National - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
Invitation to first meeting of another europe is possible
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event notice
Thursday December 11, 2003 12:35
by rory hearne - globalise resistance
rhearne at tcd dot ie

this saturday at 2pm in the teachers club, parnell sq
Letter of invitation to first meeting of ‘Another Europe is Possible’
Saturday, December 13th at 2pm in the Teachers Club, 36 Parnell sq, Dublin.
As you are probably aware Ireland takes over the presidency of the EU for a six month period beginning in January 2004. This will involve the Irish Government spending millions of euros on hosting summits of the EU Commission, meetings of the Council of Ministers, OECD Ministerial meetings and possibly a meeting with George Bush and the EU heads of state.
Many groups and individuals from all over the Island of Ireland will want to organise initiatives during the six month presidency and it was proposed at the final plenary of the Irish Social Forum in October to set up an alliance that will try to bring together the maximum number of groups and individuals to co-ordinate common initiatives during the EU presidency.
The EU is increasingly promoting the agenda of neo-liberalism, racism and privatisation (through enshrining them in the new constitution) and war (through the creation of a European Army). This is fundamentally an anti-democratic process as it runs contrary to the wishes and needs of the people of Europe. At the recent European Social Forum that took place in Paris over 50,000 delegates from all over Europe called on all social movements to mobilise against this Europe of neo-liberalism and war (especially on May 9th –the proposed signing date of the new EU constitution).
The Irish government is proposing to make competitiveness one of its key objectives during the presidency and is also promoting Ireland as the role model for Europe to follow. However, we propose that social rights and opposition to Fortress Europe, militarisation and war should be put central to an alternative Europe.
We hope that you are interested in getting involved in this new alliance that will bring diverse groups and individuals together from all over the Island of Ireland in order to co-ordinate common events such as days of mobilisation to bring the maximum number of people together to call for a Europe of social rights in a world without war.
The proposed name of this new alliance is ‘Another Europe is Possible’. The first meeting will take place on December 13th in the Teacher’s Club, 36 Parnell sq, Dublin. Supporting this initiative so far are Patricia Mckenna (MEP), Paul Dillon (President UCD Student’s Union). Also Barry Nevin (Chairperson, Civil Aviation Branch Dublin Airport), John Bissett (Community Worker), Richard Boyd Barrett (Irish Anti War Movement), Andy Storey (Development Studies, UCD) and others will give introductions at the meeting. The meeting is an open discussion of what the alliance can do during the EU presidency. I hope that you can make it and can bring along interested colleagues and friends.
Rory Hearne
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9I see that the SWP will invite Paul Dillon, who supports the Nice Treaty (and Article 133) but will not put out an invite to a SP member like Joe Higgins or Clare Daly who are prepared to go to jail to defend public services.
In fairness, maybe they sent an invitation and either haven't got a response or got turned down.
On the other hand, this being an SWP front (What is this, 17 or 18 now?) maybe they waited until the last minute or didn't bother inviting.
For future reference Rory, putting your name as the writer and calling it 'Another Europe is Possible' (How original) is a bit of a giveaway. GR launching across Europe is it?
GR fails to fool anyone that it is anything but an SWP front
The ISF is annoyingly not under SWP control [well done lads] Even if it was a little timid about telling RBB where he could stick his 'Irish delegate to the ESF'.
Lo and behold from the mists 'Another Europe is possible' emerges.
Rory a more honest title might be 'Another front is possible'.
Not that it is.
If certain "activists" had to list every relevant group they hold a position in it would go on for a long time.
For example, RBB is listed as only "irish anti war movement) and Rory describes himself only as GR, This is to give an illusion of diversity? I don't know about the all of other people mentioned but what parties are they involved in? How many people mentioned are members of the SWP?
I think some clarification on Paul Dillon's position on Nice Treaty (esp Article 133) and the European Union would be great. Paul, how did you vote on the Nice Treaty?
It says there was a proposal at the ISF gathering to take this initiative. Was it agreed at a plenary? Does the ISF itself have any role in this? Is this Rory & Co. trying to put themselves at the head of a movement?
If this meeting turns out to be well attended and broad in its participation everything should be up for grabs including the name and its structure.
The EU is increasingly promoting the agenda of neo-liberalism, racism and privatisation (through enshrining them in the new constitution) and war (through the creation of a European Army)
racism?? how and if so why do the neo-fascists want out of the EU?
i campaigned and voted against Nice but i dont think all of those who voted yes are out and out enemies of the people. i know of some yes voters who would have a better understanding of the dynamics of imperialism in ireland than the sp would.
tintin your points might be taken more seriously if you identified yourself. after all, you are demanding answers from someone you have named.
"it was proposed at the final plenary of the Irish Social Forum in October to set up an alliance that will try to bring together the maximum number of groups and individuals to co-ordinate common initiatives during the EU presidency. "
Just to clarify at the final plenary on Sunday morning in Mother RedCaps there were many proposals. 1 was for the ISF to establish an 'alliance' that would co-ordinate actions during the EU Presidency especially on certain dates - May 1, May 9 etc.... No consensus was reached on this proposal. This debate mirrored the arguments surrounding the WEF and the call for the ISF to organise a blockade of Dublin Castle.
It is important to remember that the Irish Social Forum follows the World Social Forum's Charter of Principles. This clearly states that....
"The meetings of the World Social Forum do not deliberate on behalf of the World Social Forum as a body. No-one, therefore, will be authorized, on behalf of any of the editions of the Forum, to express positions claiming to be those of all its participants. The participants in the Forum shall not be called on to take decisions as a body, whether by vote or acclamation, on declarations or proposals for action that would commit all, or the majority, of them and that propose to be taken as establishing positions of the Forum as a body. It thus does not constitute a locus of power to be disputed by the paarticipants in its meetings, nor does it intend to constitute the only option for interrelation and action by the organizations and movements that participate in it."
Personally, I feel groups and organisations are more than capable of organising actions themselves and am somewhat annoyed at the linking of the ISF with this new 'alliance'. I beleive Rory should clarify that some participants of the final plenary decided to set up an alliance - not the entire audience! Also it should be noted that the number of those that stayed back to discuss the formation of this alliance where predominantly members of GR. (It was a GR proposal) Since the ISF summit, a number of events have taken place that were suggested and discussed in workshops and plenaries over the weekend in October. The Noise 4 Choice demo is one of them yet it was in no way linked to the Irish Social Forum or advertised as an ISF event.