Dublin Grassroots Network solidarity shout-out to people at the G8 protests
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anti-capitalism |
Thursday June 10, 2004 00:45
by x - Dublin Grassroots Network

From the IMC Ireland Newswire:
The Dublin Grassroots Network expresses its solidarity with all anti-authoritarian groups protesting at the G8 summit in and around Atlanta, USA, from June 8th to 10th.
The G8 is the pinnacle of hierarchy and authority. It is a rich man's club seeking to continue the exploitation of the third world and the planet's resources in order to keep its own pockets lined. .............It is important to show resistance at a street level to these leader's lavish banquets, paid for with our taxes
from IMC Atlanta
For the first time in four decades, local protesters and their supporters marched today through the streets of Savannah to say "No" to pre-emptive war, immediate withdrawal from Iraq, and repeal of the USA Patriot Act.
What may seem tame to those of us coming from New York or Massachusetts was a courageous and major event in the context of Savannah, where protest marches simply do not exist.
Ongoing coverage of Reclaim The Commons
G8 Fix Shit Up!
International solidarity, man...
The Dublin Grassroots Network expresses its solidarity with all anti-authoritarian groups protesting at the G8 summit in and around Atlanta, USA, from June 8th to 10th.
The G8 is the pinnacle of hierarchy and authority. It is a rich man's club seeking to continue the exploitation of the third world and the planet's resources in order to keep its own pockets lined. Year in, year out, the leaders of the wealthiest 8 states of the world make the same hollow promises about eradicating poverty through pitiful amounts of charity donations, while at the same time consolidating the capitalist system which perpetuates global inequalities.
It is important to show resistance at a street level to these leader's lavish banquets, paid for with our taxes, in order to convey the message that we do not accept their vision of the world. It is also equally important to create genuine resistance to ruling elites through community actions and positive initiatives.
We congratulate the Savannah anarchists on their "Fix Shit Up" action, which aims to do up derelict houses in the economically depressed town of Brunswick, and convert them into homeless youth shelters. The timing of this to co-incide with the G8 shows that anarchists can move beyond simple "protest as protest" and take the ideas of autonomy and d.i.y. into local communities affected by capitalism. We wish you the best and hope that this positive action will succeed.
Perhaps our paths will cross at the G8 2005 over this side of the pond, and we can learn from each other's experiences. Respect and solidarity to all demonstrating on the streets and working in the local communities against the policies of the G8 over the 3 days.
Dublin Grassroots Network (Ireland)
http://www.indybay.org (ongoing coverage of Reclaim The Commons)
http://nog8.org/article.php?id=31 (G8 Fix Shit Up!)
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