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Censored Today on IMC-Germany !!
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Sunday June 16, 2002 17:16 by BlackPope BlackPope at opera dot com A cave-hideout somplace inEurope
*Banning orders looming* This comment on a report of a Pro-Palestinian demonstration in Berlin was silently scrubbed from the page about 3 minutes after appearing, just hours ago! This raises some disturbing questions about the Kommissar-like tendancies of the dogmatically-straitjacketed thought-police running that shop!! The piece defends the right of the original authors to publish on Indymedia, and exposes those who would deny it to them. A translation of both the report and the comment follows. The german text is provided for those following the link from IMC-Germany. -/start censored original-lang. comment/- An Zionistische Schreihaelse und AntiFa-SA !! Hallo, ihr Schwachkoepfe; es ist voellig normal und in Ordnung dass der obige Bericht hier erscheint. Dafuer wurde Indymedia schliesslich geschaffen, um eure Zensur auf der Strasse und und in der Tagespresse zu ueberwinden! Oder liesst man davon in der TAZ? Koennt ihr die Meinungsfreiheit und Demonstrationsrecht nicht ertragen, arme Babies? Na, dann ruft euren Staat an, der euch foerdert, beschuetzt und mit Spitzel dursetzt hat dass es nur so wimmelt - sondert eure 'Erkenntnisse' wie gewohnt beim Verfassungschutz ab; wie man auf dieser Seite merkt, sind die wohl enorm, die 'Erkenntnisse'. Hahahaha!! Dann wird Vater Staat fuer euch einspringen, und die boesen, boesen 'Anti- Semiten' (TM) euch zuliebe vom Platz fegen, die Existenzgrundlagen der effektivsten moeglichst weit vernichten und wie auch immer den Mund stopfen. Ein goldiger Sieg, nicht wahr, EURER SIEG !!!!! Beziehungsweise, er wird es vielleicht noch einmal versuchen, euch bedienlich zu sein - nur, ihr habt ein paar Probleme, und eine unangenehme Ueberraschung erwartet euch: 1. Habt ihr nie vom Jungen gehoert, der immer wieder 'Wolf' geschrieen hat, bis alle einfach seinen bloeden Laerm ausgeblendet hatten? Dass seid ihr, lieber Zionistische Schreihaelse und AntiFa-SA-Pack. Und euer 'Wolf' heisst 'Antisemitismus' (TM)!! 2. Eure Masche, die Verbrechen von 1a-Faschisten wie euer fetter Fuehrer Scharon mit diesem schwachsinnigen Geplaerr zu ueberdecken ist seit Finkelstein reichlich beschrieben und bekannt. Wie er selbst bemerkte, wenn man euch darauf anspricht, werdet ihr hysterisch wie verwoehnte kleine Baelger. Na dann, tobt schon los!! 3. Eine breite Tranche des Volkes (habe ich was falsches gesagt, Sitten-SS? Ah, prima! Bitte, rotiert darauf!) erwacht und durchschaut schon eure hirngelaehmte Taktik, konstant auf den Nerv der eingebleuten Nationalpsychose herumzubohren. Diesen Nerv, eure Psych-Op-Fundgrube ueber Jahrzehnte hinweg, habt ihr gruendlich gekillt. Nun, die Ueberraschung, Kinder! Dieses faule Spielchen, das ihr uebrigens nie verstanden habt, da ihr nur Marionetten in den Haenden anderer Maechte seid, ist ausgeleiert - klappt nicht mehr lange!! Genug Leute, die sich von eurem infantilen Psychoterror nicht einschuechtern lassen werden, sind im Begriff gegen euch aufzustehen. Viele wollen endlich Justiz und Gerechtigkeit fuer die Palistinenser sehen, aber nicht nur fuer sie, und gehen deswegen auf die Strasse. Ihr armleuchter, da ihr sowas nicht leiden koennt, weil das einen gewissen Machtverlust fuer euren Gottesstaat, Israel, bedeuten wuerde, werdet diese Bewegung gewoehnheitsgemaess im Keim zu ersticken versuchen, indem ihr die gewalttaetige Konfrontation auf der Strasse sucht, um so den Repressionsmechanismus der Hetzpresse und Staat auszuloesen. Also, strengt euch an, und wir werden sehen was ihr am Ende davon habt, OK? Schalom, BlackPope
PPS: An alle Andere, die Justiz ersehnen, und dabei keine Ausnahmen machen wollen fuer Gottesstaaten oder Gottes Staat (sprich 'Amiland'), unterstutzt bitte mit Unterschrift und Aktionen die Bewegung der heldenhaften IDF-Reserve-Kriegsdienstverweigerer, 467 Mann bis heute, die Sand statt Oel im Getriebe der Vernichtungsmaschine Scharons geworden sind!! PPPS: Zionistische Schreihaelse und AntiFa-SA-Pack, ihr duerft auch da vorbeischauen, aber ihr werdet davon echt schlimme Traeume bekommen, also Vorsicht!! Springt, macht, veranlasst, dass des Teufels Gedankengut vom Internet verschwinde. Hahahaaha - peinlich ist eure Kleingeistigkeit!!
... after protesting this outrageous example of anti-democratic censorship on the very same page it had just been pulled from, and demanding an explaination, I now find that my IP-address is blocked, so I cannot post anything, not even a link to this page!! I can hardly believe this is actually happening, but it damn well is!! Serious shit is happening to Indymedia in Europe, let me tell you - the Shutdown of IMC-Swiss by people with the same hallmark incapacity for rational thought and logic seems to be an infection which could very quickly spread! Right, translation mode ON:
by Guerillero - 16.06.2002 01:55 Report from the Berlin Pali-Demo Around 200 people demonstrated Saturday 15.06.02 against the Zionist/ Imperialist occupation. Meeting place was 13.00h, Breitscheidplatz After a refreshing shower the demo of the "Worldwide Peoples Resistance" ( Volkswiderstandes der Welt ) kicked off with arabic and kurdish music. Skinheads and beer-bellies were hanging around all over the square, waving German flags in chauvanistic patriotism. The demo started moving to chants of "USA, BRD - International Centers of Genocide" Suddenly, at the corner of Kurfürstenstrasse, BullCops appeared and tried to block our progress, maintaining that it was an 'illegal action'. But they were forced by prolonged chanting to negociate with us! They wanted us to toddle like good little doggies on the sidewalk but this was not accepted, and so they stormed straight into us!! Our people tried to stop this attack, and it thus came to a physical struggle, with truncheon-sandwiches being offered to some individuals, which caused injuries, 2 arrested and the confistication of our loudspeaker-car. Cries of "Never, never again Deutschland!" and "BRD, BullCop State, we are sick of your fucking shit!" now forcefully arose. It was very noticable, how the originally good-natured atmosphere (although the reason behind the demo is anything but) was quickly converted by the State into one of raw hate. Just as the stormtroopers rushed us, a certain fat, fun-lovin' war-criminal was being described in no uncertain terms as a Fascist and Terrorist, and apparently this O-so-democratic State could not allow that to happen... Also, nobody present could fail to see that the German Police bitterly hated these mostly foreign demonstrators, and insulted them with cjoice terms such as 'Black-Heads'. Anyhow, on we went, on the street, naturally, and soon arrived in Charlottenburg. Along the way some stuffed-shirts and several Zionists starred vacantly at us, not seeming to comprehend what Solidarity is! At the closing rally some had disappeared, but we were still about 100-strong. All in all, it was a large success! Despite the police attack and threats of dissolution we still made it to the Israeli Embassy to give a piece of our minds to the Sharonist Ambassador, the notorious Herr Stein. Zionist bleating-troops and 'agent provocateur' were not to be seen, and were joyously unmissed by all and sundry... -/End trans. orig. Report/- Now, in a mixture of reactions, 2/9 comments called for this article to be removed, on the grounds that it is 'Anti-Semitic' (TM)!
Hello, you dumm-heads; it is fully normal and correct that this report be published here. That is one of the main reasons Indymedia was ever created, to bypass your censorship on the streets and in the press! Or have you read stuff like this in the TAZ? (note: German equivalent to the london Guardian) Can you not bear freedom-of-speech and demonstration, poor babies? Well, then call in your watchdog-State, which cultivates, protects and infiltrates you so much that you can hardly see - blab out your sorry 'knowledge' to the Verfassungsschutz (=MI5, FBI); as far as one can see from this page it is indeed enormous, your 'knowledge'. Hahahaha!! Then your State will jump in for you, and sweep the bad, wicked 'Anti-Semites' (TM) from this place, destroying the most effective thereof with banishment from the possibility to even earn a living, and in general shutting them up. A golden Victory, eh? - Your SIEG !!!!! Or maybe, yes, he will try to serve you in this fashion one more time - but there are some problems, and a nasty surprise awaits you: 1. Did you ever hear of the Boy who cried 'Wolf' so much that everyone just automatically filtered-out his stupid noise? That is you, dear Zionist-bleaters and AntiFa-Stormtroops. And your 'Wolf!' is 'Antisemitism!' (TM)!! 2. Your Trick, to try to deflect criticism from the crimes of 1a-Faschists such as your FatFührer Scharon with this brainless-bleating, has been very ably dissected and deconstructed by Finkelstein. As he himself remarked, after a visit to Germany - if anyone mentions this sensitive truth to you, you tend to immediately throw a temper-tantrum, like a spoiled, hysterical brat. Go on then, scream your hearts out!! 3. A hefty slice of the Volk (did I say something wrong, Thought-Policeman? Ah, great! Please, spin on it!) is waking up and now sees through your lame-brained tactic of constantly boring at the nerve of the induced national psychosis. This nerve, your Psych-Op treasure trove of decades past, you have now thoroughly killed. Now the Surprise, Kinder! This lazy game, which you were never able to comprehend anyhow, being simple marionettes in the hands of other powers, is reamed out and busted - won't work, Mommy, Kaputt!! There are plenty of people, who you will never be able to intimidate with your infantile PsychoTerror, who are now standing up to oppose you. Many want to see Justice for the Palestinians, but not just them, and are therefore getting out on the streets. You sad-sacks, who find this idea unbearable since it could mean a small power-loss for your Theocracy, Israel, will try, as usual, to nip this movement in the bud by seeking a violent confrontation on the streets in the hope of triggering the so finely attuned repression-mechanisms of the witch-hunter-Press and State. So, give it your best shot and we'll see what comes out of it for you, OK? Schalom, BlackPope
PPS: To all others, those who perhaps long for Justice and Rule-of-Law and don't make exceptions for Theocracies and God's-own-Country (read 'YankeeLand'), please support by signature and actions the movement of the heroic IDF-reservist-Refusniks, 467 man strong at last count, who have become Sand as opposed to Oil in the gears of Scharons MassMurderMachine!! PPPS: You Zionist-bleaters and AntiFa-Stormtroops may also have a look, but be warned - it will cause you severe nightmares!! Argh! Jump! Do something! Cause this site containing Devil's thoughts to disappear from the Internet! Hahahaaha - your narrow-mindedness is just too embarrassing!! -/end translation censored comment/- Any Opinions?
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Jump To Comment: 1 2Don't get me wrong -- I do believe in freedom of expression for all -- even though that means sometimes very hurtful or offensive things are said. But why should Indymedia try to be this "free space", when we've already got the internet for that?!
Seriously, anyone with an internet connection that will take them to could just as easily use that connection to setup their own webpage, or post a message on Usenet (see "groups" tab in Google), or anywhere else from IRC chat to mailing lists, to guestbooks and comments pages.
Indymedia isn't a news clearing-house, the net is. What is indymedia??
I can hardly believe that you just posted that question here - you're not pulling my weezel here, are you?
If yes, then try looking for a different pub, because this ain't the one you were meant to be in!!
In no, the answer is 'read the manual'!
Indymedia doesn't really have to 'try' to be anything, it is conceived and structured to become just whatever the users themselves make of it.
One of the greatest things about the IMC-concept is the possibility to post comments, opinions related to the topics discussed - in short, a dialogue can occur, such as the one we are now engaging in.
Now imagine that some jumped-up little thought-policeman, a forum moderator, cuts out your post after it has appeared here for no other reason than that he feels you hold political opinions contrary to his own.
This is political censorship and a blatant abuse of the IMC rules themselves. (IMC is politically impartial)
This is exactly what is happening on IMC-Germany on a daily basis, since a fanatical clique calling themselves 'AntiFa' (=anti-fascists) has been enthroned as moderators.
The political position of these people is that anyone expressing an opinion opposed to the lawless behaviour of the State of Israel is automatically an 'Antisemite', a 'Holocaust Trivialiser' or even a 'Nazi', and thus deserving of censorship.
They are very actively steiffeling any debate or even news reports which do not fit their ideology, and have thus become part of the problem IMC was founded to overcome - biased media reporting - and are debasing the magnificent reputation of IMC.
Schalom, BP