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Anarchy in Iraq?![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() After the fall of Saddam's dictatorship, a wave of looting erupted in towns and cities across Iraq. The media was outraged, often more concerned about stolen property than the civilians wounded and murdered by the US invasion. It was proclaimed that Iraq was falling into "anarchy." This is unsurprising, if annoying, for anarchists. It is worthwhile to explain why the chaos in post-Saddam Iraq is not anarchy nor, in fact, a case against anarchism. Kropotkin once said that "without disorder, the Revolution is impossible" and he was right. Every revolution has been marked by "disorder," by strikes, riots, looting and so on. However, in social revolutions such periods are short lived. Inspired by ideas and hope for the future, the mass of people quickly go beyond the destructive phrase of popular revolt and start the construction of a new world. So Kropotkin argued against the idea of "one-day revolutions" and the idea that a revolution could occur independently of popular struggle and mass movements. A "structure based on centuries of history cannot be destroyed by a few kilos of explosives," he correctly stated. Anarchy would be the product of collective struggle at the heart of society, not the product of external shocks. "To make the revolution," he argued, "the mass of workers will have to organise themselves. Resistance and the strike are excellent means of organisation for doing this." Thus it was "a question of organising societies of resistance for all trades in each town . . . against the exploiters . . . of federating them . . . Workers' solidarity must no longer be an empty word but practised each day between all trades and all nations." In the struggle against oppression and exploitation, we not only change the world, we change ourselves at the same time. So it is the struggle for freedom which creates people capable of taking the responsibility for their own lives, communities and planet. People capable of living as equals in a free society, so making anarchy possible. Therefore, what happened in Iraq is not an example of anarchy. As George Barrett put it, the strength of the state lies "in the superstition of the people who think that it is right to obey [it]. So long as that superstition exists it is useless for some liberator to cut off the head of tyranny; the people will create another, for they have grown accustomed to rely on something outside themselves." This means that "if, then, by some external means" the state was destroyed then people would "rebuild the old society." However, if "the people develop their ideas of freedom, and then themselves get rid of the last stronghold tyranny -- the Government -- then indeed the Revolution would be permanently accomplished." Like Kropotkin, he saw anarchist revolution in terms of working class people self-organisation and direct action, with the capitalist class "abolished by the people so organising themselves that they will run the factories and use the land for the benefit of their free communities, i.e. for their own benefit . . . The only thing then that will be put in the place of government will be the free organisations of the workers." This has not happened in Iraq. Rather, the government has been destroyed by quite a few kilos of explosives. Unsurprisingly, therefore, chaos rather than anarchy resulted. It cannot be denied that Aware of this, anarchists are not in favour of looting as such. Anarchists, to quote Luigi Fabbri, "do not think of expropriation in terms of some sort of 'help yourself' operation, left to personal judgement, in the absence of any order. Even were it possible to predict as inevitable that expropriations, once disorder sets in, would take on an individualistic complexion . . . anarchist communists have no intention of adopting that sort of an approach as their own." In other words, collective expropriation must replace individualistic looting. Instead, he pointed out that the working class has its "own, free institutions, independent of the state" (such as federations of unions and co-operatives) to achieve the end of private property and that "during the revolution other collective bodies more attuned to the needs of the moment will be set up." And this is the problem in Iraq. There has been no popular movement that created the framework of a new society while fighting the old. Rather we have people who, in the main (and so far), have not seen beyond statism and capitalism taking advantage of a break down of the state and its protection of property. Can we be surprised that chaos ensured? Now the Iraqi people have three choices. They can accept the rule of the US, either freely or be forced to. This seems the most likely, although it will be imposed by force upon a population which, while anti-Saddam, is also anti-US, its occupation and the wealthy, westernised Iraqi exiles it wants to rule the country. Or they fall behind some new nationalist gang aiming for state power. This is less likely. Or, finally, they can start to construct their own ways of getting society back on its feet in a way that will be in their interests. This is the anarchist solution and would result in a true anarchy, a society of free and equal people co-operating together freely. During these events the US occupying power has made its priorities clear. While letting essential services like hospitals and priceless historical treasures be looted, the US army secured oil fields and defended only two government ministries (namely of Oil and of the Interior). When US officials boasted that oil production would restart soon, people across Iraq were wondering when the same would be said of their water, food and electricity supplies. But, of course, this war was not about oil so this must be a coincidence. And, lastly, it is doubtful that the US and UK government's tolerance for "public disorder" in Iraq will be applied in regards those seeking meaningful regime change at home. Number 10's recognition that oppression and exploitation produces resistance and rebellion will not be applied here. We will be expected to obey the state like good citizens and be punished if we step out of line. After all, we live in a democracy. It's not like the government simply ignores |
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Comments (11 of 11)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11the wishes of the population in favour of pursuing policies that only benefit the few at the expense of the many and the planet we live on...
What is happening in Iraq is what Anarchist stand for. Anarchists in the WSM etc wish to bring widespread looting and rampage to Ireland.
52 comments. not bad at all
Presumably 'anarcho-boy' is simply being a cheeky monkey, but I for one commend anarcho for his article. Good work! And for those uninitated into anarchist thinking, don't just write it off like its some kind of childish fantasy: read about, think about it, develop it, act on it!
'anarcho-boy' is probably the same trot who has been posting as 'anrcho-syndicalist', 'eco-anarchist' and 'chaosist' is the last while.
Son this is called 'provocation' and it is what cops do so unless you trying to build up your CV I suggest you drop the smear campaign.
From the political content of what they post they are almost certainly SP/SY. Top odds at the moment going on a certain UCD SY activists who has been carrying out similar provocations in the names of other activists, Pat C being one person to fall foul of this cop like behaviour.
I have no problem with the people reclaiming the loot taken by the elite. But only the strong appear to be able to "liberate" scarce commodities like water and food. Surely a peoples movement which does not exist is needed. What we are seeing here is Capitalism without even the veneer of rules. The substitution of Sadaam by rival gangsters. The Americans and Brits will later step in and pretend that they are disinterested arbitars.
that the 'anarcho' i was referring to was the first one, not 'anarcho-boy'.
welcome to the world Iraq.
The Iraqi oil is for the Iraqi people.
banner. english and arabic.
Open the Pressionadores.
Banner arabic and English/Spanish confusion.
We reject Suddam Police.
Banner english and arabic.
The Human shields and soldiers and journalists brought with them the World.
There is an Anarcho-Iraq, and any reader who thinks not has missed the point of Argentina, the internet and what we do, where we do it and how.
Welcome to the World Iraq.
Why do you think that 'Anarcho boy' is a member of SY? There is nothing in the content that suggests that it is. Anyone that has a bit of cop on knows that what is happening in Iraq is not the kind of anarchy that Anarchists stand for.
'Anarcho boy' is stirring shit and is best ignored.
In future when you make accusations could you please put your name to it.
Anarchy in Iraq is not being given a news special on your tele.
Anarchists are in Iraq as are socialists.
as are liberation theologists.
as are Baath party members, Nassarists, KDP, Sunni and Shite organisers.
there are also CIA backed groupings.
Now get a grip and ·KNOW· that anarcho-syndicalist groupings are in Iraq.
Iraq is entering the world community.
Iraqis are returning and every form of social discourse is there.
If you reject RTE coverage of your activities, only five minutes represent months work and play then why are you trusting the BBC/CNN reports on sacking, looting and theft.
Use you BRAINS.-
reqad the reports on Argentina from BBC CNN then read your own party analysis of those disturbances.
Finally try and imaginatively put yourself in the position of an Iraqi.
without Saddam, but with his police force.
with the USA on the street.