Amnesty International on attacks on trade unionists
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Sunday June 15, 2003 00:14 by Fintan Lane - Cork Anti-War Campaign corkantiwar at hotmail dot com 087 1258325
News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty International
AI Index: IOR 41/018/2003
11 June 2003
International Labour Conference: Time for concrete action
(Geneva) Amnesty International today called on the International
Labour Conference (ILC) to take concrete action on a number of
countries currently on its agenda. During the 91st ILC session, the
organization is highlighting the human rights situation in Colombia,
Iran, Israel and the Occupied Territories, Mauritania and Sudan.
"All of these countries have been on the ILC agenda for years --
yet little improvement has been seen on the ground," Amnesty
International stated.
In the case of Colombia, Amnesty International stated that trade
unionists in that country continue to be killed and harassed as a
direct consequence of their trade union activity.
"Most violations against trade unionists take place at times of
labour dispute. Amongst trade unionists who have been most targeted
for human rights violations are those campaigning against the
privatization of health, education and municipal services
During 2002, more than 170 trade unionists were victims of
extrajudicial executions in Colombia and 164 received death threats.
In the same period, seven trade unionists "disappeared", 26
were kidnapped, 17 were victims of an attempted kidnapping, seven
were forcibly displaced, over 130 were arbitrarily detained and
around 80 sought asylum. The vast majority of human rights violations
against trade unionists continue to be undertaken by army-backed
"Featuring Colombia prominently in the agenda is not enough --
the ILO must establish a commission to examine widespread and
systematic attacks against trade unionists and to devise strategies
aimed at preventing further violations," Amnesty International
The majority of the politically-motivated killings, threats and
"disappearances" against trade unionists have been
committed with total impunity and in violation of International
Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions that the government has
ratified. The March 2003 report of the 286th session of the Governing
Body of the ILO indicates that of 346 cases occurring between 2000
and 2002 of killings, threats and "disappearances" which it
had examined, none had resulted in a conviction.
Despite strong prima facie evidence, judicial investigations into
many cases against trade union leaders have failed to advance, for
- Jorge Ortega, a leader of the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de
Colombia, Colombian Trade Union Congress, was killed in Bogotá on 20
October 1998. Two former police officers have been implicated in the
attack and are in prison. However, no information has been received
to indicate that those who planned and paid for the killing have been
identified or brought to justice.
- Investigations into the attempt on the life of trade union leader
Wilson Borja in December 2000 in Bogotá, implicated high-ranking army
officers. No information has been received to indicate that those
responsible for the attack, responsibility for which was claimed by
national paramilitary leader Carlos Castaño, have been brought to
Echoing the anti-discrimination theme of the 91st session of the
International Labour Conference (ILC), Amnesty International today
called on member states to take effective legislative and
administrative measures to end discrimination.
"Freedom from discrimination is one of the most fundamental
principles underlying international human rights law," Amnesty
International said.
During the 91st session, Amnesty International is also drawing
attention to discriminatory practices in Iran, Israel and the
Occupied Territories and Sudan:
- In Iran, a process called gozinesh or 'selection', impairs equality
of opportunity or treatment in employment or occupation for those
seeking employment in the public and parastatal sector and,
reportedly, parts of the private sector. The gozinesh accords itself
the role of investigating an individual's political opinion, previous
political affiliation or support, or religious affiliation.
- In the Occupied Territories, increasing restrictions imposed by
Israel on the movement of Palestinians -- such as closures and
curfews -- have had a devastating impact on the lives of most
Palestinians, including on the right to work. Unemployment has risen
from about 10% in 2000, to approximately 50% in early 2003.
- In Sudan, restrictions on freedom of expression, and the harassment
and detention of journalists and editors continue. Sudanese security
forces have confiscated, fined and arbitrarily suspended newspapers
which have criticized actions of the government or otherwise
exercised their right to freedom of expression. Forced labour
persists in the country and the government has failed to investigate
the fate of thousands who remain unaccounted for.
"Despite the grave human rights situation in Sudan, it is
regretful that Sudan will not be debated at this session of the
ILC," Amnesty International said.
In addition, Amnesty International is also drawing attention to the
situation in Mauritania, where slavery remains a problem. Extensive
human rights abuses connected to slavery are committed with impunity
and those formerly held in slavery suffer continuing discrimination.
Discrimination is the basis for two of the ILO's eight
"core" Conventions, nos. 100 and 111. Amnesty International
is urging all ILO member states to ratify these 'core' treaties.
"China, Japan and the USA -- because they are countries of chief
industrial importance and permanent members of the ILO's Governing
Body -- must lead by example," Amnesty International said.
"Equality of opportunity and treatment is an essential principle
of the ILO that member states must now make a reality," Amnesty
International concluded.
The ILO is the UN's specialized agency with global responsibility for
employment, work and labour market issues. It comprises 175 member
states and is unique in constituting a tripartite structure of
government, employers and trade unions. Although the ILC meets once a
year, its 56-member executive body -- the Governing Body -- meets
three times a year. The ILO elaborates legally-binding Conventions,
of which eight are 'core' and cover the following areas: freedom of
association (ILO Convention numbers 87 and 98), discrimination
(numbers 100 and 111), forced labour (numbers 29 and 105) and child
labour (numbers 38 and 182).
Each year, the ILO produces a "global report", which is an
overview of the progress made in the preceding four year period, in
relation to one of the four principles enshrined in the ILO
Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The theme
of this year's global report is discrimination. The 91st session of
the ILC is taking place in Geneva, Switzerland from 3 to 19 June
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