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Dublin - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970

An Lá Mór

category dublin | rights, freedoms and repression | event notice author Tuesday April 20, 2004 11:01author by Na Gaeil Óga Report this post to the editors

Mórshiúl ar son Stádas na Gaeilge

Beidh mórshiúl á reachtáil ag Stádas ar son stádas oifigúil don Ghaeilge san Aontas Eorpach ar siúl i mBaile Átha Cliath, Dé Sathairn, 24 Aibreán.

A march takes place on Saturday the 24th April @ 2pm seeking official status for the Irish language in the EU.

Beidh mórshiúl á reachtáil ag Stádas ar son stádas oifigúil don Ghaeilge san Aontas Eorpach ar siúl i mBaile Átha Cliath, Dé Sathairn, 24 Aibreán. Ritheadh rún traspháirtí ar son stádas oifigúil a bhaint amach don Ghaeilge san Aontas Eorpach i nDáil Éireann i mí Feabhra. Tá suas go 80,000 sínitheoir ag tacú leis an bhfeachtas ar líne.

Ní theastaíonn uainn go gcuirfí stádas na Gaeilge san AE ar an méar fhada agus is gá é seo a mheabhrú don Rialtas. Beidh fáilte roimh gach aon duine ar an Satharn. Cuirfear tús leis an mórshiúil ag 2i.n. ag an Gairdín Cuimheacháin, Cearnóg Pharnell agus ag dul thar Ardoifig an Phoist go dtí Dáil Éireann.

Tuilleadh eolais uait ach glaoch ar Ceannáras Chonradh na Gaeilge 01 475 7401 nó nó [email protected]

A march takes place on Saturday the 24th April @ 2pm seeking official status for the Irish language in the EU.

As you are aware a cross party motion calling for the recognition of Irish by the EU was passed by Dáil Éireann in February. We have up to 80,000 signatures on line in support of this campaign.

We are simply trying to ensure the Government delivers on its promise. All are welcome on Saturday. The gathering point is the Garden of Remembrance at 2pm passing the GPO and onwards to Dáil Éireann.

author by Gráinne Mhaolpublication date Wed Apr 21, 2004 22:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Caith iad siúd as an Dáil, nach gcaomhnóidh teanga Inse Fáil.

author by Mere Irishpublication date Thu Apr 22, 2004 01:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Níl ciall ar bith i stádas oibrithe don Ghaeilge mara bhfuil tromlach na hÉireann ag labhairt í. Amaideacht den scoth atá ann. Tá todhchaí na Gaeilge inár lámha féin - ní gheobhaidh tú athbheochan i nBruiséil, táim ag ceapadh go bhfuil airgead á lorg agaibh.

author by duinepublication date Thu Apr 22, 2004 11:39author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Buíochas don Bhunreacht, tá Éireannaigh óga ag fás aníos agus teangacha eile mar theangacha dúchais acu, mar shampla: an Romáinis agus teangacha na Nígéire.
Ba cheart an ócáid a úsáid mar iarratais do stádas oifigiúil a thabhairt do na teangacha nua seo. Ní leor Gaeilge agus Béarla amháin a thuilleadh

author by Féachadóirpublication date Thu Apr 22, 2004 17:05author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Is seafóid é an feachtas seo.

author by gráinne mhaolpublication date Thu Apr 22, 2004 21:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

a dhaoine uaisle -

is fíor sin, go bhfuil éireanaigh óg an lae inniu ag fás aníos le teangacha dúchaise difriúla, agus is íontach an rud é. in aineoinn dearcadh roinnt, ní iarracht é seo cur i gcoinne iol-cultúrthas nó iol-náisiúnachas.

níl uaim ach aithintis don teanga a labhrann na céadta mílte daoine sa tír seo, an teanga a mhúinteoir d’ár n-óige inár scoileanna, an teanga atá chosainte faoi bhunreacht agus coimisinéir teanga na tíre seo, agus an teanga dúchais, stairiúil nach mairfidh gan an t-aithintis ceart, dleathach a thabhairt dó.
ní ath-bheochan atáim at súil leis le stádas oifigiúil, ach dearbhú dleathach go gcaomhnófaí an teanga, ionas go mbeidh sé ag glúine amach anseo.

tá sé de cheart againn, mar bhaillstáit don t-aontas eorpach, ár dteanga oifigiúil a bheith aithnithe faoi dhlíthe an t-aontais.

“táim ag ceapadh go bhfuil airgead á lorg agaibh” – airgead? ní hea – déanfaidh saibhris na teanga is mo chultúr an chúis domsa.

author by Conor Waringpublication date Fri Apr 23, 2004 12:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Of course Irish should have EU status. This march is definitely a great move. There is no doubt that the language is in our hands, but at least having EU status will give it more credibility and power. It is high time Irish people started repsecting themselves and their language. The Irish language has been mis-managed for decades. It is crucial that steps are taken to modernise the teaching of it are taken. More use of it should be provided for people who have just left school.
Tá mé dóchasach go mbeidh a lán daoine ag an siúl Dé Sathairn. Beidh bród orainn as ar dteanga amach anseo.

author by Darrenpublication date Thu May 19, 2005 03:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Irish Times 15/7/04

'Decision to seek approval of Irish as official EU language welcomed'

"The Irish language campaign group Stadas has expressed "delight" at the Government's decision to seek approval for Irish as an official EU language, writes Lorna Siggins, Western Correspondent

The decision taken at Cabinet yesterday is seen as a victory for the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Mr Ó Cuív, who said that there was "unanimous" support among his colleagues for the move. "This will put Irish on a par with Finnish, Swedish, Danish and Maltese, if it is successful, and we are confident that it will be," he said.

Currently, Irish is given treaty status, which only obliges the EU to translate all major treaties into the language. Irish and Luxemburgish are the only national languages in the EU which do not enjoy official status in European institutions. Such status would require EU laws and official documents to be issued in Irish, although the main languages for negotiations at Commissioner-level will still be English, French and German.

Up to 110 new translators and 40 new interpreters could be employed by the European Commission for Irish translation work if the Government's move is successful, but Mr Ó Cuív said that the decision was "more than about creating jobs".

The Minister said discussions would now take place with the Commission and with other member-states to seek support for recognition. While the decision had not been taken in direct response to the Stadas campaign, the issue "might not have come up now" if it had not been for the campaign, he said.

Irish-language activists say the Government had hedged its bets on the issue until yesterday's decision. Dr Pádraig Ó Laighin, spokesman for the campaign, said that he was delighted. "It is a matter of national self-esteem that one of Europe's most ancient languages should be recognised in this way. Irish is central to our definition of what Europe is and has been for the last 2,000 years," he said.

Stadas argues that having Irish as an EU official language would bring economic as well as cultural benefits to Ireland. Earlier this year, the Commissioner responsible for education and culture, Luxembourg's Viviane Reding, said giving the Irish language official status in the EU would do nothing to help it. "You know what you should do in Ireland? Speak Irish, write Irish, be proud of Irish, use Irish in everyday language and show Irish culture to the 24 nations around you. But making it an official language doesn't bring you a thing." Ms Reding said her country decided not to seek official status for its language despite the fact that it is spoken by the whole population."

author by Darrenpublication date Thu May 19, 2005 04:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

(Some of) The Irish Times editorial 19/7/04

"The Government's decision to seek official status for the Irish language in the European Union is one of the most significant acts of language maintenance that this, or any other Government, has undertaken in recent years. Irish would be accorded its place amongst Europe's working languages, assuming the application is agreed. That is in line with national policy since the State was founded.

The reaction of Irish language organisations to the news is, not surprisingly, one of delight. It is a decision which will greatly enhance the status of Irish at home and abroad, and give the lie, once again, to the charge that it has no role to play in the modern world.


The small lobby group, Stádas, has pulled off a remarkable feat.


While Irish speakers will celebrate the promotion of Irish from treaty to one of official and working status, they will know that the change, of itself, will not secure the future of the language. It is important, therefore, that the work of Irish language groups is constantly monitored, assessed and questioned critically.


In the meantime, however, the Government's decision to seek official status for Irish in the enlarged EU is a mark of confidence in the language as part of Ireland's national culture and heritage. This supplements the official recognition already given to Irish; but even if agreed cannot in itself ensure that the language will survive. That will take a cultural, voluntary and political effort of a different order of magnitude over the coming generation."

author by Darrenpublication date Thu May 19, 2005 04:04author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Féach ar an nasc-see link.

Related Link:
author by Darrenpublication date Thu May 19, 2005 04:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Féach ar an nasc-see link.

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author by Darrenpublication date Thu May 19, 2005 04:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Féach ar an nasc- see link.

Related Link:
author by Duinepublication date Thu May 19, 2005 17:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Rialtas na spáinne ar thaobh na Gaeilge. Húrá!
Níl ach trí thír fichid le tathaint anois gan cur ina coinne.
Agus ansin, an cúig mhilliún Éireannach nach labhrann Gaeilge!!

author by Darrenpublication date Fri May 20, 2005 05:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Tá sé soléir nár ghlac tú páirt sa bhfeathas.

Bhí gach tír ar son stádas don Ghaeilge cheana, ach bhí fadhbanna leis an Spáinn amháin.

Anois tá sé réiteach.


Tá an-bhrón orm duit nach raibh an muinín agat.

author by duinepublication date Fri May 20, 2005 15:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A Dharren,
Bhuel, shínigh mé an achainí ar an idirlíon. Ní bhíonn an deis agam dul go Baile Atha Cliath ró- mhinic.
Bhfuil tú a rá gur teanga lánoifigiúl ag an AE an Ghaeilge anois? Ní dóigh liom é.

author by Darrenpublication date Fri May 20, 2005 23:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Níl fós ach bhí tú mícheart nuair a dúirt tú "Níl ach trí thír fichid le tathaint anois gan cur ina coinne.
Agus ansin, an cúig mhilliún Éireannach nach labhrann Gaeilge!!"


author by Duinepublication date Sat May 21, 2005 12:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Ó Sea!
D'fhág mé Coimisiún an AE as. Tá ar Éirinn aontú ó thíortha uile an AE, móide an Choimisiún féin, d'fháil chun go mbeadh stádas ag an Ghaeilge.
Ach fós ní labhrann 99% de muintir na hÉireann an Ghaeilge. Is trua, ach sin mar a tá sé

author by Darrenpublication date Sun May 22, 2005 05:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

An bhuil cliú ar bith agat faoin feachtas?

Ma bhuil na 25 tíortha ar bord (agus is dócha go bhuil siad) ní bheidh aon faidhbeanna againn leis an Coiminiún.

99% Sea, brionglóid eilge.

Go n'éiri an bóthar leat.

author by Darrenpublication date Thu Jun 16, 2005 05:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Duine"- Thursday, May 19 2005, 4:11pm

Rialtas na spáinne ar thaobh na Gaeilge. Húrá!
Níl ach trí thír fichid le tathaint anois gan cur ina coinne."

Eh.. bhí an ceart agat.

author by Buckerupublication date Thu Jun 16, 2005 05:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Ó Sea!
D'fhág mé Coimisiún an AE as. Tá ar Éirinn aontú ó thíortha uile an AE, móide an Choimisiún féin, d'fháil chun go mbeadh stádas ag an Ghaeilge."

Tut, tut , tut

author by Duinepublication date Thu Jun 16, 2005 14:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Anois creidim i míorúiltí.

Mo sheacht mh'anam sibhse a ghlac páirt san fheachtas.

Ní raibh mé ar an eolas

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