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minutes of latest ISF dialogue and other info![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Contents of latest email sent to the ISF dialogue elist - go to for more The following are the minutes (and some other new news) of the 7th Open Space dialogue meeting for Irish civil society to build an Irish Social Forum which took place on April 17th 2003 at The Cultivate Sustainable Living Centre, Essex Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 8. Hello all, If this is the first email you have received from the interim convenor for the dialogue process for Irish civil society to build an Irish Social Forum (ISF) it is because: Below are the minutes of the last dialogue meeting and the date, time and place for next. Interest is growing by the day and more and more groups and individuals from different sectors of civil society on the island of Ireland are expressing interest in building the Irish Social Forum. Please find attached an ISF invite and planing letter in RTF format for distribution. Brief Summary: Latest news: - Also the World Social Forum (WSF) now has evaluations and critiques of the Jan. 2003 WSF available at: all the best, ========================= The following are the minutes of the 7th Open Space dialogue meeting for Irish civil society to build an Irish Social Forum which took place on April 17th 2003 at The Cultivate Sustainable Living Centre, Essex Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 8. CONTENTS: NEXT DIALOGUE MEETING TO BUILD THE IRISH SOCIAL FORUM: The next (which will be the 8th) Open Space Dialogue Meeting For Irish Civil Society To Build Irish Social Forum will take place on Thursday 8th May 2003 at The Cultivate Sustainable Living Centre, Essex Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 8, from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. [ After crossing the Capel Street bridge from north to south, Essex St. West is the first right off Parliament St., walk along there and its on your right hand side, with big plate glass windows opposite a bakery and the shop Does Not Compute. IN ATTENDANCE: John Meehan (in individual capacity) UNABLE TO ATTEND: Kate Mortimer - The Wheel LATEST LIST OF INTEREST EXPRESSED BY / AND-OR / INTEREST IN PARTICIPATING EXPRESSED BY: Conor Flavin - One World Society, UCC. Minutes: CONTACTING NEW GROUPS AND GETTING SECTORS INVOLVED: It was decided that the wording of the opening paragraph of The Invitation To Join The Open Space Process To Build The Irish Social Forum letter [ available at: ] was inaccessible to some groups and sectors and so it was decided that people can edit the opening paragraph so that the people they are contacting can understand what we are going on about. i.e. we cannot expect everyone to be familiar with terms such as: Neo-liberal, commodification, externalisation. Suggestions included terms such as: cutbacks in public services, bus privatisation for example, health cutbacks. Mary will contact the various Community Forums throughout the different counties of Ireland and send them the general letter and the May 24th invite. Will also contact a number of anti-racist groups. Sustainable Ireland Co-Op will be contacting community, development and environment groups for another event during the Convergence Festival called an NGO Forum to discuss sustainability issues and they will include the invite letter for the ISF and the May 24th invite letter in their postings. Davie will also contact the administrator of the Liberty Hall social centre to see if we can use it for the June ISF Launch (see below). John will contact the Dublin Trades Council with the letter and invite and perhaps they will send it to the different affiliated Trades Councils throughout the country. And see if we can make an announcement from the platform about May 24th at the Trade Unions street event for Mayday on May 1st. And will contact the Teachers Club to see if we can use it for the June ISF Launch (see below). Deirdre is meeting the Dublin Trades Council, Saturday 26th April, and will discuss it with them too. Will also contact the anti-super dump groups, the anti-incinerator groups (Zero Waste Network) and the anti-mobile phone mast groups. Adrienne will contact the National Womens Council, Ireland Palestine Solidarity Group, WERC, the Equality Studies Centre at UCD and the Community Development Programme. Barry will contact the Community Workers Co-Op and find out what feedback they got from the community groups they have contacted so far. Also to check if Friends of the Earth Ireland will be putting ISF info in the next edition of their magazine, Earthwatch. Rory will contact the group(s) organising for better cancer treatment facilities, groups campaigning against hospital closures and cutbacks. Also the group(s) campaigning against the cutbacks in maternity, midwife and home-birth facilities. Paul will contact the groups connected to the NGO Peace Alliance. Will also contact the faith based development groups such as the Irish Missionary Union. ORGANISING FOR MAY 24TH: We are optimistic that lots of people will come on the day and so as to be prepared for numbers we decided to ask that people confirm their intention to attend, by email to [email protected] or phone at 01-8741223. We agreed that we would send press releases to the various media(s) after the next meeting on May 8th 2003. We continued the consensus that while this dialogue process is aimed at groups and organisations already active, that individuals who are not part of groups continue to be more than welcome to join in. We discussed that perhaps we need a big name speaker to draw a crowd for May 24th. It was decided against this because May 24th is for the sectors of Irish civil society to discuss building THEIR Social Forum. We decided that getting a big name speaker would be more appropriate for the launching of the Irish Social Forum this coming June (see below) and to bring this up on May 24th for discussion. Without dictating the agenda and leaving it open to May 24th participants, some of the things we hope to discuss and perhaps decide on May 24th are: - What do we want the June launch to be like, who are we trying to reach with it, what is it for. THE JUNE ISF LAUNCH: It was decided to go for the longest day, the Summer solstice, Saturday June 21st 2003, for the Launch of the Irish Social forum. Davie will look into using Liberty Hall, anyone else with ideas for a venue feel free to check out the details and report back. COMMUNICATIONS AND WEBSITE: The website was just up the week of the meeting and it was agreed to maintain the transparency of the process and to continue posting the minutes, letter and invites on the site. Gavin, Ciarán and Ciaran said they would look into organising [email protected] email addresses so that we can have available from the website for example: Barry apologised for using the cc on the email to send out previous minutes and all agreed that in future they should be sent out using the bcc (so that everyones emails are not spattered across the web for potential use and abuse) to maintain the integrity and privacy of peoples inboxes. NEW INTERST FROM AROUND THE COUNTRY: While we have made contact with people in Cork, Limerick, Tuam, Athlone and Mullingar, we regularly agree that we must do more to involve people who live in Northern Ireland and that the ISF is intended as an all island of Ireland - Irish Social Forum. In this regard it was welcomed that people from Friends of the Earth (Northern Ireland) and a Sinn Fein, Belfast City Council councillor have got in touch. Hopefully more will become involved. It was hoped now that we have the two page Get Involved letter and the flyer for May 24th that after the flurry of activity over the next two weeks that more people will be getting involved. End. ===================
Would you like to get involved in the process of building an Irish Social Forum?
What the World Social Forum is WEBSITE OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIAL FORUM: ============================= ends.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3i have just read through the list of those who took part/apologies/interested and i cannot see the socialist party represented in any of them?
what's going on?
The SP/SY is fully committed to the Social Forum process but it is useless with a a socialist programme. We have taken up petitions in all the working class estates where there is tremendous anger over this question. Only the CWI and its sections has the right answer. But all you can do is lie and scoff. We have full democracy and a socialist programme and are very, very big. Not many people know that!
i just want to know have the socialist party pulled out of the ISF? i ask because on the mainpage feature about the ISF, they are named as one of the participants.
anyone have a real answer?
(it seems to have gotten to the stage now, where if you ask an innocent question, sectarian viriol insantly follows - it really is making this site a pain in the hole)