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“BINGE ADVERTISING” – SIGNS OF THE TIMES: HEINEKEN KITSCH FESTOONS THE CITY![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() AN TAISCE SLATES “TOTAL LOGO” APPROACH PERMITTED IN DUBLIN LAST WEEKEND AN TAISCE, IRELAND'S LARGEST AND OLDEST ENVIRONMENTAL CHARITY, NOTES HIPOCRISY OF CITY AUTHORITIES IN CONDEMNING ALCOHOL ABUSE WHILE SIPPING FROM THE PROVERBIAL MARKETING COFFERS OF THE ALCOHOL INDUSTRY “BINGE ADVERTISING” – SIGNS OF THE TIMES: AN TAISCE CONDEMNS “TOTAL LOGO” APPROACH NOW PERMITTED IN DUBLIN AN TAISCE NOTES HIPOCRISY OF CITY AUTHORITIES IN CONDEMNING ALCOHOL ABUSE WHILE SIPPING FROM THE PROVERBIAL MARKETING COFFERS OF THE ALCOHOL INDUSTRY AN TAISCE STATEMENT 05 – 2003 Binge Advertising; it’s the newest concept in the marketing world. Tending to happen around rugby weekends, when city authorities take leave of their senses, the concept manifests itself with visual sprawl all along Stephens Green, Baggot St, Ballsbridge, and the Quays. Yes, it’s “Dublin – Brought to you by Heineken”! Cheers to Heineken and the city authorities for succeeding where the artist Christo failed – namely that of wrapping Stephens Green in banners and other material. But this time it’s not art; it’s commercial! Obviously not satisfied with the usual Beer Industry rubbish that floats down the Liffey, Heineken are indeed at the fore-front when it comes to having a King Kong sized bit of litter in the shape of a massive plastic bottle set afloat on the river. Moreover, with Heineken already having been forced to take down some of this horrendous advertising at Baggot St Bridge - due to its outrageously large nature - An Taisce will welcome when all the tack is down - as it should never have been allowed up in the first place. However questionable it is to allow sporting events to be sponsored by the Alcohol Industry, this new form of aggressive advertising is a complete outrage. Described as a “trail” by its promoters, An Taisce can now reveal the true purpose of this Heineken “trail” will most likely be that of a trail of litter, empty cans, and the other usual left over delights that often accompany such events – which of course, we would be far too polite to mention here. Not content to properly pursue the massive multi-nationals in the Alcohol Industry for unauthorized advertising, the City Authorities have now instead opted for a course of endorsing a most wretched form of booze merchandising. Meanwhile you, the consumer, will be treated to the usual spin-surgeoned pap of how the Nations Authorities – both national as well as local – want to clamp down on binge drinking, the associated anti-social behaviour, and alcohol related crimes, etc., etc.
Ireland, well known for its lack of directional signage, now has Dublin City Council having over compensated for any oversight in the rest of the country; and sure enough, sign of the times, these Heineken signs will tells us nothing useful - except for the fact how low as a society we are now prepared to settle in terms of accepting the en-mass commercial logoisation of our environs. Bottoms up; here’s to Dublin City Council for being such an active participant in encouraging visual pollution of new lows. An Taisce now advocates that the City Authorities revise their tolerance for such a retrograde and aggressive form of “Capital Branding”. Either that, or else take the current strategy to its logical conclusion and earn the cheapest of bucks and allow bidding for a commercial logo to go on the City Councils own crests. Attribution: spokesperson for An Taisce, the National Trust for Ireland. An Taisce – Ireland’s Largest & Oldest Environmental Charity Tailors Hall, Back Lane, Dublin 8, Ireland. Tel: 01 454 1786, Fax: 01 453 3255.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6Any chance of a photo to go with the article as I haven´t been in Dublin for a while and would to see as well as read what your talking about.
Just a thought.
Good article nontheless.
Meanwhile in Cork political activists continue to be prosecuted for flyposting.
This is not your billboard - and most other contributors didn't see the need to ANNOUNCE THEIR HEADLINE AND FIRST PARAGRAPH IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
And much as I agree with the article 150%, if you're sending this release out far and wide, you might want to look at the spelling in the sub-heading. Kind of helps with credibility.
Thanks for that on the spelling - I am sure you'll be glad to hear that it was the corrrected version that went out ;-)
Does anyone remember that 3 years ago the very same F.F. politicians, (who are now leading a moral crusade agaings drinking/smoking possibly dancing and anything else they dont like,) had an advertising poster for recruiting to Ógra F.F. featuring 3 bleary eyed drunken youngsters with the caption. "Talk politics Join Ógra Fianna Fáil?