National - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970
Palestine Awareness Week, 20-30 October 2003
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event notice
Wednesday October 15, 2003 15:05 by IPSC - Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign supportpalestine at ireland dot com 01 677 0253
Please find below the full programme for Palestine Awareness Week 2003, which runs nationally from 20-30 October. All are welcome, events are free except where specified otherwise. Printed copies of the programme are available from the IPSC office, please call the IPSC office on 01-6770253 if you'd like one.
1. Dublin Events
2. Belfast Events
3. Cork Events
4. Galway Events
5. Sligo Events
1. Dublin Events
Monday 20 October: An evening of readings and music with poets Ibrahim Nasrallah (award-winning Palestinian poet), John F. Deane and Trevor Joyce and classical guitar by Benjamin Dwyer, 7.30pm, The United Arts Club, 3 Upper Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2
Tuesday 21 October: Documentary 'Gaza Strip' introduced by Zoughbi Zoughbi, Director of the Palestinian Conflict Resolution Centre, 7.30pm, Connolly Room, Liberty Hall, Dublin 1
Thursday 23 October: The Bias of Balance? A discussion of media coverage of Palestine with Abdul Bari Atwan, editor, Al-Quds Al-Arabi; Richard Crowley, RTÉ reporter and presenter, and Harry Browne, Irish Times radio correspondent, 8pm, Connolly Room, Liberty Hall, Dublin 1
Friday 24 October: 'The Boycott as a Political Weapon' Lecture by Professor Tanya Reinhart of Tel Aviv University, 7pm, Irish Writers' Centre, 19 Parnell Square, Dublin 1
Saturday 25 October: Documentary 'Jenin Jenin' introduced by Silvio Cerulli, one of the first journalists to be smuggled into Jenin after the Israeli invasion of 2002. Copies of Silvio's book 'From Jenin to Gaza: A short visit to a long conflict' will be available for purchase. 2pm, The New Theatre, Connolly Books, East Essex Street, Dublin 2
(Eagraithe i gcomhar le hIonad Buail Isteach na Gaeilge)
Sunday 26 October: IPSC Fundraising Lunch, Palestinian food, music and wine. Tickets €30 in advance from IPSC office, tel: 01 6770253. 2pm, Silk Road Cafe, Chester Beatty Library, Dublin Castle, Dublin 2
Wednesday 29 October: 'A Little Piece of Ground' - Elizabeth Laird presents her new children's book, 7.30pm, Irish Writers' Centre, 19 Parnell Square, Dublin 1
2. Belfast Events
Thursday 23 October: Lecture 'Equality and Human Rights Denied in Palestine', by Zoughbi Zoughbi, Director of the Palestinian Conflict Resolution Centre, 8pm, 174 Trust Building, Antrim Road
Thursday 23 October: Lecture by Professor Tanya Reinhart from Tel Aviv University, 7pm, Peter Froggatt Centre, Queens University
Monday 27th October: Poetry reading and conversation with award-winning Palestinian poet Ibrahim Nasrallah, 7pm Peter Froggatt Centre, Queens University
For more information about events in Belfast please contact [email protected] or visit
3. Cork Events
Sunday 19 October: Film 'The Black Panthers (in Israel) Speak' as part of the Cork Film Festival, 5pm, Triskel Arts Centre,
Monday 20 October: Lecture by Zoughbi Zoughbi, Director of the Palestinian Conflict Resolution Centre, 1-2pm, Room 201, O' Rahilly Building, UCC and 8pm, Tig Fili, MacCurtain Street
Tuesday 21 October: Documentary 'Jenin, Jenin', 1-2pm, Room 201, O'Rahilly Building, UCC
Tuesday 21 October: Poetry reading and conversation with award-winning Palestinian poet Ibrahim Nasrallah, 8pm, Tig Fili, MacCurtain Street
Wednesday 22 October: Poetry reading and conversation with award-winning Palestinian poet Ibrahim Nasrallah, 1-2pm, Room 201, O' Rahilly Building, UCC
Wednesday 22 October: Lecture by Professor Tanya Reinhart from Tel Aviv University, 8pm, Tig Fili, MacCurtain Street
Thursday 23 October: Lecture by Professor Tanya Reinhart, from Tel Aviv University, 1-2pm, Room 201, O' Rahilly Building, UCC
Thursday 30 October: A Little Piece of Ground - Elizabeth Laird presents her new children's book, venue to be announced.
For more information about events in Cork visit:
4. Galway Events
Wednesday 22 October: Documentary films 'Jenin Jenin' and 'Gaza Strip' introduced by Michael D. Higgins TD, 8pm, Ardilaun House Hotel
Thursday 23 October: Witnessing in Palestine - IPSC members Richard Kimball and Abed and Patricia Asilia give personal accounts of their visits in Palestine, and documentary film Jeremy Hardy v. The Israeli Army, introduced by Mary Kelly, 8pm, Ardilaun House Hotel
Friday 24 October: Palestinian and Irish Literature: An evening of readings and film with poets Fred Johnston and Ibrahim Nasrallah (award-winning Palestinian poet), followed by documentary 'The Killing Zone', 8pm, Ardilaun House Hotel
Saturday 25 October: Arab food fair, 2-5pm, Westside Community Centre
Saturday 25 October: 'Searching for Peace: NGO efforts in Palestine', talk by Zoughbi Zoughbi, Director of the Palestinian Conflict Resolution Centre and screening of John Pilger documentary 'Palestine is Still the Issue', 8pm, Taibhdhearc Theatre, Galway
5. Sligo Events
Saturday 18 October: Folk Night with Dave Rovick, American folk singer and pro-Palestinian activist, 9pm, Sligo Trades Club, Castle St (there will be a small charge in to this event)
Friday 24 October: 'Searching for Peace: NGO efforts in Palestine', talk by Zoughbi Zoughbi, Director of the Palestinian Conflict Resolution Centre, 8pm, Sligo Trades Club, Castle St.