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Interview with CSA (NIPSA)
As we go to press Government and bosses have made good their threats of disciplinary action against workers fighting for an end to poverty pay in the Civil Service. Seven workers – all from the same department have been suspended for taking part in a work to rule. Four of the seven are shop stewards. This is clearly an attempt to break the union, NIPSA, and the resolve of its members in the CSA. The original threats threatening the withdrawal of flexible working arrangements and other disciplinary action against workers taking part in the pay dispute was met with a wildcat walkout by thousands of NIPSA members on 5th February. This hardened the resolve of workers and increased support for the ‘official’ strike the next day.
It appears that the management offensive has been deliberately concentrated on workers in the CSA who are regarded by management as a particularly troublesome and militant section of the union and the dispute. A member of Organise! talked to an activist from that department on Wednesday the 18th of February. Shortly afterwards it was reported that senior management had decided to award themselves an additional 2% while the 3.67% imposed by management. Organise! believe it is time to escalate the strike action building to week long day stoppages. Pressure needs to be maintained on the union leadership to ensure this dispute is fought effectively. The whole NIPSA membership should be taking action in support of this dispute while workers in other areas need to provide practical solidarity and support.
Could you tell me a bit about the background to the dispute, why are civil servants across the north engaged in industrial action?
We are on this path because the Government has decided that we do not need a fair and reasonable pay rise for 2003. It is also to do with protecting our future terms and conditions, while senior management have awarded themselves between 4% and 9% plus bonuses of between £3,000 and £6,000 per year the average admin officer must make do with an increment of £500 for the year and absolutely no cost of living allowance. Most of the people involved in the dispute are on £10,000 a year.
The Government and senior management have gone on the offensive against workers taking action in order to break the strike and prolong poverty pay. What is your response to the Finance Ministers announcement that industrial action is futile and that there is no money available to meet the workers demands?
The point here is that initially management offered a 5.57% rise with strings. Strings which were not disclosed to the union. We know that these strings would not have improved our terms and conditions so on our refusal to accept them the offer was withdrawn. A ‘pay rise’ was then imposed on us at nowhere near the original 5.57% offered. If there is no more money then where has the money gone? Or perhaps it was, like the Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, never really there in the first place. My response to this is that we must stand firm in the knowledge that we are not going to be bullied by a bunch of overpaid managers with no grasp of living on poverty wages.
So far seven of your fellow workers have been suspended for taking part in a work to rule, what impact has this had on them and workers in the Civil Service in general?
These workers were given one hour to seek union guidance and then decide whether to end their work to rule or be suspended from duty without pay. Each one of them decided that they would take the suspension. This sends the message that we will not be intimidated by naked aggression nor will we give in to illegal management tactics. The mission statement of the CSA is that child poverty must be eradicated – one of the people suspended is pregnant. This shows perfectly the CSA’s commitment to the welfare of children. There’s a load of people who have lost their flexi-time and must now work 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, even though we are supposed to provide a service to the public from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.. How can we provide this service if we are not allowed in before 9.00 a.m. and must leave again at 5.00 p.m.? Again the CSA shows its caring side.
What support have these seven received from their fellow workers in their own department and across the Civil Service?
They have received solid backing from workers in this department and a pledge that we will find the funds to alleviate their circumstances. We have had great support from many offices across the DSD and remain in constant contact with these branches to keep them up dated on any developments.
Have the moves by senior management/Government weakened the resolve of workers in this struggle?
Not at all. The example set by these seven workers who have been suspended has galvanised support and strengthened our resolve. We will not be defeated by a management with their heads in the clouds and no firm grasp on reality.
Can you win this struggle?
Yes we can. With a united workforce and a strong union.
Bearing in mind the escalation of the dispute by management/Government what do you see as the next step for workers in taking this dispute forward?
The only way to take this struggle forward, in my opinion, is for the union to escalate the industrial action. We need all out strike action – five days at a time! The time has passed for one day strikes here and there. We must now get as aggressive with management as they have become with us. When this happens I would call on members of the public and fellow workers to attend the picket lines to show their solidarity with us.
From the pages of Working Class Resistance, bulletin of Organise!
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5As a union member who's union is not on strike, yet.., I want to add my support to the suspended workers of NIPSA.
An injury to one is an injury to all.
Can we make these co-ordinated strikes wider than the civil service..can we ballot our members for supportive action..our union members suffer when low pay and bad conditions demoralise civil service workers...I know that secondary picketting has been can we show our solidarity and support to strikers..?
I am a firm believer that trade unions are not there just for wage negotiations, but to instill economic and social justice and democracy into this free market madness that workers have to battle constantly.
The moves against activists of branch 8 CSA is an attempt to break what is regarded as NIPSA's strongest branch. The government move against branch 8 should be seen as a move against NIPSA as a whole.
The workers in the workplace have pledged money from their own low pay packets to any of their fellow workers that are suspended. Although the government and management have directed its attention towards branch 8 this should not be seen only as a fight between branch 8 and the government. This is a fight for all civil servants and solidarity and unity is needed. We need all out strike action for longer periods, not by one branch or a handful of branches but across the board.
Management and the government have escalated the situation by moving and directing their attention against this branch . Therefore the NIPSA leadership needs to respond to this bullying of activists. This fight can be won and workers have shown that they are up for the fight.
Many other unions are also watching on as to the outcome. So rather than the government as they are setting out to do, to attempt to break key union branches and then the union as a whole we need to see an effective strategy to counter this. Just look at what the postal workers did in Britain.
Unity is strength.
Not all quite what it seems.
No slective action?
No strike pay?
No action to support suspended workers?
What is going on in the CSA?
Sorry I think you have the CSA 'branch' mixed up with civil service 'Executive' who have now called of all further strike action. CSA are the rank and file workers who lead the 'unofficial' walkouts while the executive are the elected body who called the 'official' action. The time for change group is in the Executive. It is the executive who have now called of further action etc to negotiate with a minor Grade 5!
It now seems strike action is back on again, as agreed today.