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National demonstration at Shannon, Saturday, 21 June

category national | miscellaneous | news report author Thursday May 22, 2003 21:59author by Fintan Lane - Cork Anti-War Campaignauthor email corkantiwar at hotmail dot comauthor phone 087 1258325 Report this post to the editors

March to Shannon terminal from town centre on Saturday, 21 June. Assemble at Shannon town centre at 2pm.

Within the past few days, Aer Rianta has admitted that over 50,000 US troops passed through Shannon airport in the first four months of this year. Irish government complicity with the US killing machine continues and the illegal occupation of Iraq is being actively assisted. The anti-war movement needs to refocus on this complicity and, in practical terms, that means highlighting the abuse of Shannon airport.

The Irish Anti-War Movement (IAWM) is currently considering simultaneous demonstrations at Baldonnel, Shannon, and Rayleon (Derry), to be held sometime during August. These protests should be supported by all anti-war activists. However, the Cork Anti-War Campaign (CAWC) feels that a protest at Shannon is needed (sooner rather than later) in order to indicate our disgust at its continued misuse. Hence, we are taking the initiative and organising a national demonstration at Shannon to held on Saturday, 21 June. We will be contacting anti-war groups throughout the country to encourage them to mobilise for this demonstration, and we will provide the infrastructure on the day.

The march is scheduled to assemble at Shannon town centre at 2pm before heading off to the airport. We intend to keep things simple at the airport: there will be two or three speakers (including, we hope, one from the IAWM and one from the Grassroots Network) and then the mike will be 'open' for a set period of time. We intend this rally to be as inclusive as possible and everybody will have an opportunity to say their piece. Following the 'open mike' there will be live music before the event finishes, perhaps about 6pm or thereabouts.

This is an important time for the Irish anti-war movement. For many people, the war on Iraq is over and appeared relatively bloodless - we hear little of the thousands of Iraqis who were killed and the occupation is portrayed widely in the mainstream media as an act of liberation. Not surprisingly, a recent opinion poll showed a shifting of attitudes regarding Shannon. We need to be ensure that our arguments are also heard, and we need to let the government know that we haven't forgotten about their hijacking of an Irish civilian airport for US military purposes. A march of a few hundred people at Shannon would be enough to make this point. Obviously, a return to Shannon, by itself, won't win this campaign but it would be hugely symbolic.

It is important that everybody gets to Shannon on Saturday, 21 June. Hire a bus, go by car, plane, or donkey, but get there! We need to make this demonstration as big as possible. We would also like it to have a 'festive' feel, so street theatre, jugglers, musicians, and so on, would be especially welcome. Care/act.

Fintan Lane,
Cork Anti-War Campaign

Related Link: http://www.harlequincafe.net/corkantiwar
author by Raulpublication date Fri May 23, 2003 01:34author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Well done! A great move. Every area should start organizing coaches immediately, get to Shannon on the 21st, and let Bertie know that we aren't going away till he stops his collaboration and restores Irish neutrality!

author by Cleutus - Yokelpublication date Fri May 23, 2003 04:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

No U.S. troops stop over in Baldonnel.
A bit of homework will confirm this.
Leave our poor Air Corp alone.
The never bombed anyone,
well not on purpose anyway.

author by SHANNON WORKERpublication date Fri May 23, 2003 06:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors


author by Duruttipublication date Fri May 23, 2003 09:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

And Domnic Haugh will defend any Airport Police who arrest or assault you.

author by Andrewpublication date Fri May 23, 2003 12:41author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This CAWC demonstration is a good idea and perhaps could be used to re-build a bit of trust and solidarity between the anti-war movements.

Related Link: http://struggle.ws/stopthewar.html
author by Duruttipublication date Fri May 23, 2003 12:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I hope you are right but I'm dubious. Only last week Haugh and other SPers repeated their line about Airport Police being blameless, workers being saints, DA being at the "wrong time". They are still giving out three different lies about why they would not lobby the ICTU Conference. The SWP are little different, they are just quieter on Indymedia

Haugh even lied about saying that the cops might fire into the crowd. Ray reposted Haughs original remarks and Haugh has been silent since. Lets not forget Roger the dodger of PANA, Labour, SF, Greens. I dont trust these people.

author by airport rent-a-coppublication date Fri May 23, 2003 14:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors

>>I hope you are right but I'm dubious. Only last week Haugh and other SPers repeated their line about Airport Police being blameless<<

Airport Police are aware of what's going on and they are facilitating it, they also assaulted at least one person who was legally taking photographs at the airport, he was illegally bundled into a van and taken to a police station where his film was taken but he was not arrested or charged,

The airport police have nailed their colours to the mast, and it naive to suggest we should leave them alone and hope that they strike of their own accord.

they are a WILLING part of the problem.

author by Dominic Haughpublication date Fri May 23, 2003 19:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I don't frequent this board anymore(I don't see the point). However, after hearing about a planned demonstration next month I was interested to see what was being planned.

I cannot let blatant slurs go unanswered.

Durutti insists that I lied about claiming police would fire into the crowd. I NEVER said that the Police or the Army would fire into the crowd. Produce a direct quotation to prove me wrong. The best that anyone has come up with was a reference about Abbeylara, that was misquoted and taken ot of context, when I was explaining that accidents can happen (some people read only what they want to read). Just because some people are frustrated with the failure of their demo does not entitle them to continue to use lies to blame others.

Durutti again lies about my attitude to the Airport Police. I will give a direct quotation from me on this board about the APO's.

"And Domnic Haugh will defend any Airport Police who arrest or assault you."

"The Airport Police are not, as has been suggested “Templemore rejects” or “pretend police”. Most if not all the APO’s in Shannon have worked in other jobs at the airport, baggage handling, ground services, mailroom etc. Like any other job the APO’s have a management structure. Most of the harassment that has been carried out has been by managers within the APO’s. Like any other job you will also have a small fraction of the workforce that will support management in their activities. To tarnish all APO’s with the one brush is a disgrace. I condemn any member of the Airport Police that engages in any action against demonstrators."

Durutti says "Only last week Haugh and other SPers repeated their line about Airport Police being blameless, workers being saints"

If a number of workers in a factory have their noses up the rear end of the bosses do you suggest that all the workers in that factory behave in the same fashion. Of course not.

by airport rent-a-cop Fri, May 23 2003, 1:45pm
But the APO's "are a WILLING part of the problem"

Yes, they are part of the problem, but it is very questionable how "willing" they are. The antics of some individuals in the anti-war movement(and particularly on this board) do not help to change the situation.

Lord Haugh Haugh
by Durutti Fri, May 23 2003, 8:51am

I think it is disgusting and absolutly disgraceful that anyone who would claim to have a socialist outlook would imply that a fellow socialist was fascist by association. It is a disgrace and you (and the others that have used this slur)should be ashamed of yourselves. Of all the insult that fly around this board (mostly from anonimous posters) a slur of this type on someones character is the worst.

Finally a brief word on the following "DA being at the "wrong time".

Direct Action is a correct and legitimate tactic, when used correctly. Neither I, nor the Socialist Party, holds the monopoly on whether any direct action proposal is correct at any particular time. However, if I feel that a mistake is being made then I have a responsibility to say so.

The DA on March 1st was not a failure because of the Socialist Party, IAWM or even Labour, Greens and SF. It failed because it was a bad idea at the time and even more importantly it makes it more difficult to use a similar tactic successfully in the future.

I have had my say. Goodbye

author by Phuq Heddpublication date Fri May 23, 2003 19:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I don't give a damn at this stage about who said what. The only thing that's interesting is whether or not this initiative by the CAWC can yield a positive result in making sure that we stop the use of Shannon by foreign militaries, especially when they're conducting illegal assaults on other countries.
Please, to whoever is arguing with the SP: let it go, everyone involved has their own opinion about who was right/wrong. That is NOT what this thread is about (or should be about).

author by Irony is dyingpublication date Fri May 23, 2003 20:13author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Good comments Phuq Hedd. Pity you didn't take them on board over the past few weeks. You contributed your fair share of bickering comments yourself.

author by Duruttipublication date Sat May 24, 2003 19:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You are fooling no one. Why did you mention Abbeylara if not to scare people into thinking the cops might open fire. Your defence of the Airport Cops is beneath contempt. I suppose you will be joining McDrools new part time Garda force?

author by Magnetopublication date Sat May 24, 2003 19:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Boring maybe. But The SP lies must be exposed. People like Haugh dont even deserve the title Socialist let alone Revolutionary.

author by Tom Lubypublication date Sat May 24, 2003 19:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The SP might be passing yer details on to the Airport Police. The way Domnic Haugh supports the Airport Police is more than just unhealthy. After the way Peter Haddenn shouted out the names of SWP members to the PSNI/RUC ye never know. Dont forget Tommy 'The Tout' Sheridan naming names of activists after the anti poll tax riots.

author by Irony is dyingpublication date Sat May 24, 2003 19:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I do find it amusing that a hack from the Labour Party suggests that people from the SP are not socialist!!!!!!

author by Magnetopublication date Sat May 24, 2003 20:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Haugh supports cops against demonstrators. SP refuse to lobby ICTU conference, Joe Higgins denounces GNAW as they are being arrested by cops.

SP support Loyalist parades through catholic areas. SP called the SWP sectarian when they organised a counter picket at Harryville. SP refused to support naming a QUB bursary after Pat Finucane. SP then voted to name a bursary after a dead loyalist! SP supported having a British ARmy recruting stall at QUB.

SP leader Peter Hadden shouted out SWP members names in front of the PSNI. I vopuld go on but I dont want to miss the Eurovision.

author by Magnetopublication date Sat May 24, 2003 20:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This catches the SP out (Lord Haugh Haugh) lying about their role in the IAWM.


Related Link: http://www.indymedia.ie/cgi-bin/newswire.cgi?id=47473&start=140
author by Irony is dyingpublication date Sat May 24, 2003 20:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

For the benefit of "Magento"

Several Coalition Governments

Tax amnesties for the super rich

accepting donations from banks and then cutting bank taxes

signing agreements with Maggie Thatcher

Supporting Tony Blair

Supporting the Nice Treaty

Closing hospitals

cutting corporation tax

supporting war with UN sanction

Have I missed anything??????????

author by Dublin activist - IAWMpublication date Sun May 25, 2003 00:29author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Glad to see this happening! See you there!

author by Justin Morahanpublication date Sun May 25, 2003 03:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

You must be on to a really good idea when it has restarted the (phoney?) bickering about the SP, Labour Party etc etc ad nauseam.
If these are not enemies within the gates they might as well be - they are doing their level best to collar every excellent new idea that is proposed and use it as a pretext for yet another boring (pretend?) slanging match.
I hope you see through the ruse and go ahead with your non-violent protest at Shannon. And I hope it is a resounding success.
The UN may be usurped, Iraq may have been bought, our integrity may have been sold out, but as long as people like you are willing to spend time and sweat on what you believe to be right, all is not lost.
More power to you.

author by Timpublication date Sun May 25, 2003 13:50author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hope to see loads of folks on the day.

author by Ant - Dublin GNAW (personal capacity)publication date Sun May 25, 2003 20:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I'm glad that Cork have called this demonstration.

Personally, I had been getting tired of traipsing down to Shannon every few weeks or so. It's not my ideal way of spending my one day off each week. However, it's been 6 weeks since I was last down there and the break has done me good.

I wholeheartedly agree that we should make the effort to keep up the pressure on the use of Shannon by the US military. Ideally, we would have a demonstration there every two months or so. June 21st fits in very nicely between now and the planned IAWM demos in August. I just hope that other people feel similarly re-energised and that we get a decent turn-out on the day.

author by pat cpublication date Mon May 26, 2003 10:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I'm also glad to see Cork take the initiative here. Theres little point in continuing the old fight at this stage. People are clear on the respective positions of SP, SWP, GNAW Wsm etc.

While Domnic Haugh is a SP propagandist and too much in love with the airport police;(on reflection)it is really going a bit far to call him Lord Haugh Haugh.

This is a pun on Lord Haw Haw. Haw Haw wasnt just a Nazi broadcaster. He had also been a leading member of Mosleys Blackshirts and after he split with Mosley set up a rival Fascist group. So a bit of proportion here comrades.

author by pat cpublication date Wed May 28, 2003 17:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

S.O.S. – Solstice Over Shannon

PRESS RELEASE (one page)

Date: 27th May, 2003

SUBJECT: Major festival to take place at Shannon on June 21st, 2003

Hundreds of people from across the country are expected to attend a huge festival that is being planned for the solstice (21st June, 2003) at Shannon Airport.

There have been a number of anti-war protests at Shannon over the winter. This event will be something quite different. Rather than allowing U.S./U.K. warmongers to push us to react and focus on what we DON’T want, S.O.S. will be an opportunity to focus on what we DO want (ie. peace, love, music, beauty, truth, understanding and diversity, etc.). S.O.S. will allow people who might not normally get involved in political events to party for a cause. It will be an all day event with roots reggae, courtesy of Revelation Sound and a second sound system provided by the Protest and Play Collective and featuring DJs Fiasco and Classic Eugene. We also hope to have free vegan food courtesy of Food not Bombs, a drumming circle, and plenty of activities for children, including face painting and balloon animals, etc. We will also be launching Cork’s new “Green Garage”, which aims to assist interested parties in converting their vehicles over from diesel to bio-diesel.

S.O.S. is brought to you by the same team who organised last summer’s highly successful “Diversity Day” event in Cork. This event will have similar multi-cultural, multi-lingual and environmental themes. All are encouraged to attend. It should be a very special day.

Reclaim the Skies!

The only firepower we want over Shannon is the Sun!

S.O.S. spokesperson, Nico, said:
“The message we want to send to the youth is that unity means more than just not passing racist comments. Sometimes it means standing up to your own government when they want to participate in the slaughter of our brothers and sisters in the Middle East. But we must always take it to the next level: instead of reacting in anger, we will raise it up – raise consciousness, raise awareness, raise spirits, and create, for one day at least, the kind of world we want to live in.”

Further information: Nico (021) 454-1455.

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