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Reclaiming Heaven![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Catherine Quinlisk talks to one of the organisers of S.O.S. C – So, who are you, Nico? N – Well, I’d say I’m a messenger. C – Oh, really? And what’s the message? N – The message is S.O.S. C – Could you explain that a bit? N – Well, the expression S.O.S. is of military origin, I believe. It was a distress signal, which meant “Save our Ship”. There can be no doubt that our spaceship earth is in need of saving at the moment. This is largely because of the huge military presence everywhere, which prevents people from living a good life because they’re too busy dying a horrible death. Our response to this so far, has been to make placards and march with megaphones and chants, declaring what we don’t want. And we’ve seen how quickly protesters burn out on that kind of thing – as soon as the television war ended, all such activity ground to a halt. I feel that what we need to do, now more than ever, is build on the positive rather than attacking the negative; to focus on what we do want rather that what we don’t. We need a big celebration to recharge everyone who’s burnt themself out fighting war. Or who just wants to party. The aim is to include rather than exclude. C – What about the other events that are planned for Shannon on the same date? N – They are separate events, but not conflicting in any way. In fact, Fintan (C.A.W.C.) and I co-ordinated on the date. My idea for S.O.S. was always to have an event that was a total departure from the traditional anti-war protest, but Fintan felt that S. O.S. would exclude the sort of protester who prefers to express him (or her) self with placards and megaphones. Our compromise was for him to declare a national demo on the same day as S. O. S. and to keep them as separate (but hopefully symbiotic) events. C – And the Catholic Workers event? N – I only found out about that event after the fact, but I see no reason why we can’t feed each other. Actually I understand Food not Bombs will be feeding both of us. C – Do you anticipate trouble with the guards? N – Well, I think I can safely say that the people who’ll be attending this event want peace, so really the only possible source of trouble is the guards themselves. However, participants are being urged to bring cameras, and as long as there are lots of cameras around, the guards should be on good behaviour. Also I expect our numbers to be such that we’ll be left to do our thing simply because it would require far too much energy to disperse us. C – Well, I wish you luck. Thanks for your time. N – Hey, anytime. C – Slán N - Slán |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3Food not bombs feeding both in different places?? Yikes....this should be fun!!
yes indeed, magical-two-paces-at-once!!!-workshops have been attended and we will be feeding the masses with the fortifying and delicious food with which our name has become synony-mouse.
Words of encouragement are much appreciated.
Actual particpation and assistance (even on a once-off basis) would serve as manna for the souls of we would-be food-not-bombers.
remember chicken licken? (the children's fable, not the carnivore's hot dead bird shop).
offers of help, food, transport, adulation, titilation etc. can be posted to [email protected]
we do a great line of t-shirts too!
Food NOT Bombs wish to make it clear that the likelihood of serving vegan fish, (should they exist) on the 21st of June 2003, in the vicinity of Shannon Airport or the city of Limerick is remote, at best.
To further clarify we are not sure they exist and would urge members of the public to abandon these silly notions and stop spreading malicious vegan fish stories about us!
we are not jesus-wannabes, among us there are no deities* we follow exclusively in the fine tradition of the Irish ma who determinedly, against all odds, feeds all and sundry to the point of bursting. Even if "[you] ate already, thanks Mrs. (Irish ma)"
* though i'm pretty sure i spent friday night with a greek god.