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Defective Heat Pumps Will Be Fitted in New Homes Under Net Zero Plans Tue Mar 25, 2025 11:13 | Sallust
Defective heat pumps will be fitted in new homes under Net Zero plans, the Government has been warned, after it emerged that installations in new builds are unregulated and can be installed by any cowboy.
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Justin Trudeau Has Left the Building Tue Mar 25, 2025 09:00 | Dr James Allan
Canada's lockdown tyrant Trudeau has quit in failure, paving the way for Mark Carney to lead the Liberals into the election. Despite the Trump effect, Prof James Allan predicts a victory for Poilievre's Conservatives.
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Beautiful, Clean Coal Tue Mar 25, 2025 07:00 | Tilak Doshi
King coal is back. The staple fuel, now capable of being burnt cleanly via 4th generation plants, is set to once again take its rightful place in the story of human flourishing, says Tilak Doshi. And not a moment too soon.
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News Round-Up Tue Mar 25, 2025 00:56 | Richard Eldred
A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30Really delighted that you're out among us again. You've been through a lot over the past few weeks, and you deserve our respect.
Good to have you back brother
Great!!! I can't believe it!!
What you have to do now, Eoin is head straight down to Shannon tomorrow and force them to arrest you, so the whole country can see that your human rights are being trampled on.
Welcome back, Owen!
I wasn't sure if this posting was genuine, so I just rang your mobile (knowing you to be a nighthawk), but unfortunately a very sleepy Conor Cregan responded. Poor fella was trying to get some sleep before attending the Grassroots Gathering tomorrow! Nonetheless, he confirmed the good news that you're out (though still sans mobile phone it would seem).
Well done.
Seems like Judge Herbert has been your 'catcher in the rye'. Well done on your continued attempt to make this civil liberties (to-date) non-issue an issue to be reckoned with. When the PASS (post-amnesty shock syndrome) is complete some reflections on your experience of Limerick Prison would be much appreciated.
Let's keep non-violently resisting the great sell-out of a civilian airport for the catering of those engaged in war-making.
Some experiences of the Ploughshares community can be found on the link below:
Welcome back, Owen, into the community of friends.
Great news
Mind yourself though - you've been through a tough, tough time.
Good on you Owen
That's great news Owen! Welcome back!!
There is a seat for you @ Tara
welcome back but the moon is full
you are not completely out of the woods yet.
take it easy, and come and speak to us on the mainland someday.
We're all very happy to see you out and alive and well.
thank you for your defense of all our civil liberties.
Your courage is astonishing and you givethe rest of us a great sense of hope. I believe the tide is turning and the public are waking up. I was in the middle of a birthday celebration last night where I knew no one and the conversation turned to bushes visit .
The mood exploded and even shocked ME. I never said a word about my involvment but I left there feeling high from the discussion. These strangers belted out their fury and hatred for the govt's role in murdering innocent kids. And they all said they will be protesting the Texas Massacre Madman and his Dublin affiliates.
Slainte. P.
Your one courageous b**tard Owen! You make me feel small here sitting at my desk.
Your self-sacrifice has been inspiring. You also helped generate a lot of media coverage for the campaign. Without people like yourself Ireland's support of the American illegal occupation would slip off the agenda quietly and be gone.
We are behind you 100% of the way.
Respect to the Black Pope.
Great that you're out! Looking forward to seeing you soon. Hope you're not too shell-shocked post-prison (know the feeling). Remember, ease yourself into things gradually. (Who am I kidding? It's Owen I'm talking to here - not a chance).
Got home late last night from work to find the man at my door. Last time I saw him was at midnight at the same door before he was taken into custody.
The man has not broken stride. His morale and energy is high, his fine wit intact. Lots of entertaing stories to tell and hope to share
Many thanx Eoin
Any Stories would be much appreciated here in (w)indybabyland. See u monday.
Glad to read your out Eoin. Someone has to do it and of course the judge that put the exclusion order on you must have been to excuse the English phrase "a tick Mick" and never heard of the ECHR 98 protocols. You and the anti-war movement should be applauded in our now dumbed down society where a large percentage of the electorate are behaving like hogs at the trough, whilst our fellow humans basics are being extinguished at will. The negatives we elect will soon come to realise the dangerous precident that has been set on the world stage. The victims of violence in our own country must be wondering what happened to the high ground, ethical yardsticks that sustained them in their darkest hours and now the carpet has been pulled from under them by the two B's of the so called civilised world's stage.
Brilliant news this has made my weekend! Welcome out!
Welcome home, Owen. Your stand has been vindicated – and a brave stand at that. Good to have you back on the outside.
Owen is in Cloverhill courthouse at 2 p.m. today. Support welcomed.
I'm war-ambivalent but respect the work you've done and the stand you've taken (and have followed it closely with interest).
You're dedication is an inspiration.
I just can't produce a few words to express how happy I feel for you been out Owen!!.
My wawa in the belly and I will give you a big hug when I see you, that's for sure!.
Gracias por todo compa!!
ps. A big hug from Nico too.
The guy's an adventurist. He brings it on himself. There is no real need to provoke Gardai unneccesarily. I remember on Day X he spent the day with a megaphone continually annoying cops (and half the protesters) by saying they should arrest FF TDs. He brings it on himslef, I don't see why we should be obliged to stand up for him.
And most people who were present on day x afternoon at dail were very charmed by his humour and directness with the Politicos.
Today in the High Court Owen Rice was granted leave to seek a judicial review of Judge Mangan's decision to ban him from Co. Clare (made in Shannon on 12 February).
Judge Herbert agreed that there were grounds to test whether District Court Judge Mangan had acted 'Ultra Vires' (beyond his authority) in imposing the ban on Owen Rice.
The Application for a writ of Habeus Corpus (that the detention was unlawful) was denied on the grounds that the order for commital to prison was 'valid on it's face' (i.e. was signed by an actual District Court Judge without spelling mistakes); the High Court Judge would not 'look behind the warrant' (i.e. investigate how it arose) as this will be decided in the Judicial Review.
This is the same reasoning adopted by Justice Finnegan on 25th February 2004, which seems to contradict the attitude this same Judge adopted on Friday last, when the Habeus Corpus was adjourned specifically so that it could be fought out today. The possibility is open to appeal this decision to the Supreme Court as a point of general legal interest.
The argument over bail conditions was, after some confusion over who consented to what, stayed until Wednesday 2pm in Court 9.
[For a brief while it looked likely Mr. Rice would be taken back into custody, as he refused to accept the continued current bail condition until such times as the Judicial Review is decided - which could be many months hence. The Judge narrowly managed to avoid this predicament by adopting a pragmatic and flexible attitude.]
On Wednesday Mr. Rice will be argueing to vary the bail conditions back to the original 5Euro without further conditions.
The state may or may not oppose this, but it is difficult at this point in time to imagine what actual evidence they might present to justify any exclusion zone at all. However, we shall see!
There are still front-row spectator seats to be had - they're free! - let's jam-pack the place. Media should be encouraged to attend.
Shalom, __ BP
I am delighted Mr Rice has been released, and I hope those filth that conspired in his detention, beating and abuse of his rights will be punished by Nature itself! This indeed is a stern curse on those bits of pondlife.
I recommend Indytmedia keep the IPs of pondlife like Mr. so called " not harrassed", I think they will find that those IPs belong to certain law enforcement stations.
Gardai conspirators and grown up bullies, despite your big frames and limited intelligence, you are the REAL WIMPS.
You, Gardai conspitrators, bullies, et al, ARE COWARDS. Always remember this. Contemplate suicide if you can.
The self styled "Black Pope" is an adverturist. We should not support elements in the movement that provoke cops and end up getting us all busted.
He has a big enough ego to call himself a Pope. He is not infallible! Let him rot!
Indeed, we should always let Judges do what they want. Locking up people on a whim, what a great precedent to set. Begorrah, I think I'll brainwash myself into believing that. It will be difficult though, there is a thing called the sub conscious.
I know what I'll do! I'll get a lobotomy. Then I can go and study at Templemore. Either that or join Young Fianna Fail. Oh, and develop a method a speaking where I pronounce my 'a's as 'I's
adj : disdainfully or ironically humorous; scornful and mocking;
I think the 'black' bit gives it away.
You could do with a bit of humour in your life, I'd say.
...who are you? Real easy to remain anonymous, especially when making accusations about people. At least when I gave a tongue in cheek slagging of a reclaim the streets march last year, I not only put up my name, but my address, phone number, and e mail.
You and the few cretins that write in here making accusations when the fact remains that that scumbag Judge in Clare,Manger the Skanger, has been abusing his position as a judge. You are staying anonymous because your a pussy.
Then again, if you are a big Guard writing in, then you are just a saddo. Your friendship with the Judge can't jail Mr.Rice, and neither can your bullying/assault, and the various time wasting your force has engaged in against Mr. Rice, as indicative of the average grey matter needed to be a fat assed pig in the first place. ( " Are ye being schmart?" should become your motto)
I'm sorry Mr. Rice hurt your feelings when he was out protesting at Shannon, but you will need to put that aside for now and take up a hobby which will keep your little brain occupied. Try neck swinging, that is where you tie a rope around your neck and jump from a height, it is a bit like bungy jumping but only better.
Hopefully your reliance on viagra will give you painful stomuch ulcers and the worst heartattack ever witnessed on earth.
are the same person, check the similarities in syntax.
"I remember on Day X he spent the day with a megaphone continually annoying cops (and half the protesters) by saying they should arrest FF TDs. He brings it on himslef, I don't see why we should be obliged to stand up for him."
Oh, the fact that this fella does not like the concept of free speech is indicative of something...
Anyway, I'd love to know where this idiot got the word "adventurist".
Either way, see if the ip is coming from the Gardai- Irish cops are such sticklers for having their feelings hurt...