Garlic Bytes.
an invitation to a summer holiday play camp.
Garlic Bytes is organised by ESCANDA. We are an association
from Asturias
> > (North-West of Spain) composed of people from many
countries. Our main objective is to promote and participate in a permanent international exchange and skill-sharing process on organic agriculture, renewableenergies, telecommunications and social change.
> > 18-07 / 03-08 2003 in ESCANDA (
> >
> > Get together for two weeks of low-budget hands-on skillsharing, discussion, general ragbag networking, and dreaming. A small gathering
where people can meet and learn from each other, while having time to relax
after working in the fields -- without the stress of actions and summits.
> >
> > About us
> >
Garlic Bytes is organised by ESCANDA. We are an association
from Asturias
(North-West of Spain) composed of people from many
countries. Our main objective is to promote and participate in a permanent
international exchange and skill-sharing process on organic agriculture, renewable
energies, telecommunications and social change.
We are based in a small village in Lena, where the mining valleys ravaged by neoliberalism meet the snow-capped mountains. We are working towards
producing - ecologically and without hierarchies- the food and energy that we consume. But don't think we are trying to escape from society. We also engage in local processes, in a search for real alternatives, whileparticipating in the
global movement of movements.
>> Contents
We want to avoid a packed complex schedule where people race from superficial meeting to the next, missing something in between. All workshops will run for a least a week, and in as much as possible will be project oriented. In any case the idea is to balance workshops, talks and
physical work... er, of course there will be a party.
> >
From the 18th to the 21st of July an advance party will set up the wireless internet connection, and general infrastructure. You are welcome to participate in this stage.
The gathering proper will run from the 22nd of July to the 3rd of August (at least).
Confirmed workshops include: community wireless, linux, streaming and video editing. Discussions are being planned on a
variety of topics,
ranging from mobilisations on the World Summit on
Information Society (WSIS) Geneva
> > Dec, DSEi arms fair in London on Sept 11th, anti-gentech activism, to practical co-ordination of autonomous spaces.
> >
Besides the workshops and discussions, every day people will have something else to do. You could help in the gardens (harvesting, weeding, etc), help design a forest garden etc. If you are not into green things at all, you can also help building more solar showers, fixing drystone walls (if you have experience), doing small repairs in the house, restoring
and decorating, etc.
> >
> > Organisation
> >
> > Self-organisation is the guiding principle, but in two weeks we cannot fully achive this, so ESCANDA people will not let unconstructive
chaos take over.
Having said that, autonomous groups will be formed for workshops and tasks. They will organise their time, and how they contribute to
the general running of the conference, co-ordinated and supported by ESCANDA
> >
> > Just a reminder that this is a small, very DIY, low-budget gathering organised by people who have just started a project. Good
vibes should prevail over any financial, technological or logistical problem :-)
> >
> > Participation
> >
> > Open to anyone who has an interest in media,
communications, technology, agriculture, or shares the general aims of ESCANDA and
wants to visit the project. The only real conditions are a willingness to participate in manual labour, telling us in advance when you are coming, and respecting our neighbours and the local community.
> >
Sleeping space is provided in the main building and the granary, and there is space for outdoor camping. There are solar showers and,
very clean and comfortable, compost toilets. Bring sleeping bag/mat, a camping tent if you have one, and any computer equipment you can carry!!
> >
> >
> > Money
> >
We will ask for a small donation to cover some of the costs of the food and consumables. As a very young project, we still don't produce enough food, and there are always things that need purchasing.
> >
Unfortunately we cannot help you with travelling expenses,but we may be able to put you in touch with other people coming from your area to share costs.
> > Getting there
Escanda is 3 km away from the town of Pola de Lena, 30 km away from Oviedo(the capital of Asturias), in North-West Spain. All buses from Madrid and almost all trains from Barcelona and Madrid stop in Pola de Lena. If you cross the French border at Irun, take a bus to Oviedo and a local train from Oviedo to Pola de Lena (it takes 35 minutes and there are normally
2 trains each hour). Some local trains go further than Pola de Lena, if
you are in one of those, get off at Cobertoria (the first stop after Pola de
Lena). PLEASE DO NOT COME UNANNOUNCED, we have limited space.
> >
> > Contact:
> > Email: [email protected]
> > Landline: (+34) 985 493 696
> > Mobiles: (+34) 651 922 443 / 605 407 701 / 605 469 784
> >
> >
> > --