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Scaoil Saor John Boy!
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news report
Tuesday July 15, 2003 03:38 by nuacht - eolas at craiceailte dot com Bun Beag 075 60667

Ghabh saighdiuraí na hIosraeile, Sean Ó Muireagáin, gníomhaí teangan agus cearta daonna, as iarthar Bhéal Feirste ar an bhruach Thiar Dé Sathairn. JOHN BOY S'AGAINNE GAFA AG NA hIOSRAELAIGH
Ghabh saighdiuraí na hIosraeile, Sean Ó Muireagáin, gníomhaí teangan agus cearta daonna, as iarthar Bhéal Feirste ar an bhruach Thiar Dé Sathairn.
Bhí Seán, nó John Boy, ar cuairt 6 seachtainí chuig an Phailaistín, áit a raibh se ag cothú ceangail idir Gaelscoileanna sna 6 condae agus scoileanna i Ramallah. Chur foinsí na Breataine an scéala amach go raibh an té a gabhadh 'John Morgan' ag traenáil grúpaí Palaistíneacha, í ndéanamh buamaí. Dúradh fosta gur as Deisceart Ard Mhacha an té a gabhadh agus go raibh baint aige le easaontóirí Poblachtanacha.
Bhí Seán O Muireagain ag taisteal ar phas Sasanach, cionnas gur shíl sé go mbeadh sé níos fusa a bhealach a dhéanamh thart lena leitheid. Meastar anois go raibh na hIosraelaithe sa tóir ar dhuine eigin eile, ach tá John Boy fós faoí choinneáil. Bhí John Boy ag ullmhú tuairisc dúinne le foilsiú ar, agus rinne sé tuairiscí a sholáthar le cúpla seachtain anuas fosta ón Phalaistín do LÁ agus IRIS SAMHRAIDH ar Raidio Na Gaeltachta. Is ball é do Ghrúpa Comhghuaillaíochta na Palaistíne in Éirinn agus bhí se iontach gníomhach san fheachtas 'Gaeil In Éadan an Chogaidh'. Bhí sé fostaithe le Comhairle na gaelscolaíochta le cúpla bliain anuas, agus tá baint mhór aige le bunú na hOllscoile Gaeilge é mBéal Feirste. Nuair a gabhadh é De Sathairn, dúirt na saghdiuraí leis na cairde a bhi in éineacht leis go rabhthar ag cur an ruaig air as an tír.
Foilsíodh an méid seo a leanas sa nuachtán Haaretz, san Iosrael inniu : "Apparently, Morgan has been known as a terrorist for more than a decade, but the British authorities lost track of him three years ago.
Recently, they learned that Morgan may be traveling to Israel.The Israel authorities were notified, and a widespread manhunt began.
Apparently, Morgan came to Israel three weeks ago, as a tourist with a foreign passport at
>> Ben-Gurion International Airport, and entered
>> the territories shortly after. The hunt for the
>> Irishman was accelerated last week, and on
>> Saturday roadblocks were built around Ramallah
>> for this purpose. Morgan was apprehended south
>> of Ramallah at a temporary roadblock not far
>> from the Hizmeh road block that separates
>> Jerusalem and Pisgat Zeev from the West Bank,
>> when an IDF and border police force stopped his
>> car and inspected his papers. Morgan was taken
>> by the Shin Bet for questioning.
>> Sources close to the questioning told Haaretz
>> that Morgan is denying the allegations. They
>> confirmed that the suspect has "a history in
>> the IRA and knowledge of explosives." A
>> military source said that "on the face of it,
>> this affair is very concerning." The Shin Bet
>> is now trying to establish whether Morgan
>> indeed came to the West Bank to train
>> Palestinian terrorists, and whether he was
>> doing it for free, because of empathy for their
>> cause, or for pay.
>> The IRA is known for its knowledge of explosives
>> and mortar shells, though this is the first
>> indication of any connection between the IRA
>> and the Palestinians in the current conflict.
>> Last March, articles in the international press
>> reported that the West Bank sniper who killed
>> 10 Israeli soldiers and settlers in March 2002
>> may have been an IRA-linked mercenary, but
>> Israel's defense establishment denied this
>> scenario at the time, as did senior Palestinian
>> terrorists. Two of these terrorists, who are
>> still incarcerated in Israel, said recently
>> that they still do not know who the sniper
>> was". Ní aithníonn a chairde ón Chiorcal Craiceáilte nó ó ghluaiseacht na Gaeilge i mBéal Feirste an té a bhfuil cuir síos déanta air san alt thuasluaite. Ba chóir brú a chur ar Ambasáid na hÉireann agus na Breataine in Iosrael, agus Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha na hÉireann, go scaoilfí Seán Ó Muireagáin saor, láithreach.
>> Déan teagmháil le Ambasáid na hIosraeile 122 Bóthar Pembroke, Baile Átha Clíath 4.
>> Gúthán:01-2309400
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5Tá meaisín na mbréag ag obair go dícheallach, agus na nuachtáin uilig ag cóipeáil na scéalta faoin 'real IRAman' seo a gabhadh. Luaitear 'cocaine-selling narcoterrorists' na Colóime agus an triúr Éireannach atá os comhair cúirte ansin. Luaitear na gunnaí a chuir Gaddafi go hÉirinn fiche bliain ó shin nó mar sin.
Tá an fear ciontaithe gan triail acu.
Níl cosúlacht ar bith ag an duine sna cuntais leis an fhear a bhfuil aithne ag cuid againn air le blianta fada. is coir é dul ag fóirithint ar na Palaistínigh, dar le lucht tacaíochta an IDF. Fiú mura bhfuil John Boy ciontach as na rudaí a chuirtear ina leith, is leor do lucht tacaíochta na bplandóirí go raibh sé sa Phailistín le cuidiú a thabhairt do Phailistínigh.
An raibh baint ag an duine seo le hÓglaigh na hÉireann ag aon am cheana seo?
Níl aithne agam ar lucht na nGaeilge i mBéal Feirste ach de réir an comhra ar Chraiceá níl siad measctha le fir na gunnaí ar chor ar bith.
"British intelligence is rechecking the truth of information recently sent to Israel about a Northern Irish bomb expert suspected to be in the West Bank and helping Palestinian terror cells. The John Morgan arrested Saturday near Ramallah turned out to be a journalist and pro-Palestinian peace activist, not a member of the Real IRA.
"Israeli security officials also said that Morgan may have been mistakenly arrested, Israel Radio reported late Monday."
Tá aithne pearsanta agam ar Johnboy agus is féidir liom nach bhfuil aon ceangail leis na scéalta ó thaobh é bheith ina mball den RIRA agus an fhírinne.
The IPSC is concerned about the case of Sean O
Muireagain or Johnboy, who was arrested on Saturday at an Israeli checkpoint outside Ramallah and has not been heard of or seen since. We believe he may be the same John Morgan that the gutter press are claiming is a Real IRA bomb expert. He was travelling on a British Passport using the name on his birth certificate JOHN MORGAN. He is very well known in West Belfast - a prominent Gaeilgeoir and community activist. He has been involved in the West Belfast festival for many yearsand is also on the Boards as a
Governor of several Irish schools. He is a committee member of the Belfast IPSC.
We are particularly concerned as to why he has been labelled a REAL IRA bomb expert. We do not believe that this story existed prior to Johnboy's arrest, nor do we believe that the Israelis were looking for someone else.
Whilst it is possible that this was due to shoddy investigative work on the part of the British after he had been arrested by the Israelis, we
are inclined to believed that there was a much more sinister motive linked to trying to damage the Peace processes both in Ireland and in Israel as well as trying to severely damage the International Solidarity Movement.
Below is a recent press statement we put out. John
was not working with any group over there but went on our behalf to try to develop the schools twinning project and the children's holiday scheme. Please note that he is not an explosives expert and was not there to do anything other than create strong educational and cultural links between Palestine and Ireland.
We have been in touch with both the Irish and British Consulates and with Hamoted. To date
(midnight on Monday) his family have been unable to find out where he is or confirm if he is in Israeli custody but we are convinced he is.
For immediate release: 14/07/03
The Ireland Palestinian Solidarity Campaign has today rubbished reports that the peace activist, John Morgan, who was arrested by the Israeli security force, Shin Bet on Saturday is a Real IRA bomb maker.
Mr Morgan, who is well known in Belfast under his
Irish name Sean Ó Muireagain, travelled to Palestine three weeks ago to establish links with Palestinian schools.
Speaking today spokesperson for the IPSC Cathleen
Ó Connell said:
Contrary to what has been appearing in the media,
John Morgan who is known to friends and family as Sean Ó Muireagain is not a Real IRA bomb maker. In fact the information released by the Israeli Authorities is grossly inaccurate.
Mr Morgan has indeed traveled out to Palestine with a British passport under the name of John Morgan.
However, he is a well-known Irish language and
cultural activist originally from, and still based in, Belfast. His high profile in Belfast discredits the information released to the media by the Israeli Authorities that he is from South Armagh and had apparently gone to ground well before his visit to Palestine.
Mr Morgan is visiting Palestine as a peace activist.
Amongst his roles is to establish links with local
schools in order to further a school-twinning
programme initiated by the IPSC in Belfast this year.
He has also been staying with the family of a group of Palestinian teenagers who were guests at last years West Belfast Festival.
I am calling on the Israeli Authorities to release
John immediately. This is a blatant attempt to
discredit and malign any sort of solidarity work with Palestine that is essentially about making a positive change and aiding in the conflict resolution process.
Note to editor: For further information contact David Kennedy on 07813010049
John Morgan has never lived in South Armagh or Newry.
He is not connected to Irish politics. He is an
educationalist who works for the British Government funded Council for Irish Medium Education (which is funded through the Department of Education in the North of Ireland.
He is well known also as an Irish language broadcaster and correspondent for the Irish newspaper 'Lá' and the radio station, Radio na Gaeltachta. He is frequently in the local press in Belfast. His main reason for visiting Palestine was to develop a project organised by the IPSC twinning local schools there with local schools in Ireland.
Four such schools have already been twinned with
Palestinian schools, three Secondary and one Primary school. He was invovled in meeting teachers and head teachers in Palestine to develop a programme of work for this project.
He was also in Palestine to organise the children's holiday cultural exchange scheme. Last year the IPSC brought a number of children to Ireland from Palestine for a holiday and this work was an extension of this. While in Palestine he also did work for 'Lá'.
His family have up until midnight today (MON) been
told nothing about where he is being held or why. In fact neither the Israelis nor the British Consulate can confirm to the family that he actually was arrested in the first place. All information the family has received is via the Press.
Dúirt Seáinín, "An raibh baint ag an duine seo le hÓglaigh na hÉireann ag aon am cheana seo?"
Go bhfios dom ní raibh.
"Níl aithne agam ar lucht na nGaeilge i mBéal Feirste ach de réir an comhra ar Chraiceá níl siad measctha le fir na gunnaí ar chor ar bith."
Tá aithne pearsanta agam ar Johnboy, agus éinne atá aithne acu air deirfeadh siad an rud céanna leat.
Is SEAFÓID iad na scéalta seo atá ag teacht amach ó Iosrael!