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Comments (44 of 44)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44He said: "The local cumann of Monaghan SF hadn't got time to set up a welcoming committee in lines with Gerry Kelly's new training video."
Stupid people making stupid comments. God you’re nearly as bad as Dolorous price.
Is it cos I'm Black?
No - its because you make moronic comments A chara.
Don't worry by then we will have the Republic!
Its a pity our government are lacking a spine! If this was anywhere else it would be all over the front pages and the government would be complaining left right and centre. Wouldnt surprise if they had the permission of Bertie and the Boys!!
but then again, what would I know, I'm not fram doon da norf
Sinn Fein are giving out about an army helicopter flying a mile into Irish airspace? Thats rich coming from a group responsible for 1800 murders and tens of thousands of injuries. They are the most hypocritical group ever to have reared they`re ugly head in Irish politics. They campaign to stop the "militerisation" of shannon and an end to the war in Iraq...... how about they get rid of their own guns and rid this country of the scum that are the IRA before they have the cheek to demand an end to war.
I don't see why the brits flying a helicoptor into Monaghan should cause more outrage than them flying above Armagh every night. Its still ireland and the Brits are still a foreign military occupier wherever they are on this island.
And if you're outraged about Sinn Fein complaining about the British army because the Ra have killed people then just think for a wee moment about how many the Brits have killed in this country sinse they first arrived and about why the IRA were killing people in the first place - the Brits being in Ireland and killing the Irish. Its hardly fair comparing the military occupier and the cause of all causes for war with a resistence group though. Its like the Americans being outraged that Iraqis are attacking their forces for being in Iraq. Unbelievable.
Erm, last rime I checked Armagh was part of GB not the Republic of Ireland. Northern Ireland is not part of this country and the majority of its people do not want to become part of the Republic of Ireland therefore any group trying to force it to become something its people don`t want through murder and violence are a terrorist group.
A legitimate freedom fighter group are fighting for the majority against an enemy who has recently invaded( as opposed to Britain which invaded us hundreds of years ago) and who fight the military force of that enemy. The IRA on the other hand specifically targetted innocent civilians.
I`ll ask you one question and see if you can answer it without sidestepping it by saying "oh well the brits have done bad stuff too", what justifies the murder of 19 English teenagers and 20somethings in a pub on a friday night who are just out enjoying themselves like all young people do?
The Northern state is not a proper country. Its just a secterian and unworkable state set up in a very undemocratic way to please false democrats and to be tied to a foreign country against the wishes of the majority block of Irish opinion. Ireland had been recognised as one country of hundreds of years (even though it was under occupation) and just because a foreign power says that a part of the country of Ireland can now be seen as Irish and a part has to remain as a a false part of Britain (check the map mate and see what it shows for GB) does not make it acceptable. Splitting a country in two is because of a vocal minority can only be defended as democratic by the most truely moronic of our species.
'I`ll ask you one question and see if you can answer it without sidestepping it by saying "oh well the brits have done bad stuff too", what justifies the murder of 19 English teenagers and 20somethings in a pub on a friday night who are just out enjoying themselves like all young people do?'
Nothing. It was total murder. Even though it was a soldiers pub it was still murder because it was open for all people. But lets be honest here - if the IRA had have been targeting civilians all along instead of just in some isolated incidents then the death toll for the troubles would have been ten times as much. People targeting civilians don't phone in bomb warnings. But injustice breeds injustice and thats what happens. Don't be shouting 'excuse maker for murder' at me now. Just be a wee bit grown up and start to see things for what they are. It just is what happens.
If the unionists had have been centered around the area you live in down south and so had have caused, say, two thirds of Munster to be left under British and fascist Loyalist rule would you happily accept it?
Not it's not the band or the Mike Baldwin factory. It was a tv programme on RTE, showing the shadier sides of Irish life. I remember watching it ages ago. At the time I had heard of some of the people but others I didn't know, in particular a certain Bobby Tohill who seemed to know quite a bit about Garda collusion with CPAD.
Would this be the same Bobby Tohill of 'Kelly Cellars' fame? It couldn't be, could it?
Funny the way sinn fein don't object to U.K coastguard helicopters "invading" irish territorial waters!
Is it not true that under the good friday agreement Sinn fein de facto recognise the northern ireland state?
Finally on the basis of the present argument regarding "for hundreds of years" i have 2 points:
1. Sounds like you have a lot in common with the zionists(it vos our land zousands of years ago).
2. on that basis should we restore the irish monarcy and the provincial sub monarchies, not to mention reinstate brehon law?
We are ready. Just give us the call / fax / email, a decent salary by European monarchy standards, a small island, a decent town house, our carriage back and we will serve you loyally "our subjects".
By using the word 'Zionist', etc... I suppose you're against the Israeli occupation, so where do you stand on the British occupation?
A little from column A and a little from column B.
"Suits you sir"
our last monarch, a C.J Haughey, gave absolute rule a bad name (though didn't stop him getting repeatedly elected)
Moonwollf you dick! If the War is over why are the Brits flying military helicopters around! Doh!! get a brain man!
Yes Tom, and the US Army doing maneuvres in Southern states proves that the American Civil War is still going on
You're the greatest debater the world has ever seen, Moonwolf.
And anti-idiot: its not like the Brits are actually just on trainning maneuvers in their own country you idiot. They're actually in a foreign country and are spying on the natives.
The Irish revolution was a total failure. The southern state is still full of ignorant gombeen men like yourselfs (and thats where I'm originally from meself). I'd rather see the whole country under occupation than this stupidity allowed to rein. The Irish are mostly all just cap doffing whores still. You sellout West Brit Michael Collins fucks who make up the majority of the population don't deserve a bit of freedom. Mouthing off about freedom struggles in far off countries is fine but once its on your own doorstep you side with the occupier just to be on the safe side. Yis be horrified by resistence violence but can't see anything wrong with the Brits violence or Unionist violence and are just happy to swallow the offical line from your collabarater big business power hungry government.
Yes I have a fucking hangover. Go on, call me some names back. I want that pain.
Ah well, they're be a new Ireland someday. It'll not always be full of peasents, will it?
The solution is simple - " Brits out" - now why didn't anyone think of that before?
Yuo're right about the south - maybe the people who brought us Kingsmills, La Mon, Enniskillen, Warrington, etc etc can give us lessons in how to assert our identity and how to run a proper, democratic, peace loving state...whoops, that sounds like a Kevin Myers-loving West Brit - off to the "reeducation camp" with me....
Didn't say it wasn't democratic. Didn't say it wasn't peace loving (or peace at any price loving because by feck it is). Just said its run by crawling toads. It just is.
Brits out or Brits in was just gonna lead to war for a while either way. Might as well try for the Brits out and do the right thing. Honour the right of the Irish people to choose the destiny of the country anyway.
And there you again. Fucking brilliant. A man who supports the British and American armies going on about massacres and democracy (the British empire and its legacy in Irelands conflict yesterday and today and the US overthrowing democratic governments should just be forgotten, I know, I know and I am sorry for bringing it up and you have already proved to me how much of a peasent double thinker you are in a previous thread)Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. Beyond brilliant in fact. You people will never cease to amaze me.
That's right, resort to insults - makes you feel superior, does it?
I never said anywhere that I supported the British Army.
Tell me, seeing as you want to argue ad hominem and appear to be blase about the violence of "resistance movements", ever been in combat yourself, ever seen what 7.62 or HE does to a person?
It's becoming your tag- rant rant rant rant rant ad hominem rant rant rant troll troll insult provoke ad hominem.
Anyway, since no-one has faxed me to offer me the throne, or even a sub provincial monarchy (county leithrrrum would do) I will draw your attention to the first visit by the English Queen to the northern Ireland statelet which was celebrated this very day in 1977. She was flown in on board a helicopter, it was her first ride in a helicopter and for years later older readers (like me) will remember Ulster TV ended the night with a photo of her looking sour stepping down from that very helicopter.
Give me the throne and I'll cycle and smoke dope just like the Dutch vanjans.,12269,1280014,00.html
Tom! The brits are flying military helicopters around to try to prevent embittered idiots with NO popular support from carrying out another glorious act of resistance like they did at Omagh.
Unnamed! Israeli zionists are in breach of numerous U.N resolutions, to my knowledge the brits in northern ireland are not. Further the brits in northern ireland are engaged in a conflict resolution process which (whether you like it or not) has the support of the vast majority of the residents of this island. The Israeli zionists do not have majority support even among the residents of israel never mind the occupied territory.
I try to debate, Nordie... it's very difficult to do so with people who'se only solution is murder and mayhem.
OH go on boys bring on the me a southern prod, a freestate bastard, prove how intelligent you are!!!!!
The war is over... There are 15000 brit troops in Ireland, twice as many as there are in Iraq. news flash!!!!!!!!!!!!! the wars not over
So Mooner, the native Irish, who have lived in this feckin island for yonkssss are the same as Zionists who came to a land which their forefathers had left feckin yonks ago as well and took it from the native population who were living there at that time (again for yonks). The native Irish who fought a foreign power are the same as the Zionist foreigners who came and fought the natives. Right boyo. Glad we've settled that one and I just have to say - keep it up my silly and always amusing wee buffoon. You're giving all sides here a bloodly good laugh every time you amaze us with your world class debating skills. Go on, go on, me lad, shout 'for shame' again. I'm still phissing me keks over that one and your last couple of gems.
Deviltoad: so whats your point lad? Is it war is shit and you shouldn't start these things because you'll get to see your best friend getting his guts blown out man and his feckin brians and his feckin legs and everything by the M53C 2 Caliber Light Heavyweight Poison Tipped 22 Magnum Atomic Powered Semtex Machine Gun? Good lad yourself. Glad yiv started to see sense and maybe yil listen to the smarter political commentators this crazy world has to offer (you know the one's who sorta think 'jeaz boy, maybe we shouldn't repeat histories greatest mistakes and all that like) next time and not the pig people flag wavers of Fox News before you want to support a business venture, revenge driven, ego swelling, macho man Randy Savage brains up my own patriotic arsehole which is red, white, blue and lots more feckin red me boyo cause I love it so I feckin do me cause I'm hard me don't ye know, idiotic war for liars and criminals. Good wee Rambo fantasist cyber peasant shoe shiner who knows his place in the great swing of things man yourself. Just happy to see now that you moved away from the position of hating war but loving invasion and being disgusted at the baddies firing guns but saying its OK if the goodies destory whole cities. Yer the quare boy I'll tell ya.
Now, nordie maybe you should read the post, I said the argument used is the same(which it is) not that the native irish are the same as zionists.Also, how many people living on this island are "native irish"? how long do you have to live here to be native irish? 1 year? 10 generations? I'm glad i bring laughter to your life, at least i'm not like the scum who massacre pregnant women in the name of ireland who bring nothing but misery!
Oh, the other post slagging me off mentions 15,000 brits, well you forgot to mention the 14,000 members of the Irish p.d.f .They are an army too, an army dedicated to the maintainance of the Republic of Ireland and heretofore referred to as "freestate brit collaborating bastards" by our heroic bretheren in the "irish resistance". Go on, strike a blow for freedom, kill another 15 or 20 innocent civilans on saturday afternoon you cowardly shite!
ireland has never been "one country", maybe if you knew some history you would know that. Ulster has ALWAYS been a seperate kingdom(a bit larger than the current ulster as it included louth and leitrm!!) so save the bullshit for the gobshites down the local pub who hang on to your every word thinking you are some type of expert. You most definately aren'tThis
No, no, no, no, no, silly wee man. The Zionists invaded a land, you see, and claimed it as their own and killed some inhabitants and dispersed even more (a bit like the Brits in Ireland don't ye see?) whereas republicans in the North have never invaded any land to claim it as their own after thousands of years exile from it and are only fighting these foreign occupiers for the freedom of the land in which they and their forefathers had been living on for bloodly ages and not, you see, invading anothers land like the foe that they were fighting. Which is a wee bit like the Palestinians fighting their own invader/occupier foe for the land that they had been living on for hundreds of years and not like the invader/occupier foe that has been fighting the Palestinians for the land the Palestinians have been living on for hundreds of years. Understand yet? See the difference?
I suppose the Palestinians who resist the Zionists occuping their historic homeland are now zionists themselves for doing so, are they? Oh the madness, the madness!! Nevers ends, does it?
If ( and this is a bit shaky comparing the two because most Palestinians might not accept that any lands once called Palestine are Israeli but lets pretend anyway for the sake of argument) , I said if, the Israelis (lets pretend the Israelis are England, right) fight on with the Palestinians for control of the West Bank and Gaza and say a truce is arranged between the warring sides and the Israelis (England remember) agree to withdraw from the West Bank and Gaza except for about one third of the West Bank, citing the fact that there are two hundred thousand Israeli settlers living there to the one hundred & fifty thousand Palestinian residents and therefore the Israelis propose to draw a line around these people and still call it part of Greater Israel and saying the Palestinian leadership just say 'aye, feck it. Ye can hang on to them as long as you leave us alone and we'll help yis fight any of them that can't dry their eyes about it' and thats settled and the Palestinians fight a civil war over the head of it and the sell outs win and the Palestinians in the Israeli block (and their fellow Palestinians would just explain their unfortunate fellow countrymens plight away by saying 'that part was never really part of Palestine anyway') and these sold out Palestinians have to live under the yoke of a secterian and racist little state that discriminates against them at every turn for decades without their fellow and free Palestinians having a thought about them, would it not, in your esteemed and informed opinion, would it not just be ok for these forgotton Palestinians to rise up and try and right such an absurd and horrible wrong and try to bring down the unworkable and idiotic statelet that they find themselves in after years of abuse and such like?
Look, I'll explain it again - republicans never invaded the North and claimed it was Ireland. What in bejayus are ye slobbering about you hillarious buffoon - Ulster hadn't been a seperate kingdom in Ireland since the days of yore - it certianly hadn't been regared as separate from the country of Ireland for a number of hundred years at least when the part of it now known as 'Northern Ireland' (and remember my wet pants inducing little friend 'Northern Ireland' is not at all Ulster - its just two thirds of it chopped up to make a false country with a Unionist majority) was aggreed by boyos to be allowed to stay with the Brits for a bit o' peace and quiet (Doh! Didn't really work out did it?) by boyos who had no right to sell it out for a bit o' peace and quiet.
Look, the bringing tears of laughter to the eyes thing is mutual nordie!!! comedy, that's what you should be writing man, you'd make a great stand up comedian.
Ulster, that is to say the 6 counties of N.Irl plus cavan, monaghan, donegal and yes nordie, louth(the plain of muirhevna, home of Cu Chulainn) and Leitrim(where the beara o'sullivan finally found refuge among the men of Ulster after his trek from Kerry) . ULSTER!!! always constituted a seperate kingdom,(H.Q at Eamhain Macha, thats navan fort Armagh )and yes did invade another country Scotland to set up the sub kingdom of Dal riada. So before you go slagging other people off, learn your history.
What, my northern bringer of laughter , was the exact percentages in ALL IRELAND for acceptance of the Good Friday Agreement?Remind me? as for your references to the 1920's(a different century!) and the traitorous sell outs of the free state.......there is a lot i could say about men, hiding, under and beds but i won't.
Sectarian statelet!!! you forget nordie there were 2 sectarian states one north and one south!! I know, remember i'm a southern prod!!!(thats right nordie, we converted to hold onto our land)so lecturing me about sectarianism is a fucking joke, since i know all about how sectarian these "freedom fighters" in the south were!!
Again , the people of Ireland, by democratic vote decided that the war is over! o.k you don't accept that. Thats fine, but going against the democratic wishes of the vast majority of Irelands poulation, you put yourself out on a limb. If you take up armed resistance to those wishes then you are a terrorist without any mandate and it's because of terrorists like that that Brit Choppers continue to patrol the skies!! comprendez? now personally i couldn't really give 2 fucks about all this since actually i'm an anarchist and all this shite is merely a source of amusment, But you will find that my history is accurate if you take the time to look it up!!!
Buffoon?interesting......anyway i'm still glad i amuse you and bring laughter to your life!!!!
Och, Paddies, my hearties, have done wid your parties. Let men of all creeds and profissions agree. If Orange and Green min, no longer were seen, min. Och, naboclis, how easy ould Ireland we'd free
'Ulster, that is to say the 6 counties of N.Irl plus cavan, monaghan, donegal and yes nordie, louth(the plain of muirhevna, home of Cu Chulainn) and Leitrim(where the beara o'sullivan finally found refuge among the men of Ulster after his trek from Kerry) . ULSTER!!! always constituted a seperate kingdom,(H.Q at Eamhain Macha, thats navan fort Armagh )and yes did invade another country Scotland to set up the sub kingdom of Dal riada. So before you go slagging other people off, learn your history.'
My god man you're talking about the days of Queen Macha & Cuhullian here! I'm talking about when the Northern statelet was set up that Ireland had been seen as one country for centuries, not when men were running about with swords and casting spells! And because men from Ulster invaded Scotland fecking eons ago what in good god almightys name does that have to do with republicans in the present day been oppossed to British rule in ireland??!! And if we go by your primary school and seemingly LSD fueled logic here then maybe we should just break up the country into Irelands ancient kingdoms and have about 4 or 5 states! Would that not be Zionist - citing anarhic kingdoms from the days of yore as some pretext to the butchering of a country that had been recognised as one for generations and generations? In fact your opinions are even crazier than Zionism, because at least Jews did have ancient kingdoms in the holy land. I never heard of Orange Men having their own special kingdom until the six county state was set up! That is your logic! You read like something off Ian Paisley's website.
I have never, ever, ever, encountered such a blatant buffoon such as you, you Rik Mayall of the Young Ones nerd anarchist on the world wide web joke of all jokes! What are you on about??!! Fantastic!
'What, my northern bringer of laughter , was the exact percentages in ALL IRELAND for acceptance of the Good Friday Agreement?Remind me? as for your references to the 1920's(a different century!) and the traitorous sell outs of the free state.......there is a lot i could say about men, hiding, under and beds but i won't.'
Shit, I voted for the Good Friday Agreement too because I wanted to see peace and the republican POW's out and just because I did dosen't mean I really, in my heart, give any credance what-so-ever to this northern state at all. Republicans voted for it because it seemed to guarantee rights for all and that it was going to set up all Ireland bodies. Its not the end of the matter but the future battles will hopefully be fought in the political arena because it is now open to republicans.
'Sectarian statelet!!! you forget nordie there were 2 sectarian states one north and one south!! I know, remember i'm a southern prod!!!(thats right nordie, we converted to hold onto our land)so lecturing me about sectarianism is a fucking joke, since i know all about how sectarian these "freedom fighters" in the south were!!'
Yeah, the little state in the south turned out to be quite disgusting and secterian too. But so did the northern one so it dosen't make it right to have set them up against democracy. Prehaps if the democratic wishes of the majority Irish block has have been listened too and Ireland given full & complete independence then the protestant input would have stopped that happening. Ireland should be one country not this two state joke.
'Again , the people of Ireland, by democratic vote decided that the war is over! o.k you don't accept that. Thats fine, but going against the democratic wishes of the vast majority of Irelands poulation, you put yourself out on a limb. If you take up armed resistance to those wishes then you are a terrorist without any mandate and it's because of terrorists like that that Brit Choppers continue to patrol the skies!! comprendez? now personally i couldn't really give 2 fucks about all this since actually i'm an anarchist and all this shite is merely a source of amusment, But you will find that my history is accurate if you take the time to look it up!!!'
Again, what are you talking about? I was talking about resistence before the GFA when some would argue that there was no other choice but to fight or surrender to the Brits. I don't know but I do understand why people fought in those days. Now there is a choice as the Brits are listening and the forces of the state are not killing us. I despise the RIRA and CIRA. The CIRA in this town are as big a joke as anarcists (ok, maybe not that big a joke. I mean anarcists are as dangerous as Dads Army). I don't know were you got all that from.
'Buffoon?interesting......anyway i'm still glad i amuse you and bring laughter to your life!!!!'
Please, pleae, please don't stop. I want this to keep going. You are one of the most amazing people I have heard from. You are a gem. More of your crazy opinions and logic if you don't mind. You are even better than Deviltoad. Brilliant!
Ah thanks nordie, the tears are still running down my face from the laughter!!!
The situation with regard to the kingdom of Ulster mostly pertained up until the 17th century(hardly aeons ago?). Ireland was only ever recognised as one country by the BRITS, you just don't get it , it was the brits that made it one and the brits that split it up again. So really they were just leaving it as they found it in a structural sense, the fact that they left a bunch of orange bigots in charge in one bit and a buch of green bigots in charge in the other bit was definately a BIG mistake, but syre the brits have been making mistakes for centuries! The problem today is that those bigots are largely overthrown down south and seemed to have moved north where there now exists two bunches of bigots, but at least they are all confined in the one place, ULSTER!! nothings changed in a thousand years , all the nutters are in the north!!!!! My main worry about the chopper is that it was trying to illegally export some of them nutters down here and for that reason i think we should have shot it out of the skies!!!!!!!!
I just know you don't want to hear that!!!
O.K I surrender you win, you are right, your the best, most cleverest wee nordie in the whole world.
Go on laugh, you just gotta admit laughter is good for you.
fek logic
Ok. So you're saying here that because Ulster was a seperate kingdom centuries ago (and remember now, it was not a seperate orange kingdom but a seperate celtic kingdom in a celtic country) that even when the vast majority of Irish men and women from the four ancient provinces of Ireland had been united for generations in a popular gaelic culture and had regarded their nationality as being that of Irish in Ireland, you're saying that even taking all that into account that a seperate state in the North (and remember again now, this northern statelet is not Ulster - its just happens to be six counties of the Ulster province and that only two of these counties have Unionist majorities) should have been set up as a device to preserve a minority (1/5 of the people in Ireland) with a special status and to be linked to a foreign power just because there was a celtic kingdom in Ireland hundreds of years ago that had nothing to do with the people that the Northern state was set up for and in fact the desendents of the Celtic kindom of Ulster would have all been mostly gaelic and Irish and nationlist at any rate and would have been oppossed to the formation of a northern state to placate a minority who call themselves democrats but coundn't accept democracy? Is that what you're saying then? Good man Mooner, good man yourself. Feck logic, is right. Feck it.
Zionism has nothing on you. Nothing. At least the Jews had a ancient kingdom in Palestine. Good man again.
On a group of beautiful deserted islands in the middle
of nowhere, the
following people are suddenly stranded by, as you
might expect,
2 Italian men and 1 Italian woman
2 French men and 1 French woman
2 German men and 1 German woman
2 Greek men and 1 Greek woman
2 English men and 1 English woman
2 Bulgarian men and 1 Bulgarian woman
2 Japanese men and 1 Japanese woman
2 Chinese men and 1 Chinese woman
2 American men and 1 American woman
2 Irish men and 1 Irish woman
One month later on these same absolutely stunning
deserted islands in the
middle of nowhere, the following things have occurred:
One Italian man killed the other Italian man for the
Italian woman.
The two French men and the French woman are living
happily together in
The two German men have a strict weekly schedule of
alternating visits with
the German woman.
The two Greek men are sleeping with each other and the
Greek woman is
cleaning and cooking for them.
The two English men are waiting for someone to
introduce them to the
English woman.
The two Bulgarian men took one long look at the
endless ocean, and another
long look at the Bulgarian woman, and started
The two Japanese men have faxed Tokyo and are awaiting
The two Chinese men have set up a pharmacy, a liquor
store, a restaurant
and a laundry, and have got the woman pregnant in
order to supply employees for
their stores.
The two American men are contemplating the virtues of
suicide because the
American woman keeps endlessly complaining about her
body; the true nature
of feminism; how she can do everything they can do;
the necessity of
fulfillment; the equal division of household chores;
how sand and palm
trees make her look fat; how her last boyfriend
respected her opinion and treated
her nicer than they do; how her relationship with her
mother is improving;
and how at least the taxes are low and it isn't
The two Irish men have divided the island into North
and South and set up a
distillery. They do not remember if sex is in the
picture because it gets
sort of foggy after the first few liters of coconut
However, they're satisfied because the English aren't
getting any.
well done Rooster. you're improving.
What is that incoherent crap? What nation? in case you don't know: The army of Erin(the gaels) went to war with the men of Ulster they were 2 seperate nations!! never mind your neo-celtic crap.Now nordie note that the army of the gaels of erin included men and women yet the army of ulster involved only men!!! probably because their women were glad to see the back of them if they talked half as much shite as you do.
Where do you get your historical facts? out of the beano or the dandy?
Oh, and by the way I never said i supported partition, abuse is one thing misquotes and lies is something else. I just said your arguments (as usual)are based on a load of old onesided myopic bigoted crap.
LOGIC , yeah feck logic, i'm goin by recorded history( and no not recorded by englishmen, recorded in writing by irishmen)
Tone, Emmet,Parnell ,all prods son all prods!!!!
jazus, i couldn't really be arsed with this argument anymore as I'm at a loss to understand what your point is, but I'll try. Is this it: because ireland was seperate kingdoms in ye olden days, and even though all these Kingdoms fought the bit out with each other and sometimes the tribes that made up these kingdoms teamed up against each other and fought the bit out and had been doing so for eons (yes, eons) before the English invasion and because the tribes from the South fought against the Red Branch Knights from the North at one time, eons ago (and the Navan Fort, which is about a mile from my house, ceased to be the capital of Ulster 'bout 300 AD my esteemed historic expert and scholar) and wayyyy before the English invasion and even though the kingdoms and the tribes of the south fought against each other and sometimes teamed up with Ulstermen to fight for land and honour and feckin brown bulls or something, and that even though there had been high kings of all Ireland who sat at Meath for years before the English invasion, and that even though it was a Leinster man who invited Strongbow and the English over to Ireland to invade at the start so that he could reclaim the throne of Leinster, and that even though there was a high king of Ireland at the time of said invasion that Ulster is not actually Irish and that Ireland was only united by the occuping English and that even though Ireland fought against these occupiers and was right to do so because they were occuping the four provinces of Ireland and that when England agreed to leave, that even though the great collective mass who made up the majority of the Irish people from these four ancient provinces of Ireland had long, long, longgggg ceased to bicker and kill each other in inter kingdom wars and who were united in the common name of Irish men & Irish women (and even the Unionists in those days referred to themselves as Irish), that even taking all that into account, and that even throwing all logic out the window and going on ancient history, that Ireland was not a nation and that six counties from the ancient Ulster province are not Irish but that you don't support partition and that the Irish who fought the English occupier are like Zionists who occupy, and that you don't seem to have a problem with Tone et all fighting for their homeland after the English had been occuping it for hundreds of years but that when the modern republicans fought the English who were still occuping part of Ireland, which wasn't part of Ireland anyway because it was about 2 thirds of one of the ancient provinces of Ireland, (which only matter these days when it comes to the GAA) which was a seperate kingdom from the other three or sometimes four ancient provinces of Ireland which were seperate from each other also all at different times, oh where was I, oh yes, that when modern republicans fought the English occupier to try and drive him from this part of Ireland which isn't Ireland, and that maybe the other provinces of Ireland aren't really in Ireland either because they fought against each other back in the days and were their own kingdoms, and sure maybe leitrim and north louth are not really part of Ireland either because they used to be part of Ulster, or maybe if you want to look at it that way then Ulster could be the only real part of Ireland, if you want, whatever you want in your mind, that these modern fighting republicans who fought the English occupier were like Zionists who occupy because they were Irish people who were fighting for the land that had been called Ireland and had been under English occupation for years and because they were oppossed to the butchering of a country that they were, yet again, like the Zionists who butcher up countries, and that you're not like the Zionists who cite long ago acharic kingdoms and wars and myths as their political arguments, well, just because you say so and thats good enough for me, and, and, and, oh ai, that these republicans who fought the English occupiers in part of Ulster that they shouldn't have fought the English because it was only under the onwership of the Irish years ago and its wrong to fight for something that has been occupied for years, well because its years, but that Ulster isn't part of Ireland because Ulster men fought southeners years ago, and going by that logic (and I know you're not one for the ole logic, but I'm sorry) and even if you recognise partition and six counties of Ulster as been Englands that maybe the three counties of Ulster that are currently in the southern state should not be Irish too because, again, the Ulster tribes fought the southern tribes yonks ago? Is that it? have I missed anything? Do fill me in if I have.
'Tone, Emmet,Parnell ,all prods son all prods!!!!'
And, so, whats your point? Am I somehow secterian now? Why do you say that? I'm one of the least secterian people you'll ever meet since I haven't counted myself as a catholic sinse I've neen 14 or so. Unless you're confusing these great Irish nationalists with Unionism for some strange, strange, strange moonwolf reason that only moonwolf can know.
you got it at last...absurdity!!! and over simplification.......
The original article(remember the chopper?) was absurd and the whole argument in general is oversimplified.
Absurdity: S.F comes out with this statement about a lost brit chopper, while hundreds of other brit choppers are flying around. Not to mention the tens of thousands of armed yanks on their way to "freeing" Iraq.
The national question has for years been over simplified and sectarianised. It is not simple.It is seriously complicated.
My reference to zionist/ancient political systems was in response to the line being taken in some posts. I NEVER suggested anyone was zionist, what I suggested was that their were similarities in the arguments being used. I also never suggested that the brits united the Irish people, I said that it was only after their arrival that the Island was united under a single political system.
To clarify: I do not support partition, nationalism, unionism, loyalism,republicanism or the use of military/paramilitary force for political ends.I see the solution to the problem of Ireland can only be resolved through dialogue between all present day residents of this Island.
Anyway I hope you see the absurdity of some of the arguments that have been and sometimes continue to be used by all sides.
I wasn't suggesting you were sectarian, i was only pointing out one of the great anomalies that exists, that the father of Irish repub licanism and some of the great Nationalist leaders(both ideals which are generally associated in the mind of the public with catholicism) were protestant. That is a fact that makes a mockery of the whole sectarian argument on both sides and shows the absurdity of a lot of these arguments. The fact that the pope of the day actually backed King William of orange in his battle with the catholic King James is just another of the great absurdities of the whole thing!!
So where does that leave logic Nordie? the whole situation from start to finish is totally illogical, do you not think so?
Oh theres always been absurity involved in the arguments about this leftover relic of the British empire, but I think its just been taken to new heights my boy. Dazzling new heights.
And by way, me lad, was it was my sypnosis of your argument (yes, YOUR argument. Not anyone elses but YOURS) that you are now saying shows the absurdities of others arguments because it is, in itself, completely and utterly absurd? How amazingly absurd, I say, how amazingly absurd.
the chopper in question took off from a british base, since sin feinn don't recognise the border and see the brits as occupiers does it really matter if it takes off in tyrone and lands in monaghan?
I think you mean "dizzying" new heights. You can't be dazzled by height, after all.
By the way, why do you keep calling people "my boy" and "me lad"? Are you this patronising in person too?
And, me boy, you just know I'm such a bollix that I'm gonna have to call ye me lad. You just knew it.
And I can be dazzled by heights. If I want to be, I can. So tits away aff.