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Public InquiryInterested in maladministration. Estd. 2005
Voltaire NetworkVoltaire, international edition
Reclaim the Streets, this Monday, 2pm GPO![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() meet up at the GPO at two, directions from there..... cyclists meet for a critical mass at 1.30 at the Garden of Remembrance. Pages and pages of this IMC were taken up with postings and pictures of the street party and the subsequent gardai riots, as well as the huge public demonstration against the same gardai violence, around this time last year. Now it's time to show the gardai, after a year of scape goats being put through circus courts and dozens of people who were beaten that day being harrassed and denyed justice, that the people of this country will not bow down to intimidation and bully boy tactics. Let us not be afraid to come out and take over a part of the streets to mark the May day and to mark the one year anniversery of the Dame street riots. Let us not be beaten of our streets. I hope that the gardai siochana will stay true to their name this year and keep the peace. This years May day weekend will be marked by another RTS party. A 2k Brings footballs, facepaints, juggling balls, whistles, glowsticks, To be a part of the years biggest free street party, get down to the
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Comments (21 of 21)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21Heh heh heh!
Feckin students and rich kids.
are just as welcome as anyone else. Come and have a laugh. it's allll goood...
That way, when the next 12 articles about the Juche ideal and latent sado-masochist cut and pastes from the times hide them there'll still be a clear piece for people checking the date, time, place. Also the reports of the West Papua, Shannon trial, CM etc won't disappear into the aether. Thanks.
What the?.....
you have a sick mind.
Lets hope rts behalf them selfs after all the trouble they caused last year. It's funny to see so many attention seeks in the same place.
While using is a good idea, it seems a bit wobbly in practice - there doesn't seem to be any way of finding a way to the calendar you've linked to above from the front page or from the page dedicated to europe (except for a calendar maintained by some crowd called Neither do events posted in your calendar appear in the listing of European events.
Joe Higgins statement on RTS
Press Statement - 8th May 2002
Garda Attack on Protest Follows Familiar Pattern in E.U. Call on Minister for Justice to Disclose Content of E.U. Justice Ministers’ Discussions Regarding Anti-Globalisation Movement Joe Higgins T.D. The Socialist Party
The horrific scenes witnessed on Monday evening in Dublin, with members of the Garda provoking and viciously attacking protesters, followers a familiar recent pattern within the E.U.
From personal observation of the huge protests around the E.U. Summit in Gothenburg, Sweden in June 2001, I concluded that there was a deliberate policy of provocation by the Swedish police and recorded my observations during Taoiseach’s Question Time in the Dáil. The police first provoked violence and then quite brutally attacked demonstrators. Similar situations developed in Genoa and later in Brussels.
The Anti-Globalisation movement has garnered huge support among European youth and sections of the trade union movement. This has been discussed at meetings of E.U. Justice Ministers.
I call upon the Minister for Justice to state the content of these discussions. In particular, I ask him to say whether a policy of repression of this movement has been tacitly agreed among the E.U. Ministers and whether this was a factor in the Garda response on Monday evening.
Certainly, the dismissal by the Taoiseach of my personal observations in the Dáil point to a policy of complicity in repression against a growing movement of opposition to capitalist globalisation and multi-national domination of our world.
For further information, contact Joe Higgins T.D. at telephone: (01) 618 3038
AUDIO - Reclaim the streets party - WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY
by Irishvidhead & Derek B Wed, May 8 2002, 3:10pm
Broadcast on Dublin South FM Radio
AUDIO 15 min windowsmedia Stand up to violence - Be Peaceful -
Mondays Reclaim The Streets Mayday Party dublin 2002 WATCH THE VIDEO
anyone help me with Akkadian inscriptions?
(I'm moonlighting)
more RTS stuff:
Daithi (yes he) on RTS 2002.
Hairy Activist (does loads of names not that hairy)
Aidan "IMC"(back in the days of emails and surnames)
Rowan "800 people occupying the Quays"
garret carr with PHOTOS!
Irish Vid Head (y know which one?)
lots of photos.
and doesnt he do good ones.
nice to see him spreading them beyond ireland now.
and photos of gardening.
I like that.
oh how "tech"
VIDEO Gerilla Gardening
THE IRISH TIMES (before Geraldine)
didn't lots change¿?
Who is this guy James McDonald,is he Ronalds brother or something.Why is he trying to make a name for himself.Its obvious he's not down with the RTS vibe.
He may have put alot of hard work in to the street party(fair fucks( but he's a dickhead for talking to the the press.James now the POlice have a focuss for an arrest,you.
WE all make mistakes with the hacks,i just hope you dont live to regret yours.
back there "may 8th" yawn yawn.
worth commenting "yawn" for the record, that the RTS May 2002 was fronted by a group called "Globalise Resistance".
The Global RTS frienship network were a wee bit surprised but delighted all the same.
They made lots of mistakes, but did lost of things well too, they certainly "learnt" from those mistakes, and are all spread throughout the world now doing things "better".
The RTS phenomona took longer than usual to arrive in Dublin, it had safely kicked off in many other places before, Norway another of Europe's racist countries with its head stuck up its arse had celebrated it's first RTS a little while before, but no-one (not no-one the commentator..."no-one the "nemo/nabu" of old" had replied to their letters to Ireland.
People were too busy "thinking locally" being paranoid and sticking themselves further up their capacious arses...
Now for people like PETER SWEETMAN - FIE Tue, May 7 2002, 10:18am
phone: 0872943151 [email protected]
you ought by now know that RTS is "part of your urban culture".
The Gardai are different this year, they behaved themselves moderately at the September gig, and we can expect they will on Monday.
Meanwhile if anyone would like photos/video/audio/text files on the 300+ RTS and "RTS named" events that have occured globally since 1997 you can ask me sweetly and if you offer me a competant "akkadian grammarian" and if poss. an "akkadian literate, paleo-arabic mathematician" I shall perhaps give you the source dates of the texts that started the whole global phenomona.
if not, so be it.
it works in any case.
finally look at the link.
who is james mcdonald? Why he's a poet, artist and lover. The cops would be doing well to get their hands on that handsome devil...
bad "press officer" there.
obviously very un-connected.
Ah well the swmie contigent will be smaller this year?
hey "Josef" look at this...
oh look LONDON
oh look PRAGUE
oh look SEATTLE
oh look QUEBEC!
oh look MALMO!
do I see SWMy interpretating GR RTS?
i do not.
look at this-
never buy
never sell
never be without a Black Sheep.
The SWM/SWP nor GR have any sustainable claim to anything of substance and should stick to selling newspapers.
They have had a year to develop, and have failed the many tests "we" put.
tis my favourite photo collection.
kisses and hugz to Xemi the Dude. peró +++.
and isn't this the moment we like?
you catch the flu dont you?
casey buyen toes does
Que se Vayan todos!
Mayday 2000 sort of began on that spot with a theatrical game of Monopoly.
and for "Josef" check out this
Very nice, thank you.
Reclaim The Streets still going on if the weather is as shite as it is now?
Iosaf, Globalise Resistence had nothing to do wih organising rts.
if the weather si really shit it'll happen anyway, just won't be as good i guess
The party will definitely happen, no matter what the weather.
Only questions is whether the first sign of a bit of bad weather is enough to scare you off?
If the weather is bad, and the forecast is that it should be pretty O.K., we'll soon separate the real party heads from our lightweight fair weather friends.
C'mon everybody. Be HARDCORE!! GRRRRRRR.....