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A Call For Solidarity with the Pit Stop Ploughshares on Trial in Dublin - March 7th. 2005
dublin |
anti-war / imperialism |
news report
Wednesday December 15, 2004 22:40 by Pit Stop Ploughshares Defence ploughsaresireland at yahoo dot ie "Ploughshares Defence Fund" 134 Phibsborough Rd. Phibsborough Dublin 7 IRELAND 087 918 4552

They're on Trial For Us, We're on the Loose for Them!
*Please cut and paste and forward appeal to anyone or lists who may be
**Please download "Join Us In Dublin" poster
on the following link
....photocopy and display wherever possible! ***APPEAL****
To Help The
(Deirdre Clancy, Nuin Dunlop, Karen Fallon, Damien
Moran, Ciaron O'Reilly)
Bring the
Dublin Four Courts, March 7th. 2005
Dear Friend's,
It has been a long journey to trial
for the "Pit Stop Ploughshares" community, since our
February 3rd, 2003, non-violent disarmament of a U.S.
Navy War Plane at Shannon Airport, Co. Clare, Ireland.
It has been a long two years for our ploughshares
community, but a much longer two years for the people
of Iraq suffering an invasion, occupation and plunder
of their homeland.
The Irish State's attempt to criminalise our
non-violent act of peacemaking complements their
militarisation of the civilian Shannon Airport to
service the U.S. war machine. We are not alone, as
other peace activists, and also resisters within the
British and U.S. military are being dragged before
courts & court martials, imprisoned in jails &
stockades for their non-violent resistance to this
war. In war, authentic peacemaking is criminalized, as
killing, theft, torture, incineration, internment,
rape and sexual abuse are legitimised as policy.
Over the past two years the lies that were employed to
market this "illegal war" have been exposed;
No WMD has been found during the two years of
U.S./U.K. military occupation of Iraq.
U.S. destruction of Iraqi civil society through its
1980's support for Saddam Hussein, 1990's imposition
of a genocidal sanctions regime and now a brutal
bombardment and military occupation has transformed
Iraq into a swamp of vengeance and a breeding ground
for terrorism.
U.S. colonial rule by decree from Saddam's former
palace, trans-national privatisation of Iraqi
resources, and evidence of crimes Abu Ghraib &
Fallujah puts lie to this mirage.
Over the past two years, 100,000 Iraqis mostly women
and children have been slain. Over the last two years,
over 1,000 U.S. soldiers, many who passed through
Shannon Airport, have returned in body bags. Uncounted
thousands of Iraqis, Americans, Britons and others
have lost limbs, sanity, loved ones and homes.
As the late Peter Ustinov reflected, "War is the
terrorism of the rich; Terrorism is the war of the
Over the past two years, following our remand time in
Limerick Prison, the State has tried to keep the Pit
Stop Ploughshares in a state of suspended animation on
bail. We have tried to remain faithful to the
non-violent disarmament we undertook and vigilant to
continued Irish complicity in this war.
We have refused to see our jail time, bail time,
and the threat of future punishment as a personal
predicament to evade or disown. We have seen these
phases of our non-violent disarmament witness as
opportunities to speak truth to power and to express
solidarity with the people of Iraq & the youn
Americans being shuttled through Shannon to Iraq, to
kill and die for the rich and powerful.
We are on a journey inspired by the ancient prophecy
of Micah and Isaiah to "beat swords into ploughshares
and study war no more". We invite you to join us on
this journey.
We see our act of "beating swords into ploughshares"
at Shannon Airport as a non-violent gift of faith
enfleshed, hope enacted and freedom offered at a time
when the war machine is deployed at full throttle to
invade, occupy and plunder. In turn, we have been
sustained over the past two years by the gifts of
solidarity from old friends and new. Gifts of
hospitality, friendship, transport, musical talent,
legal expertise have accompanied us through the roller
coaster ride of the courts. A judicial process
designed to isolate, intimidate, and defeat the war
resister. The only sustenance we have is our faith and
your solidarity.
We hope to join with you to take this witness of
non-violent resistance to the ongoing war into the New
Year and to Dublin’s Four Courts from March 7th, 2005.
We hope our trial, beginning on March 7th, will be a
time of celebration and non-violent opposition to the
war. We hope friends from around Ireland, and from
overseas, will gather in Dublin to celebrate
non-violent disarmament as an authentic option for the
human family.
We hope the trial will non-violently confront the
U.S., British and Irish institutions that continue to
wage war on the people of Iraq. We hope other acts of
nonviolent resistance and solidarity will grow out of
the trial and our time together - whether we are
acquitted or imprisoned.
"Ploughshares Defence Fund"
134 Phibsborough Rd.
Dublin 7
Donations can be lodged at any
Bank of Ireland branch:
"Ploughshares Defence Fund"
Account No. 18972983 Sort Code 900551
Bank Codes
IBAN: IE18D0F190055118972983
BIC No./Switch Code:BOFIIE2D
[email protected]
Mobile - 087 918 4552
Land Line 01-454-9144
International Call +353-1-454-9144
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Comments (13 of 13)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13In the new year we are hoping to have events to celebrate the disarmament and oppose the war in solidarity with the Ploughshares defendants. Events thus far are pencilled in for Belfast, Cork, Derry, Dublin, Galway, Kildare, Oxford & Liverpool.
If you or your group can host an event where the defendants can speak or nonvilolent resistance can be celebrated please make contact.
And good luck in Dublin Four Courts on 7 March 2005
At its committee meeting this week, the Galway Alliance Against War responded to a request for solidarity in this case by deciding to organise a fundraising gig in early February 2005. Details to follow.
AMY GOODMAN: Can you talk about this piece that you wrote on the number of homeless veterans of the Iraq invasion.
MARK BENJAMIN: Yes. Homeless veterans from Iraq are just starting to show up at some homeless shelters in the country. I found 60 -- 50 of them have been in touch with the veteran’s administration, the Department of Veterans Affairs. I found another 10 at a group of homeless shelters in Los Angeles called U.S. Vets. The thing that's most disturbing, I think, about the story is that most of the people that are professionals in this area, meaning advocates for homeless veterans are very disturbed that the people are showing up already. The other very disturbing trend is that there is a correlation between mental problems and homelessness, and the number of troops coming home from this war with mental problems is quite shocking.
AMY GOODMAN: You talk about the mental problems. Like what?
MARK BENJAMIN: Well, in general, it looks like what they call post-traumatic stress disorder. They used to call it shell shock in previous wars. Army reported in the New England journal of medicine that 17% of all of the soldiers who are just stepping off the plane would screen positive for post traumatic stress disorder and this is a problem that pops up weeks or months after serving in combat. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, around -- as of last July, 30,000 soldiers from Iraq had shown up at Department of Veterans Affairs health care facilities, and one out of every five has been diagnosed with some sort of a mental problem. So, the rate -- these are people that, of course, were screened as fit for service.....
"Overall 1,297 Americans have died so far in Iraq, a figure not in dispute. But it is also a deceptive figure because so many more soldiers, thanks to improved medical care and better body armor, are surviving their wounds -- a number, according to a recent report in the New England Journal of Medicine, 17% higher than in Vietnam (and representing the greatest disparity between wounded and killed of any American war). This in turn means that many soldiers with wounds that would previously have killed them are coming home to exceedingly difficult lives. According to Raja Mishra of the Boston Globe, "US troops injured in Iraq have required limb amputations at twice the rate of past wars." The Pentagon has announced 9,844 wounded in Iraq, though it is calculating this in a highly restrictive way. The real figure, as the reliable antiwar.com website estimates it, is in the range of 15,000-20,000. According to Atul Gawande, the author of the report cited above, "At least as many US soldiers have been injured in combat in this war as in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, or the first five years of the Vietnam conflict, from 1961 through 1965."
the lastest figures released on u.s. military casualty figures from the hospital in germany where the most serious casualties are transported are around 48,000. that figure is arrived at conservatively and latest estimates say likely quite a bit higher. with iraqi civilians estimated by the iraqi medical at well over 100,000 dead mostly women and children from u.s. imperialist bombing.
On Wednesday, a Belgian court convicted 11 people for stopping a train heading to the port of Antwerp. The train was transporting military equipment from Germany bound for American soldiers in Iraq. The Forum voor Vredesactie supported the "trainstopping" action.
The court fined two of the trainstoppers 500 euros each and sentenced them to three months in jail. The other nine received one month prison. But all sentences were suspended pending three years of probation. If they do not do anything against the law in the next three years, their punishment will go away.
On February 16, 2004, in Melsele, near Antwerp, the trainstoppers coverd a track signal and used other red lights to send a signal to the train engineer that he had to stop. After the train stopped, two people chained themselves to the locomotive, two chained themselves to a train car, and one locked himself to an army jeep on a train car. They used their own lives to stop preparations for war. The action was non-violent.
Harrison Ford is to star in what will be Hollywood's first feature about the current Iraq war.
Producers Michael Shamberg and Stacey Sher have bought the option for No True Glory: The Battle for Fallujah, a non-fiction written by Slate reporter Bing West.
The book is due to be published in May and tells the story of an assault on Iraqi insurgents in Falluja, from the perspective of US marines.
PHILADELPHIA - Police have arrested a soldier they say had his cousin shoot him so he wouldn't have to return to Iraq.
Army Spc. Marquise J. Roberts, of Hinesville, Ga., suffered a minor wound Tuesday to his left leg from a .22-caliber pistol, police said. He was treated at a hospital, then arrested after he and his cousin allegedly admitted making up a story about the shooting.
After giving differing accounts of the incident, "they just broke down and confessed that they concocted the whole story so he didn't have to go back to the war," Philadelphia police Lt. James Clark said Thursday.
Police charged Roberts with filing a false report and charged his cousin, Ronald Fuller, with aggravated assault and other charges.
Published: December 14, 2004
December 16th 2004
Iraq Plunder Promoter Targeted Again!
Four anti-war activists dressed in business suits entered and occupied the building housing Iraq plunder-promoters Windrush Communications yesterday.
Windrush Communications organise conferences (Iraq Procurement http://www.iraqprocurement.com/ ) which allow for the sell-off of Iraq’s assets, properties and resources – all in contravention of international law. http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,1079563,00.html These conferences amount to organised pillage and lay the groundwork for the stealing of the futures, possibilities and potential of generations of Iraqis to come. The last two were held in Jordan in November and London last April. The next is taking place in Jordan again in June.
These conferences are indispensable to the looting of Iraq; they manage the bomb-paved corporate gold-rush; they form an integral part of the free market fundamentalist crusade ripping through Iraq. These conferences are sponsored by arms dealers, mercenaries and oil giants such as Erinys, Raytheon, Shell, Chevron and Bayer.....
more at
Since circulating this appeal - we have experienced active solidarity from Australian Greens, Canadian Marxists, Swedish pacifists, US Plowshares vets, country priests, Dublin anarchists.
Hopefully this is the beginning of a momentum for the next two months that views this trial as the ongoing war on Iraq touching down in Dublin.
Folks in Galway, Cork, Dublin are coming forward with ideas for benefit gigs that would mobilise their own constiuency in solidarity with the resisters and in opposition to Irish complicity in this war.
If you have similar ideas please make contact.