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A bird's eye view of the vineyard
Alternative Copy of site is available Thu May 25, 2023 14:38 | Ice-Saker-V6bKu3nz Alternative site: Site was created using the downloads provided Regards Herb
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The post Carbon Budget Misinformation appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.
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The post Church Issues ?Anti-Racist? Guide With Baffling Prayer Suggestions appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.
Natural Rights vs Utilitarianism: How Should We Defend Free Speech? Sun Mar 09, 2025 09:00 | James Allan and Will Jones Can utilitarianism adequately underpin free speech, or do we need natural rights, as per the US Declaration of Independence? But don't natural rights require a God? Prof James Allan and Dr Will Jones go head-to-head.
The post Natural Rights vs Utilitarianism: How Should We Defend Free Speech? appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.
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The post News Round-Up appeared first on The Daily Sceptic. Lockdown Skeptics >>
Voltaire, international edition
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International - Event Notice Thursday January 01 1970 international demonstration for the freedom of the anarchist prisoners
english: From the Coordinating Freedom Imprisoned Anarchists we summoned to a manifestation at international level next the 24 of April in Barcelona, to 18 h. in the Seat of the Cathedral. The logic of the system based on the exclusion, repression and the hardening of the pains cause the continuous increase of the prison population. The dissidence is more and more represaliada as we have been able to state in so many places (Barcelona, Valencia, Madrid, Salonica, Italy...) We see ourselves in the necessity to show our rejection all prison system, thus we make this call at international level to demand the freedom of lxs compañerxs anarchists encarceladxs, and by a world without prisons
CALL: BARCELONA (Seat Cathedral 18 h.) 24 OF APRIL OF 2004
More info: [email protected] english: From the Coordinating Freedom Imprisoned Anarchists we summoned to a manifestation at international level next the 24 of April in Barcelona, to 18 h. in the Seat of the Cathedral. The logic of the system based on the exclusion, repression and the hardening of the pains cause the continuous increase of the prison population. The dissidence is more and more represaliada as we have been able to state in so many places (Barcelona, Valencia, Madrid, Salonica, Italy...) We see ourselves in the necessity to show our rejection all prison system, thus we make this call at international level to demand the freedom of lxs compañerxs anarchists encarceladxs, and by a world without prisons
CALL: BARCELONA (Seat Cathedral 18 h.) 24 OF APRIL OF 2004
More info: [email protected]
italiano: Dal Coordinamento Libertá Prigioneri Anarchici convochiamo ad una manifestazione a livello internazionale il prossimo 24 Aprile a Barcellona, alle 18 ore nella Piazza del Duomo(Plaza de la Catedral).
La logica del sistema basata sull´esclusione, la ripressione e l’inasprimento delle condanne provocano il continuato aumento della popolazione carceraria. La dissidenza é diventata sempre piú criminalizzata come abbiamo potuto verificare in tanti posti(Barcellona, Valencia, Madrid, Thessalonikam Italia...)
Ci sembra necessario mostrare il nostro rifiuto a qualsiasi tipo di sistema carcerario ed é in questa ottica che si lancia un appello a livello internazionale per esigire la libertá degli nostri compagni anarchici detenuti e per un mondo senza prigioni.
CONVOCAZIONE:BARCELLONA (Placa Catedral 18ore) 24 APRILLE 2004.
Spedisce questo messagio per poter fare da questa manifestazione qualcosa di grande!
Per ulteriori información puoi contattare: [email protected]
Español: "Desde la Coordinadora Libertad Presos Anarquistas os convocamos a una manifestación a nivel internacional el próximo 24 de abril en Barcelona, a las 18 h. en la Plaza de la Catedral.
La lógica del sistema basada en la exclusión, represión y el endurecimiento de las penas provocan el contínuo aumento de la población carcelaria. La disidencia es cada vez más represaliada tal como hemos podido constatar en tantos lugares (Barcelona, Valencia, Madrid, Salónica, Italia...)
Nos vemos en la necesidad de mostrar nuestro rechazo a todo sistema carcelario, por lo cual hacemos este llamamiento a nivel internacional para exigir la libertad de lxs compañerxs anarquistas encarceladxs, y por un mundo sin prisiones
CONVOCATORIA: BARCELONA (Plaza Catedral 18 h.) 24 DE ABRIL DE 2004
Reenvia este mensaje para que podamos hacer de esta manifestación algo bien grande!
-Para cualquier información, contacta con [email protected]"
Des de la Coordinadora Llibertat Presoners Anarquistes us convoquem a una manifestació a nivell internacional el pròxim 24 d'abril a Barcelona, a les 18 h. a la Plaça de la Catedral.
La lògica del sistema basada en l'exclusió, la repressió i l'enduriment de les penes provoquen el continu augment de la població carcerària. La dissidència és cada cop més represaliada tal com hem pogut constatar en tants llocs (Barcelona, València, Madrid, Salónica, Itàlia...)
Ens veiem en la necessitat de mostrar el nostre rebuig a tot sistema carcerari, per la qual cosa fem aquesta crida a nivell internacional per a exigir la llibertat dels companys i companyes anaquistes empresonades i per un món sense presons.
CONVOCATÒRIA: BARCELONA (Plaça Catedral 18 h.) 24 D'ABRIL DE 2004.
Reexpedeix aquest missatge perquè puguem fer d'aquesta manifestació alguna cosa ben gran!
-Per a qualsevol informació, contacta amb [email protected]
français: Pour la liberté des prisonniers/prisonnières
La “Coordinadora Libertad Presos Anarquistas” (Réseau pour la Liberté des Prisonniers Anarquistes) vous convoque à une manifestation à échelon international, le prochain 24 d’avril à Barcelone, à 18h. dans la “Plaza de la Catedral” (Place de la Cathédrale).
La logique du système basée sur l’exclusion, la répression et l’endurcissement des peines, provoque l’incessante augmentation de la population des prisons. La disidence est, de plus en plus, objet de grandes représailles, comme nous l’avons put constater en autant de lieux (Barcelone, Valence, Madrid, Salonique, l’Italie...).
On se voit dans la nécessité de montrer notre refus à tout système relatif à la prison, c’est pour cela que nous faisons cet appel à échelon international pour exiger la liberté de nos camarades anarquistes emprisonnés, et en faveur d’un monde sans prisons.
CONVOCATION: BARCELONE (Plaza Catedral 18h.) 24 D’AVRIL DE 2004
Renvoi ce message pour qu’on puisse faire de cette manifestation quelque chose de grand!
-Pour obtenir de l’information, contactez avec [email protected]
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Jump To Comment: 1Does anybody knows if there is going to be an equivalent of the Barcelona march in Dublin?