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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19The purpose of 'blooding' young kids with hunting and the likes is to train them for the cut throat world of big business and officership in the armed forces. These are the aspirations that the parents of these kids have for their 'little soldiers'.
A damn clever one too. However, being brought up in nouveau middle classdom in the eighties, I was quickly appalled by my father's jaunts back into the wilds of Moynalty, Co. Meath, every St. Stepehen's Day, to take part in the oul Hunt.
No shit, these guys dressed up in all red, what have you, in emulation of their former colonial oppressors and got up on horses and chased down a fox.
My father justified his yearly jaunts as a bit of oul fun, and sure the fox only gets caught every twenty years, and, if he were around today, might have justified it on the grounds of necessary culling.
You see, the argument amongst country folk goes as follows; foxes need to be culled to protect livestock. Now if you go after them with rifles, etc, you are in danger of killing offf the healthy ones. Wheras, a good chase keeps down the numbers, but only cuts out the weaker species of those numbers.
Guess what? My father was not a rich Protestant aristoprat. He was the second oldest son from a poor enough farming family of seven. Apparantly, everyone was into this in the village, rich and poor.
I myself have no interest in chasing furry scavengers across the fields of Ireland on the back of a horse. I am allergic to horse hair for some reason. I'm also lazy
While I appreciate the sentiments of the anti fox hunting lobby, I will have to disagree with the sentiments offered here. For one, fox hunters are not going to induct their kids into fox hunting. I was always a big softie as a kids, so my dad was in no way going to bring me along-I'd look like a fucking pussy, what with all my weeping and bleating for the poor fox.
My kid brother was harder than I, and always liked the great out doors. However, he was not going to go along either, he liked animals, and the only ones he ever tortured were rats. The rest he collected and helped out. Whener he saw fox hunters whenever we were driving down that paart of the country, he would stick his litttle precocious eight year old head out of the family car, and spit at them.
My mother never went either on the annual jaunt. While she loved my dad, she saw his yearly excursion as a very distasteful country thing, but nonetheless left him to it.
Thus, my experience shows that rednecks will be rednecks, but that does not mean rednecks will force their kids and wife to be rednecks. My father was a clever redneck; when in Dublin, at his jib, etc, he used his classical education to the fullest and came across all suave, which hepled him to promotion in Aer Lingus.
When he was down in Moynalty though, out came the redneck. The big elongated Mayth accent and lotsa swearing.
Anyway, I digress again. My point is this; rednecks like fox hunting. People in offices generally do not. So, the previous poster's comments about corporate excutives indulging in it so they can be meaner businessmen is false. Real business men play squash, or fencing. The only dudes in a suit you'll see fox hunting willl be dudes born in the country. Mean dudes.
The country side is a quare place; incest, fox hunting, poteen brewing. Let us not be so quick to judge. They can hunt their own food in the country.
Im from a bit of a well known redneck place myself, and have even taken part in redneck activities such as drunk driving, shebeens and pointing at Goths of an occasion (although I have NEVER line-danced), but that fox-hunting lark is just out of order. Youre right about the number of ordinary people who are into it though, even in this supposedly hard-line republican neck of the woods.
A gang of them came into the local pub one Sunday afternoon in their full regalia and we were going to give them a hard time, until we noticed some of them were quite attractive young ladies (in jodphurs and knee-length leather boots, ooohhh!!!)
Still, even if its stereotype it reminds me of all those colonial connotations and just gets my hackles up. Its like playing Cricket or something. I can just picture some upperclass types wishing they were really chasing a few uppity peasants for stealing a chicken or something. And anyway the thought of a poor wee fox being ripped to pieces by a pack of dogs just isnt on. A lamp and a rifle is much more humane, and efficient.
If you really want to blood your kids and teach them how to kill or be killed in the cut-throat world of today, why not bring them down to your local GAA club and sign them up. It doesnt involve the mindless slaughter of furry animals, you dont have to buy a horse AND it's patriotic !! Much better. Plus its community orientated and less anti-social
I wouldnt let my kids anywhere near a GAA or rugby club!!
Rugby and GAA are the mostly inhabited by real and genuine morons.considering that the GAA was founded for paramilitary drill oand lays its tradition on discriminiation against the english.It is a blood and money sucker of the irish people..
Hmmm intresting comment on country life.Incest doesnt happen in suburbia??try proably any catholic church preists house in town or country.Poteen?Better than selling H or skag in every housing estate or Coke in Dublin 4.
Give me the company of huntin and shooting,moonshine drinking rednecks anyday over the liberl "intelectulleens" of the "big city"of "Doblin".
Oh yeah as to the previous posters whose "doddy" was a fox hunter and an executive by trade.The correct word us culchies have to describe him is "Squireen"
What are you raving about. "GAA was founded for paramilitary drill and discrimination against the English" What utter nonsense.
The GAA was founded because Ireland was on the verge of becoming totally Anglicised.
A visit to Ireland by the famine queen Victoria had resulted in 1000s of Irish schoolchildren being lined up by their teachers throughout the country to wave little union jacks and cheer. Irish men in their 1000s were joining the British Army as cannon fodder in their imperialist exploits and our language and culture was on the verge of being wiped out (thankfully protestant academics stepped in and helped reverse the decline) Ireland was still reeling from the Holocaust that was 1847.
The Catholic Church and constitutional Nationalist politicians were actively collaborating in this cultural genocide just as they had acquiesced in the physical genocide years earlier.Sports such as hockey, cricket and Rugby were being introduced to Irish villages and schools to turn us all into lovely wee Britishers and cement the Anglicisation process.
The GAA was founded as a counterbalance to this in order to preserve our unique Irish identity. How could the Irish discriminate against the English ? They ran the place with an iron fist and a huge garrison for f***s sake.
As for the GAA being founded in order for "paramilitary drill" that sounds more like a fantasy from one of the more inbred Orange-lodges in some god-forsaken backwater near Ballymena.
How have the GAA sucked the blood from the Irish people ? Are you daft altogether. Theyre a cute shower of hoors when it comes to money alright but blood ? The only people who did that were the f******g brits.
Some culchie you are. Are you sure its not a holiday home you have. Or were you useles at the game and took a grudge.
At least you dont let your kids play Rugby, which is a truly woeful "sport".
GAA was sponsored by "burn everything British but their coal"Hyde as a platform to recruit and train members for the IRB.
The GAA gets Millions every year from the Irish Govt thru taxpayers money to keep a fatcat ,cute hoor,back in the last centuary thought process clique of gombeen men in a bloated salary.Who are so paranoid that the bastard British game of soccer may blaspheme the holy turf of Croke park or that British peelers may play a match against the holy knights of the GAA?GIMME A FUCKIN BREAK!!!!!!!!
Funny enough how many GAA heads are to be found out with the Dub4 squireens riding to hounds down in this part of the world.A bit turncoat wouldnt you think??
But then as far as I can see most Irish will turn in any direction the wind blows anyway,apart from fence sitting that is.
Rather teach my kids how to hunt and shoot .that way they will be well prepared to deal with the irish turncoat or the foregin devils that may arrive on our shores to oppress us.
I would take issue with that point. Douglas Hyde was an extremely mild mannered protestant academic who had nothing whatsoever to do wth the IRB or any other political faction in Ireland. In fact he was absolutely opposed to the IRB infiltrating some sections of Conradh na Gaelige for recruiting purposes. He simply had a deep love for the Irish language and set out to promote it amongst all sections of Irish society, unionists included. The "burn everything British except their coal" slogan was the work of Sinn Fein circa 1920 which again Hyde had absolutely no connection with.
As for taxpayers money being used to pay GAA officals salaries that is total and utter nonsense. All GAA salaries whether it is for administrators trainers, physios etc are raised within the GAA itself. The free-state govt has given large financial assistance for Croke park and other grounds but so what. Most governments assist sporting organisations and the GAA is undoubtedly the most popular and succesful among the Irish people. Minority (and vastly inferior) sports such as soccer and rugby simply dont have the same local support base.
Regarding the foreign devils that may arrive on our shores I have news for you. Theres 1000s of them here already. The Brits have a larger garrison in Ireland than they do in Iraq. As for the "holy Knights of the GAA" I know plenty of GAA players, holy is not a word I would use to describe them. Holy f*****g terrors.
I find this news very disturbing, to think that another generation of this sort of people is growing up. These people should be sending their kids to school like the rest of society do and indeed are told to do, its the law! Bloodthirsty adults are bad enough but bloodthirsty children? What is the world coming too? The sooner bloodsports are banned here the better.
These comments that parents involved with hunts are breeding bloodthirsty children is such rubbish. The hunting of the Fox/Stag while it may seem barbaric fail to see that the main point of the hunt is little to do with the kill. In fact most people do not like to see a kill. The whole ritual of the stage and all that is associated with it is much more important than the kill, the sense of community, the feeling of working with nature in nature.
I was involved with the hunt when i was younger and all it gave me was a respect for nature and the land around me. I did not come from a farming background so it was my only possible way to get this. It meant that at an age when my D4 eqivlents were only worried about scoring in wesley and what clothes to wear, i was looking after the welfare of a pony and 3 dogs. This gave me respect and knowledge of treatment of animals.
The truth is there are a hell of a lot more foxes/badgers etc killed on the roads every year than by farmers/culss/hunts. Why so city people can go visit the country on nice big safe primary roads. There is a certain view on nature that some city people don't posses and country are lossing it to. The hunts don't create bloodthirsty people infact they create people with a healthy respect in nature and the balance in it. Why is it all those horror stories of what kids do to cats and dogs at halloween are always from cities and towns?
I would have a bigger fear for a fox crossing a road than i would for one with hunt after it.
There is nothing evil in fox hunts, it is natures way and at least the fox stands a chance.
Fox hunting as all blood sports are man mad therefor cannot be natures way now can they? As for a respect for nature I being a city person have just as much respect for nature as any country person. Yes there are evil kids in the cities too but two wrongs dont make a right you know. I respect all life and would never harm any living creature. If its not all about the kill as you say what is it about, terrorising an animal, hunting an animal to the point of exhaustion not to mention the anxiety fear and panic? Is that what fox/stag hunting is all about? So if its not about the kill as you say its not then why not drag hunt? Would that not fill you with the same sense of respect for nature? Would it not require you to look after your ponies/horses/dogs also? Would it not fill you all with a sense of community and working with nature in nature? Would it not give you a respect and knowledge in the treatment of animals? As for your fear of foxes being hit by cars Im sure they'd appreciate your concern or perhaps they'd appreciate being left alone and not being hunted at all? As for the fox standing a chance, a chance for what, to get away to die of shock perhaps or a chance to run for its life? Hmm lucky fox!!
Then poison and snares HAVE TO BE used instead, that is the reality of the situation, to ban this sport is simply social engineering and nothing to do with animal rights.
Why do poison and snares have to be used? By the way its about the animals' right to a life and to be left alone to live that life in peace. Social engineering doesn't have anything to do with it.
These animals are pests and will be culled whether hunting is banned or not, the only thing the anti-hunt groups have done is increased the suffering of animals.
These townies don't seem to complain much about battery chickens being kept in disgusting conditions just so they can get their cheap chicken burger down at Tesco's.
Or their big shiney polluting SUV that has never even seen any mud in its whole life time of doing the "school run"!!!!
Why are foxes pests exactly? As for anti hunt groups theyre all vegans and veggies so no chicken burgers there then and they most certainly do complain about battery hens, meat, dairy etc...
and we had free-range chickens, which were nervous neurotic creatures who spent most of their lives so scared of something (dogs, foxes, cats, visitors, each other) that in three months we only got two eggs.
And we were vegetarian so we didn't eat them. It took me a week of scraping around in the grime looking for non-existent eggs before I got the message. there were no eggs and there weren't going to be any eggs.
Thats when i started eating trippy mushrooms for protein.
A farmer in Scotland has just won his case by saying he was'nt hunting fowex, but just exercising his dogs while on horse back. A pretty big loophole don't you think?
Whats the biggest seller this Xmas that moronic parents are buying their obese little couch potatoes ?Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.
Lets see an over 18 game featuring,drug dealing,prostitution,murder,GBH,full auto weapons,pimping,beating up people,etc.And you want fox hunting banned???? Ah sure they are all at it moan the parenting morons.
I would rather have my kids outside hunting than turning into little obese couch potato wiggers.who cant decide what is real and what isnt.
I fully agree with you that grand theft auto is totally unsuitable for kids, this game is rated 18+ and I know plenty of kids who aren't allowed it even if everyone else is at it and two wrongs don't make a right you know. Giving over 18 games to kids is wrong as is fox hunting and perhaps we should ban both foxhunting and giving over 18s games to the under 18s, eh sabwatch??