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Saddam - the charges

category international | rights, freedoms and repression | opinion/analysis author Wednesday June 30, 2004 10:55author by Hilal Report this post to the editors

Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is to be turned over to the puppet Iraqi Government today, but what are the charges he will face?
Halabja: Cyanide gas
Halabja: Cyanide gas

Jordanian lawyer Ziad al-Khasawana , who is part of a committee to defend Sddam Hussein expressed concern over his fate if handed over to his former enemies;

"It is not acceptable for a state that ends its occupation of a country to surrender its prisoners to any party," he said. He also expressed concern that the committee for his defence, which has been appointed by Saddams family ,has not been allowed see him or even know of his health conditions.


War against Iran and gassing 20,000 Iranians : Saddam invaded Iran and caused the death of over one million Iranians in the 1980's. The Islamic Republic of Iran wants to have him tried for this but also blames the west for both encouraging him to invade and for supplying him with the gas. As regards this charge he should face it with his CIA and US controllers.

Attacks on Kurds: in 1988 Saddam used cyanide gas on Halabja, killing around 5000. Later that year he rounded up around 100,000 Kurdish boys and men and slaughtered them. After the 1991 failed invasion of Kuwait he slaughtered tens of thousands of Kurds who has rebelled on US orders. In this charge too he acted with the assistance and complicity of US and British powers.

Invasion of Kuwait: this has already been covered in the terms of the UN sanctions and repayment to be made to the Kuwaiti thug-regime from Iraqi oil sales has also been agreed . Saddam was given the green light for the invasion by the US only the night before he invaded so they too should have to pay for the damage and theft of Kuwaiti property.

ISRAEL: they want him for the scuds he fired on Tela Aviv during the 1991 war. They also want him for funding martydom attacks by Palestinians against the Israeli state.

TORTURE/MURDER: in his repression of opposition Saddam was ruthless and he tortured and murdered many tens of thousands. The CIA was complicit in this as they gave him advice on who to kill. At one point , during the post-1991-war uprising the RAF actually overflew Saddams jet fighters as they slaughtered tens of thousands in eastern Iraq. At the time Robin Cook said when asked why the British had helped him put down the uprising they had supposedly encouraged, he said, "we can't just have anybody taking over power". The uprising in that part of Iraq was very close to Iranian Islamic Republic lines! Again , the western powers should also have charges to answer in this regard.

Weapons Inspections: The US is claiming he obstructed inspections even though he had supplied, as we now know, all info on his weapons before the present invasion, and only had a few missiles who were technically beyond their legal range- meaning they could hit ISRAEL. They also claim he expelled inspectors in the 1990's even though the well concealed fact is that the weapons inspectors were thrown out because the US had placed CIA spies on the team and they were found out. he New York Times even had it front page that day..." US spies found on UN inspection team". Again the US need to take responsibility as they in fact were responsible for the collapse of inspections and not Saddam , who just held them to their agreed terms .

ENVIRONMENTAL: He ruined Gulf wildlife when he lit dozens of oil wells on his withdrawal from Kuwait. He also caused irrepable damage to the unique marshes of the Marsh Arabs when they followed US orders to revolt.

Meanwhile Saddam lives in luxury in one of his palaces surrounded by loyal guards. These are his conditions for a tentative peace in the "Sunni Triangle". He is still a major gangster and the CIA have been forced to deal with him pragmatically in order to gain some apparent military calm they can sell as military success back home. He has his generals back running loyal towns like Tikrit, Ramadi and Falluja and his fleet of many thousand oil smuggling tankers have never slowed down , running oil to Iran, Jordan, Turkey and even Israel non-stop.

So the US can convict or kill him by their proxy government but if he is removed they will find it much harder to control the insurgents who seek Islamic revolution. He is still "their son of a bitch". They need the old knee-breaker a while longer so prepare for a long and media-friendly sham trial..........I guess, before they run him out of town at the tip of a catle prod.

Israel wants revenge for scud attacks
Israel wants revenge for scud attacks


author by Paul Moloneypublication date Wed Jun 30, 2004 16:56author email paul_moloney at hotmail dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

"At the time Robin Cook said when asked why the British had helped him put down the uprising they had supposedly encouraged, he said, "we can't just have anybody taking over power". The uprising in that part of Iraq was very close to Iranian Islamic Republic lines! Again , the western powers should also have charges to answer in this regard."

What, Robin Cook? Darling of the Anti-War Left Cook? Man of Principles Cook? Burned My Bridges with the Blairites and Might As Well Find a Bandwagon Cook? Say it ain't so! At least he's consistent in his opposition to Iraqi freedom, I guess. And consistency is what's important, kids.


author by Hilaalpublication date Wed Jun 30, 2004 18:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Chances are the "Robin Cook/Claire Short" manoever was just a ploy to take anti-war Labour supporters away from the "extremists" by making them think that some part of the Labour party was against the war, so they could stay within the Labour party and still have dignity as anti-war people..........this would never happen in Ireland of course!!!

Cook also stood over the bombing of Belgrade, a city full of civilians...........! See below for a list of his coalition partners of the day.

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author by Raise the Fistpublication date Thu Jul 01, 2004 02:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

He is the legitimate head of state. Bush should be arrested and put on trial for war crimes in the Hage.

author by iosafpublication date Thu Jul 01, 2004 13:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Now Iraq is "sovreign" and about to put Saddam to trial. Aren't we all on the edge of our seats?
Mr Bremner has gone back to Washington and without even time to take of his desert boots has sat with Bush and looked smug.

He leaves behind, John D. Negroponte, who so as not to display any particular extra precendence or dominance presented his credentials to the new Government after the Australian ambassador.

Mr Negroponte weighs much more than the Australian ambassador, and is a good bit taller as well. Such little details count for a lot in dirty international politics.

And John D. Negroponte is a dirty international politician. He was appointed the 23rd of June to be the new US man in Iraq.
And the rôle will call for manipulation, and trickery on a scale he is well practised at.

Some examples of Negroponte's skullduggery:-

in 1982 Negroponte held the US ambassadorship to Honduras. He succeeded Jack Binns. The two clashed over the treatment of the notorious graduates of the CIA torture school "Escuela de las Américas". This was a military management school which supported the juntas of South America and offered sadists of extra-ordinary perversion the offer of a certificate in leadership and classes with former Gestapo officers to perfect their skills. In the last week, the CIA announcement that it wishes to change certain "aggresive interrogation practises" was a dircet reference to the "handbook" cobbled together by "the school of the Americas".

Negreponte was responsible for whitewashing all references to torture and extra-judicial executions from the diplomatic and media reports leaving Honduras at the time he took "pro-consul" type power from Binns.
Younger readers might have forgotten this was not only the time of the contras but also the lead up to the war of the Malvinas or Falklands, Thatcher's good relationship with Pinochet was to tie in with Reagan's central american imperialism.
General Gustavo Álvarez Martínez, was appointed Honduran Chief of Security in 1982, he was a graduate of Argentina's miltary academy 1961 (his instructors included two former gestapo officers) and of the School of the Americas, he recieved the Order of Merit medal from the USA for his work in 1983 for "promoting the work of democracy in Honduras".
At the same time the USA comitted lots of money to supporting anti-communist rebels ostensibly based in Honduras, but quite happily operating in Nicaragua as well.

"Newsweek" in an 1985 edition entitled "The Secret War of the USA in Nicaragua"
The CIA director Casey, personally supervised the operation. The ambassador Negroponte directed it. The Contras called him [Negroponte] "boss". The system for support of the Contras depended on the complicity of the NSC, set up by U.S. President Reagan, it's members included- Vice President Bush, and the Secretary of State Shultz, and the Defence Secretary Weinberger, Casey (CIA director), the station cheif of the CIA in Costa Rica , Joe Fernández a.k.a. "Tomás Castillo", and John Mallett a.k.a. "george" CIA staton chief in Honduras, and the U.S. ambassadors to Costa Rica, Lewis Tambs, and Honduras John Negroponte.

The Contra scandal outlasted the Malvinas war, between the Argentine Military junta and Thatcher's UK. Indeed it hastened the collapse of the Argentine Junta, and copperfastened the co-operation between Pinochet's Chile and the UK. Chile had offered Thatcher the intelligence she needed to predict the flow of troops to the Falklands. One revamped quasi nazi regime was to fall whilst another was to be re-assured. Meanwhile the good readers of American quality newspapers were to be delighted with stories about the skullduggery of the Contra escapade, and REagan was to present as fall guy good old Oliver North. Vice President Bush slipped off in to the background and remained unsullied by any of the emerging evidence of atrocities, torture, systematic disappearances, and all the horrible things a new generation are learning to associate with our vital Trade and Cultural Partners the USA.
Negroponte too, continuously refused to give interviews but finally in 1985 gave this statement to the particularly obstinate investigative team of the Baltimore Sun-

" During my mandate, the US embassy wored to promote the restoration and consolidation of democracy to Honduras, including the advance of Human Rights, in no case during my mandate did the Embassy pardon or hide Human Right violations, and to the contrary the embasy and the Department of State co-operated with the Honduran Government to help and remedy the administration of justice".

No-one off the US payroll or outside the Bush dynasty could agree with him.

in 1994 Negroponte was signalled out by the Honduran People's own Human Rights Comission for the role he had played in systematically hiding human rights abuses.

So. This man has history.
And that history is hiding
thousands of dissappearances
thousands of deaths
thousands of torture victims
in the name of the Free World
which now reigns in Iraq.
People like

*Saul Godinez, primary school teacher and union activist left this world for God knows where the 22nd of de july 1982;

*Eduardo Lanza, medical student and secretary general of the Federation of University Students on Honduras who never came home the 1st of August 1982.

*German Perez Aleman, leader of the airport workers union, who wandered off and didn't come back the 18th of August 1982.

*Hector Hernandez, president of the textile wokers union, kidnapped on Christmas Eve 1982.

They never ever came back.
That is why they are called "disappeared".
Honduras is now one of the main destinations for students of European forensic anthropology. Every year young Europeans go and brush away the dirt from the hundreds of un-named, un-marked mass graves which were opened, and maintained by John D NegroPonte and his masters in the name of a Sovreign and Free Honduras.

If you remember, it was Negroponte who suggested that Geurnica be covered during the preparations for the war on Iraq in early 2003. Something that caused a global outcry.
If you remember, it was Negroponte who suggested that Geurnica be covered during the preparations for the war on Iraq in early 2003. Something that caused a global outcry.

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author by Saddamfanpublication date Thu Jul 01, 2004 13:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Realase him at once.So Iraq can go back to its just,peaceful and kindly rule under father Saddam.

author by iosafpublication date Thu Jul 01, 2004 13:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Ni saddam ni Bush ni Guerra.
= no saddam no Bushiiis no War.

Thing is we aren't going to hear the half of it.
He's going to be killed and limed in time for the 2004 US presidential elections.

sin é.
Negroponte is not innocent either-
But I get the feeling he is as untouchable as the Bushiiis. They got certificates from the Nazis.

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author by again and againpublication date Thu Jul 01, 2004 19:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"You can't try me, I'm the president"

How often, in how man countries has executive power been a shield to hide behind?

Iraq. I'm president Hussein. I can gas who I want, I'm above the law.

USA. I'm president Bush/Clinton/ Bush Sr /Reagan etc. I can bomb who I want... it's not MURDER it's just FOREIGN POLICY.

Russia, China, half of Africa.. it goes on, and so many people think the government has this right...

Even in little ol' Ireland. If you try to apply the law to the powerful, the courts will dismiss it as political or shriek at the prospect of interfering with 'executive power'.

Who cares what happens to the ordinary people trying to feed and raise their families?
'They' won't allow a situation where the powerful are held accountable to the masses.
Deposed leaders are only accountable to those who defeat them.
The rest of us get to watch as scumbag Hussein is tried by the puppet government of the scumbags who helped keep him in power, and who killed so many Iraqis and stole their oil.

In Nuremberg in 1945, the Germans were told that they were on trial, not because they lost the war, but because they started it... They faced punishment for crimes, some of which both sides had committed.
There was never a trial over the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki though.

victims of the victors don't count...

author by Niallpublication date Thu Jul 01, 2004 19:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If you defend the beast called Saddam, who is an incarnation of the devil, you have no credibility or morality; never mind what others may or may not have done.

author by justice at lastpublication date Thu Jul 01, 2004 20:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

As widely reported today it is great to see Saddam Hussein finally brought before a court to answer for his crimes. Finally all the innocent Iraqis who suffered under his regieme will have their justice after 35 years of his tyrannical rule.

author by enraptured - (i want to build an aircraft carrier from empty water bottles)publication date Thu Jul 01, 2004 20:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Why not send a pound of flseh around all the friendly supportive nations so that they might display them on the gates of their parliaments and the peoples and princes alike of this world know-
Justice is served.

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author by -publication date Thu Jul 01, 2004 20:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

· Suppressing Kurdish and Shia uprisings, 1991
· Anfal ethnic cleansing campaign against Kurds, 1987-88
· Gassing Kurdish villagers in Halabja, 1988
· Killing political activists over 30 years
· Killing religious figures, 1974
· Killing thousands of the Kurdish Barzani clan, 1983

Please take Note of the absence of Iran.
Please take Note of the absence of Israel.

This is a "Kurdish" crime list.

author by Dynamopublication date Thu Jul 01, 2004 21:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It's what we said all along. Bush is the real criminal, he's the one who should be in the dock. Saddam is the lawful President of Iraq, the war was illegal and Bush should be tryed for War Crimes.

author by Martha Kearneypublication date Thu Jul 01, 2004 21:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The war was illegal and Saddam is the rightful President. This trial is a sham. Bush is the real criminal.

author by an archist iosafpublication date Thu Jul 01, 2004 23:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

But neither regime of either Saddam or Bush was legitimate, since both were based on coercion, military force and flaunting international law and convention.
Saddam is guilty.
Bush is guilty.
We have no court to try either. All courts in Iraq are and were by the token you present illegitimate. Of course the trial is a show. That's what modern War is at the Western receiving end. It's top TV and media. See you're reading this and spending money on it. & Don't go worrying your little head about whether he'll spurt or not when they get to chopping of his head.
But _do_ note that he doesn't appear to be a show trial sort of candidate in the Gulag model, and it to such models I presume a western commentator would be referring. US show trials are much more fun than the Soviet ones.
He has not recognised the court. So what? Have you ever tried "not recognising the court"? It doesn't really change anything.
-Do you have anything to say?
-I don't recognise the court.
-Oh well that's that then, sin é. You're free to go, sorry about all the nasty authoritiarian hassle.
doesn't happen. Oh no. So the went on to the Second Question-
-Who are you?
- I'm Saddam Hussein the President of Iraq.
- are you really(?), that's very interesting. Ok we'll take a little adjournment now to change our desert boots and floss our teeth.

This will run for weeks.

doesn't change a thing, he's still guilty.
Will this help him feel it? Shall this assist him make proper redress or compensation or atonement? I for one doubt it. (that was a very supercilious note to end on eh?)

author by merrovinginvanjan iosafpublication date Thu Jul 01, 2004 23:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Hussein defence team of 22 lawyers who are grouped around the remaining members of the Hussein family who are alive in Amman in Jordan have announced their project to paralyse the trial.

And yes, of course they are meeting with opposition, and lurky threats and ahem, they've asked Quai d'Orsay to put them under the brolly francais.

As I said this will run for weeks.

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author by John Kellypublication date Fri Jul 02, 2004 17:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Saddam should be released and reinstated as President and Bush should be put on trial for war crimes. The Iraq war was illegal and Bush is the criminal.

author by Ciaran Doylepublication date Fri Jul 02, 2004 22:04author email ciarandoyle16 at hotmail dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Funny seeing a large amount of lefties actually supporting Saddam and calling for his release. I'm actually sickened to the core at those whoever posted up those comments, Saddam murdered 1.5million over his 30 year reign, use chemical weapons on his own people, oppressed ethnic minorities such as the Kurds, also hung several of the few Jews in Baghdad when he came to power at first, and to top it off invaded two countries. No matter what your opinions on the war are, it simple Saddam was a brutal dictator. while Bush believes in freedom and democracy.

author by ipsiphipublication date Sat Jul 03, 2004 00:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

since the 90s have been associated with the Kurdish cause. And as such were first amonst westerners in highlight the tyranny of Saddam whilst he was still the chosen regional henchman entrusted with holding together such a fractitous state.

It is quite likely that now many of those who accused us of supporting Saddam simply for opposing the War will comment, troll, et cetera et cetera...

anyway. It's going to be along voyage for Hussein. His sons have started as well.
Iraqis are beginning their journey as well.
aren't they? Oh yes. they are. Negroponte has arrived. He specialises in painful and secret transition. The Iraqis will have the option of mortgage and luxury good insurance within a generation. Aren't they licking their lips?

Now is properly the time for "lefties" of the "international" kind, to offer their sovreign comrades all the support they need to like "go with it" and get out of "catch XXIII" where they have been some year and a half.
For let nobody forget they are going to have elections. Before the Irish get the chance to boot or reboot Bertie Ahern. The Left of that type, did previously offer all such support, but it was "premature". Many intiatives (in my opinion) were "premature". The War is now over. The War is over because Saddam Hussein is on Iraqi TV again. Not because Bsuh said so, not because Bremner left. No. Put Hussein on local TV again, and the war is over.
Now go back through the archive, and find the "post war enthusiasm buzz". And use it.-

Iraq will take her Seat at the U.N. again.
And someday Negroponte will leave, and et cetera... Someday it will "just so". Help 'em make that day.

author by Anthonypublication date Sat Jul 03, 2004 02:20author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Ciaran, the calls for Saddam's re-instatement as President are - in all likelihood - trolls. Whether they're right-wing trolls trying to discredit Indymedia or bored time-wasters just trying to get a rise out of people, I don't know. Lefties - well, the libertarian left at the very least - believe in genuine freedom and democracy (unlike George Bush) and could have nothing but contempt for murderous dictators such as Saddam and his ilk.

author by R. Isiblepublication date Sun Jul 04, 2004 04:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

QUOTE: ". No matter what your opinions on the war are, it simple Saddam was a brutal dictator. while Bush believes in freedom and democracy."

Yeah, and that's why Bush Snr. and Donald Rumsfeld support Saddam Hussein morally and militarily in the 80's and it's why G.W.Bush is supporting the overthrow of the democratically elected president of Haitii. Yeah, freedom and democracy. Thanks for that insight Ciaron.

As regards the "lefties" supporting Saddam I don't believe it. No one left wing of my acquaintance supports him. They're quite clear in seeing him as a murderous tool of the USA.

Now, do YOU condemn Bush Snr. and Rumsfeld and the CIA for creating Saddam Hussein? And do you condemn the US support of the murdering terrorists that have seized support of Haiti?

author by Sandra Ppublication date Tue Jul 06, 2004 03:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

That's why I marched with 100,000 others to prevent his overthrow. This war was illegal and Saddam remains the sovereign leader of Iraq.

Whatever crimes he may have committed they were done on the orders of the USAwho armed and supported him for decades. The issue is that this war was illegal and the occupation is illegal and the kangaroo court is illegal. Saddam is the President of Iraq and he should be reinstated.

author by BS Spotterpublication date Tue Jul 06, 2004 03:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

'Sandra' is just another shit-stirring agent provocateur, or a journalist too lazy too lazy to research and write a real story, and looking for a usable quote. Troll away someplace else, 'Sandra'.

author by someone - nonepublication date Wed Jan 25, 2006 22:55author email donthaveone at yahoo dot comauthor address in the usauthor phone 19785555555Report this post to the editors

hey if you support him why dont you leave the country then, because no one like a trader!You should be exiled from the country!!

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