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Comments (19 of 19)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19So, are Gerry Adams, Martin McGuinness, and Mary Lou McDonaldgoing to be on the AWI march, the IAWM march, or the AmBush march? Or maybe they'll be going on one each?
Sinn Fein is too closely associated with conservative Irish America to make anything other than token objection to the Bush visit. For example, representative Peter King of Long Island, NY, is an ardent supporter of Bush and of the war. King is also a close friend of Gerry Adams and played a key role in U.S support for the Good Friday Agreement.
but I'm sure I saw him shaking hands with and cosying up to the very man that Adams is now calling on us to protest against....right there on my telly... least I think i did... well maybe i could have been mistaken...
Ya Know its funny too ...he bears a canny resemblance to that guy who's all matesy with the pub and schoolbus bombing fraternity up in N.Ireland.. but sure it couldnt be the same guy, not on MY telly...
Course not.. must be the beard...
shrinks reckion its to hide something, the beard.
So who was it that was sucking up to the Schrub but a few months ago,
at least Berties consistent as a lapdog.
I just had a dream this happened back in 1971:
Deputy Ó Snodaigh said, "Sinn Féin has given its support to the 'Stop PIRA War Campaign' as a legitimate movement to oppose the policies of PIRA .
"We will be encouraging our activists and supporters the length and breadth of the island to mobilise and participate in the various protests, organised by the Campaign, that are scheduled to take place over the coming days.
"We want people to send a powerful and peaceful message to PIRA that the Irish people, who mobilized in such large numbers last year, remain fervently opposed to their illegal war and the massive suffering, including the deaths of thousands of men, women and children it has caused.
"But the people also need to send another and probably more important message to those closer to home. That message needs to be directed at our own Government who have shamefully assisted in this war against the wishes of the majority of Irish people.
"By allowing PIRA transport through Dundalk and Lifford and by allowing PIRA forces to train in Donegal and Monaghan this Government of has undermined Irish neutrality like no other in Irish history. To their eternal shame they have colluded by their actions in facilitating the PIRA war machine on Irish soil and indeed by their inactions in failing to use the period of the EU Presidency to promote the primacy of the Irish People over PIRA unilateralism in the disaster that continues to unfold in N. ireland on the daily basis.
"The simple and unassailable fact is that the PIRA war in N. ireland is unjustified and must end. This weekend's protests must make that message loud and clear and leave both the PIRA and the Irish Government in no doubt as to the views of the Irish people."
OK, its only a dream but, if it had actually happened, there might be 3,000 Irish men, women and children alive now, who instead are in their graves.
Possibly, but we also wouldn't have your poorly written and endlessly ignorant posts to provide us with amusement and repeated confirmation of your lack of knowledge of recent Irish history.
If its poorly written, blame the original. Have lived through more recent Irish history than you'll ever read about. Where were you on Oct 5 1968, or Jan 4 1969, or 19 July 1972? If you have to look them up, then you weren't there. Glad you find the amusement my comment provided to be sufficient compensation for 3,000 dead. Says it all! I guess you're just upset that 92% voted in recent election for parties that think you're all complete nutters.
By disarming the Provo smackdealers in the IRA.
look bud there are all the same
the provos should snap out of it and remember the good old days rpg avenue dead pigs and worldwide social revolution
they wont though
never again
gerry was in the burlo with capitalist hes in there gang
bush is afukker but kerry is just as bad
all us presidents past n future r war criminals
irish right wing bush lover= repressed catholic guilt ridden kiddie fiddlers
nuff said
pp blakblok
ireland for the africansandirish
you are a cretin
what have the Branch got you and the children doing this weekend?
Only a scumfuck coward would call republicans smack dealers. Do you think this is why SF got such a resounding endorsement across working-class Dublin on June 11? You wouldn't have the balls to say that openly in a working-class area of Dublin you middle class prick!
Who the fuck is that unnamed chancer calling Shinners smack-dealers? You must be on smack if you belive that shite! Yeh that's why their support is growing, cos they deal smack! Doh! You unnamed arsehole!!!
Benny, you little dear. You display the most juvenile and illiterate expression of teenage angst and lack of revolutionary consciouness that I have yet experienced on these pages. I would say that the youngest, most inexperienced applicant to the SF party would have more pragmatic, mature, revolutionary understanding in their little finger that you have in you whole sorry, fucked-up head. Gorw up or take up another hobby cos revolutionary politics seems to be beyond your comprehension!
John, you are either an embittered revisionist pro-Brit and therfore a supporter of imperilalism or else you are a Stick. Either way your pronouncements on SF or the subject of the Iraqi war cannot be taken seriously. Did the election results upset you? Oh Dear!
John, Are you seriously trying to sat that the IRA are responsible for all of the 3,000 deaths in the Troubles? You may have lived through recent Irish history but you've got the facts all wrong! What about the British army, UDA, UVF etc?
Couldn't SF send a powerful anti-war message by getting the Provos to say 'THE WAR IS OVER!' - and sealing up the arms dumps for good?
benny s analysis
is on point
humour is employed just as is critical analysis
what just cos you call yourself makno you think u can dis benny???
benny is a republican and grew up in that tradition but turning his back on it cos the sf thing is now about adopting state power and and instigating a shitty social democratic political process using the political system imposed on us by the brits
gerry is so anti bush he was at the wef last year as opposed to being on the bloody sunday rememberance so anti ref he couldnt be arsed to campaign against it so anti capitalist hes a capitalist
true sf are sounder and better thaen the whole political establishment in ireland but they still shit
theyre certainly not smakdealers
people on this site sit on their computers and take themselves so seriously i mean
write something funny and political
if the ultimate or primary goal of activism is to enable people to seek
freedom, it seems to follow that one would be foolish to seek that freedom at a cost to the liberty of other people. if you seek peace, do not use violent
means. if you demand truth, do not lie to get it. maybe i am too much of an
idealist. nonetheless, it seems a shame that people would oppress each other, or do other people harm, for an attempt to end that same thing. the war persists in its hypocrisy, killing and oppressing for the sake of life and
liberty. of course it makes me sad, i cannot twist my mind to a place where
such a scheme could work.
I suggest you cop on and realise the lengths SF have gone to in relation to the conflict in the North and how much their efforts have contributed to the reduction in political violence. Do you seriously believe that the situation would be as advanced as it is wthout SF?
For God's sake get real in relation to this arms dumps crap. Why are you obssessed with silent guns? Have you anything to say about loyalist weapons being used on a daily basis against innocent nationalist civilians? Or have you anything to say about the responsibility of unionist politicians to get unionist paramilitaries to decommission and seal their dumps? If you don't then I couldn't be bothered listening to what you say about IRA weapons and I reckon neither could any Northern nationalist.
I suggest you cop on and realise the lengths SF have gone to in relation to the conflict in the North and how much their efforts have contributed to the reduction in political violence. Do you seriously believe that the situation would be as advanced as it is wthout SF?
The situation would not have existed had Sinn fein not plunged Northern Ireland into a 30 year civil war!!!!