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Playing the race card
As the 'peace process' hits yet another brick wall, the rise of racism in the north is viewed by some as the price we will have to pay for 'normalisation', as though the blow-torch of sectarian invective will simply switch its focus on another set of blameworthies, marked out as somehow 'different'. In fact, with the
recent electoral success of Sinn Fein and the DUP, the north is facing months, if
not years, of continued polarisation. Racists from the WNP (White Nationalist
Party), the BNP (British Nazi Party) and others are not, however, waiting for one
ism (sectarianism) to leave by the back door before
breaking into the house with another.
Racism in our society is not a new phenomenon: ethnic
groups have experienced institutionalised racism and
racist attacks throughout the 'troubles'. Travellers
have been and continue to be among the most
discriminated against groups in Irish society north
and south. What cannot be doubted is that racism must
be tackled.
The dramatic rise in the number of "racial incidents"
in the north over recent years is illustrated clearly
by statistics. Between 1996 and 1999, more than 350
race-motivated attacks were reported, a 400% increase
on the previous period. The number of attacks on
children also doubled - rising from 8.5% of total
attacks in 1996 to more than 16% in 1999. The annual
total increased from 186 to 269 incidents between 1999
and 2000 - a rise of 45%. Over the last two years
these high levels of attack have continued. 226
racial incidents were reported between April 2002 and
April 2003, with 185 such attacks in the previous
year. Also, due to victims' fears over coming forward
and their lack of confidence in the police tackling
racist violence, the official statistics are likely to
significantly understate the extent of the problem.
The truth is that Northern Ireland is fast-becoming
the race-hate capital of Europe, breaking the UK?s
record for the number of racist attacks: spitting and
stoning in the street, human excrement on doorsteps,
swastikas on walls, pipe bombs, arson, the ransacking
of houses with baseball bats and crow bars, and white
supremacist leaflets nailed to front doors.
In the last few months, the Chinese community, the
largest ethnic minority in the north, and which has
had a presence here since the 1960s, has borne the
brunt of most of these attacks. A local estate agent
in the Village area of south Belfast has been warned
not to accommodate 'Chinese, Blacks, or Asians'. Ten
tenants have already been forced out via a systematic
campaign of racial abuse. Last month, Ugandan and
Romanian families were burned out. A six-foot plank
was hurled through the front window of the home of a
Pakistani woman who was eight months pregnant. She and
her brother-in-law had moved in just twelve hours
earlier. A Swedish family were burned out of their
homes in Lurgan, presumably because they spoke with an
accent (!), and a few miles away in Portadown there is
continuing friction around the proposal to build a
mosque in the area.
Role of loyalism?
With the standing down of the South Belfast commander
of the UVF, following the racist attacks in the
Village area, denials of loyalist paramilitary
involvement ring hollow. Earlier in the year David
Ervine, in an interview with Matthew Collins published
in the February edition of Searchlight magazine,
stated that he was in no position to 'legislate for
arseholes' and that:
'Racism is not acceptable to me and the UVF leadership
has assured me that they are not going to sanction
racist attacks, nor am I going to stand by and allow
it to go unchallenged.'
Links have and do undoubtedly exist between loyalism
and fascism, both are ideologically based on British
nationalism. While perhaps the leadership of loyalism
may, in the words of Patrick Yu of the Chinese Welfare
Association, 'seem very serious' about taking
responsibility and confronting racism it remains to be
seen just how effective people like Ervine will be in
confronting racism. They have already stated that the
BNP is welcome to stand here - while of course denying
that they will get many votes. Whether the standing
down of the UVF commander who 'sanctioned' racist
attacks in the Village puts a stop to such attacks
remains to be seen.
According to a report in the Observer newspaper
(December 28th 2003), a leading UDA figure in the area
'he would not tolerate or sanction any attacks on
the ethnic minority community by any of his members.'
South Belfast DUP spokesperson Mark Robinson has
claimed that it was merely a coincidence that racist
attacks were taking place in loyalist areas. Even
after the attack on the home of a Muslim family, and
death threats against Muslim leaders in Craigavon,
some local councillors were still denying that there
was any racism there. Former Unionist Party Mayor
Fred Crowe said:
"I do not accept that there is racism in Craigavon.
It would be better if the police did their job in the
area and concentrated on paramilitaries and drug
The PUP have supported Filipino workers in Antrim, and
recently issued a joint statement with NICEM
condemning racist attacks. A small number of
loyalists were also present at the recent anti-racist
rally in Belfast. Many loyalists are undoubtedly
sincere in their anti-racism and identify fascism and
nazism as ideologies which many of their parents and
grandparents died to rid the world of in W.W.II.
Combat 18, the WNP and two BNP's
Combat 18 (a violent paramilitary nazi organisation
named after the position of Adolf Hitler?s initials in
the alphabet) banners have been reported at Seaview
football ground. Nick Griffin, British National Party
(who have tried to recast themselves as the
respectable face of British fascism) leader, has been
reported as visiting 'disaffected' loyalists in recent
weeks. The White Nationalist Party, a split from the
British Nationalist Party, have according to the
Sunday Life newspaper, been recruiting throughout
north Antrim, mainly in Ballymena, but with cells also
in Portadown and south Belfast. Another of the groups
currently circulating hate literature is the November
9 Society. Also known as the British Nazi Party, the
group takes its name from the anniversary of
Kristallnacht - the night in 1938 when Nazi mobs went
on the rampage throughout Germany, killing almost 100
Jews and destroying thousands of Jewish-owned
businesses. The BNP is thought to be preparing to
target Dungannon and the area covered by South Tyrone
borough council, where there is a growing population
of Portuguese migrant workers.
Both the WNP and British Nazi Party have denied
responsibility for the recent increase in racial
tension. One source for the BNP has claimed that:
"The people who go out to commit those type of acts
are unhinged. And whether they read our literature, or
anyone else's literature, if they are that way
inclined that's what they will do."
So when the words (hinged, naturally!) on the leaflet
"Asylum seekers would be asked to leave immediately;
if they refused they would be marched to the coast, by
the Army, and told to swim"
anyone reading the words, agreeing with them, and
attempting to put them into action are somehow
'unhinged' while the authors are not.(?) (Sunday Life,
July 13th 2003).
The Far Right on the move?
Tactically, the far right wants to be in place and
ready to capitalise politically on any 'explosion' in
the number of asylum-seekers entering the North.
Already the government and media across the UK and
Ireland are doing much of the ground work for them -
with regular scare stories about 'gypsy invasions',
'floods of immigrants', 'maternity tourism' and
'welfare scroungers'.
The far right's key date will be the summer of 2005
when local government elections are scheduled, with
speculation that the BNP, NF and WNP will try to
repeat some of the election successes of the British
National Party in England.
As libertarian communists, members of Organise! and
others in the north, need to rise to the challenge. We
are aware of how racism is used to scapegoat failed
economic policies, and to divide our class. We need to
counter this with our own vision of multi-culturalism,
flourishing in a world without borders, and without
the fiction of racial difference.
From the pages of Working Class Resistance #4,
bulletin of Organise!. To distribute WCR!, contact
Organise! at:
[email protected]
To make comments on this article, visit the Organise!
forum, hosted at:
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33You need to reconsider whether this phenomenon is really "racism" . I mean it sure looked like racism with Chinese and Pakistanis being attacked, but was that perhaps because there weren't a supply of white European "others who were easily identifiable". As soon as you tell me that a SWEEDISH couple were also attacked "maybe because they spoke with an accent" I have to question wherther the phenomenon is "racism" or plain xenophobia in which ANY "others" will be attacked if they can be identified
You are both no different from the BNP. You stop your opponents from holding meetings you want to censor what we can read, write say or hear. If you ever got real power you would exterminate anyone who disagreed with you. Why dont you condemn racist attacks by republicans? Oh I forgot thats the elephant in the living room. Must remember to pretend that only protestants are involved in racist attacks.
Democrat, you seem to be allowing your dislike for WCA to cloud your reason. This article is from the anarchist organisation "Organise! Working Class Resistance", which has no links with WCA as far as I know. Considering the politics of Organise, you couldn't be more mistaken in your "criticisms". But then you probably didn't bother reading the article, did you?
They don't do reading!!!
this isnt the puppies. not their style. the SP supports No Platform. The goon is attacking WCR and WCA over this.
You can train the little un's to attack all the time and sometimes they just don't know when to drop the line.
The following line makes me wonder.
"Why dont you condemn racist attacks by republicans?"
Well, if you read our aims and principles, and in particular, our position on nationalism, the question you ask barely merits a response.
From our aims and principles, online at:
"We are opposed to the ideology of nationalism and national liberation movements, which claim that there is some common interest between native bosses and the working class in face of foreign domination. We do support working class struggles against racism, genocide, ethnocide and political and economic colonialism. We oppose the creation of any new ruling class. We reject all forms of nationalism, as they only serve to redefine divisions in the international working class. The working class has no country and national boundaries must be eliminated."
To suggest that we favour republicanism by not mentioning repubilican racist attacks in Belfast is risible. Perhaps, they are not mentioned simply since they don't exist? (If you know of any, let me know and I'll mention them in a follow-up piece.)
Likewise, believing that the attacks aren't racist simply because some idiots attacked a Swedish family is also ridiculous, since the reference to that attack was meant to underscore the sad mentality of people who can not accept difference of whatever kind.
""We are opposed to the ideology of nationalism and national liberation movements, which claim that there is some common interest between native bosses and the working class in face of foreign domination. "
Does this men that you dont recognise the existence of Imperialism? Are you saying that subject peoples do not have the right of self determination? Its not a question of whether or not you agree with their choice; surely they should have the choice.
What about National Liberation Movements that do not call for cross class alliances?
Who needs a vanguard party of trendy leftists leading the revolutionary struggle ? Marx claimed that you have to deal with the national oppressor first..well then get on with it and stop the pontification about the right strategy.
Building class alliances who cares..we are behind enemy lines here and theorists have no place..get organised comrades..the revolution is not being televised.
The WSM oppose Imperialism, even in Ireland! Organise seem to have a lot in common with the SP.
The poster above 'Red and Black' is a troll. He is almost certainly not an anarchist (as his name seeks to imply) and he is for some reason trying to start a fight between Organise! and the WSM. I have never heard any Irish anarchist describe another as 'imperialist'.
There are some differences between Irish anarchists on the question of imperialism and the partition of Ireland. However, although certain people like to paint things in black and white, none of these positions come close to being characterisable as 'nationalist' or 'imperialist'.
There are certain positions that are common to all anarchists:
1. Opposition to imperialism
2. Opposition to nationalism.
The differences mainly come down to our attitudes towards groups that oppose imperialism from a nationalist perspective and what if anything classifies a struggle as 'national liberationist' as against nationalist. These differences are actually pretty subtle and the subject of ongoing debate within anarchism.
The question boils down to: If there is an imperialist occupation and it is opposed by a nationalist movement, what should our attitude be towards the nationalists?" We all agree that we should oppose imperialism and that we should not support the nationalist opposition, but there is no simple solution to how we can practically do this, and naturally there is disagreement on the fine details.
Specifically when dealing with the partition of Ireland, there is ongoing debate within Irish anarchism and within the WSM as to the continuing importance of imperialism to the political situation in the wee north. Personally I believe that the imperial ambitions of the British state are becoming increasingly less important in the politics of the North and that state discrimination and collusion with loyalism are less and less the result of an active imperialist drive from London and more and more the result of the historic legacy of that imperialism and the sectarian nature of the GFA.
It's sort of funny that the article was first attacked for being republican, then attacked for being 'imperialist'. Some people seem to think that their position is naturally correct and any deviation from it inevitably means that you are in the 'enemy' camp. What a simple world that must be.
Chekov may I ask you a few question from the explanation of your position.
Why do Anarchists not support the struggle against British nationalism when it is occupying the six counties. Is this not a dictatorship at its worst ? National, cultural and political oppression which is the anti-thesis of the society you want ?
Do anti-colonialist struggles become tainted because they have an element of nationalism inherent in them ?
Revolutionary anti-colonialism nationalism ? Cannot that be a driving force in progression towards ending imperialism ?
It surprises me that in the struggle for national independence..the self proclaimed revolutionary elements tend to attack the advocates of national liberation and carry out the work of the imperial power !!
"Why do Anarchists not support the struggle against British nationalism when it is occupying the six counties."
Most anarchists (including the WSM) opposed British imperialism in Ireland. But what does 'support the struggle' mean, in particular today. Does it mean supporting the main stream SF demand for getting Stormont up and running. Or does it mean supporting the sort of dissident activity that led to the Omagh bomb? There are no less than 4 rival organisations that claim to represent 'the struggle', do you propose to pick one to support? [Actually if you counted the unarmed dissident republican groups there are at least 6]
Historically we have seen it not as a question of supporting anyone but rather of opposing state repression. So opposition to Bloody Sunday, diplock courts, criminalisation, shoot to kill, internment etc, etc.
"Do anti-colonialist struggles become tainted because they have an element of nationalism inherent in them ?"
I'm not sure what 'tainted' means. Also this is a very general question, in relation to Ireland the struggle here (post 1970) had more than an 'element of nationalism' it was absolutely dominated by nationalism. Rhetoric aside the left elements were weak, marginalised and in any case more based on armed social democracy than anything to do with communism and working class self management.
This wasn't always true, in 1919 for instance there was at least a small chance of the War of Independance opening up into a more general class conflict with the wave of 'soviets' and land seizures. Which is precisly why the SF land courts were set up (to protect the landlords) and why Britain was willing to negotiate the treaty with the 'sensible' wing of the revolutionary movement.
We have an outdated position paper on the question at (A long and torturous internal debate should result in an updated version in a couple of months). Otherwise you might be interested in the articles at (pre Peace Process) and (Peace Process)
I think it fairly tragic, but sadly predictable, that an article on racist attacks on ethnic minorities in the north has been used, by obvious trolls on this list, as a means to pursue their own trivial, narrow-minded agenda. I’m happy that members of WSM have responded to those comments, suggesting a much healthier, less sectarian anarchist movement than that endured by some of our leftist neighbours.
In forming Organise!, the Anarchist Federation and Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation did not have to move that much (if at all) in finding common ground on this issue. We issued ‘a statement on the north’ in the first Wildcat (joint bulletin of AF-ASF), online at:
...and are in the process of writing a pamphlet on the ‘nationalist question’ generally.
Regarding WSM, we have differences on the north, but given some of Chekov’s comments perhaps less differences than before. He writes:
”Specifically when dealing with the partition of Ireland, there is ongoing debate within Irish anarchism and within the WSM as to the continuing importance of imperialism to the political situation in the wee north. Personally I believe that the imperial ambitions of the British state are becoming increasingly less important in the politics of the North and that state discrimination and collusion with loyalism are less and less the result of an active imperialist drive from London and more and more the result of the historic legacy of that imperialism and the sectarian nature of the GFA.”
I think this is positive, in the sense that I see it as coming closer, now, to my own view of those 'imperialist ambitions' (or lack of them) definitely since the beginning of the ‘ulsterisation’ process after direct rule and also before. We will disagree on the historic time frame for this, but can move forward hopefully on the question of strategy in the present and future.
In any case, I look forward to reading whatever changes WSM have made to their position paper on this.
Al (personal)
As a northern nationalist, a leftie, and more and more, an anarchist, I've always wondered why the PDs have been running Ireland (the republiac anyway) for the last fifteen years with 4 - 8 TDs and a lower percentage than the Green party .
The last year browsing the Indymedia public comment threads have resolved that problem for me completely.
It seems to be that there is no right-winger (however extremist and obnoxious) than the fellow left wingeres in 'our' midst that must be 'sorted out'.
In that respect this thread is entirely predictable. In one particular it is unusual. Normally the whole thread revolves around a anti-pro SWP civil war. this time the enemy is the anarchists.
There are plenty of comments by anarchsists on this thread alone that a disagree with but if anybody wants to deal with the real problem of racism in the north they should take a look at loyalism, and at unionism in general.
Chekov the Anarchist King has of late recruited a new yuppie element to the WSM through his dinner and cocktail parties. Unlike the long time WSM cadres this new element would have a disdain for opposition to British Imperialism and blames the Northern troubles on the Catholics. Chekov along with Organise stands for an Anarchist Federation of the British Isles (sound familiar?).
The WSM old guard are now making their last stand against this Young Pretender. We can only hope that the true Makhnoites triumph against someone who is both the Hadden and RBB of Irish Anarchism.
But over in Barcelona the collective "miles de viviendas" (thousands of homes) has in this last week launched a new initiative [with a yo mango {=I steal} cocktail party, which I'd love to tell you about.
Miles de viviendas, is a new initiative of the Barcelona Assembly of Okupes {squatters}.
Based at number 43 C/Sardenya, the collective has launched legal proceedings against Barcelona's council for _illegally_ eviciting a squatted social centre. This interesting twist has been backed up with "trendy" and eye catching flyer and poster support, and has succeeded in bolstering mainstream media interest through horizontal channeling in Okupe affairs.
Yesterday at another illegal eviction, a camera man of the national Spanish TV station TVE1 was assaulted and arrested by officers of the Guardia Urbana whilst filming an illegal eviction in central BCN. This story has now reached national mainstream prominence and signals further understanding of okupe problems and solutions to urban speculation, as well as prompting a wider investigation of criminal associations with urban development.
In addition "miles de viviendas" is acting as a focus point for activities to co-incide with UNICEF Forum of Cultures 2004 in Barcelona, as well as planning Barcelona's contribution to the international call to action, memory and "reclaiming" of Mayday 2004.
You may see the "cocktail flyer" at the link, but rest assured not all okupes dress like this, but some do... Some might even sport whips and derive economic (but not sexual) delight
from physically castigating the more avaricious members of society.
This initiative counterpoints nicely with the recent struggle in north London where the collective occupying a social centre have refused to leave a long dis-used building before the eviction date of the only legal tenant.
for more details see:-
'Proudhon' above is clearly the same SP/SY member who has posted elsewhere with this 'King Chekov' stuff. Can someone in the SP please explain to the puppies the meaning of the term provocation. And in particular how attempting to sow splits in this manner is the work of the cops and should be left to them alone.
More the work of idiots than cops. But Joe do you concur with Chekovs stuff about the WSM position on the North etc?
The provactor pretending to be an anarchist called 'Proudhon' hasn't posted an accurate summary of the position. Indeed that was the whole point of the provocation was it not 'curious'? So why expect me to respond?
"The WSM old guard are now making their last stand against this Young Pretender."
Is Al the grey wizard?
"Specifically when dealing with the partition of Ireland, there is ongoing debate within Irish anarchism and within the WSM as to the continuing importance of imperialism to the political situation in the wee north. Personally I believe that the imperial ambitions of the British state are becoming increasingly less important in the politics of the North and that state discrimination and collusion with loyalism are less and less the result of an active imperialist drive from London and more and more the result of the historic legacy of that imperialism and the sectarian nature of the GFA. "
I meant Chekovs comment as above. Does it reflect WSM opinion or just Chekov.
As I said in the other thread curious I'm not about to reward provocations. I find it 'curious' that you should be so keen that we do.
As said elsewhere I'll discuss this on irishanarchism if you wish or at a later date here. Ray has in any case already pointed out the obvious.
Phone us, write or email us if you want an answer. Looks as if Secretary General Chekov is turning the WSM to Leninism as well.
Proudhon's insight into the WSM is so accurate that I can only assume that we have been infiltrated. He must have been at the secret meeting in my garden shed when I was appointed king of anarchism and secretary general of the WSM. Maybe he was disguised as one of the punk page-boys? Or maybe he was disguised as one of the cultured guests at my exclusive cocktail evenings, discussing the merits of Conrad's insights into the savages. He might even have been there when I got out my collection of queen-mum souvenir paraphenilia and lady Di tea-towels. In any case, the game is up, I'm rumbled. I might as well up and join the British army at this stage because my plot to bring imperialism to Irish anarchism has been exposed.
once again an issue has been hi jacked by a bunch of muppets out to further their own agenda.
The article was on rising racism yet amazingly but not suprisingly managed to get bogged down in nationalist nonsense (and that includes british nationalism).
The fact that Organise's position on nationalism and imperialism has been attacked as both pro imperialism and pro republican would imply we are doin something right.
Now a for all u arm chair republicans in the south i have no desire to even listen to ur middle class nationalist rubbish, as for the fella from the north who described himself as a leftie nationalist tho increasingly anarchist, well he is a self described nationalist and therefore he is going to have a different position to us on the north, because we sorta reject backward notions of nation for an internaionalist class analysis.
as for the trolls trying to stir things between organise and the WSM well i think both our organisations have the wit and the principles to be able to withstand such guff.
It is sad that when groups try to move beyond the national question that every wanker tries to pull them back down to such a backward and petite bourgeos level.
the fight for an Irish nation was the fight of the middle class it is not our fight!! our fight is for the establishment of a worldwide federation of working class resistance.
Nationalism is a created product!
Its obvious that you are happy with the British occupation of Ireland. A real live Loyalist Imperialist Life Style Anarchist.
? is a real live idiot.
Most people who live in the 6 counties don't think they are occupied.
? is as smart as John Bruton in other words he usually remembers the paper when he / it wipes its ass.
oh yeah boyo lets all go get our armalites and go beat out the blackand tans what a fuckin muppet u are.
strange that we are accused of backin the British occupation of the north whilst Gerry and the boys actualy administer it.
and as for being lifestylist you've obviously haven't met me cos i despise lifestyle politics almost as much as backward nationalists.
It shows you are the muppets.If You dont see any difference between Imperialist aggression and the defensive actions of an occupied people then you are pro imperialist.
listen to yourselves. I don't know any of you but think you need to get out more.
a) what is a troll?
b) who are puppies?
c) has this anything to do with rising xenophobia, or does it just prove that people can get vehemently angry over any issue?
d) why does everything on these forums come back to anarchism (or SWP or WSM or whatever) ALL THE TIME?!
Did any of yis realise that "organise" is an anagram of "orangise" ......
Now what does that tell us ?