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Special Needs Education

category national | health / disability issues | opinion/analysis author Wednesday December 08, 2004 20:11author by Sean Crudden - imperoauthor email sean at impero dot iol dot ieauthor address Jenkinstown, Dundalk, Co phone 087 9739945 Report this post to the editors

Diverse Needs Require Diverse Provision

Disability in general covers the broad spectrums of sensory, physical, learning and mental/emotional disability. Meeting the special educational needs of children (and adults) with a disability poses a searching challenge to educators in this country. Meeting that challenge may carry many rewards for everyone involved in the educational and training spheres.
Sean Crudden pictured at the pier in Omeath with Warrenpoint in the background.
Sean Crudden pictured at the pier in Omeath with Warrenpoint in the background.

A conference entitled "Student Journeys: The Special Education Routes" was held in O’Reilly Hall in UCD on Monday and Tuesday 6 & 7 December 2004. It was organised by the National Disability Authority. The legal background, to the conference and the issue, is the "Education for People with Special Educational Needs Act (2004)" and, perhaps to a lesser extent the "Disabilities Bill" which is currently under discussion within and without the Houses of the Oireachtas.

The general idea emerging, and backed by the full weight of the law, is summed up in two words - "inclusion" and "mainstreaming." It seems that all (except, possibly, in the case of low-frequency, profound disability) special education provision will take place in mainstream schools in the future.

There is repeated and strong emphasis on "assessment of need" as a basis for all provision of disability services.

I notice elsewhere that the proportion of early school leavers is 18.5% for boys in the year 2002. So mainstream second level schools are in a profound way "non-inclusive" themselves. In spite of initiatives like Transition Year Option, the Leaving Certificate Vocational Program, the Leaving Certificate Applied, etc., the second level system is a "one-size-fits-all" setup. Streaming and selection already fragment the school population and demoralise many. Indeed, judging by recent deliberations of the TUI and statements from that union’s hierarchy, teacher dissatisfaction with the "discipline" problem may, in time, lead to a widening of the definition of disability to include a lot of students who are presently too much of a challenge or obstruction for teachers. So I wonder if mainstreaming will guarantee inclusion for all disabled students in the way the ideologues intend? Of course the necessity to provide in a meaningful way for disabled students may prompt more, and more necessary thinking about the aims and methodologies of schools and lead to a more human and more tailored provision for each and every student safeguarding at the same time equality and proper socialisation.

Assessment by its very nature can often be limiting and pessimistic. It is a moot question whether assessment would be more open and optimistic coming from the parent, the teacher, the psychologist, the psychiatrist or the disabled person herself.

The education system at second and tertiary level is already assessment ridden and it shows. There is no evidence of enhanced achievement and joie-de-vivre is almost dead in a student population given more to binge drinking and excess that to anything else.

An interesting figure to emerge at the conference is that 80% of people who are disabled suffer from an acquired disability. Only 20% of disabled people were born with their disability.

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author by Michelle Clarke - Social Justice Activist.publication date Thu Feb 17, 2005 21:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Sean, I found your article most interesting. Alas, for years I appear to be chasing my tail and again note I missed the meeting organised by the NDA in UCD.

I have multiple disabilities but acquired them in my thirties.....I returned from Zimbabwe to Ireland and just 'muddled' from situation to situation dealing with my denial and the denial of those around me. To be fair I had left Ireland in the 1980s and returned 10 years later, with acquired brain injury, bipolar and anxiety.

I have no short-term memory....but developed my own coping strategies within the new isolation I had as a divorcee and returned emigrant.

In my muddle, I gained a lot of experience. I was a participant in the Trinity Horizon research with objective of assisting women to gain access to work or college. The common factor was each of the 15 women researched suffered depression.

From there, it was Trinity - BESS programme. I nearly got the degree but was 6 years there. You see I had to face a divorce and it covered a period of over 4 years during which I spent over 5 months in hospital with 15 sessions of ECT....and a few other bouts of disaster!!!!!

It was the Church and its intervention just prior to my final exams that caught me totally unawares.....

I provide this because I want to explain how important lynchpins are for the vulnerable. Thanks to Trinity, I at least had access to people from Women Studies related to the Trinity Horizon programme, to Aware, and to a psychologist (5 years) in Trinity.....Without these supports, I could never have survived.

Without them now it is a battle. I have approached the NDA and written to many about Advocacy services but somehow my lack of ability to use the phone and travel leaves me, without help. It does not stop me thinking and hoping I can help others.

I have been looking through my requests to Govt. services via the Net over the last few years......I wonder for those putting forward their case for Rights for People with Disabilities, if any pointers made by me are of advantage. My mind, experience seemed to be further ahead of actually being able to explain my wants.....

Mary Harney: Shame. I am thrilled President McAleese used her Presidential Right to check the legislation (One up for the Separation of Powers).

Strangely, I can see the 'wrong' but then forget, get muddled, confused etc......and the outcome is a reminder like yesterday. In 1999, my UK disability was tapped by the Psychiatric Hospital I attended. No-one considered that I had a house, I had to pay bills, standing orders etc. I had no energy or advocate to help me. I knew I needed both.......but the reality was I was incapable.

Then I received a letter on a Friday from the Revenue to say 'a truck and men' would be arriving on the Tuesday and if the payment of circa Pounds 200 they would knock down my door and seize my assets....I tried to explain and I was laughed at ........ Sometime in my life, I will redress this but no-one grasped the impact or the why it happened.....Again, here a lynchpin is vital - one that is nominated and with no vested interest.

Trinity: In my third year, it was suggested by the Disabilities department, that my case history would be of advantage in a case they were putting forward for alternate assessment. I agreed.......let me say it went pear shaped.....neither Ahead, Aontas, NDA nor anyone listened to the Solo loner.

I am phone phobic....I became very reclusive and depressed.......I needed a carer but I just did not seem to be able to organise it. Eventually, as I became more immobile and hemmed in, the computer again provided the answer and I managed to get a young woman from Vietnam to clean.......three hours.

Vulnerable is real......Denial is also real......and when you are on that downward slope, people just push you that step further down.......People say why did you not stand up for yourself, why did you not see? You can't.......Where is empathy instead of pretense and falsity? What has happened to human nature?

I was falling between pre-illness and post. I had a solicitor for divorce but not to truly represent my vulnerability or to empower me or protect me from the predators out there.

The NDA have a responsibility to be more than researchers at arms length.....they need to listen to people also.

I needed an advocate, I needed someone to help me re-establish barriers, to help me with the vulnereability attached being one dimensional.

None of this is about money.....I am beyond grasping it.......yet in my divorce, it was about my former spouse being in denial and trying to leave me without......the fight for me had a severe cost of my physical health also. What happens if say a parent wants to establish a trust fund......who represents you? Why do we not have tax incentives for these practical alternatives. Afterall we all die.

Medical cards.....I am not well and forgetful and all of a sudden I go for psychiatric drugs ..... and I am no longer covered.....Surely, our administrative system would have realised I receive benefit from the UK and had a medical card from the UK that transfers over.

I recall a psychiatrist speaking at the Irish Penal Reform Trust meeting. He said that almost 80% of the people admitted to the Central Mental Hospital are social cases as distinct from psychiatric. Would people hear this. Side effects from drugs addle you.....this can cause you to fear entering shops or else just taking a chance.

Enough about me........I met a special person who now enables me to recognise that I was alone and seeking.......Now he takes the time to explain......Experience deserves much more credit.......

This is an example of some of the correspondence I engaged in........I found this article ........ copied it.......valued it.....and for some stupid reason thought I would deserve a reply........!

I had written several letters so in the end.....having lost heart....... I just let fly here...... I ask how many of these letters get lost and nothing done about. I am getting tired of all these conferences and people having no manners to respond personally........ If Churchill made a point of trying to reply to his correspondence, they surely have no excuse...!!!

From: "michelle clarke"
To: "Professor Gerard Quinn"
Subject: Fw: Please pass this to Professor Quinn
Date: Monday, July 28, 2003 9:30 PM

6 Wellington House,
85 Wellington Road
Dublin 4

Dear Professor Quinn

You need not respond. It is indicative of our nation state.

Just to inform you that I am hopeful the Disabilities Bill will be Rights Based on the apparent commitment of Mr. O'Dea.

It is apparent that people with disabilities such a mine and others whom I know, (those that were selected for deletion by Hitler not that long ago) can and are making a case, as is evidenced by the progress in the field of disabilities.

Two of my friends with Cerebral Palsy have now qualified from Trinity.......and well done to both and others.

I would also like to let you know ...... that Trinity, albeit not responding to my lever arch file of correspondence, have reacted.....

The words.....ended with ... ' you have received everything you asked for'.

They will accept the brain damage impact on numeracy; and the corresponding creativity development of the other side of the brain. I am to produce two essays by 19th September 2003 - the date of the supplmentals to attain my BESS pass Degree.

Aesops fables are still relevant today.......the tortoise and the snail.

Just in case you read this, please put forward that they remove adversarial divorce proceedings particularly for those with acquired disabilities were worsened considerably by the anxiety and ECT 15 rounds.

Place some constitutional checks/balance procedure on the Church. I have achieved one success in this regard, through writing again no response, but I have got the ascribed version of the priest's interpretation of what I said.

You see I work in the truth as regards facts....his interpretation was slanted. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Fr. Paine was removed from where he abused boys and sent to the marriage tribunal courts.

You will know women have basically no rights in this procedure which is invasive regarding sexual matters.

They made a simple mistake. My husband told them not to inform me, They did so only after the Divorce. Brian Gallagher had suggested the State Annulment and I said no albeit financially it would have been better.

I suggest we have a choice of the 'Right to die'. I have no illusions about what lies ahead of me.

Ensure finance, facilities, counselling etc, for those with disabilities who choose to enter education. Experience is invaluable input as per Carl Jung.

I probably have said this before - manners evolved because they had a place for the procedure of an Ethic based aspirational society. Non accountability and lack of transparency exacts a high price. As far as I am concerned the evidence rests with the behaviour about Portmarnock Golf Club.

I worked as a secretary ...... in the 1980's. All I can say is that people some of whose faces appear on the TV regarded secretaries and drivers as in chauffeurs, as dumb and brainless. Living in Zimbabwe, I assumed the same trait as a madam. One thought the maids and gardeners did not think.......the irony is when you went away for the weekend, some of these would dress in your clothes and live in your house and we perfectly tuned into what you thought they didn't understand.

I wonder have you ever tried having a conversation with a young homeless man of 33........ hungry, tired, weak ....... he had worked in a butcher shop and saw the same, only it was the Gardai who had prime cuts of meat. We see and We hear. We need Ethics, Morality, Respect.

Regards - Enjoy your holidays

Michelle Clarke

----- Original Message -----
From: michelle clarke
To: Professor Gerard Quinn
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 9:16 AM
Subject: Fw: Please pass this to Professor Quinn

Professor Quinn

It is beginning to look more like a Rights Based Bill will be on the agenda.

I attended the FG meeting in Ballsbridge last night. Three legal people spoke. A Mr (maybe) Professor O'Malley from Galway spoke.

Basically the content of the letter - I highlighted.

I regard my contribution in any matter and that includes correspondence to the AG and let's say a Tribunal as social capital. The time has come for social capital and economic capital to stand on an equal footing........the element of choice of category ought to be equal.

I would never like to think that I drove a car, owned land, did not pay tax without feeling a sense of shame that I deprive others by my lack of conscience and ethics.

I receive in invalidity. I have no choice.......but I give back what I is up to people I write to value it or not.

I will call the man Professor O'Malley - his talk was informative.

He mentioned about mindset and gangland killings.

The suicide mindset......I see sense here. Why else do a small percentage of people with psychiatric problems self in four of those who self harm commit suicide.


Michelle Clarke

----- Original Message -----
From: Kelly,Geraldine
To: michelle clarke
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 9:33 AM
Subject: Read: Please pass this to Professor Quinn

Your message

To: [email protected]
Subject: Please pass this to Professor Quinn
Sent: Sun, 13 Jul 2003 22:54:34 +0100

was read on Mon, 14 Jul 2003 09:33:38 +0100

author by Sean - imperopublication date Wed Sep 14, 2005 13:22author address author phone 087 9739945Report this post to the editors

A review and discussion document which suggests some conclusions and recommendations has just come to hand from The National Disability Authority (NDA). Dated July 2005 it is compiled/written by Darren McCausland for the NDA and the title is "International Experience in the Provision of Individual Education Plans for Children with Disabilities."

Assessment of needs is a key issue in drawing up IEP’s.

"Assessment methods and contexts may vary according to individual needs. As such, assessment should be appropriate to the age and development level of individual students. They should also have credibility with all IEP team members."

I respectfully suggest that it might be better if the assessment did not have too much credibility. Everyone including the student should be encouraged to treat measured assessment with, at least, some degree of scepticism.

"Learning outcomes should be identified for each goal and objective in the IEP. The team must ensure that learning outcomes are directly relevant to the specific goals, and that they are specific, achievable and measurable."

This is the kind of thinking that elevates education to the status of a (pseudo) science. Like firing a rifle if we take dead aim we will pierce the very heart of the target. Everyone knows that education is a dynamic rather than a static thing. It can often be more important how we travel rather than what our destination is. Truly there is a sense in which we never reach the final goal. To be simplistic about it everyone has the experience that what we know today will have been forgotten tomorrow and as life progresses it is frequently necessary to develop new skills to replace the ones we have lost.

There is nothing doctrinaire in the document about "mainstreaming" and it seems that in the last analysis it is the parent who will decide what school the child will be placed in. There is emphasis throughout on involving the student herself in drawing up the IEP - as well as the parents.

The final sentence in the document concludes with the following phrase:-

"……the critical importance of training for all staff, and also of considering the child’s IEP and educational experience not in isolation, but rather to consider the wider context and importance of friendships and the community."

IEP = Individual Education Plan

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