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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41I bet its just a SWP front - Another Bush Is Possible
its just like something the swp would do :-)
Is this for real???
i welcome diverse groups posting here but i wonder why they thought they need to ?
Oh I can't wait for Bush to arrive! My HERO!
I'd like to welcome the leader of America to our shores. We should show the world that we Irish are supporters of America and always will be.
No contact name, only a hotmail address. If you are not prepared to give your name how do you expect to get anyone to support you. Looks to me like you are just trolling.
Allegedly, members of the (non alligned Irish) Freedom Institute are organising this. Their membership includes "Get-A-Job-Sir" Dick Waghorne of UCD, known in these parts Im sure.
I stress, the Freedom Institute itself has absolutely nothing to do with this committee to welcome Bush, and despite having 3 "authors" who are also members of the PDs and one FF it successfully maintains a non-partisan stance. ALWAYS. But certain members of it are - allegedly - involved in this campaign.
If you're wondering what sort of people would welcome Bush, check out:
I just checked out the website and I know we all make typos on indymedia and the grammar is not the best at times but given the nature of indymedia people write at speed etc. Anyway, the grammar is terrible and coming from that lot you would expect more, or one would, wouldn't one. Well not really.
They claim to be reading this and that at uni, do they not know that this technically means that they don't sit exams. It is not just a toffy way of saying studying, it means studying and not doing exams. I would have thought tricky dicky wouldn't waste his money.
Tricky Dick says he was narrowly failed to reintroduce coke aat UCD when he fact he pulled out of the campaign which was thrashed by an even greater majority.
Full of fantasists and would be PD TDs pretty revolting stuff.
Why on Earth would anyone post to Indymedia looking for GW supporters?
Absurd trolling.
Freedom Institute? So! I was right - it IS a joke!
rich kids who actually get off on poor people being poor. I did my leaving at a private college, and the place was full of these types; wealthy kids who are amnused by the suffereing of those less fortunate. They go to college, and realise the battle for minds needs an intellectual dimension, a cloak of ideas, because mere D4 rugby playing arrogance is not an endearing concept in itself.
I look forward to the elections so that these creeps can be removed, but I am wary of the electronic voting system.
However, if such arrogance helps create conflict in the long run, in George Jrs words ;
" Bring it on! "
The arrogance and abuse of power on behalf of FF/PDs has been too much. If they cheat at the election booth 2007, do not be surprised if activism gets more active...
Waghorne now "spokesperson" for Freedom Institute
UCD worst wrongwinger Waghorne didn't 'pull out of the campaign' he was sacked by his supporters. But thats ok because hes now made a home with the PDs and the Freedom Institute and supports ending the minimum wage, deporting minorities and reelecting GWB. Waghorne has a taste for losing elections and was planning to try to take UCD out of USI until Ben 'Paisly' Archibald got in. Waghorne has made speaches in UCD condemning trade unions gay rights and anti-deportation.
He'll be here next year. He should fuck off back to Nazi Germany and leave UCD to the students. Rightwingers out
He's a good guy. Stands up for what he believes in. We need more people like him!
So far we have received emails from 37 interested parties.
Join up, and give the left a shock!!
Wow. A whole 37 people!
The F.I.-types would love for people to come along to their march but the people that matter will be at the rugger or golf or maybe even meeting the man himself.
Although I have a rather sick feeling we'll see Dan Rather telling us in stingingly rhetorical fashion. "While some people attempted to disrupt the visit today, other folks [mini pause]....had an alogether [mini pause] different message [stacatto emphasis second word lower that the first] for President Bush. John Roberts reports [slow]."
You've got my support guys - I'll be happy to pitch in to give the Leader of the Free World the welcome he deserves.
the cia is going to be supplying the flags they'll be waving
Is it possible that "Welcome President Bush", "Suzanne McBride","Waghorne Fan" & "An Fhuiseog" are the same person?
The rhetoric and tone of the 4 is all the same, upbeat cheerleader type language, like that camp cheerleader "Jim" on MTV that Conan O' Brien humiliated by performing a hysterically funny impersonation.
Dunno, but if "An Fhuiseog" is a separate individual then that makes 38.
Are you all feeling shocked yet?
I heard today that these people are being bankrolled by the Limbaugh Institute, Rush Limbaughs think tank in the US. They're famous for giving cash to foreign groups to promote Zionism and US imperialism
You know Fox News is going to completely ignore our protest and salivate over this lot if this goes ahead? They won't get any more than 20 people but that's enough for Bill O'Reilly and Limbaugh to go nuts and make out like the Irish love the chimp.
Give them some credit. They should get the 38 people - if they bring along some of their spouses and offspring and maybe a few dogs and cats.
This is a great idea!! Most Bush supporters (by far the majority in Ireland) don't bother with street activities like this because they don't have to. Our man is in power so there's no need.
Still, it would be good to show Dubya and our friends in America that we really appreciate him here in Ireland.
is that it's entirely unrepresentative of the population of Ireland. He's a dangerous idiot, and most people here realise it. The few who are so blindly partisan not to see what a fuck-up he's making are a teeny little minority, and therefore shouldn't make a show of themselves and misrepresent Ireland as a bunch of chumps.
That's funny. I saw no major public outcry when Bertie met Bush lately. It's you communists who are in the minority - how many communist TDs are in the Dáil??
Yes, everybody who opposes you is a "communist".
And Bertie met Bush in the US, not here.
Bernard: are you the same Bernard Dunleavy who's a lawyer in Dublin?
Very unlikely. It seems to be the same person who posts as 'Lone gunman' and 'Drbinoche'. He is just an abusive troll.
This is all very strange. I know a guy from Dublin who calls himself 'Drbinoche'. Long haired fellow though, heavy metal fan with a beard. Seems to be an easy going guy. I don't think it could possibly be the same fella from here though. Does anyone know where the name comes from?
We hear a few dissenting voices from the Party line and what do the little KGB men do?
Try to identify the "enemies of the people" so they can be dealt with.
All the seeds of communist dictaorship are here.
"Long live the people" said Mao and promptly killed 50 million of them.
I take it you are that lawyer I know then?
Does anyone want his phone number so they can ring him up and laugh?
At every rally, at every gathering of well intentioned people there should be only one chant, 'Four more years, four more years'.
At last we have a US president who exposes, quite openly, the lie at the heart of what US foreign policy has been for at least 50 years.
No one has done more to galvanise anti US imperialist sentiment, across the globe, than George W. Bush. The other jokers were able (on the surface) to conceal the terror of their actions, and put a smiley, caring face to subjugation, horror and death.
This is the first president who has been such an inept imbecile that he can not even conceal the glee with which he terrorises the world; the piggy eyes, the viscious vacuous grin, the complete lack of a self aware/self-analytic faculty (what mistakes have you made, Mr. President?).
And thats why we must keep him there. His work is not nearly done. There will be no end of empire unless this twat gets another four years to finish what he has started. I know there will be pain, and many will suffer, but we must not let this chance pass us by.
In Shannon, in Dublin, at every 'protest', there should be just one chant - FOUR MORE YEARS
Bush is the best chance this world has for a peaceful, free, capitalist, democratic future. We must stand with America or fall to the Islamic fascists who would convert us at the point of a sword.
Surely you mean a barrister -at-law .... ?
it might not even be him. it dosen't really matter anyway.
'Convert us at the point of a sword'? Who told you that? Which of these fascists (I take it you mean Osama Bin Laden and his mates) has ever claimed that that is the purpose of their terror campaign? Their stated aims are quite different, you know.
This culture of fear which the west encourages does not serve any other purpose than to whoop the cheerleaders of 'Operation Kill-More-People' into the required frenzy. Reason, having been abandoned, is not then applied in the rest of the debate; there is no debate. We can then retire to a perpetual state of war against an imagined (not the real threat, which does exist, you understand) 'pervceived threat'. Now the masses can swallow just about anything - WMD, 45 minutes, imminent threat to 'democracy', they are trying to kill 'freedom', they eat babies you know.
And Operation kill more people does not work. It is not working. It will not work.
Now. Think again.
You ignorant eurocratic socialists think us americans eat babies?!!? I like peace, it means no more reports of dead streaming in from Dan Rather Biased. Its just something you have to do. War, food, sleep, those are all things that we must live with as humans. Hussein needed to go, plain and simple.
By the way don't call my president a chimp. You are being disrespectful to me and my nation. I'll never step on European soil. You have aligned yourself with the devil himself.
Are we talking about the same GWB whose brother fixed the election in Florida for him so he and his oil-baron junta could sieze power in a bloodless coup?
Is that what you call democracy and is that what you'd like to have replicated accross the globe?
Stick to driving your SUV, American hegemony won't last very long anyway.
In a few years you fuckers will be the first to speak Chinese when your putrid economy eventually goes belly-up!
The acid-test for whether Americans are complete morons (as if we needed any proof) or not will come with the next election, needless to say if they vote for Bush again they are!
By the way I spit on your president and I piss on your sorry excuse for a democracy, and I'm delighted if you take offence ... now fuck off and do us all a favour!
It's very sad. Whatever his damage is, he's very angry....
No, SHE is not "your stereotypical "angry young man" "
You're not one of the regulars if you don't know that.
Get lost!
If you hate europeans so much, stop looking.
Oh -- and Canadians hate you guys too, so stick to your own country and stop getting upset that Europeans actually have brains.