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Conference on Cancer in Co Louth
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news report
Sunday April 18, 2004 23:10 by Sean Crudden - Cooley Environmental and Health Group sean.crudden at iol dot ie 5 Anglesea Terrace, Greenore, Co Louth 0879739945

Simpli, Suimiul.
Eagraiodh crinniu fior speisiul faoi ailse in Chondae Lu inniu 18 la Aibrean 2004 sa Strand, Omeith. Ba e an Leachtoir Pringle o Magh Nuad a thug an caint seo. Chuir se an teolas os ar gcomhair go simpli, suimiuil. Is leir on tuarisc cruin a thug se gur chaith se cuid mhaith ama ar an taighde seo. A relaxed conference took place in The Strand, Omeath, on Sunday 18 April 2004 Commencing at 3.00 p.m. The conference, which was organised by Cooley Environmental and Health Group, heard reasonably definitive answers to questions the Group first set out to answer soon after the Group’s foundation 10 years ago.
Louth is high in the league table of cancer mortality in Ireland. However rates in Louth, for men, are decreasing so that the rate for Louth – if present trends continue – will soon converge with the national average. Rates for women in Louth are also declining but they are not converging with the national average in the way the rate for men seems to be.
The incidence of cancer in Louth in the middle 1990’s shows up a black spot where women under 30 in Drogheda are concerned. The perception that the rate of incidence of cancer in Cooley is especially high is not supported by the statistics. Neither is there any clear evidence that Sellafield is a particular cause of cancer in Cooley or any other part of Co Louth.
Dennis G Pringle, Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, NUI Maynooth, suggested these conclusions to the meeting, and they arise from his report “Cancer Mortality and Morbidity in Co Louth” which he presented formally to Cooley Environmental and Health Group in December last.
Cancer seems to have a heavier incidence in urban areas and especially in working class areas. In general terms causes of cancer seem to be pollution and issues of lifestyle. Dr Pringle also opined that the possibility of viral infection as a cause of cancer was not as outlandish as it might seem and could not be completely ruled out.
Sean Crudden facilitated the conference, and Archbishop Michael Desmond Hynes chaired the round table discussion very expertly. Politicians in attendance included Fergus O’Dowd TD and Leonard Hatrick, Ardee Town Council. Apologies were received from Terry Brennan MCC, Jim Cousins (Dundalk Town Council) and Arthur Morgan TD.
Dr Dennis Pringle undertook to publish the report, “Cancer Mortality and Morbidity in Co Louth,” on the Web early in the next week in such a way that anyone wishing to print out the report in order to have “hard copy” can do so. The web site address when it comes to hand will be submitted for publishing in these pages.