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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14Another Brit Show Trial collapses!
Great to see this young man back with his family and out of the Maghaberry hell-hole. The so-called independent forensics labs have yet again been exposed as rotten and corrupt, just like the Brit police that connived to stitch up this man and many others.
In light of this case, as well as Seamie Doherty and the others who were found to have been stitched up, the question is how many more ?
The case of S.Armagh man Sean Hoey in particular is now one which needs to be urgently examined. The only so called evidence against him again comes from the same corrupt, lying sources which have been caught out numerous times in recent months in blatant fit ups.
Seans trial will be nothing more than a political show trial, with more fabricated "evidence" and a media circus in order for the Brits to secure their politically motivated conviction.
Free Sean Hoey now !!!!!
If it were a show trial then surely he wouldn't have been released?
Presumably you guys would rather the police had not picked him up??????
And after that, when the RIRA incompetently create another Omagh you would be demanding to know why he was'nt picked up!!
Indeed, you would even insist that special branch "knew something was going to happen" and because they did'nt arrest the suspects then it was the fault of the police.
The brit police didnt "pick him up", they stitched him up. Theyve been caught out framing people - AGAIN.
In the last number of months the Brits have had to abandon the trials of 7 men they have been caught out planting and fabricating evidence against. Presumably you would have preferred to see men stitched up and put away for whatever reason you have a dislike for them.
As to who "created Omagh", as more information comes into the public domain it is becoming clearer that the same state forces which created mass-murder and atrocities throughout Ireland have a lot of explaining to do.
They created Dublin Monaghan, imported tons of arms for their deathsquads, and connived in the murders of 100s of innocents. They had human rights solicitors like Pat Finucane and Rose Nelson murdered and still cover it all up yet cry on the news about terrorism. They have acted as terrorists and war criminals in this country for the last 30 years and would do it all again tomorrow.
. Setting up Omagh, as it is clear their agents were up to their necks in it, would not cost them a thought. They are already engaged in a cover up regarding Omagh. What have they got to hide ?
As to who "created Omagh", as more information comes into the public domain it is becoming clearer that the same state forces which created mass-murder
So let me get this straight, your blaming the security forces for the bombing? Ha Ha Ha, hilarious, so explain to the board why the republicans who built the bomb, drove the bomb and set the TPU on the detonator are not responsible?
I seem to remember Gerry Adams on TV shortly after the explosion demanding to know why there were no security force check points on the day.
Coming from a party who have bleated for decades about British Army harrassment of the local population Sin feinn were actually demanding a greater security force presence!!!!
The British "security forces" were responsible for the Dublin and Monaghan bombings on 17th May 1974, so it is possible that they had a hand in Omagh and other bombings. Their tactic has always been to cause as much confusion and suspicion as possible in an effort to divide their opposition.
It was the loyalists who carried out Monaghan and Dublin bombing as a warning to Eire.
THe southern Irish army had been mobilised and was positioned on the border at the time, the Irish government had said " we will not sit idly by " the loyalist reply was swift, the average loyalist has at least some military training.
(and still has my friend)
If my memory serves me correctly the "we will not sit idly by" (in fact "not STAND idly by") speech was made by Jack Lynch in either late 1969 or early 1970, several years before the Dublin & Monaghan bombings. Between the time that Lynch made that speech and the time of the bombings the 'southern Irish army' did absolutely nothing to help the besieged nationalist population of the six counties, other than setting up a "refugee camp" in Monaghan. There was never any intention on the part of the southern government to actually do anything worthwhile to defend the nationalists from sectarian attacks, other than sending them blankets.
The Dublin and Monaghan bombings were carried out in 1974 during the loyalist attempt to stage a "general strike" which was designed to undermine any prospect of a power-sharing agreement. The loyalists were involved in the bombings but could not have done it without the knowledge and assistance of the British "Intelligence" services.
So in fact the "loyalist reply" you refer to was not a "swift" reply to any threat from the south, it was a "reply" to a completely different circumstance - the possibility of power-sharing within Northern Ireland - because equality with Catholics was not acceptable to the sectarian thugs of the "loyalist" movement.
The loyalists were involved in the bombings but could not have done it without the knowledge and assistance of the British "Intelligence" services.
Oh yeah cos the loyalists would never be able to navigate their way from Portadown to Monaghan what with all those mountain ranges, hurricanes and earthquakes to avoid.
Grow up, how hard is it to build a bomb, drive it into a town and set it off without warning. The local Army cdet detachment in Armagh could have planned it, but yet you seem to be incapable of typing on the subject without throwing down a blizzard of abbreviations - MI5 MI6 SAS FRU DET SSRUC UDA UVF YADA YADA YADA
"how hard is it to build a bomb, drive it into a town and set it off without warning"
You are trying to give the impression that there was only one bomb involved. There was much more involved than simply driving across the border and into another town with a car-bomb. In the case of the Dublin and Monaghan bombings there were three bombs set off in Dublin and one in Monaghan.
On the 17th May 1974 the three bombs in Dublin were set off within the space of ninety seconds of each other in different parts of Dublin: Parnell St, Talbot St, and South Leinster St. They were timed to explode just after 5.30pm - when the streets would be full of people leaving their places of work. The intention was to kill as many civilians as possible.
The bomb in Monaghan was parked outside a pub. There was also a small cafe close to the pub.
There were thirty-three people killed in those bombings, and hundreds maimed. It is that co-ordination to set the bombs off almost simultaneously that shows the degree of organisation involved in that operation. I do not believe that the loyalists at that time had the capability to mount that kind of operation, and certainly not without the knowledge of the British Intelligence services.
"you seem to be incapable of typing on the subject without throwing down a blizzard of abbreviations - MI5 MI6 SAS FRU DET SSRUC UDA UVF YADA YADA YADA"
That is a straightforward lie. Neither I, nor anyone else on this thread have used a list of abbreviations. You are just blustering to cover up the fact that you have lost the argument. Telling your opponent to "grow up", and then ending you comment with "YADA YADA YADA", just displays your own immaturity.
You are trying to give the impression that there was only one bomb involved.
-friend, the fact that the incident is known as the Dublin/Monaghan bombings, it does'nt take the brains of an arch-bishop to work out that there was more than one bomb. Besides, does it make it any more right or wrong?
On the 17th May 1974 the three bombs in Dublin were set off within the space of ninety seconds of each other in different parts of Dublin. They were timed to explode just after 5.30pm
-so is that your proof of British intelligence service involvement, that the bombers worked out rush hour was 5.30pm?
There were thirty-three people killed in those bombings, and hundreds maimed. It is that co-ordination to set the bombs off almost simultaneously that shows the degree of organisation involved in that operation. I do not believe that the loyalists at that time had the capability to mount that kind of operation, and certainly not without the knowledge of the British Intelligence services.
-the capability to mount the operation, why not?
1 build three bombs
2 when you set the timers set them to the same times
3 bingo! they will all detonate at the same time!
You are just blustering to cover up the fact that you have lost the argument.
-the arguement has only just started so how could I have lost it already?
Telling your opponent to "grow up", and then ending you comment with "YADA YADA YADA", just displays your own immaturity.
-Oh and making up impossible to prove/disprove accusations about the brit establishment thts very mature!!!
The reason why it is hard to prove is the British government and security services have engaged in cover ups and disposed of the evidence.
The bomb debris from Dublin/ Monaghan for example was inexplicably sent North, were it promptly disappeared in thin air. Britain has refused to co-operate in any inquiry.
Nuala OLoans report into Omagh highlighted how the log book from Omagh RUC station, which contained the location for the bomb warning as well as all intelligence briefings, mysteriously disappeared as well. It has also highlighted how the Brits were well aware there was an operation planned in Omagh that day. .
That isnt made up.
The British security services imported the huge shipments of loyalist arms from South Africa which were used to slaughter 100s of innocent people. Their agent Brian Nelson was the man responsible for directing many loyalist killers to their targets. The overwhelming majority of these targets were totally innocent civilians.
These are facts which the Brits dont dispute.
They have engaged in State terrorism and mass murder of innocent Irish civilians as a matter of political and military routine. That is not a fantasy .
The carnage in Omagh almost eliminated any Republican opposition to the GFA and Britains agenda of Ulsterisation, Normalisation and criminalisation of republican resistance. Omagh allowed the authorities to draft Draconian special powers to deal with republicans. It suited the purposes of the British. Given the record of British dirty tricks and black operations which have resulted in mass murder throughout the last 30 years, people are entitled to examine the circumstances surrounding Omagh and draw a conclusion.
Nice of you to point out that "the average loyalist has at least some military training". I wonder were this military training comes from ? Not very clever to point this out when youre claiming there wasnt any collusion. Daft bird.