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IRSP Mayday Statement
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Tuesday April 27, 2004 22:43 by IRSP Inter. Dept. - Irish Republican Socialist Party irsp at netwiz dot net

The International Department of the Irish Republican Socialist Party issued a statement on the occasion of International Workers' Day, reiterating their position on the Irish presidency of the Euopean Union and in opposition to the anti-working class agenda of the European Super-state. The International Department of the Irish Republican Socialist Party issued a statement on the occasion of International Workers' Day, reiterating their position on the Irish presidency of the Euopean Union and in opposition to the anti-working class agenda of the European Super-state.
The IRSP spokesperson emphasized the 'irony' of an Irish Euro-President ushering in the radical expansion of member states taking place on May Day 2004.
"The IRSP cannot overlook the irony of the fact that the expansion of the European Super-state which is bound to have serious negative repercussions for working people throughout Europe or that this expansion, which is likely to put the final nails in the coffin of the so called 'Celtic Tiger' is to be ushered in under an Irish Euro-President.
" As the nations of the former Comecon nations of Eastern Europe, along with Cypress and Malta, are brought into a newly expanded Europe, multi-national corporations from Europe and from abroad will once again relocate to wherever they are best able to exploit working people. Transfer their operations to wherever the cost of human labour power can most cheaply be had, thereby ensuring that wages everywhere are eroded and exploitation is increased. The brief mirage of Ireland's much talked about economic growth will then falter and be trampled under the stampede of capitalists in search of lower wages.
"We cannot and do not blame our working class sisters and brothers in the newly admitted nations of the EU. The imperialists have virtually starved them under the strain of severe austerity programmes imposed as the price of EU entry. Instead we extend our hand to them, as fellow working class people; as comrades. If we fail to unite--if we fail to hang together, as the old saying goes--we shall surely be hung separately.
"It is not having to pay fair, living wages that causes the problems of the capitalist system, it is the relentless pursuit of profits without concern for the quality of human life. Without the brains and muscle of working class people, not a single industry could operate--no wealth could be produced. It is the drive for profits in order to support the useless parasites of the capitalist ruling class that there is no need for. Those who amass their wealth through the exploitation of working people--who contribute nothing other their own self-agrandisement and their conspicuous consumption of luxuries, while millions endure crippling poverty--that the world can well do without.
Concluding the statement, the IRSP International Department spokesperson added, "The Irish Republican Socialist Party offer our profound solidarity with our class sisters and brothers throughout the world. As we reflect on this holiday celebrating the working people of the world, we are filled with admiration and pride for all that our class has created; the great advances that have been possible only because of our classes collective efforts. Moreover, we recognise how much greater might be our class's contribution to the advance of humanity, were it not for the greed, inhumanity, and tyranny of the capitalist class. In offering our solidarity, therefore, we clasp the hands of our working class sisters and brothers throughout the world, and remind them, as well as ourselves, that only through our collective efforts can we gain our liberation. Every victory they make, is an advance for us. Every triumph we gain, moves them forward as well. We have created all the wealth of the world we see arrayed around us. Let us reclaim it, as our own."
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6Or... We'll chop your fingers off!
Somebody's going to get a bullet in the neck...
Bash the EU. To bring it to it's knees fill the Mechlin Bunker with pig slurry, soon not a pig will be operative. no computers No PIGS!!
I didn't realise that the size of the IRSP warranted the organisation of their party into different departments?
What floor of INLA House is the International Department situated on?
Perhaps second from top, one below the Criminal Godfather Penthouse Suite, but above the Baseball Bat Department, Ex-army Surplus Department and Bloody Internal Feud Department.
Irish Republican Socialist Party Annual Mayday Message
In its annual May Day message, the Irish Republican Socialist Party stressed the urgent need for workers to take back international workers day from those in power and to combat all efforts to demonise workers who oppose the construction of a European Super-state.
+++++++Irish Republican Socialist Party Annual Mayday Message+++++++
In its annual May Day message, the Irish Republican Socialist Party stressed the urgent need for workers to take back international workers day from those in power and to combat all efforts to demonise workers who oppose the construction of a European Super-state.
A spokesperson for the IRSP's Ard Comhairle stated: “May 1st is our day to remember past struggles through which our class achieved many important advances for working class people. It is also a day on which we express our solidarity with others engaged in similar struggles as ourselves worldwide, in pursuit of common class interests and our shared goals, the Emancipation of Our Labour!
“Today in Ireland, no one should be hoodwinked by any promise of some kind of ‘Euro Disney democracy' that ‘gives’ workers the right to celebrate international workers day and demonstrate freely on our own streets.
"While thousands intend to peacefully protest against a capitalist Europe and all that the concept entails, the Irish 26 counties' regime has made their views about such 'democratic rights' quite clear, by arming themselves against Irish workers and preparing to attack them. The PSNI have already sent a water cannon down to Dublin for use on May Day. This, in stark contrast to the backdrop provided by the Irish state media hype over the past several months, is a continuation of the policies that have whipped up an atmosphere of fear and intimidation on the streets of our capital.
“Thousands of riot police, Irish military personnel and expanded weaponry-provided to the Dublin regime by the crown forces occupying six Irish counties - will be deployed to ‘control’ legitimate acts of protests planned in connection with the observance of May Day. Let us speak frankly, this is nothing other than the shape of things to come and the repression that should always be anticipated whenever working people take to the streets in opposition to the powers that be.
“As republican socialists on May Day we proclaim our class solidarity and hail the unity between workers the length and breathe of Ireland, of Europe and throughout the world. We remain steadfast in our solidarity with the working class refugees now resident in Ireland and we refuse to allow the 26 county regime to further criminalise any resident, as they are clearly hoping to do through the forth-coming racist referendum.
“The IRSP call upon all those opposed to the 'Fortress Europe' agenda to actively participate in International Workers' Day events planned in Dublin and throughout the country. Irish workers must reclaim International Workers Day from official parades sanctioned by the ruling class and create a working class resistance to efforts to create a capitalist European Super-state and against the demonisation of any workers who openly oppose this multi-national nightmare. A European Union that will serve as yet another tool of repression for the capitalist class and will perpetuate slave labour, racism, and poverty for the masses of working people, throughout Europe and worldwide.”
“In Iraq and Afghanistan, the forces of occupation are attempting to consolidate their power in those nations and throughout the entire region, so as to maintain their economic interests. Though documents have been made available which reveal that a major reason for this effort is to ensure American control over oil supplies, the loss of which would put the European Union into a strangle-hold, the capitalists of Ireland, Britain, and Europe as a whole will not take any effective action to protect their own sovereign interests. The needs of capitalism must always supersede any particular interests.
“In contrast, the IRSP support the resistance fighters presently engaged in liberation struggles against Anglo American imperialism, because we know that imperialism's interests are directly counter to those of working people everywhere. The Anglo/American axis of imperialism, under the guise of its 'war against terrorism' is seeking to swiftly erode civil and human rights of people around the world.
“In Ireland, both administrations through their securocrats, are stifling democratic political dialogue; creating not only a political vacuum, but also promoting the conditions where sectarianism, racism and its violent manifestations on the streets have been seen to thrive. The regimes on the island of Ireland are engaged in raising revenue through service taxes and stealth taxes. Campaigns are already up and running against the introduction of water charges in the north, in the south the wider community is engaged in fighting against bin taxes. We salute all those involved in these campaigns, especially those who have been imprisoned for having taken a principled stand.
“The message is already clear: working people throughout this island, working together, can defeat the imposition of unfair taxes. Double taxation must be thwarted!
In conclusion, the IRSP Ard Comhairle spokesperson added, "It may be a cliché, but it is no less true for that - the world can no longer afford the rich. It is long past time that the working women and men here in Ireland, throughout Europe, and around the globe stood up and demanded what is rightfully theirs. It's like James Connolly said a century ago, “our demands are quite modest, we only want the Earth!"
Statement Number Two
++++++++Mayday 2004 Statement as issued by the International Department of the Irish Republican Socialist Party+++++++++
The International Department of the Irish Republican Socialist Party issued a statement on the occasion of International Workers' Day, reiterating their position on the Irish presidency of the European Union and in opposition to the anti-working class agenda of the European Super-state.
The IRSP spokesperson emphasized the 'irony' of an Irish Euro-President ushering in the radical expansion of member states taking place on May Day 2004.
"The IRSP cannot overlook the irony of the fact that the expansion of the European Super-state which is bound to have serious negative repercussions for working people throughout Europe or that this expansion, which is likely to put the final nails in the coffin of the so called 'Celtic Tiger' is to be ushered in under an Irish Euro-President.
" As the nations of the former Comecon nations of Eastern Europe, along with Cyprus and Malta, are brought into a newly expanded Europe, multi-national corporations from Europe and from abroad will once again relocate to wherever they are best able to exploit working people. Transfer their operations to wherever the cost of human labour power can most cheaply be had, thereby ensuring that wages everywhere are eroded and exploitation is increased. The brief mirage of Ireland's much talked about economic growth will then falter and be trampled under the stampede of capitalists in search of lower wages.
"We cannot and do not blame our working class sisters and brothers in the newly admitted nations of the EU. The imperialists have virtually starved them under the strain of severe austerity programmes imposed as the price of EU entry. Instead we extend our hand to them, as fellow working class people; as comrades. If we fail to unite--if we fail to hang together, as the old saying goes--we shall surely be hung separately.
"It is not having to pay fair, living wages that causes the problems of the capitalist system, it is the relentless pursuit of profits without concern for the quality of human life. Without the brains and muscle of working class people, not a single industry could operate--no wealth could be produced. It is the drive for profits in order to support the useless parasites of the capitalist ruling class that there is no need for. Those who amass their wealth through the exploitation of working people--who contribute nothing other their own self-agrandisement and their conspicuous consumption of luxuries, while millions endure crippling poverty--that the world can well do without.
Concluding the statement, the IRSP International Department spokesperson added, "The Irish Republican Socialist Party offer our profound solidarity with our class sisters and brothers throughout the world. As we reflect on this holiday celebrating the working people of the world, we are filled with admiration and pride for all that our class has created; the great advances that have been possible only because of our classes collective efforts. Moreover, we recognise how much greater might be our class's contribution to the advance of humanity, were it not for the greed, inhumanity, and tyranny of the capitalist class. In offering our solidarity, therefore, we clasp the hands of our working class sisters and brothers throughout the world, and remind them, as well as ourselves, that only through our collective efforts can we gain our liberation. Every victory they make is an advance for us. Every triumph we gain moves them forward as well. We have created all the wealth of the world we see arrayed around us. Let us reclaim it, as our own."
...the posting of IRSP statements has brought out the liberal scum, who predictably attack the IRSP.