Surge in Calls to Domestic Violence Helpline
dublin |
crime and justice |
news report
Wednesday October 27, 2004 17:54
by Women's Aid - Women's Aid
comms at womensaid dot ie
47 Old Cabra Road

Announcement of Women's Aid National Freephone Helpline Statistics
Women's Aid today (Wednesday October 27th) announced details of calls to its Domestic Violence Freephone Helpline in 2003 in the Westin Hotel. The new figures show an increase in calls to the service.
Women's Aid today (Wednesday October 27th) announced details of calls to its Domestic Violence Freephone Helpline in 2003 in the Westin Hotel. The new figures indicate that 12,908 calls were responded to by the service, which represents an increase of 17% on 2002 figures.
Speaking at the announcement of the figures, Margaret Martin, Director of Women's Aid said she was heartened at the increase in calls responded to the service but concerned that so many calls remained unanswered. She said: ‘The increase in calls shows that more and more victims of domestic violence are not only aware of the support that’s available, but accessing that support, which is a great step forward, however, it is a cause for concern that we do not have the resources to fully respond to the demand.’
She continued: ‘In order to fully ensure that we are capable of responding to all calls, it is vital that volunteers keep coming forward, and that statutory funding of the Helpline is increased.’
Analysis of the abuse calls shows the majority (44%) referred to emotional abuse, followed by 33% of calls referring to physical abuse. There was an increase in reporting of sexual abuse (13%) which is traditionally not disclosed by women experiencing domestic violence, with 511 rapes within relationships being reported to the service.
The Helpline also reports a worrying level of abuse during pregnancy with some women reporting violence escalating during this time.
Figures also show that the most common context for abuse is marriage, with 37% of calls disclosing the husband as the perpetrator of abuse. A further 12% reported being abuse by an ex-partner, and 13% by a co-habitee.
The figures for 2003 also show that new callers continue to access the service with up to 58% of calls coming from first time contacts. A third of contact came from the Dublin area, and 35% outside Dublin. 97% of callers to the Helpline were female.
The Women's Aid Helpline is open from 10am – 10 pm, 7 days a week
1800 341 900