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offsite link News Round-Up Fri Mar 07, 2025 01:19 | Richard Eldred
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offsite link Call Bearded Trans Colleagues Women, NHS Staff Told Thu Mar 06, 2025 19:38 | Will Jones
NHS staff have been ordered to treat trans colleagues with beards as women and use female pronouns in training materials that also claim gender-neutral toilets promote "equality".
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offsite link Scotland?s Last Oil Refinery to Close ? Giving the Lie to Miliband?s Net Zero Jobs Claim Thu Mar 06, 2025 17:50 | Will Jones
Scotland's last oil refinery is to close with the loss of more than 400 jobs despite assurances from Keir Starmer and Ed Miliband, giving the lie to claims about Net Zero jobs and a "just transition".
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offsite link The Blob Comes for Starmer Thu Mar 06, 2025 15:33 | C.J. Strachan
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offsite link The Cheap Talk of Emmanuel Macron Thu Mar 06, 2025 12:37 | Noah Carl
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Response to Chancelor Brown of the UK's suggestion to cancel world debt in SE Asia.

category international | anti-capitalism | other press author Wednesday January 05, 2005 15:18author by paddington - good gamma go to sleep-. Report this post to the editors

Mr Brown, drives round car in a big car,
ooops that was brother Marleye.

Mr Brown is scottish.
a lot of people are.
He's sounds scottish as well, a lot of them don't.
He looks after the money for the Queen of England who is the Queen of Scotland as well.
A lot of money.
This is an important job, and especially these next few months it is important as lots of the other people who look after lots of money are going to Scotland to Gleneagles to talk about how to stop getting blood from the stone and start making things better.

Phil Bloomer of Oxfam :-

“We welcome Gordon Brown’s proposal of a debt moratorium for countries hit by the Asian Tsunami disaster. Last year Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Thailand paid out $20bn on debt repayment and the total debt burden for the countries affected is $300bn. It would be unforgivable for rich countries to continue to demand repayments in the face of such widespread devastation and such great needs.

It is vital that the money saved is ring fenced so that it reaches the people that need it most. It must also be additional to, rather than included in, the aid money already pledged. Finally, the short-term response to the Tsunami disaster must not replace longer term debt cancellation plans for heavily indebted countries.”


Here's another take on it from The Scotsman which is bit like Figaro in that your average anti-capitalist doesn't read it, but they do do very good obituaries.


and here's the news that Japan is backing the Brown plan for Tsunami debt relief.


Japan is very rich, but also very strange, they had negative interest rates for a while, which Mr Brown found very interesting, on account of him being the accountant.

Other people who find this riveting are to be found in business class and such like in airplanes who are given a free copy of the Financial Times just like many of you in big cities get a copy of your local rag free to read on the metro/underground.
The FT is printed on silly looking paper. This is so you can spot the well fed gamma reading it from a distance, they like being spotted you know.
Thats why TV and high profile jobs abound with them.

Now for the figures.
the proposed plan would add 2,000,000,000$ immediately to the relief kitty in digital money, which covers the fuel expense on the USAF helicopters promised by Colin Powell & it looks really neat on the back of a napkin (sorry we had no other paper to hand) but it doesn't end the concept of world debt.


it doesn't end the concept of world debt.

the Rejected "Marshall Plan" suggestion sounded really good, look at Germany, they did very well didn't they? Look at Ireland and Spain they got next to no Marshall plan money and you got Angela's ashes and Antonio Banderas as Ramon.

we've run out of paper napkins or "serviettes" as the good people of Scotland call them, so we hope you keep trying better.

If you want you too can have colonel bogey on your mobile phone, or send it to a friend. Which helps us all put the nasty memories of the darkness behind us.

arigato arigato gozaimasu domo arigato gozaimashita...

author by -mustapha mondpublication date Fri Jun 03, 2005 14:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

hancellor Gordon Brown has backed Bob Geldof's call for a million protesters to descend on Edinburgh to campaign against poverty during the G8 summit.

Police chiefs have voiced fears over the scale of the march but Mr Brown said he supported a peaceful parade.

He said: "People have a right to make a peaceful protest and that is something people should be able to do."

he UK's plan to write off debts owed by African nations is facing opposition in the US - and particularly from President George W Bush.

Mr Bush said a key part of the plan did not fit with the US budget process.

Mr Bush's stance sets up a possible clash with UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, due in Washington next week.

**********************EXTRA THING-

the G8 this year is about standing upto the U$A.
Its not about Geldof, that's stuff your mammy and local scot garda can handle, and it will make them less keen on battering the hell out of people.
But for the first time, ever ever, in the last year the potential to cancel debt is there, its not the complete answer, its not the door out of babalon,
but its making things clearer, and the current sitaution with the €U is important for that.
We are as a generation calling for an end to poverty, within and without the U$A and €U and we have been doing so since G8 Genoa, Seattle, and all of it. & now we are getting small responses from Brown in the UK and also France, remember the airline tax suggestion of chirac, and ryanairs refusal to implement it.

And we will not allow the creation of an economic superstate to serve the g8.
It ought now be obvious that the core of Europe, those people who built and have inspired the project have also rejected the haste with which the leadership of neo-liberalism pushed the envelope and ignored the aim at heart-
peace and an end to poverty.
And it is us, those who bring years and years of gaming experience to this years G8 who have best honoured the european project.
A workers' europe, a peoples' europe a europe of regions and nations may assist Africa and South America and Asia, a neo-liberal capitalist €U can not.

author by -publication date Sat Feb 05, 2005 21:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Alan Greenspan is currently in his fifth term as man incharge of the Federal Reserve of the USA.
The Federal Reserve "lends" money to the US Federal Government and issues the dollar, unlike the systems in other countries like our great Europe where a Central Bank issues most of the notes or the Crown Banks issues others.

The Federal Reserve thus dictates the value of "money" globally as Federal Reserve dollars are accepted currency for anything from buying Smack to Coke to Arms to Children in most countries of the world.

Mr Greenspan is upset with China coz the Chinese won't revalue their peg to the Federal Reserve Dollar coz that would make life easier for the USA.

Mr Greenspan is upset with Europe coz our currency is knocking the shit out of his.

Mr Greenspan is upset with the Japanese coz they've mysteriously invented negative interest rates which fuck up Californian banks.

Mr Greenspan is upset with the British coz they've plummy accents and can read ancient languages and have a habit of pulling tricks on you, but unfortuantely Mr Greenspan and Co. can't remember how that works.


Greenspan of Fort Knox = the reason the world is poor?
Greenspan of Fort Knox = the reason the world is poor?

author by fuck thempublication date Sat Feb 05, 2005 21:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Basically the proposals of HMG Brown to use global capital funds to raise 50,000,000,000 a year to ensure the end of global poverty have been rejected by
Alan Greenspan on behalf of the USA on the grounds that the US budget can not accomodate them.

Let's put this very simply, coz your corporate media won't.

Europe and Japan and Russia oppose the USA.
Because Billions of people worldwide are going to continue living in desolate poverty because the number 1 polluter, the number 1 stockpiler of WMD, the number 1 producer of pornography and weapons, the number 1 prison state, the number 1 liar "can't afford" to tighten its belt and go through austerity.

Meanwhile Little Miss Condolence Rice has warned Russia that it will have to get tough on transnational crime if it is to continue getting favourable cameo appearances in Hollywood movies or the hope of an invite on a space shuttle.

the jargon crap-
"Finance ministers from the Group of Seven industrial nations said Saturday they were willing to provide up to 100 percent debt relief to the world's poorest nations, but insisted that developing countries ensure the money would be spent wisely."

"the IMF will examine the possibility of using Gold reserves in April to fund debt relief."

If you have any hidden reserves of Gold this might be the time to consult your bank on how to convince the USA to accept its long overdue austerity.


author by keep his word???publication date Wed Jan 05, 2005 23:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

link to the preparations over in United Kollectives land for the 2005 G8 conference.
Meanwhile the IMF have cleared 1,000,000,000$ the man in charge over there is Rodrigo Rato, who served previously under Mr Aznar in the Spanish gov.
Señor Rato has said the billion can be cleared from the "emergency aid for natural disasters fund" which the IMF has for extra special occassion when "natural disasters" need "emergency funds" in the third world which is an "economic and imperialist disaster area" 7 days a week. Things have to get very very bad for the IMF to think they're worthy of "emergency" status.

Related Link: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/01/303373.html
author by pcpublication date Wed Jan 05, 2005 17:37author address author phone Report this post to the editors

he said freeze not cancel?

but will he keep his word

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