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Message to Dr Ian Paisley; to the PD's and to Hecklers in the Dail......
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Friday December 10, 2004 20:47 by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice and Ethics - Please

Concerted Effort of many People to the Peace process
Peace is essential. Diversity exists but it is up to each person to work at making Unity the goal.
Let's look to colonial powers like Zimbabwe who appear to have fallen by the wayside. Let us take regard for the need of a Peace Protype/Model that can give inspiration to other countries torn by war.
Let us take account of Narcissism and those who act the part of Boss as distinct from Leadership.
Leadership is about inspiration. Leadership envelopes philosophy, psychology and a level of Truth. To Dr. Ian Paisley, to the PD’s and their harsh sentiments to decommissioning and to those who heckled Mr. O’Caoilain in the Dail yesterday.
It was my humble belief that it was time for reflection with the hope of PEACE.
I lived in Zimbabwe in the 1990’s and worked in the City, London in the 1980’s early 1990’s. I was involved in a horse riding accident and suffered acquired brain injury. This hampered my life but I can read and relate to pre accident. Today, I completed a book I found in a second hand shop. The title attracted me – The Real Irish Peace Process – A Socialist Democracy Publication published in 1998.
I would recommend this factual account of ‘The Troubles onwards to the Peace Process. The main elements of the book emanate from discussion papers and articles written in 1997, they also revert backwards to the Hume (Nobel Peace Prize Winner and Adams discussions.
Now let’s go back to Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia. 1982 saw the end of Guerilla war in Rhodesia, the former British colony, and the Lancaster Agreement was enacted and the new State formed. (It would be fair to say was modeled on the Republic’s cessation as a colonial power). Like Ireland, the Zimbawean people had to endure a civil war. The golden rule ‘Divide and Conquer applied yet again and pithed the Shona tribe (President Mugabe) against the Matebele tribe (Joshua Ngoma). One need only listen to the news and realize the heightened sense of conflict in this country. Lord Mansfield’s words about ‘Absolute power corrupts and power corrupts absolutely’ could be said to be apt and famine and drought blights the poor.
Ireland on the other hand has consistently through generations sought a Nation State. Now with the committed efforts of all parties involved in the Peace Process – there is hope.
This Peace Process has been endorsed by people like President Clinton, Senator Edward Kennedy and many others in the US. Prime Minister Blair has been committed in his endeavours as has our Taoiseach. People like Mr. Trimble, Mr. Hume, Mr. McGuinness, Mr. Gerry Adams, Mr. Gerry Kelly and so many more have been relentless in their endeavours to work with the IRA and to achieve all that is but one step a way from the Hope of an Island of Ireland.
I did not include Dr. Paisley for one reason. As a person I do not know him but his behaviour and vanity is not acceptable. I feel it is time for him to leave aside remarks that I recall coming from a certain nun I lived in fear of at school.
Doris Lessing now in her late eighties moved from Persia to Rhodesia and was one of the Revolutionaries expelled from Rhodesia by the Ian Smyth (British Colony) government.
Given my experiences in Zimbabwean and bought her book African Laughter. President Mugabe invited her to return to Zimbabwe in the 1990’s and the book was the outcome of the visit.
Subtlety appeals. I recall that every office, hotel, etc. had a photo in a prime location of President Mugabe (perhaps just in case one would forget!!!). Doris Lessing however found a ‘Poem’ in most offices. Appropriately, the title is ‘THE BOSS’
The Boss drives his men
The Leader inspires them
The Boss depends on authority
The leader depends on Goodwill
The Boss evokes fear
The Leader radiates love
The Boss says ‘I’
The Leader says ‘WE’
The Boss shows who is wrong
The leader show what is wrong
The Boss knows hot it is done
The Leader knows how to do it
The Boss demands respect
The Leader commands respect
I would hope that during this time of reflection that we can look to the leaders and ignore the Narcissists. Narcissists are the people concerned with how they appear as distinct from what they FEEL. They deny feelings and CONTRADICT THE IMAGE THEY SEEK. Acting without feeling, they tend to be seductive and manipulative, striving for power and control. They are egotists focused on their own interest but lacking the true values of the self – namely self expression, self-possession, dignity and integrity……on the cultural level, narcissism is seen as the loss of human values’……(Book title Narcissism: Denial of the True Self. Alexander Lowen MD)
I am sure we all can identify Boss/Narcissist people but these too are part of what David Hume refers to as ‘Diversity in Unity’
Michelle says bye and one more comment: Stockbrokers Bond: My Word is my Bond – surely the suggestion of photos diminishes the principle.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8First I want to congratulate a piece I read on Friday 10th December at 8 p.m. It was an excellent piece written by Michelle Clarke named to message to Dr. Ian Paisley, PD's and to hecklers in the Dail.
Well done. Keep writing. Thank God there is a few of us left out there with common sense.
Now let's get back to the title above. If we live in a democratic society, could someone prove this to me because I seem to be a bit puzzled in the last number of years concerning the running of this country.
The PD's stand for accountability and ethics. That is what the party foundation was based on by Dessie O'Malley then and Mary Harney now. Tomorrow they are trying to fast track in the Dail legislation that will affect the most vulnerable in society. I mention our elderly and sick who are and were patients in our private nursing homes, psychiatric hospital and general hospitals.
These vulnerable people had money illegally taken from them by the vested interests i.e. corporate business. I could not believe my ears today when Mary Harney offered a paltry 2,000 euros once off payment in compensation. This is the PD's way to subtly bully our elderly into submission. Are people just going to sit and take more from this 3.5% of Government.
The Mad Mullah (McDowell) has now entered the political arena. Some time ago, Gerry Adams said he would not send this man to the shop for a pint of milk - was there something I missed in that remark?
Well let's see. The Mad Mullah has been on the High Ground probably all his life, talking down to people. Yet ironically he is along with his wife Professor Brennan (Economics....Corporate Governance etc...) in the Hight Court trying to explain why his own house in Roscommon is not in order. Has the Mad Mullah made a mistake? The Jack Russell is on his back roaring laughing.
I ask one more question. This extraordinary man McDowell holds numerous portfolios, if you go by radio and TV. He is the Taoiseach - He is Justice and He is Foreign Affairs. I ask one more simple question on behalf of all Jack Russells - the Home Secretary, Mr. Blunkett resigned this evening. At least he had the decency to do so. Now I ask you people out there - have you ever heard of a shady character called Martin Cullen from Waterford. Someone told me he was a PD - that can't be right because the PD's stand for Accountability, Ethics, Transparency and the Mad Mullah
Happy Christmas All
Jack Russell..............................
The PDs are just a corrupt bunch of money hungry West Brits with no principles ?
Surely not ?
I would go so far as to remove the West Brit part but where are the Ethics, the Justice, the Democracy - perhaps we should ask about our democratic deficit.
There is a PD matter up in Dundalk also relating to foreign student places; young foreign people having paid fees and who have received no education contract.. Needless to the say the company is being liquidated. What about these foreign students coming from countries far away and with the hope of education.
We need to remember that Ireland received a bonus income of euros 320 m from an unexpected overseas education industry with great potential North and South last year.
Let's review some history, ethics, principles, the classics and less PR, spin-doctoring etc.
Do we need a Bill of Rights. Potential of prison does not appear to have had an effect on those who created the scandals of the 1980's............
A quotation
For those who find it difficult to be quitable, just, democratic
'Live as if you are going to die tomorrow
Learn as if you are going to learn for the rest of your life.....
I add - yes, include personal experiences also.
What planet are you living on if you dont think the PDs are a bunch of west brits. You only have to listen to the unending diatribes against republicans to get the picture. They are nothing but a bunch of facist brit lickers.
so Jams, were 95% of the Irish people "West Brits" too when they opposed the IRA's sectarian slaughter campaign, hmm???
Well said.
Time for a blending process.
I like the quote from John Hume - 'Diversity in Unity'.
I stand corrected now Jams........
I am firmly placed on Planet Earth these days and can bear witness to your statement about the PD's. The diatribes say it all.
Maybe Minister McDowell ought take a look at the Boss in the context comment back in December. Time sure has unfurled a lot for the Island of Ireland and the Peace Process Personalities since December 19th.
......what is more astonishing is that it is only 19th January 2005......please let the Leaders now emerge.
We definitely need checks and balances.
A quotation that I found in Bright Spirits pocket book that I like
'It is not people who aren't CREDIT WORTHY....ITS THE BANK'S THAT AREN'T PEOPLE WORTHY....'
Written by Muhammad Yunus, Contemporary Bangladeshi economist and founder of the Grameen Bank.
Profound I would think given the alleged level of corruption in banking services in Ireland. The response to the World Bank representative to visit Ireland in the next few weeks no doubt will reveal even more.
I note that Garret Fitzgerald has joined up with others like Dr. Robinson, Professor Niamh Brennan; Minister McDowell etc. in a group known as Transparency Ireland (I think). This is in line with the Corporate Governance course run at UCD by Professor Niamh Brennan.
The article written in the Phoenix highlighted that Research and the World Bank found that this form of transparency approach is likely to quadruple cleaning up on corruption within companies.
Sounds interesting to me.......Any views
In reply to 19th December comments by Devil Dog and response by M. Clarke in relation to the Republican Movement, I am sure we all watched Questions and Answers last night and I applaud Mitchel McLaughlin in his dignified manner in responding to Himmler Head McDowell.
Himmler was losing the argument so the Mad Mullah changed tactics - he brought up a tragic murder that happened over 30 years ago and to hurt a family who are still raw in emotion from their tragic loss is a corporate ruthless way of gaining political points, Devil Dog and Ms. Clarke.
Now Devil Dog you mentioned the word Sectarian and the IRA's campaign of slaughter - Let me ask you some questions now.
What would you call Bloody Sunday?
What would you call Grey Steel murder
Do you remember John Stalker, Deveil when he came over to investigate a shoot to kill policy by the Brits and the Protestants private army, the RUC? Stalker got shafted when he was close to the truth by now Sir Jack Hermon, the then Chief Constable (A Black Pigott Bastard).
Devil there was atrocities on both sides but don't be a PD selective little gobshite.
Now let's talk about the Bank Heist devil. I ask what Bank Heist? It is an illusion brought on by Minister Mutton Pullen's private PRO, Miss Bleach, as a smokescreen for this Walt Disney government.
McDowell takes the High Ground Devil. He promised 5 years ago 2,000 Gardai - I don't see them so that makes the Mad Mullagh a liar. He also was Attorney General when the massive corruption went on in the Gardai in Donegal but Himmler kept his Ranelagh Mouth shut. He then took a little decoy in relation to the Abuse and Financial submissions. The Church came backed up with their advisors but our Attorney General, the Mad Mullagh didn't attend. When later asked in the Dail why he was not present, he answered that he was not asked to the meeting.
Today the Mad Mullagh turned psyche. He told the nation what Bertie, the Socialist, would say when he got back from China, when meeting Sinn Fein next week. Now Devil, this Mad Mullagh is a walking dooms day machine and someone should plug the gobshite out.
Somebody asked Gerry Adams his view on Michael McDowell two years ago. His answer was 'I would not send the man to the shop for a pint of milk and deep down Bertie knows the Mad Mullah is going to become a handicap in time and Bertie has a great way of decommissioning ministers just ask Seamus the Dwarf Brennan.
Goodbye little PD devil and Miss Clarke
Jack Russell.