Irish Independent attacks immigrants in nasty screed
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Friday September 03, 2004 00:45
by William Martin Murphy

Tom Brady, "security editor"
Titled "Biting The Hand That Feeds Them" the so-called "security editor" of the Irish Independent turned his hand from retyping Garda press-releases to fanning the flames of hysteria against immigrants. His story is posted below.
Biting the hand that feeds them
Asylum seekers protest about food on wide-ranging international menu
EGGS and cheese for breakfast. Mexican beef and red chillies for lunch. Cod with sundried tomato for dinner.
That's a typical menu for 300 asylum seekers who are accommodated in a special government centre at Knockalisheen, Co Clare.
But the residents are not happy with the daily fare, which includes a choice of three dishes at every meal time. They are said to want deep-fat fryers in their rooms and new microwave ovens in the kitchen.
However, the requests have been turned down by the authorities. The residents were told that the provision of deep-fat fryers in each room could create safety problems for them and, in particular, for their children.
Officials are also concerned at the number of microwaves they say have been destroyed through misuse in recent months. They say some of the microwaves were turned on for lengthy periods while empty and eventually exploded.
Some residents also attempted to cook eggs in the ovens, with disastrous results.
The failure of the authorities to meet their demands resulted in protest action involving up to 50 asylum seekers outside the entrance to the centre yesterday morning. Gardai were called when staff were prevented from going to work by a picket mounted by the protesters. After garda intervention, eight protesters were interviewed and the action was called off.
Apart from three meals a day, residents also have snacks available under the direct provision system which was introduced after previous arrangements - under which cash was handed to asylum seekers to fund their own accommodation and food - were found to have been seriously abused.
Each resident is also given €19 a week for personal purchases, while families can claim children's allowances.
The menu changes daily and operates on a four-week cycle. It is drawn up by outside caterers in consultation with the asylum authorities.
Typical offerings for lunch include Asian sweet and sour pork, American-style hot dogs, beef lasagne, seafood creole and Mexican beef pancakes, while vegetarians are catered for with tuna and cheese melt and vegetable gratin.
Dinner choices include roast lamb, braised beef steak, spiced pork casserole, chicken fillets and fish goujons while vegetable stir fry and broccoli and cheese quiche are also available.
Tom Brady
Security Editor
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12that Tuna isn't vegetarian.
Seafood includes crustaceans and is UNCLEAN.
Pork is UNCLEAN as is chicken.
And beef is just no go for the Hindus.
if you live in a student residence you really should try putting horsechestnuts in the microwave-.
"They are said"
More hearsay evidence from the indo. Tatty gutter journalism.
As for the food? I find it hard to get a decent meal, even in restaurants in Dublin, so it is very unlikely that people in an institutional setting have a chance. I bet the food is as indigestible as reading the indo, herald etc.
Both are vomit inducing.
"It is drawn up by outside caterers in consultation with the asylum authorities."
Which means that there is no consultation with the people who actually have to eat the muck. The arrangement sounds pretty much exactly like prison to me.
The Indo, yet again, exercise their honourable mandate to have a go at the weak and the helpless. I mean, this article makes it sound as if the immigrants are unbelievably insolent to actually want to be able to cook for themselves. And, oh my golly gosh, these cheeky beggars are even given 19 euros a week on top of being fed muck and housed in prison camps!!!
After the revolution, I propose that we round up all the writers from the indo and Ireland on sunday, put them in a big pit and make them fight it out for a meal of cassava and okra soup. SCUM, SCUM, SCUM.
They can't allow cooking in every room. Fire regulations folks. Obviously there is some work to be done on the catering front but sounds like a storm in a teacup. Sounds a lot better then my old school lunches I'll tell you. Wow, you all live in such a righteous place!! Fair play to ya all. If only more people would listen to you. Hang on, if only anyone was listening to you.
A Journalist who wants to film or visit Butlins refugee camp where the entire population of 800 plus asylum seekers are housed on direct provision (less than 20 euros a week) MUST make the arrangement with the Department of Justice and must be accompanied at all times by a DOJ official who has the final say on who the journalist can talk to. That sounds like a prison to me.
If asylum seekers are protesting about their conditions then journalists should be checking it out.
You would never have though Michael McDowell would be in charge such a stasi-like department. That's disgraceful.
Honestly, can't you save your outrage for something less predicatable than the Indo's reporting standards?
This is the same newspaper which had a feature on immigration with a map of Europe with bif arrows pointing out of the likes of Romania and Albania EXACTLY like the big arrows in the opening credits of "Dad's Army" [to the tune "Mister Hitler"].
This was about four years ago. They're a rag. They've always been a rag. Quel fucking suprise!
Next you're gonna start complaining that George Bush doesn't really have the interests of ordinary Iraqis at heart and that Reality TV is shite.
Is a journalist pointing out whats on the menu really so bad?
And if this causes some crazy people to get angry are you saying this info should be censored from the public?
I would imagine those seeking asylum from persecution, war or natural disasters would be happy with the accommodation, food, and the pocket money.
As anybody with half a brain can see, the journalist (I use the word loosely) is not pointing out what is on the menu), he is trying to tap into the popular racist idea that asylum seekers have an easy life and are ungrateful for all the great things that the state gives them.
They get fed and housed in a regime that is little different than a prison. They then get 19 euros a week for all of their other needs (transport, clothing, books, hygiene....). If you had to flee your country for whatever reason, would you really be happy to be sent to prison and forced to endure a deprived life, just because you were persecuted?
Its not exactly prison. But its not the life that you and I know. Its provides more benefits than our welfare provisions, with restictions on personal freedom.
Its the processing of applications for asylum. So whats the big deal? You flee the terrible conditions in your own country to seek safety, food and shelter in another country while they process your application to live there.
"I would imagine those seeking asylum from persecution, war or natural disasters would be happy with the accommodation, food, and the pocket money."
ok so in some ways they are better off then they were in their coutnn, but now they are in our country and if you wouldn't consider it fair for you to be treated like that, to be restricted in what ya can do where you can go what you can eat and when. You wouldn't like it so why do you thik its acceptable for them... they are adults families with children not unruly teenagers on a curfew?
Reporting the immigrants don't like the food is "fanning the flames of hysteria against immigrants"? So, if they like the food, everything is hunky dory in society?