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The Daily Sceptic

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To all the Chancers in the Dail; a Happy Christmas

category international | rights, freedoms and repression | opinion/analysis author Friday December 24, 2004 00:05author by Jack Russell - Ethics Report this post to the editors

Phone Call from Boston...........the state of Irish Government. Time for a review of PD foundation pledge almost 20 years ago............Let's draft the 2005 Resolutions and be interactive with Government.......!!!!

I was on the phone the other night to a friend of mine in Boston; Irish of course, and from the South East. Sean's words to me were: 'this guy Cullen lost the taxpayer 55 million euros and he gets promoted to Transport. He didn't stop laughing for 5 minutes and then I realised later on that night, how foolish we are these days in the so called modern Ireland.

I would like to ask a question to all you out there now. Who beneffited from this 55 million euros of taxpayers money? The Jack Russell is beginning to smell 'Bleach' again somewhere and he is on his back roaring laughing at all us gobshites in Ireland, who paid for it.

Now I want to wish all the chancers a Happy Christmas in the Dail with global warming afoot, I am sure Bertie will be hot under the collar by the New Year. Bertie, will have another name for it: the Cullen Global Warming and the cure won't be bleach.

As I am writing, I would like to ask Jarlath (out there......). Is it criminal to waste tax payer's money? Surely, 800 euros a day on 'Bleach' - you would scrub the whole of Dublin City for that for a year.

Now on a serious note. We have lost our sense of outrage, as Irish people, in relation to this Walt Disney Government which includes Bertie the 'Republican Socialist', Cullen the gobshite, the Mad Mullah who lectures to us all each day and yet cannot get his own house in order!!!!! Then there is Mary Harney who is the picture of health and yet it is going to take the Supreme Court to remind her of the obligations of the portfolio she holds in relation to the elderly and the vulnerable in society.

This 'instantaneous' piece of legislation that is flying through the Dail right now is faster than the Punchestown Races hand-out of 15 million located by Charlie 'Dodgy' McCreevy.

Can someone clarify this point for me.
Were the PD's founded on the basis of Ethics, Accountability, Credibility etc? It is funny the Jack Russell is laughing again and he is shouting at me - Where is Bertie's old anorak.

The Time is right on receipt of this to draft the New Years Resolutions:

I suggest one starts with Ethics!!!!!

Jack Russell

author by Elainepublication date Fri Dec 24, 2004 03:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Check out what he said at the Freedom of Information Conference at University College Cork (16 October 1998) when he was the Minister for State at the Department of Finance

"However it is important to understand Freedom of Information as part of a wide ranging programme of reform within central Government. It is paralleled by exciting new initiatives under the Delivering Better Government Programme. These include greater devolution of responsibility and accountability among line managers within departments, new approaches to Human Resource and Performance Management and improved financial management systems. At the heart of all this is the provision of quality customer services and ensuring taxpayers' monies are spent most effectively."

And there's more... look how he deftly places his foot in his mouth...

"Can I ask you in the midst of this very worthwhile event to remember that ultimately FOI is not just about requests for information, or indeed the finer points of law. It is about deepening our democracy and improving the accountability and performance of our public service."

O.K. Cullen, clear out your desk you're fired. Oh, and take your hernia with you!

On the subject of electronic voting, in an article entitled 'Irish Politicians - Poor Grasp of the Internet', (Nov 05 1999).

"A survey of Irish politicians shows that the vast majority, 84 percent, remain sceptical about the prospect of online voting taking off in the next ten years."

"Nearly all respondents agreed that there had not been enough public debate on the "information society" per se and expressed concern about the emergence of a digital divide."

Freedom of Information my arse, Democracy my arse. I don't believe this government do 'public debate'. Consider the proposed M3 tolled motorway through Tara, Cu Cullen's baby til he got moved to Transport in a painfully ironic twist. (While Environment minister he also vandalised Carrickmines by sticking a motorway through it.)
Instead of having a public debate, the National Roads Authority have wasted tens of thousands of Euros of public money taking out full page advertisements telling us all how wonderful it will be to drive over our heritage which they deny is there in the first place. The NRA apparently are not accountable to anyone. The Gestapo wing of Fianna Fail, annihilating all in their path.

Regime change can't come soon enough

Ooops, sorry. Wrong Finger!
Ooops, sorry. Wrong Finger!

author by Petepublication date Fri Dec 24, 2004 19:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I think hes an excellent minister - makes tough decisions in a difficult portfolio and realises we need to progress. I think the real scandal is the money being paid to archeoligists to investigate these site - tree huggers with degrees and I think that is what motivates alot of this bullshit

author by John McDermott - Removefiannafailpublication date Fri Dec 24, 2004 19:52author email jmcd444 at yahoo dot comauthor address Cosmopolitan-thank God!author phone Report this post to the editors

A kind contributor has wished a happy Christmas to The Soldiers of destiny crew .
I only wish them,what my grandmother ,God rest her,used to reserved for their ilk:


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author by liam0publication date Sat Dec 25, 2004 06:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

where did cullen lose 55million? if you are refering to the electronic voting then how was this money lost? the only reason these machines are sitting in storage and couldn't be put to use at the last election was because of idiots like u complaing about them. cullen is a fine minister, i know being the socialist u are you have to be against him but thats stupidity. think off all the money cullen raised with his bag tax. and the effect this had on the environment. also nothing has been proved about this leech affair so if you are refering to him awarding her the pr contract then maybe u should wait till the truth is known.

author by Michael Henniganpublication date Sun Dec 26, 2004 23:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

liam0, you may think the minister is 'fine,' but surely not on the basis of a tax that he had no responsibility for introducing? Noel Dempsey introduced the plastic bag tax.

As to calling people 'idiots,' for seeking a credible backup system for evoting systems, Bertie and Cullen's other colleagues must also be idiots for forcing a retreat on the issue.

author by John mcDermott - removefiannafailpublication date Mon Dec 27, 2004 20:30author email jmcd444 at yahoo dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Irish government policy is dictated by farming interests.
Why did Julian Filochowski, former Director of CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) say, the poorest countries were being forced to trade their goods in conditions which are "unjust and impossible".
He stated: "More than three billion people are on less than $2 a day and yet the subsidies which every cow inside the EU receives or the farmer receives for them is more than that - $2.20 a day. It is even higher in the US and higher still in Japan."
The subsidies allowed farmers in the West to dump produce at low cost on the world market squeezing out those from poorer countries who could not compete, he said.
Mr Filochowski attacked Ireland for using one third of EU subsidies and criticised it for blocking a scaling back of EU cotton subsidies during its EU Presidency.

Why should Fianna Fail set up a multi-million pound slush fund called ‘The National Reserve Fund’ to compensate Irish Farmers with IRISH TAXPAYERS MONEY,simply because the E.E.C.are retrenching from these ruinous subsidies,or worse still because some Irish Farmers will fail to meet the lawful E.E.C.requirements,- such as pollution control-which will qualify them for existing handouts.?

Why should Irish Farmers who have cheated the E.E.C,and received lucrative grants for the past 15 years,to plant forests on marginal farmland,not be obliged to repay this money.?

The E.E.A.(European Environmental Agency)has stated that much of the land used for this purpose-especially in the west of Ireland-was peat bogland.These same ‘illegal forests’ will,in time, cause irrevocable soil change and groundwater pollution.

Why should farmers have to receive 14 days notice of E.E.C.inspection for cross compliance with agriculture and environmental compliance/regulations which will qualify them for a generous PENSION-FOR-LIFE under a new taxpayers scam called;THE SINGLE FARM PAYMENT SYSTEM.?

If the fishing industry-and the agriculture sector have been engaged in widespread fraud for years, why should they now be otherwise accredited with good behaviour,and given ample notice to camouflage their abuses from inspectors.?

The National Criminal Bureau of Investigation must complete it’s investigation into
The Fishing Industry Scandal revealed in December 2005,by a ‘whistleblower’,despite mounting opposition,particularly,in Donegal.

Ireland is now the only country in Europe,where GOMBEEN GREED has virtually wiped out the salmon fishing industry.
Soon we will see these fishermen asking the government to buy out their now-worthless drift net fishing permits.

And only Fianna Fail would buy them.(wait and see.!)

The ‘Irish Nation Herd’ consists of some 4 million two legged taxpayers.
Hermaphrodites all, they have the largest tits in Europe(both sexes).

The Irish Farmers Association,-some 120,000 families in all- monitor the milking machines,which are located in Leinster House,and boy, do they suck….!

They are dutifully managed by the Soldiers of Destiny, their current chief milkmaid,one Mary Coughlan.Some things never change.

Related Link:
author by liam0publication date Wed Dec 29, 2004 18:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

surely dempsey only came up with the measure back in 1999? cullen introduced it didn't he? and as for that thing bout bertie and his colleagues retreating on the issue. That was obviously in response to other peoples objection. the governement couldn't really go ahead when it appeared so many disagreed with it. and personally i don't see how the voting system was not credible. there was no evidence to sugest it would lead to irregularites or whatever.

author by Gamblerpublication date Fri Dec 31, 2004 00:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"The National Criminal Bureau of Investigation must complete it’s investigation into The Fishing Industry Scandal revealed in December 2005,by a ‘whistleblower’,despite mounting opposition,particularly,in Donegal."

Ah, John, you never told us before that you were so skilled with the crystal ball. If you are able to tell what is going to happen in December 2005 then perhaps you could give us a couple of tips so we can put a few Euro on the horses.

author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethics - Pleasepublication date Sat Jan 01, 2005 21:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Very interesting data.

What about random Ethics audits of Govt. Ministers departments.

Let's ask about consultants fees etc.....


The Roman Empire fell and the saying goes 'Nero fiddled while Rome burnt'.

A quote to those exercising Governmental power in Ireland and at EC level


It is easy to get up in the old distraction techniques.

We could start on an Ethics Audit for Farmleigh, Evoting, etc. etc.

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