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Covid Vaccine Damage Consultants Paid Millions More Than Victims Wed Mar 19, 2025 17:30 | Will Jones
Consultants assessing Covid vaccine damage claims on behalf of the NHS have been paid millions?more than the victims, it has emerged, after US-based Crawford and Company dismissed more than 98% of cases.
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Biological Sex Erased From Official Data on Health, Crime and Education Wed Mar 19, 2025 16:30 | Toby Young
Professor Alice Sullivan has completed her review of data collection by public bodies and found that because the word "gender" has started to replace "sex" cancer referrals have been missed and convictions overlooked.
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Police forces and the courts are allowing criminals to self-identify their gender even if they have not legally changed sex, with preferred pronouns routinely being used by police officers and judges.
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these are really excellent -! well done artists and photographer
Gerry Ryan on 2FM identified this behaviour pattern as the “You’re Not the Boss of Me” syndrome (you need to say it in an angst-ridden studenty “Kevin The Teenager” type accent to get the whole deal on intent). Most of us grow out of it. Some clearly don’t.
And so, here we go again. That inviolate godhead of “street art”. Vandalism, masquerading as some the alternative, independent (of who?) voice for the “voiceless”. Yes, that convenient media agent for “popular” political agitation, free of repressive, capitalist ideology (impossible). They tell us it’s the voice of the streets, of the kids, of real people, of the key issues, of the er, “grassroots”. This so-called “art” provides a handy device for the intellectual tyrants (and clearly artistically challenged) to interpret everyone else’s lives and criticize every damn facet of the community except them. Meanwhile, this cloak of socio-political infallibility provides them with the means them to appear aloof from “authority” while maintaining an ideological position even when they are proven wrong.
This scribbling on walls is just more of the same dishonest, narcissistic, hypocritical message. Indicative of a small group of character-resentment ridden windbags, a faction that has become a byword for knee jerk reaction, blinkered thinking, distorted facts, unattributed information, lies, hysteria and opinionated pontificating. A deluded, paranoid world of conjectured association and never established causation...
Were you referring to Gerry Ryan and the Montrose establishment ?
QUOTE " .... windbags ... a byword for knee jerk reaction, blinkered thinking, distorted facts, unattributed information, lies, hysteria and opinionated pontificating. A deluded, paranoid world of conjectured association and never established causation..."
People look at this rubbish and say "stupid kids, they haven't a clue".
This is an exact copy of a comment made on an articule in April 04.
¿What is Street Art?
by Tone Ore Thursday, Apr 22 2004, 4:45am
[email protected]
Follow the link to see it:
The people who say "stupid kids etc" are the same people who vote FF and PD and pay their bin tax and then complain when the charges go up and the hospitals fall on their arse because of a little flu epidemic...
By necessity, if you believe something, you believe you are right. The problem with most of 'civil society' is that they don't believe anything except that they want to get through life with as little inconvenience as possible.
What are the authors of above trying to achieve exactly? Is there some sinister sociopathic hitherto-unseen anacho-nazi element out there lying in wait until the time is ripe to overthrow capitalism, democracy and (presumably) their schoolteachers and parents? Oh No! I blame the nasty police state for restricting their access to more traditional, mentally challenging youth pastimes, such as theft from the person or joyriding.
just to add to the above, that poster of the person in the balaclava has other connotations. It's not a million miles away from the more offensive murals one might find in certain parts of belfast. A great many Irish people may well find such an image deeply disturbing, sinister and offensive. People posting such muck deserve a kick in the arse for their troubles. Rubbish like that is not even worthy of discourse.
I dont know, i think its just people trying to EXPRESS themselves. You know in a FREE manner.
That phrase sounds sort of familiar.
Thankfully the walls and hoardings of our nations cities stikll provide temporary space for the free expression of ideas, ideals, threats, subversion, intimidation and protest.
The writing is on the wall, and i for one find it hugely informative to keep an eye on the scribblings, (even when its neo-nazis and racists telling their story too).
who knows maybe if FF had been reading and heeding the rabbles scribbles they might have kept a few seats.
Why do people get so hot and bothered about this sort of creativity while ignoring the fact that every tiny bit of space on walls ,bridges ,hoardings-even on toilet doors nowadays -is appropriated by capitalist advertising ?
It's alright to deface the streets of our cities with the visual garbage of the ad agencies so long as you can afford to pay for the space -is that it? . So , Burger King can have their say but not somebody on the dole who opposes the occupation of Iraq .
I'm going out with my spray can over the next week or two and I advise anybody who has never tried it before to give it a go . It's a great bit of craic and ,as the photos show , can be very artistic indeed .I particularly liked the stencilled portrait of George Bush. Indymedia should run a yearly contest where people can vote for their favourite piece of graffiti .
we are the merrrrrrovinjans!
bam bam bam bimby bam bam bam
bambi bambi bambi bimby bam bambam
120 beats a minute.
we are over the horizon!
link to the Global village -
''Boredom is counterrevolutionary''
This is the problem: The Bush Administration has aggressively concealed the numbers, names and faces of the dead — pretending that the war has neither victims nor consequences.
The media has been compromised by Republican financial interests and the State department, unwillingly participating in a whitewash. For example, Bush campaign donors recently blocked 65 million Americans from seeing ABC’s broadcast of names and faces of the dead. And for example, Tami Silicio, a Pentagon contractor, took photos of coffins being loaded onto plane in Kuwait. She was fired after her pictures appeared in the Seattle Times.
If truth is the first casualty of war, then this time, truth is war’s atrocity. Whether you support or oppose the war in Iraq, it’s easy to agree that suppressing information is undemocratic, and it belittles the sacrifices that have been made. How can we feel righteous about something we’re trying to hide?
Signal Orange is a project to make the invisible visible — which is a premise and prerequisite for democracy. The goal of Signal Orange is to unveil the faces that the Bush Administration wants hidden — and to stop pretending that its actions in Iraq are inconsequential.
Modern brand advertising depends on repetition.
Since the advent of marketing, advertisers have spent their careers discovering the importance of insinuating their way into the actual lives of consumers, rather than just their wallets. As public attention spans grew shorter and shorter, the advertising world realized that the days of full-page ads extolling the virtues of their product--explaining how it would cure all of their ails, painting a picture of a better life if only you were part of its satisfied consumer base--were over. Repetition--simple, to the point, memorable--was key. Advertising with a sales pitch--with any message at all--began to seem rather desperate when Coca-Cola could just as effectively win the hearts and dollars of a nation with the simple words "Drink Coke." In the end, brand name recognition--without any qualifier--is the end-all, be-all goal of advertising. To be able to conjure a gut reaction to a product simply by hearing its name is the mark of effective saturation of the buying public. When even people who don't use your products can still describe them, sing your advertising jingle, or recognize your pitchman on the street, you know you have a successful ad campaign.
One of the most successful techniques of counter advertising "subvertising" or "ad busting" is to piggy back the deep resonance product identification of the product.
In the ultimate years this has led to highly succesful subvertising campaigns being led by the very corporations who pay to promote their product. We increasingly see this in car advertising. It is quite apparant that those who work in the agencies to develop new car adverts, also share sympathy with the movement to end mass car use. They may present their project as being tailored to a specific market niche, but "our" message carries to more. It's an example of "doublespeak", if one is not familiar with the language be it jargon, codified, slang, or visual you miss the point completely. Thus I and my subvertising pals were happy to see the last Renault campaign (as just one example) which linked "literal branding of the hand" ( a very apocalyptic image) with dark endtime skies, and matrix style towerblocks", the directors of Renault obviously bought the pitch "your buyers will feel secure in a Renault in insecure times" but we felt the clear majority of the non-Renault buying public got the connection "Car use = Petrol Use = global warming = endtime bablon game time". I think most advertising is now to some extent prejudiced by subvertising sucesses. And in the next ten years that will indeed make for very interesting advertising campaigns. But at the same time slightly more "sussed" and "savy" executives and politicians will get to the boardroom and maybe, we will stop getting free global advertising.
anyway a god stencil, is remembered, and like a good slogan will be snapped up by some poor advertising sod, who will sell it to some Beta Executive. The deltas around you will say "you fool, you gave them a fortune", you should just remember no matter who "owns" the message, it may not so easily be changed if designed well in the first place, it is intended to be "stolen".
Some politicians in Ireland and the UK are learning that to their chagrin this week. It will only take another generation before they have learnt not to employ spin doctors, advertising agencies and go back to writing their own possibly more truthful speeches.
"an end to government by marketing".
Food not bombs, RTS, Indymedia, Social Forum etc. etc. These have many of the features of brands, have proved to have both a global reach and the ability to adapt to the local market in innovative ways.
Subvertising has thought the 'movement' important lessons which it is using to create global, flexible, identifiable structures which unite but do not control our activity. Or maybe graffiti is just fun
Grafitti of this nature is a visual reminder that not everyone agrees with the status quo , in that, it is valuable.