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Jerusalem Growth: 1838-
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Saturday October 02, 2004 08:23 by Jerusalem Growth: 1838- - Jerusalem Growth: 1838-

The truth and other facts you can find (and we will teach at New board )
ask for me.. 'abu afak' ... [email protected]
(Catholic Encyclopedia)
""...Jerusalem (El Quds) is the capital of a sanjak and the seat of a mutasarrif directly dependent on the Sublime Porte. In the administration of the sanjak the mutasarrif is assisted by a council called majlis ida ra; the city has a municipal government (majlis baladiye) presided over by a mayor. The total population is estimated at 66,000. [b]The Turkish census of 1905,[/b] which counts only Ottoman subjects, gives these figures:
Jews, 45,000; Moslems, 8,000; Orthodox Christians, 6000; Latins, 2500; Armenians, 950; Protestants, 800; Melkites, 250; Copts, 150; Abyssinians, 100; Jacobites, 100 ; Catholic Syrians, 50. During the Nineteenth century large suburbs to the north and east have grown up, chiefly for the use of the Jewish colony. These suburbs contain nearly half the present population..""
Growth of Jerusalem 1838-Present
The Growth of Jerusalem
....... Jews Muslims Christians Total
1838 6,000 5,000 3,000 14,000
1844 7,120 5,760 3,390 16,270 ..... ...The First Official Ottoman Census (abu)
1876 12,000 7,560 5,470 25,030 .... ..Second """"""""""
1905 40,000 8,000 10,900 58,900 .....& third/last, detailed in NewAdvent Catholic Encyclopedia link above)
1948 99,320 36,680 31,300 167,300
1990 353,200 124,200 14,000 491,400
1992 385,000 150,000 15,000 550,000
For the Truth and real facts come visit at
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Comments (16 of 16)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16I've been under some misimpressions.
All this slaughtering in the name of a 'God'. If its not the Muslims and the Jews its the Christians. And if its not them its the Hindus and Sikhs.
The biggest problem though at present has to be the American-style born-again Christianity which seems to have little to do with kindness and turning the other cheek, and more to do with destroying anyone who gets in their way, ie kicking the other guy's ass rather than trying to understand their point of view and seeking cooperation with them.
Surely it is time to dispense with religion altogether.
No one is being "Slaughtered in the name of God" except the Millions of Vicytims worldwide of Islam..
any ever here of "Sudan"???
You know .. where 2 Million Black Christians and animists were killed by the NIF Government even BEFORE the recent evebts in Darfur.
Only the Islamists? Maybe it is time to take a look at the bible, that should show us a little about people being "Slaughtered in the name of God".
And coming forward in history perhaps we should consider the Crusades during the Middle Ages.
And as for Israel, it is the very definition of a sectarian state.
And speaking about religious sectarianism, maybe we could even come closer to home. Although he has managed to avoid accepting any of the blame, our old friend (or should that be 'fiend'?) Ian Paisley surely has a lot to answer for.
I'm sure too that many of the American soldiers in Iraq believe they are fighting a religious war.
I still think we would be better off without any religion.
Doncha just love raw data? Depending on your perseptions, it could show you just about anything.
The first showed proportionaly, 1.666 Muslims per Christian. The next showed 1.306 Muslims to each Christian. The next 1.39 Muslims per Christian. The 1905 data shows an odd anomoly in proportions of Muslims to Christians. But the numbers returned to a more familiar 1.14 Muslims per Christian. By 1990, there were 8.9 Muslims per Christian, and the last one showed it as 10 Muslims to 1 Christian.
The only real big changes were that of the Zionists swelling the local's proportional growth, while the Muslim numbers grew according to the expected high birth rates of Palestinians that shows up on other raw data. After 1948, Christian numbers dropped like Armenians under the Turks.
What else could the raw data have to show you??? That Palestinian Jews made up almost 1/2 the people in Jerusalem since the mid-1800s to the ZIonist invasion? Yes, people with similar identities congregate with others like them. Over time, many Palestinian Jews congregated in the Roman city with the Hebrew name, Jerusalem.
The breakdown in ther previous post.. Ignores JEWS, the largest constituent OF the population!!!
The Jews had their biggest Increase from 1844-1876 and 1876-1905.
The moslems had their big Swell AFTER 1905.. and in had their biggest increases in the Areas the Jews had come to..
FOLLOWING in the Zionist for the economic opportunity they created.. as they STILL flock to Israel daily for Jobs.
Largest constitution of the population, yes, of 1 Palestinian city. And I did point out how like people congregate together. They seem to have chosen to congregate in Jerusalem.
And Muslim numbers, compared to the numbers of Christians DIDN"T swell, but remained relativly constant until Christians left.
I didn't ignore the Jews, they were just not a part of the point that I DID make, that the numbers of Muslims to Christians remained relativly constant. While it was ZIonist invadors that swelled the numbers of Jews, which also remained relativly constant, until ZIonist invadors started arriving in 1882 and in much larger numbers under the Brittish guns, like Hungarians "arrived" in Slovakia under Nazis guns.
When Churchill went to brittish occupied Palestine to see if the Zionist experiment/invasion was worth continued support, like Nazis supported Hungarian occupation of Slovakia, the ZIonists where Churchill was to visit borrowed horsed and money to through him big parties to give the impression that ZIonists were not just barly hanging on.
Palestinians still flock to jobs created by Zionist crusaders. Ha, Poles still flocked to SHCINDLER'S factory too. Did poles seeking jobs from Nazi invadors mean that Nazi invadors were not murderous thieves??? And after the Zionists stole all the argicultural lands, hotels, etc. where else can Palestinian victims of Zionist offenses find work??? Poland?
Johhny Walker Blue
an example of some of the outright, albeit sophisticated pro-Zionist propaganda on that website is its description of the status of the Gaza Strip.
'The current status of the Gaza Strip (also called just Gaza) is governed by the agreements of the Oslo peace process, in particular the Cairo Agreement on Gaza and Jericho of May 1994. Under the agreements, Israel has transfered most powers and responsibilities to the Palestinian Authority, which includes the Palestinian Legislative Council elected in January 1996, as part of the interim self-governing arrangements in the Gaza Strip. Israel continues to provide security for the external borders and for Jewish settlements.
Apart from the cover, Palestinians are referred to as Arabs throughout, and the legitemacy of their entire history is denied.
Yep. ZIonists say "those Arabs have other Arab lands to move to." If ZIonists had chosen COsta Ricans as thier victims, they could say, "Those Spanish speeking Catholics have other spanish speeking Catholic lands to move to." It is just marginalizing and scapegoating of thier victims.
Good post
are just Arabs. Hello? Show me the ancient Palestinian civilisation they came from. They didn't even call themselves Palestinians much before 1967.
People often ignore some salient facts:
1) The term Palestinian used to mean Palestinian Jew.
2) Jews have been present in the area for thousands of years in an unbroken line.
3) Jerusalem has always been a predominantly Jewish city.
4) Arabs migrated into the area in huge numbers in the 20th century. They followed the Jews, as the Jews created jobs for them.
5) Arabs created a Jewish refugee problem: no one talks about the large number of Jews, at least as large as Arabs, who were expelled or fled persecution in Arab countries. The only place they could go was Israel. Only we don't moan about it: we just got on with absorbing them.
6) The Arabs are the imperialist chauvinists here - not the Jews
This propoganda is reminiscent of Pik Botha when he claimed there were no "black" south africans, they were all immigrants who moved to R.S.F to work in the economy created by the whites.
white South Africans and Israeli zionists, two of a kind! They even had a common military technology development agreement.
Refuting argument B does not refute argument A; nor does insulting the arguer.
In this case, the British fixed the Jews, in the same way that they screwed the Irish - by divide and rule. Actually, during the 1930s and 40s, they severely braked Jewish immigration (preventing millions of us from escaping the gas chambers) while turning a blind eye to massive Arab immigration.
The original mandate for the Jews also included all of modern Jordan and the occupied territories. What the Jews have now is less than a tenth of what they were promised. Even that, the Arabs and the anti-semites want to take away from us. They won't be happy until we are slaughtered in droves again and/or hounded from pillar to post around the world. Then, we will be in our rightful place again, no doubt.