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Streets claimed by Animals!![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() My piece is 305 words long and it is a summary of events that ruined my bankholiday Monday and my belief in Reclaim the Streets. Streets claimed by Animals! I am utterly disgusted by the disrespectful nature of some of these “Crusty’s” who attended the so called R.T.S. I brought my 10 year old daughter along just to look on as I agreed with this demo in principal and I was hoping that the support of some people from my generation would insure the heavy handed tactics used by the Gardai last year would not be repeated. As the demo came to an end and we were heading home down Parnell Street we came along a rowdy group of people from the demo who were playing drums. As we tried to pass one of the group either accidentally of on purpose smashed a bottle of “Buckfast” on the road with some of the glass causing a cut to my daughters leg. I was angered but these people didn’t care at all telling me to “Relax!” and “Don’t get carried away!”. There was also a distinct smell of drugs in the air. I cant believe that reclaiming the streets was meant to result in this type of behaviour. I reported the incident to the a Garda close to the scene who said the these “Crustys” are famous for this type of behaviour. He was encouraging me to press charges but I didn’t want to subject my daughter to anymore time in this environment so I accepted a lift home from the Gardai. I can now see why last years events turned ugly and I would like to know if this is what R.T.S is really all about , a group of smelly crustys drinking Buckfast and doing drugs on our streets. Who the hell do these bums think they are??? I am delighted that today the streets will be reclaimed by people with a bit more respect for their fellow citizens. |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39It is indeed a shame. However, the only real claim that you make is that they broke a bottle and you even say that this may have been through carelessness. Hardly grounds to condemn an entire party, that there one person carelessly broke a bottle. Also, I must say that the contempt that you express for the 'crusties' makes me think that you are a troll (ie pretending to have a particular opinion to provoke responses).
I doubt they broke it on purpose.
If I had a bottle of buckfast I'd be more into the drinking it than the smashing it.
Drunken row may have ensued.
Hold the front page
"There was also a distinct smell of drugs in the air."
You wouldn't find these sort of shenanigans going on at an Irish Country Women's Association meeting.
I do hope that you daughter is alright and was not seriously injured. To give up on such a great idea/ movement as RTS because of one admittedly very unfortunate incident is wrong.
I saw many kids there having a great time playing in the safe car free streets, to say all were drinking and taking drugs is a huge generalisation, I was there and did not have either.
I would rather you did not call us names either we are neither "animals" or "crustys" rather people who feel that car culture is gone mad and people should think more about how they travel.
As I said before i do hope you daughter is ok
I can see that you have misinterpreted my article. Yes I am angry about yesterday’s incident however I have not used this as “grounds to condemn an entire party” I just asked the question.
The fact that I said the incident may have occurred due to an accident should also highlight the fact that I don’t want to accuse anyone of doing this on purpose. If I was a vindictive person I could have easily had these people arrested and ruined their day out, however I would draw greater satisfaction from people who organised this event trying to ensure that it doesn’t just turn in to some drink binge on the streets of our nations capital.
Also I take offence to the sneering nature of De Media remarks. If my child had of been seriously injured would this then be news worhy?
And I would like to point out to you that if I had pressed charges it would have been jumped on by the media who would have reported the fact that a number of people at the R.T.S. demo were arrested.
I never heard so much pony about a bit of broken glass in my life
Just pointing out that one broken bottle, one cut and one row at a party of 1,000 is a non-story to anyone except those unfortunate enough to be the one cut or her mother. However labelling all 1,000 as drug crazed hippies on the basis of that one cut, now that is the stuff headlines are made of.
I accept this story at face value and whilst agreeing that is is shameful that this happened, I think it is also a shame to condemn what was over all a good natured, positive, fun and community affirming reclaiming of some parts of the city for a few hours, for the actions of a few.
I also resented being referred to as an animal but I will excuse you this as you seem genuinely upset and aggrieved from the incident. I have helped organise the party this time around but I am not a crusty and in fact I hold down a hateful office job, so now that we have dealt with the stereotpyes, let us proceed.
Two friends of mine came down (both working too, btw and not a dread between them) with their toddler and I walked around with the kid for about an hour and we saw no trouble. I think Parnell st and Amien st were probably some of the safest places in the city yesterday. I, and many many others, helped to make sure the place was only slightly more littered than it was before we got there (sorry, picking up cans and litter is ok, but I stop short of sweeping the streets...)
Now, you say "accidently or on purpose", so even you are not convinced that this was nothing more that an everyday accident. But at the same time your wording displays an preconceived contempt for the "Crusty". I think this is all very unfortunate.
What were you going to charge the fella with? Accidently cutting your daughter's leg? It does sound like you took a unfair disliking to this fellas who I imagine had mean't no malice to your young daughter.
" I can now see why last years events turned ugly "
I would argue against the fact that you now know why last year's event turned ugly. As the dogs on the steet know by now, it was due to the badly trained gardai from Pearse st. station and intentionally heavy handed orders from on high (all the proof is in the premeditated act of removing their numbers prior to the act of laying in with sticks and acting outside of the law they were hired to uphold).
Again, I am sorry that something occurred to upset you and I wish it hadn't but it all sounds like it was an unfortunate accident or at worst, the stupid act of a tiny number from an otherwise considerate group, 1000 strong.
>>" am delighted that today the streets will be >>reclaimed by people with a bit more respect for >>their fellow citizens.
I would love to belive this sweeping generalisation but unfortunately, a bit like the RTS party itself, there are some people on the streets today that have more respect than others. Does this mean that we should never try to make public space a bit more fun every now and then, injecting life in a community where before there were just traffic jams. I really don't think so.
I think due to the events of last year a small number of gurriers attended the event in the hope of an opportunity to have a row with the pigs would arise. I would say you were unfortunate enough to come across these individuals. They wont be back next year as it was made clear by those who organised R.T.S. that this was a peaceful protest.
You're right to be angry that your lil one was hurt, I wasn't there yesterday, but had planned to go with my daughter and if it had happened to us, I would have been very disgruntled also. But you said you decided to go along because you supported the idea of RTS, and I assume therefore that you understood what the make up of the crowd would be. Yes, there were people drinking, and yes, there were people smoking dope. But that is what you should have expected. People who don't drink on the streets, and who regard dope as a 'DRUG' aren't the type of folk who attend these types of gatherings. Fair play to you for going along, and I sincerely hope that you will attend again, as I think you may have seen the worst side of the RTS show. I'm no 'crustie', and neither is my daughter, but she does love attending things like RTS with me, and the more people like you who atttend, the more relevant the event is. As for those who spoilt your fun, excuse my french, but fuck them, they are beneath contempt, and probably didn't even know what RTS was before last years unfortunate debacle. You, unlike so many in our society decided to support RTS because you feel empathy towards it, don't let that go latent, or else theres not much hope for any of us. Thanks for coming(sorry that should be going, as I wasn't there myself). Might see you there next year. Siochain.
I have never seen so many colourful, beautifully dressed people dancing on the streets of dublin.
I saw evening gowns and fairys, it was like a banquet for the fair folk, i didnt see any animals although one girl was distinctly cat like. I may look like a freak but I have a full time job and I reclaim the right to party when and where i want! Yesterday was a brilliant day out. I would like to say a HUGE THANKYOU to the legal support team who worked hard to keep the peace and tranquility even managing to look like they were having as good a time as everyone else. WOOOHOOOOO WELL DONE EVERYONE, Oh yeah and the soundsystem too much much better music than last time round. I look forward to the next one...
damo. exactly the kind of knuckle head who doesn't give a damn about the point of RTS but accuses others of the very same! I'm sorry to hear about your daughter - with more folks like ye on the streets hopefully that kind of damo attitude/inconsiderate behaviour (not stopping to help you and your daughter) will disapate (sp?) i have no problem with folks drinking on the stret. i don't see how it's any more threatening than getting sloshed in a pub, nor do i have a problem with folks spliffing on. Basic courtesy and respect for others is the very least people should be bringing along. forget the rhetoric and practice a little kindness.
To the author: please refrain from the stereotypes. it's so jaded and you undermine yourself as much as those you misrepresent.
A friend who I brought along to an event like RTS for the first time remarked to me that it was a little unnerving for her. Every time that somebody bumped in to her in the crowd they stopped and took some time to apologise and make sure no offence had been caused. She found this wierd as it is hardly easy not to bump into people at a street party and, in contrast, when people bash into you on O Connell st while shopping, they just keep going.
It is indeed weird to encounter a space with an altered mindset and new rules of social engagement. But this is the type of 'weirdness' that RTS is all about and to a substantial extent it worked. A few people got too pissed, the rest of the people showed that it is possible for a large group of people to get together and create a new type of space, self-managed and free from co-ercion. The party was, in my opinion, by far, less intimidating and dangerous than any commercial party (or even non-commercial party) that I have ever been at.
I'm surprised the Gardai took you home and not to a hospital and then a Garda Station to write a complaint against the organisers.
The alleged case you describe is like a scene from one of Pat Byrnes wet dreams. A protest so badly marshalled and the Gardai prevented from keeping the streets safe for little girls......and kittens. The excuse to crack down on these pesky "reclaim the streeters".
Did anyone else witness this scene?
It is surely captured by the many dozens of CCTV cameras in the area . If your daughter suffered any actual harm then you are in for a 5 figure sum from Dublin City, in my opinion.
The Gardai are you witnesses and like I say it would be a wet dream for the "authorities" to have such a case to throw in the face of the organisers and to scare away any other people with children from attending future parades. Did the superintendent on the scene not realise the implication of such an incident? I am surprised. I think with blood drawn from a little girl by a mob of "animals" on "drugs" he would have had all the excuse he needed to call the Darth Vadars.
I am very surprised RTE didn't zoom in on this incident. They were there in force. Where did you approach the Gardai for help and where exactly and when did it occur? We would all love to know more as of course "reclaiming the streets" is about making the streets safe for just such a mother and child couple, as you describe.
Theres Paranoids, and theres you.
Heaven forbidden that the Gardaí would actually have considered the welfare of a small child. Jesus you'd think they'd have crushed that out of them in templemore.
RTE Lunging. In my experience most RTE journalists are reasonably sympathetic to RTS, and the idea of a child being injuried by glass at a public gathering is unfortunately a bit of a non story cause it could happen at croker or any big event.
I'm also surprised you didn't take the opportunity presented at the RTS or at our meeting on Sunday, to attack the rabid bunch of pro Israeli, pro US IMCers in the crowd? Admitedly we were busy trying to sabotage the whole thing all the while. Whats the matter?
for thinking this crowd ahd any real ideas behind them. They're just a bunch of rich kids going thru their rebellious phase.
[post and comments moved by R Isible]
Tue, May 6 2003, 4:27pm
I went to an R.T.S in 2000 on O'Connel street...
...and while I think the Gardai last year were well out of order,still, after going to one three years ago, I too came to the conclusion that RTS is infested with crusties, like an apple with a worm.
The gardai were extremly unprofessional last year, but it is this fear that has lead them to allow a bunch of muppets light up cigarettes at the petrol station on Amiens street, which is a residential area.A working class residential area nonetheless. Jim Connely must be stirring in his grave.Anyway...
Three years ago, I saw about a hundred or so o.t.t mid twenty something crusty losers actually giving the cops stick when trying to remove them off the road. The cops gave me no bother; in fact, the only reason I was there was because of a one night stand the previous evening that lead me to this shambles.It was this lass(who, I imagine, has grown up loads since then) that I had to push back, because TWICE she started swinging at Gardai.I was only stopping her for her own sake,but the filth seemed to appreciate this. I was telling one how I was only there to watch, and he reminded me of the behaviour of one lass, this dyke who claimed some young gard had squeezed her tits. There was no way that handsome young gard did that, she was minging!
At the pub, the losers starte handing out a petition claiming they had all seen the gard in question do this. "Did you witness this", asked one girl of another, handing her the petition. "Naw", said the other. "Ah, sure it anyway", says the first, and your one reciprocates, the two of them giggling.
It all ended well though, because the stupid little one night stand girl appreciated my "protectiveness" through out the day, so a second night of lust ensued. But anyway...
Feck this leftist craic anyway. My dad came from a poor background, built the family home himself, and worked hard all his 38 years to provide for me and my siblings. He had great distrust for leftys. It is only recently, at the age of 25, which is sad, that I realise he was right. I don't care what way the world goes, if there is one cause that might affect me, I will be selfish, and thus contribut, altruism being just another emotion.
I'll accept that those founders of RTS in Britain did have some altruistic motives in setting it up, and RTS would have seemed like great fun if witnessed by pill popping 20 year old me a few years back, but really, it has being infested by people with organic, maggot infested dreadlocks, and a self deluded weltanschaung. That, and the fact they would decide this year to take over a petrol station and light up cigarettes. Muppets, dip shits, arseholes. As that Golden Dawn esoteric mantra goes, "As Above, So Below". To me this means that while crack pot Christian continue to consolidate control of the globe(because, for all their loopiness, they are more clever than you)dreadlock nobodies in sandles purposly built to expose their moulded toes to all and sundry continue to believe they are changing the world man.
The only reason, in fact, that RTS has so many people out this year is because of the recession. When the markets pick up again, the next generation won't bother with crap like that. I would rather see them invest in High Culture, something that was terribly negated during the Celtic Tiger. Well, no, they did try to copy Brit Art from time to time by having photography exhibits in that gallery in Temple Bar that showed photos of toliet appliances lying on grass, and, er, that was it.
But anyway, crusties are smelly and stupid,they are the type of people who either A)if they are the young ones, will mistake the ability to paint semi reatred graffiti pi(ss)eces as high culture, but "alternative or B) if they are older, will attempt to convince younger, female ones of their (non existant) psychic prowess so they can get them into the sack.
Goddamit, I had better warn my kid sister about the assholes. She is only 16 but is already dresing like a throwback to greenpeace in the 70s. I'm going to buy her some miltary magazines, and introduce her to the rantings of G. Gordon Liddy, just to inject a bit of humour into her life. Shes no dyke, so I think my good example will set her off on the righteous road to femme fatalism.
I'd better round off, the smell of fuming crusties from getting so angry that the worms and maggots in their hair are begining to boil is making me retch. Later,
Jeff Dolan
add your comments
by Dimples - Pixies for Peace Tue, May 6 2003, 4:42pm
Jeff, please come to our party
by Dorothy Tue, May 6 2003, 4:47pm
you sound like such a pleasant person, it would be a real bonus to have you at a party. I'm sure your wit would wow and amaze all around you and I can see that you're not afraid to step on a few toes! I can just see you cracking a few dyke jokes, boasting of your latest conquests, before having a go at the hippies, lefties and assorted others who our 'politically correct' society can't stand up to. I bet you'd even have a go at the immigrants - you rogue - those sacred cows of the middle classes!
It's good to see you having such respect for your old man, a sign of a fine son. And sure if you're starting to sound like him, more power to you! As for those who may say that you are (as he was before you) a hateful, ignorant, misogynist, bitter little shell of a man, driven purely by the basest animal instincts of greed, lust and profound self-love. A man who speaks with the unparalleled arrogance of he who has only evey thought what he was told to think and so never learned to think, yet thinks that those who have the capacity for independent thought will care in the slightest about his twisted outporings of pre-packaged, bile, all tainted with the knowledge of his own shortcomings and lonely misery yet desperate to reaffirm the adequacy of his decision not to think. To those people who would say such things, you can just cock your fiercely independent snoot and carry on dismembering their foolish niceties and saying what needs to be said. For Jeff, you are right, no arguments are needed, you are right.
IMC editors please remove
by take away Tue, May 6 2003, 4:54pm
Offensive comments and personal insults, sexist & homophobic overtones in many comments, in violation of IMC newswire posting guidelines, please remove this post. Thanks.
What' thu?
by Jedd - I shu' is dead... Tue, May 6 2003, 5:11pm
address: Dat dere damn gaarave yawd...dan' south yonder, bwoy... [email protected]
Who dat bwoy up dere 'bove? He tawkin sum commie? Are you a Jew bwoy, bwoy? HUH? Wuchya doin' wit yo sissy assed shit? Ah see you, bwoy, Ah gonna cap a 38 in yo ass...
In my day, we sho' wud lynch y'all for OPPPOSING sucha fine upstanding Christian as that Jeff bwoy called, shure tang. He damn right, all the rest ya can't even deliver somewhat wit some GODDAMN CLARITY...
Me, Ahm off to receive THE HOLY SPIRIT, the malt liquor, yessuh...
You certainly did not have a one night stand with me
by The one night stand Tue, May 6 2003, 5:25pm
I believe, in fact I know, that I am the woman you refer to and we certainly did not have a one night stand that night or any other night. The Garda did grab my breast and I, naturally, tried to strike back, he is just a man after all.
Excuse me, but...
by jeff Tue, May 6 2003, 5:36pm
.. I think my article was rather excellent.
Ms. Dorothy, you sound like a wonderfull person, but the fact is you have made a mistake; I would NEVER insult immigrants, only if they were taking too much money from the Irish tax payer, but otherwise , NEVER.
In fact, many immigrants suffer abuse from even leftists. My friend, Abdul,from Tanzania, he is a tall, fine, black man, with an iq so high he can shoot fire from his eyes that would burn greatly the near4est copy of the Bell Curve. He lives here in Galway with me, is a top notch computer networker, but recently confided in me his great distaste for leftists, as well as the normal routine of rascist thugs from
"This one, these rascists, I know how to smack them to death, I am professional at this. But when these flower people come to me with leaflets, I feel greatly upset, because I know they are only giving this to me for they see my skin and think I am just like onto them.
For me I am a moderate Muslim, I wish to work hard, but these people have communist t shirts, and my uncle disappeared in Tanzania many years ago, because of our communist government. When I see privalaged children that look like those Yardie criminals, with communist t shirts, I have to go home to cry."
I also like the Serbs, because they are the only Eastern Europeans NOT rascist against the gypsey Roma people. Croats and Bosnian Muslims ARE. Well isn't ironic, oh don't you think? The Serbs, thanks to their (erm, careful) relationship with the Roma,have developed great music with loads of drums and trumpets in it. No shit, I have been to Balkans THREE times now, and I have gotten great gypsey and Serb brass band cds. Bruummpa brummpa brummpa,BRUMP BRUMP BRUMP!
So there is no way I will insult the immigrants, except maybe Italian and Spanish hippies; they smell, live in the archview hostel, talk about revoltion, but put it off until they colect Irish rent checks, which I coulkd not do in their countries, especially that tv state run by Berlusconi.
So, Ms. Dorothy, that was the only problem I had with you relpy. The rest I could not read, your over articulation making a scroll through an academic thesis on Public Administration seem like a brisk walk through an Anne and Barry book in comparision. Keep your sentences short, for fecks sake.Hippie.
So dere! Now, mr Take Away. Personal insults are where insults are directed from one individual to another whose name is known. I was speaking in my brilliant article about certain lame individuals in the third person, and I did not even bother naming the saps. So quit whinging. Jedd( who seems to be dead) is right about you, you sound like a sissy.I would not advocate him lynching you, and he is wrong to say I am a Christian.
I probably will go to the next RTS. I will charm the pants off all the dim but pretty young( female, of course!)things because it is likely I will be desperate for lust, because my star sign is Leo. Laaa laaa laaa laaa, LA LA LA LA,OOOO....
One night stand...
by jeff Tue, May 6 2003, 5:38pm
Read article again carefully, I called you a dyke who was minging. One night stand was a different ditzy little thing altogeter, bless her cotton socks...
A good man
by Avi H Tue, May 6 2003, 5:42pm
Jeff, very much I would like you to come to Israel, you have sure for sure got what we say in Israel The Right Stuff. For sure, this is true.Rest, not so.
In Israel, if you are of mine a friend, what is mine must also be for sure yours. But if you are my enemy...
I think, you, Jeff, in Israel, for sure, would sure be my friend. These others, for sure would be enemy of you, but I think not so that they would be good at being enemies.They are weak.
good man Jeff
by So Over Tue, May 6 2003, 5:44pm
Tell it like it is!
sad man
by Seeing eye Tue, May 6 2003, 5:55pm
Jeff, no one cares what you think. In fact you can't think. It makes me laugh to see you write about your opinions of refugees - as if anybody listens - you sad little man. The amount that you reveal about yourself in your post is quite funny. You are obviously proud of the fact that you are a shit. You are so stupid that you think that anybody will care what a shit thinks!
I pity your lonely little life. Oh yes, you know what I mean, coz jeff, I know who you are. We're not all hippies here jeff, some of us hold down very establishment jobs you know and don't use our real names here. You should be careful about giving away too much about yourself, there are a couple of things that can be revealed about your little life that you wouldn't want people to know.
Well, I tell you what...
by jeff Tue, May 6 2003, 5:58pm
...don't tell them about the time I organised ping pong chamionship titles in Amsterdam's Red Light District, it would gratly upset my mother, she is Jew, and you know what Jewish mothers are like. They are Meshuggah!
keep comments on articles, not on newswire, thanks
by moved by R Isible - 1 of IMC Tue, May 6 2003, 6:18pm
Reclaim the streets NOW!
by Mr Angry Tue, May 6 2003, 5:49pm
Time for decisive action
It's time to take action against the fascist city council who are slyly removing parking places all around the city. It is our God-given right (as tax payers) to park where we bloody well like - we paid for the streets.
So I urge all free-thinking citizens to do all they can to combat this threat to our liberty
add your comments
Me too!
by jeff Tue, May 6 2003, 5:55pm
I intend to work so hard in the future that I'll have money to buy a (decomissened, not capable of launching weapons) tank!
But where the godamn fuck I gonna park this thing, goddamn, what with liberal fascists in County coucil. Fuck their mothers!
That Seeing Eye person, whoever the hell they are, if they know me, they sure as hell better have the balls to come up to me on the street and tell me who they are, I'll sure as hell smack them!(but only if they are male).
If the person is a girl, I will bring to cafe and buy her some sweets and orange soda.
Hard to believe your one of the editors???
What have you guys done to the origal comments by adding all the above???
Has another one of your bogus bull shit stories been blow out of the water???
So there never was any such incident, figures!
Your some ass Mr O'Brien
The other article was moved here because its a comment on RTS,
But nah you'd never believe that. Or that theres a possibility this might happened.
I figured you out James, you like this delusion that you're the lone gunman fighting for truth againist us big bad censors, so thats why you actually avoid discussion with us, it'd shatter that delusion you so love.
bleedin' crusties,
bleedin' hippies
bleedin' goths,
bleedin' metallers,
bleedin' pigs,
bleedin' punx,
bleedin' environmentalists,
bleedin' capitalists,
bleedin' anti capitalists..
the list goes on..
dont mean to sound like a bleedin' hippy but: can't we all just get along?
people will always find some group of people to hold something against even for an isolated issue such as dropping a bottle of buckfast.
josephine, i figure if you have a child and have stated that you wanted someone from "your generation" to be there.. that you've had a fair bit of experience on this planet...
now it's a bit ridiculous for a 17 year old to have to point out that these things happen all the time. sure you could've been walking back from the shops today and someone could've dropped a bottle o' bucky, or tried to stab you or anything.
i really hope you've calmed down about the incident and that you understand that reclaim the streets is still a worthwhile cause.
as with many organisations people will attend rallies, street parties, protests, whatever for a million different reasons. you cant expect everyone there to be in the exact same fram of mind as your good self... the kind and considerate woman that i hope you are..
apologies for seeming condecending it's just.. people aren't something that you can simply generalise and let one ugly run in taint your view of something you before supported wholeheartedly...
thanx for reading, if you did.
'twas I and not Aidan that moved the comments to this story. There were three "I don't like RTS" pieces on the newswire which were not stories. I left the first one (this one) and moved the other two later ones down to become comments (as you will see if you read the thread).
The reasons for this are:
1. Newswire should contain news
2. If a pre-existing item on a topic exists then further information on it should be added as a comment if possible.
If you don't like this then start your own site.
I have to say, I attended yesterday's event and I was quite surprised.
It was fun, it was peaceful, it was cool.
Well done.
thanks for that.
Aidan, sure you have me all figured out.....and then you will grow up!
Alex. Thanks for the honesty. Any chance of a Fine Gael / Sinn Fein government next time?
Maybe we could arrange for a load of plastic glasses to be distributed to the drinkers next year. The bottles could then be collected in a robbed wheelie bin which could be stored somewhere in the sidelines for "future use". We could even make up a nickname for the collector, "the bulb" or something and give himorher a (robbed) loudhailer left over from the SWP
You could actually engage us and talk to us and prove me wrong.
Bet you a tenner you won't.
It's funny to see how people allways try to make themselves out to be allways right. Peope are saying that the lady above should not compare a few people in the rts to the whole group. Yet this time last year the garda as an organisation were the worst in the world beacuse a few of you's taught the garda where a bit to ruff. How cab u tell that lady to stop comparing all of u's.
RTS is full of people attention seeking. Y don t u's walk up and down a country lane. Because u's need attention.
Y is it full of people with xxx hair because it s full of attention seekers.
Grow up
sorry, i just dont believe that someone would go to an RTS event and be worried about 'the distinct smell of drugs' and then also post to indymedia afterwards about it. doesnt make sense, numbers dont add up, doesnt seem genuine.
just a 'comment'..
You can tell it's me, because I can spell and my grammar is correct. Someone, who shall remain nameless although I strongly suspect who that someone is using my name to post all kinds of things that I would never write. Just so you know...
I will have to adopt different pseudonyms myself, like James McKenna... can very much tell because by grammer and diction sounds just like very much Israeli, yes? Uri Geller, also he has both this soft way of writing and speaking. Shalom! ;0) (wink)
Oh and yes, very much I stil do think this Jeff guy is very cool, this person, this one calling themself the "all seeing eye", not only is this a blasphemation unto G-D, but this also demonstrates their cowardice in hiding, unlike Jeff, who is real true guy, and afraid of nothing.
So whoever does threaten from behind the keyboard, know this; you are very much a coward, and I would like you to be taken out either from good guys in Mossad, or bad guys in radical Islamist circles.
shalom;-) Avi, as u know the "eye" or "gimmel" 3rd letter of the Hebraic alphabet is not the all seeing "eye" jokingly referred to.
I am not aware of any ban of the 613 bans and prohibitions of the Talmud that cover reference to either gimmel or eye as blasphemous.
I thought that was just the use of the
hebraic names of God.
and how is the real Avi H?¿?
have we ever had a Mossad supporter who knows no Hebrew¿?¿?¿?
only distracting fakes generated in Ireland or cyber irl.
Ms Kelly,
I presume by the charm of your introduction that you are sincere, and I welcome your presence at the RTS event, it seems in keeping with the tradition wished for by those who first thought of such things.
Smells of Drugs there are many.
Hashish and Marijuana havea strong herbal odour though different they may often be confused.
Crack Cocaine has a particularly sharp odour and is unmistakeable.
Heroin too, has a distinct odour.
Our most ·mnemonic· sense is that of smell, we remember smells more readily than things seen or heard, thus the smell of Heroin or Hashish will cause the smeller to remember previous occasions of intoxication.
I thank you for playing your part in the day by not involving the Gardaí, and I presume that decision was made considering the weight of criminality, thus I presume you did not smell Crack Cocaine or Heroin.
But as your child grows, and becomes a responsible and autonomous individual participating in her society, I can not guarantee that she will not be exposed to either Herion or Crack again.
Buckminster Abbey in Somerset holds the now legendary recipe for the tonic wine known as Buckfast. I once made a pilgramage to the Abbey of Buckfast years ago. I do not trust monks and suspect almost everyone of nourishing serious tattoo work and peircing fetishes beneath the cowls, but we shall not treat upon that now.
Ms Kelly, you did the right thing.
go on doing the right thing.
But learn to distinguish between truly ·anti-social· behaviour and that which is really only slightly lower than the high expectations you naturally hold for your daughter.
Thank you for taking part.
I hope you and your kind return in the future.
I prefer to see happy people rather than Buck-heads anyday.
yours etc.,
you really know who.
o as if you do.
You are hereby appointed cupbearer to the IMC Inner Council.
You can always find what you're looking for. I've visited a fair amount of cultures on the planet and have always had a good experience, even in places that people I've met have condemned. These "crusties" encountered on the street are just people, like all of us. What makes them offensive is a cultural bias. I'm sure that had one of them walked by a church outreach group or political booster group they would have been just as offended by a seemingly innocent solicitation as the writer was by "a distinct smell of drugs in the air".
A closed mind is the perfect breeding ground for prejudice. Life is too short to be taken so seriously -- we all know how it's going to end.
note: I am a 37 year old university educated professional who has lived in the archview hostel for extended periods of time on multiple occasions.