Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005
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Foreigners are convicted of up to a quarter of UK sex crimes despite making up only around a tenth of the population, according to an analysis of official data from the Ministry of Justice.
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The Age of Stupid Strategy: How the West Mastered the Art of Losing Mon Mar 10, 2025 13:07 | Michael Rainsborough
Why is the West's strategy so stupid? Why do we always lose? Ukraine is just the latest ill-fated military intervention driven by simplistic liberal idealism, says Prof Michael Rainsborough. We need to kick the habit.
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Woke RAF Running Out of Gun Pilots After Anti-White Discrimination Backfires Mon Mar 10, 2025 11:29 | Will Jones
The RAF has launched a desperate search for pilots after a secret unlawful bid to discriminate against white men backfired and left the air force with an acute shortage of combat-ready flyers.
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The Descent of South Africa ? With Rob Hersov Mon Mar 10, 2025 09:00 | Richard Eldred
Special Episode of the Sceptic: South African businessman Rob Hersov on his country?s terrifying descent into socialism, kleptocracy and anti-white racism.
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Come, Ethical Bombs? Mon Mar 10, 2025 07:00 | Ben Pile
When bombing civilians becomes 'ethical' but heating your home doesn't, it's clear that ESG was never about ethics at all, says Ben Pile. Just power and control.
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Comments (15 of 15)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15Michael will be delighted. He did this movie to give the swp an opportunity to recruit!
Who is doing the lead off?
They are plaguing cinema goers with leaflets.
The SY did the leaflet. Busy little spuppies. Pity they dont update their website, it was last updated on 8 May 2004.
Indymedia really amazes me at times. What's wrong if the SWP or the SP want to host debates about films, books, plays or whatever they want. Why don't others on the left get up off their arses and do something similar if they have a different opinion? The best hurler is always on the ditch!
I don't want people giving me leaflets outside the cinema. Plenty of leftist types complained at the Evangilists outside The Passion of Christ and the SNP outside Braveheart. So leafleters, leave us alone!
A conseqence of posting an event to indymedia is that others may choose to comment on it, horror of horrors they may even take the piss. The comments above are neither all that funny or constructive but apart from that all they do is serve to push the announcement of this event to the most prominent position of the 'View comments' option again and again. Were it not for these comments I'd never even have noticed the ad for the event so amusingly they are sort of helping out the SWP.
OK, it is possible on Indymedia to take the piss of other organisations. But this should not be tolerated by the editors. I want to have serious discussion. I don't take kindly to muppets like "punter" putting up complete shit stirring stuff on Indymedia that only degrades the site further. I want to see a proper debate. Not a load of anonymous trolls and editors that are tolerant of them.
In that case Stephen you should probably get involved in the editoral process yourself. I think part of the reason stuff doesn''t get deleted is that there are no editors online with the time to do so at the time.
You have alreaddy had one comment on the CWM thread deleted for trolling. Your repost will likely go soon. Your comments are irrelevant to that thread and are trolling. You are in no position to lecture anyone else.
"If you are a naive, uncommitted voter and wander into a theater, you aren't going to come away with a good impression of the president," Republican operative Joe Gaylord said. "It's a problem only if a lot of people see it."
Based on a record-breaking gross of $94 million through last weekend, theaters already have sold an estimated 12 million tickets to "Fahrenheit 9/11." A Gallup survey conducted July 8-11 said 8 percent of American adults had seen the film at that time, but that 18 percent still planned to see it at a theater and another 30 percent plan to see it on video
The film is having a wonderful effect on voters, and I'm happy to concede that Kerry is marginally less awful than Bush, but why is Moore actively supporting awful Democrats? First Wesley Clark and now Kerry!
I thought Moore's defence of the 2000 Nader camapign in "Stupid White Men" was compelling. It astonishes me to see him desert Nader for warmongers like Clark and Kerry. I read Eamonn McCann's writing in dispair about Michael's political degeneration in the current Hot Press and I agreed completely. it's a crying shame.
''A third of the voters are potentially non-Kerry supporters? That's the audience Moore is trying to reach, especially the 10% of persuadables.''
"it astonishes me to see him desert Nader for warmongers like Clark and Kerry."
So you reckon Michael Moore could have swung the election for Nader?
Dear Michael Moore,
With all the political caterwauling that You have done in the last few years
it is NO WONDER that voters came out in DROVES to vote for bush
But we must recognize that Mr. Moore has droned on and on on and on on and on on and on on and on, until even the liberal democrats where driven to vote democrats out of office. the voter backlash from anything associated with the democratic party was purely astounding. As demonstrated by this election. and I am sure that your obsessive droning is one of the major factors in the exodus of voters from OUR cause. Mr. Moore we may never know the damage you have done. but rest assured WE WILL NOT FORGET what you have done to this election and to the DNC