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offsite link Police Federation Sued by London Branch Chairman in Free Speech Row Tue Mar 18, 2025 09:00 | Toby Young
PC Rick Prior, Chairman of the London branch of the Police Federation, is suing the organisation because he's been suspended as a result of speaking out about double standards in policing on GB News.
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offsite link Why Are Some Rapes More Equal Than Others? Tue Mar 18, 2025 07:00 | Steven Tucker
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offsite link News Round-Up Tue Mar 18, 2025 01:36 | Richard Eldred
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offsite link How Does Gender Ideology End Up Everywhere? Mon Mar 17, 2025 19:00 | Caroline Ffiske
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offsite link Far-Left Campaigners Are Targeting GB News and Have Enlisted Ofcom as their Attack Dog Mon Mar 17, 2025 17:00 | Toby Young
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Joe Higgins speaks out against assault on Fallujah in Dáil

category international | anti-war / imperialism | opinion/analysis author Thursday November 11, 2004 16:47author by - Report this post to the editors

Below is a statement (10 November) Joe Higgins made in Dáil on the US forces’ bloody assault on Fullaja. It is followed with Joe’s exchange with the Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Statement on the European Council, held in Brussels, 4 and 5 November

Joe Higgins (Socialist Party): The published conclusions of the EU Presidency following the EU leader's summit of 4 and 5 November leave me seriously wondering if the European Union leadership is in outright denial of the realities of our world or, worse and more likely, deliberately trying to deceive the people of the European Union. The first paragraph of the section on external affairs reads:

The European Council warmly congratulated President George W. Bush on his re-election as President of the United States ... Our close transatlantic partnership, based on shared values, is fundamental for Europe's approach to building international peace, security and prosperity. Our deep political, economic and cultural ties make us each other's natural and indispensable partners.

Can we be clear on this matter? Is the [Irish] Government saying that it shares with the United States Government a belief that it has the right to launch an imperialist conquest of another country, to ruthlessly use its position as the most wealthy and powerful country on the planet to invade Iraq, corral its oil resources and establish military control over the Middle East? Of all the days to credit the United States with being a partner in building international peace and prosperity, this is not the one when the United States' military, as we speak, is battering the daylights out of the city of Falluja with all its monstrous arsenal of armaments and its victims include hospital workers, medical personnel, women and little children.

Is the Government saying it shares the values of an administration that has built a gulag on its own doorstep in Guantanamo, whose methods would rival any of the infamous gulags, built by the Stalinists in eastern Europe in their heyday? The United States justifies the kidnap of suspects from around the world, interning them and subjecting them to systematic torture without recourse to human or civil rights. Is the Government saying it shares these values?

The Council declaration on Iraq, a five page document, contains not a single mention of the imperialist occupation of Iraq by states, including member states of the European Union. The Council says it "warmly welcomes the restoration of sovereignty to the Iraqi Government", dignifying as a sovereign Government a clutch of crooked exiles and hand-picked CIA stooges put in place by the occupying powers. Is there any end to how far the Government will debase itself in favour of American foreign policy? No doubt, the Taoiseach [Irish Prime Minister] will shortly be preparing to go to Washington on St. Patrick's Day, one hand clutching a bowl of shamrock and the other tugging his forelock to Mr. Bush. That is shameful.

The Lisbon strategy, which is the other major issue, is simply the agenda of European big business dictated by the European round table and other lobby groups which have an open door to the European Commission which, in the neo-liberal policies pushed by the European Commission, acts as their agent. It is a race to the bottom for the European working class involving a savage assault on their pension rights in country after country. At a time when the world never had more technology and resources, it is ironic that people's working lives must be lengthened. Let us remember that some of the greatest struggles of the international working class were for shorter working days, weeks and years to give some dignity to the lives of working people. The Lisbon Agenda also has at its centre the privatisation of our public services. It is probably not surprising that the Government cheers on this big business agenda since it implements it itself. It is no wonder the Taoiseach was greeted with derision in the Dáil yesterday when he said he was the friend of those on the margins.

European workers will have their say. German workers are having their say by protesting in their hundreds and thousands against this agenda. We can expect this to increase and intensify.

Question to the Minister for Foreign Affairs

J. Higgins: When the English language is used in European Union communiqués do the words have the normal meaning with which we associate them in everyday life? What does "natural and indispensable partners" mean in the context in which it is used? Does it mean the Government considers itself a partner in the illegal and brutal invasion of Iraq, which has seen the slaughter of 100,000 people and its ongoing occupation? What is meant by "shared values"? Does it mean that we share the belief that we can concoct a monstrous lie on the strength of which it is permissible to launch an invasion of another country?

In backing the United States assault on Falluja does the Minister really believe this will mean the end of the insurgency any more than, for example, the operation in Hue in Vietnam in the 1960s finished the insurgency there? Can we not think independently of the propaganda of imperialism? Does the Minister agree that the Israeli Government continues its brutal repressive and murderous assault on the Palestinian people and their territories while standing firmly behind the Israelis is the Bush Administration? What did the Minister say about that matter at the EU summit?

Dermot Ahern (Minister for Foreign Affairs): While I do not know about the Deputy, as far as I am concerned this country has and always has had a good relationship with the US and has shared values with the US over the years. We share the same views on the freedoms it holds very dearly. I listen to the Deputy bleating on every day about workers. At least 100,000 people working in this country get their employment from American-backed companies. I make no apology for my position on this matter.

On Israel, we have clearly articulated our opinion, as has the EU, on the overreaction and excessive use of force by Israeli forces on Palestinian positions. We have equally said that we condemn the suicide bombings of Hamas and others and we will continue to do so. Only when a unilateral ceasefire becomes effective will proper dialogue based on the roadmap and the two-state solution, which we all desire, take place.

J. Higgins: I remind the Minister that sheep bleat and socialists articulate ideas.

author by Mo Joepublication date Thu Nov 11, 2004 17:30author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Here's what another business analyst has to say.

"Billions of euro in profits generated in Ireland will return to the US as a result of a US corporate tax amnesty, which was signed into law by President George W Bush aboard Air Force One just days before last week's election."

Related Link:
author by Michael Henniganpublication date Thu Nov 11, 2004 18:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Let's face it, the policy of neutrality is a sham. It is not unusual to have an economic angle to such a policy. Consider the Swedish and Swiss experience during WWII.

We have been able to maintain the sham since joining the EEC/EU and rattleing the tin ponny for much of the period because we did not have a strategic importance.

As to US 'profits generated in Ireland,' referred to in the S.B Post article, much of these profits are parked here through intercompany pricing.

See more on US multinationals' use of tax havens:

author by Starstruck - DGNpublication date Thu Nov 11, 2004 21:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

As a libertarian and not a big fan of ANY political party i must lend my support to Joe Higgins and say fair fucks where it is due.
Theres some good heads in the S.P,keep up the fight Joe,you are practically the only outspoken voice in there!
Youre doing the job Pat Rabbitte should be.

author by ..publication date Thu Nov 11, 2004 21:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Go on Joe get stuck in to them.

author by john McDermott - www.soldiersofdestiny.orgpublication date Fri Nov 12, 2004 00:05author email jmcd44 at yahoo dot comauthor address leinster house,Dublinauthor phone Report this post to the editors

Joe,your wonderful tirades against the evils of american tyranny,always remind me of a certain biblical figure....
Fair dues,! least the records of state,relating to the most corrupt government in the history of the Free State,will alway show that somebody was concerned with something other than lining their pockets..
even if it was only;-
"a voice crying in the wilderness"
related link,

author by Justin Morahan - Peace Peoplepublication date Fri Nov 12, 2004 00:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Yet once more, a voice of sanity in the House. Keep up the good work.

author by Qwik timepublication date Fri Nov 12, 2004 11:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"The Iraqi people will elect their first democratic government in January. "

That's not true. In a REAL democracy (which is a rare thing), an election is supposed to be a situation where the people get to choose a representative and where people are free to stand as candidates if they wish (subject to reasonable age restrictions as agreed by the population etc)
If a party doesn't nominate you, you can run as a independent, and if the people want you, then you get the job (see it's all about CHOICE)
(insert your own swipe at McAleese's second term here)

Remember that line about the US that makes it better than having a monarchy -"anyone can run for president"

The people of Iraq will not be allowed to have democratic elections because they will only be allowed to vote for the candidates that the US allowed into the competition.
So where's the real choice? I will vote for pro-occupation, pro-allawi mountpiece number 1,.... No, I will vote for pro-occupation, pro-allawi mouthpiece number 2 !!!!

That's not democracy. That's installing a puppet regime. If any Iraqi citizen of voting age (such as Mr Abboud of Fallujah who had to watch his 9yr old son die of shrapnel wounds from a US air raid) was allowed to run as a candidate, that would be a bit more like democracy. But seeing as he would be likely to want the US military to leave his country, he doesn't fit the profile of the type of "democracy" that Bush wants in Iraq.

Iraq - Interim "Prime Minister" Iyad Allawi is ex- M-I-5 and CIA stooge

Afghanistan - 'President' Hamid Karzai is former Unocal oil company executive.

Both put in place by the US who bombed their countries to bits. Neither of whom were living in the country just prior to the bombing.

Can you name any other 'democracies' that share THOSE characteristics????

author by SGT FREEDOMpublication date Fri Nov 12, 2004 15:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

for Iraq or Ghanistan voting canditates;

Fundamentalist,non tolerating of any other religion,terrorist one party under Allah.
Policies are ;regressing back to the dark ages,treating women like shit,banning any modern device [apart from AK47s ].Making men grow beards and banning kids from flying kites.No inward investment in any infastructure like schools or hospitals.

Hmm if I was a civilised Iraqui ,and there are many of them.I think I would be looking for any pro american mouthpiece that will get the country back on its feet ASAP.The quicker the better.

author by redjadepublication date Sat Nov 13, 2004 13:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

''People in Falloojeh are being murdered. The stories coming back are horrifying. People being shot in cold blood in the streets and being buried under tons of concrete and iron... where is the world? Bury Arafat and hurry up and pay attention to what's happening in Iraq.

They say the people have nothing to eat. No produce is going into the city and the water has been cut off for days and days. Do you know what it's like to have no clean water??? People are drinking contaminated water and coming down with diarrhoea and other diseases. There are corpses in the street because no one can risk leaving their home to bury people. Families are burying children and parents in the gardens of their homes. WHERE IS EVERYONE???''

more at...

Related Link:
author by jeffpublication date Wed Nov 17, 2004 21:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I'm sure Fianna Fail were plunged into a guilty depression by your plea, thats why they usually file out into the Dail Bar every time you begin an oration

author by Sgt Freedompublication date Wed Nov 17, 2004 21:40author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Why so quiet on the shooting dead of the Iraqui communist party leader and his two bodygaurds last week in Bagdad????
Are they not worthy of Comrade Higgens attentions?As they were very critical of of the US peacekeeping force.
Oh no... wait no doubt the CIA,MI5,mossad,KGB,AA,GAA or whomever did them in.
Is it slowly dawning on people it isnt about your politics,aid giving or is about your religion!Either you are a muslim or an infidel.END of story

author by hs - sppublication date Wed Nov 17, 2004 21:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

...because the irish state and government is not helping the islamic terrorists, on the other hand we are helping the american terrorists, how many of the attackers might have passed through shannon? And i am sure if the government was actively supporting islamic terrorists because "it's good for buisness" joe would attack that, as he attacked the irish governments support for saddam hussein when that was "good for buisness" we have no truck with political islam, but we have no truck with imperialist invasion and the murder of 100,000 people either, and neither should you.

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