to witness for themselves one of our finest sports. And just for you master mcagrath, i wonder were you lucky enough to see the fine dog of the same name win in my hometown of glin???
Bet Morning Ireland didnt ask Robin Webb the spokesman for ALF in these islands about his conviction for bomb making and possesion of explosive substances.Nor no doubt did they ask Bernie wright about the attempt to bring an ex loyalist bomb maker down to address a meeting of the"peaceful" hunt sabs in 1996 in a very famous pub on Batchelors walk.Nor no doubt they didnt mention that a good few of the animal libbers were spotted at what can be best described as a terrorist training camp for animal activists in Kent last autumn.
Oh who did ALF hurt?Ask a Sky news journalist who was abducted,tortured and had a gun stuck to his head,and has ALF carved into his chest and back with a stanley knife,for doing an undercover report on RWebb and his bomb making activity
As Bob Dylan sang."if you have that many knives,you are gonna cut somthing"
Well,seeing that ALF has now used or claimed to have used illegal methods,and admitted to possesion of incendary devices,this should give any govt and LEOs the full power to treat ALF and associated groups as terrorist organisations and should be immediately be proscribed and membership thereof a jailable offence.
"ALF members spread nails and tacks on the hare-coursing field of the racecourse and at the entrance to the venue. A number of incendiary devices were also placed around the racecourse." ..... there are calling us animal abusers what about the hurt and damage they are going to place on some of the best kept hounds and horses in the country ... These people are willing to inflict pain and suffering on one animal in order to "protect" another, where is the sense in that ?? ... I've been attending coursing meeting n track meeting all my life well before the muzzle rule etc came into practice ... i have never seen a hare been hurt of even damaged at any meeting since the rule came into practice. Hare Coursing goes right back to our celtic routes.It is a part of who we are . Every Sport has something people could pick up on ... Horse racing - Whips etc. Please Note that this is only my opinion as one individual
Day two of Clonmel, three hares were killed by muzzled hounds. Probably as many on day one and three.
i was at clonmel on tuesday and there were NO HARES KILLED------ MORON!!!
I beg to differ..... I was there on the Tuesday and clearly saw THREE HARES BEING KILLED. Goes to show that muzzling hounds doesn't stop them from killing.
There were no hares killed at Clonmel.
anyone able to point to a way to independently verify whether or not hares were killed in Clonmel? might be more useful than the 'yes they were' 'no they weren't' debate above.
Personally I think coursing is wrong and just because the dogs are muzzeled does,nt make it ok.
How would you like to be hunted down by a pack of dogs, they cant bite but they still place the hare under severe stress.
On a final point why are the animal shelters of Eire full of greyhounds and why wont some of them rehome them here, the simple fact is that once the dogs are of no use to their "loving" owners they are just dumped.
Why concentrate on the rights of animals when 5 thousand black kids are dying every day because of our greed, ignorance. and racism.?
Is it easier to be concerned about the rights of hares than the human rights of these brothers and sisters, who would love the luxury of being militant about animals.
A side issue ( animal rights )...sad that your energies cannot be spent liberating your own species.