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Code Red: Checnyha - Saudi - Morocco![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Is this the beginning of a new phase in the 'war on terror'? So the invasion of Iraq is a victory in the war on terror Mr. Bush? It has been a significant step forward in the crack-down on Islamic etxremists? It has broght us closer to world peace has it? Tell that to the victims and prepetraters of the recent wave of suicide bombings around the globe. According to Moroccan interior minister, Sahel: " These are the well-known signatures of international terrorists." Well personally I would say they bear all the hallmarks of terrorism, period. The past week has seen at least four high profile suicide attacks (or as they have now begun to be known 'homicide bombings') in the Muslim world. On Monday Chechnyan independence fighters staged an attack on the Russian federal security HQ in Nadterechny, a northern Chechnyan region. Two men drove an explosive laden truck into the government building. The bombing left over 40 people dead, and over 200 injured. Strike one. Tuesday: The people of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, wake up to the news that "Bin Laden is back". And given the current state of affairs in the middle east I'm sure many cheered. Actually in truth, it was the people of Britain who woke up to the news "Bin Laden is back" thanks to The Sun - who I'm pretty sure told us all that the invasion of Iraq would lead to a _decrease_ in terrorism. In all four explosions rocked the Saudi capital, in three different Western housing complexes. In all, these attacks, which accroding to Colin Powell "bear all the hallmarks of Al-Queada", 29 people died, and many more were injured. Although the initial Offical US figure was 91 dead. It also believed that warnings of imminent attacks were issued, but ignored by Saudi officials. Of course we can never be sure about things like this. Wednesday: Another suicide attack near Gudermes, in Chechnya. This time killing 14 people and injuring many. The target was Akhmad Kadyrov, the head of the Moscow-backed Chechen administration. The attackers failed to get their man. So we roll on to Saturday: In Casablanca, Morocco, the Belgian consulate, a Jewish community centre and a Spanish restaurant are targets in a series of apparently co-ordinated attacks. Up to 40 people were killed, and in the region of 100 injured. Al-Qeada? Well, the way I see it is, whether it was the loose 'Al-Queada' grouping, or some other co-thinkers, it does not matter to the broader picture. Unfocus from the explosive details of the picture, and take in the whole breath-taking vista. In face of all the evidence to the contrary, the war on Iraq has been 'won'. No 'weapons of mass destruction' have been found, no links to Al-Qaeda have been found [1], and it seems to be repression as usual in Iraq. Yet the one outcome of this war that we can be 100% sure of, as we have four undeniable proofs in front of us, is that it has not, repat not, resulted in a reduction of 'international terrorism'. In fact, it has increased it. Twofold. After the Afghan assault, we had the Bali bombings, and an attack on a US ship (if I remember correctly). After the Iraq invasion we have four in one week. Were these attacks internationally co-ordinated by 'terrorist masterminds'? Except in the case of Chechnya I would say not. Rather, I would suggest that these are simply the opening salvos in the new phase of the 'war on terror' - the hunted strike back. A scenario, many on both the right and the left put forward as a certain outcome of this war. We have been proved right, and I take no glee in saying that. The war on terror is a failure. The war on Iraq has been proven to be a failure (only of course if you actaully accept the junta 'rationale' for going to war in the first place - I don't). How about addressing the problems which actually lead to terrorism? You know... exploitation, poverty, oppression, those old ditties that just won't go away? Sorry what's that Mr. Bush, did you say something about terrorist oil plots? Oh no, sorry 'Foil terrorist plots' - my mistake.
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