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THE ROAD TO BALLYSEEDY CROSS![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() An Irish child in 1950 talks back to the civilization which is ruining his life This essay is primarily a scream of pain from a two year old boy in Ireland in 1950, whose life is being wrecked by the civilization into which he was born. The message is interweaved with the tragedy at Ballyseedy Cross because of it's acute relevance, as explained in the text, and also because Irish people have never really faced the events of June 1922 - April 1923. To my knowledge only three full-length books have been written about the period, despite the fact that those ten months have defined and contaminated Irish politics ever since. The essay goes on to identify the solution which will ensure that no more little boys will have to scream in pain as this one is doing. THE ROAD TO BALLYSEEDY CROSS ------------------------------- An essay by Peter Newman, England. Published as plain text email for maximum worldwide circulation on the internet. Not copyrighted – but to be reproduced only in its complete form. ------------------------------- DON’T FORGET To those in Ireland who remember, you must have wished some good could have come of it. In that spirit I make the connection between the tragedy at Ballyseedy Cross and another buried memory which we don’t want to face. Amnesia was the only refuge. Repetition was the only possible result. It’s a multi-layered amnesia. We want to forget what happened at midnight on 6 March 1923 in that lonely wood at Ballyseedy Cross. We also want to forget something else which is much more embarrassing. Ultimately, it was THAT buried memory which put those boys on THE ROAD TO BALLYSEEDY CROSS. -------------------------------------------------- NO ILLUSIONS "These words are sent out across the net without adolescent illusions about their reception. If some of them shall come to rest beside a friend or two and remind her of her divine origin and destiny, it will surely be enough."
-------------------------------------------------- "We are stardust, we are golden, And we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden." (Woodstock) -------------------------------------------------- THE EXIT Wilhelm Reich explained that the present civilization is a trap in which we are stuck. I would also liken our world to a huge gladiators’ arena in which we are forced to fight each other – in the family, in the factory, on the battlefield…everywhere there is conflict and exploitation…And we don’t know why, because we’ve forgotten why. THE EXIT exists. However, if anyone starts moving toward THE EXIT, or even points toward THE EXIT, he is immediately branded a criminal or a lunatic. That’s how badly we’re trapped. This little essay is about pointing toward THE EXIT. -------------------------------------------------- THE THING words and music: Green popular recording: Harris, 1950 ========================== While I was walking down the beach one bright and sunny day I saw a great big wooden box a-floating in the bay I pulled it in and opened it up and much to my surprise Oh, I discovered a … right before my eyes Oh I discovered a… right before my eyes I picked it up and ran to town as happy as a king I took it to a guy I knew who'd buy 'most anything But this is what he hollered at me as I walked in his shop: Oh, get out of here with that… before I call a cop Oh, get out of here with that… before I call a cop I turned around and got right out a-running for my life and then I took it home with me to give it to my wife but this is what she hollered at me as I walked in the door: Oh, get out of here with that… and don't come back no more Oh, get out of here with that… and don't come back no more I wandered all around the town until I chanced to meet A hobo who was looking for a handout on the street He said he'd take 'most any old thing, he was a desperate man but when I showed him the… he turned around and ran Oh, when I showed him the… he turned around and ran I wandered on for many years a victim of my fate until one day I came upon saint peter at the gate and when I tried to take it inside he told me where to go: get out of here with that… and take it down below, Oh, get out of here with that… and take it down below The moral of the story is if you're out on the beach And you should see a great big box and it's within your reach Don't ever stop and open it up, that's my advice to you 'cause you'll never get rid of the… no matter what you do Oh, you'll never get rid of the… no matter what you do. -------------------------------------------------- WHAT IS ‘THE THING?’ The author never let on, and for a few years in the early 1950’s, we had lots of fun speculating as to what ‘the thing’ might possibly be. Interestingly, at that same time yet another war was looming in Korea, Wilhelm Reich was dying in an American jail, and Immanuel Velikovsky was publishing ‘Worlds in Collision.’ For me, ‘the thing’ is THE EXIT from this civilization, leading us back to the Garden of Eden. Find it, run home to share your insights with family and friends, and you will always get the same response: ‘Get out of here with that… and don’t come back no more!’ -------------------------------------------------- Brahms’ Lullaby Lullaby and goodnight With roses be ’dowed Creep into thy bed, They pillow thy head If God will, thou shalt wake When the morning doth break If God will, thou shalt wake When the morning doth break Lullaby and goodnight Those blue eyes closed tight Bright angels are near So sleep without fear They will guard thee from harm With fair Dreamland’s sweet charm They will guard thee from harm With fair Dreamland’s sweet charm -------------------------------------------------- ALICE MILLER "Those who take a stand in today’s world on behalf of workers, women, or even mistreated animals, will find a group to represent them, but someone who becomes a strong advocate for a child and opposes the lies society has tolerated in the guise of child-rearing practices will stand alone. This situation is difficult to understand, especially when we consider that we were once all children ourselves. I can explain it only by suggesting that unequivocal advocacy of the child represents a threat to most adults. For when it becomes possible for children to speak out and confront us with their experiences, which were once ours as well, we become painfully aware of the loss of our own powers of perception, our sensibilities, feelings and memories. Only if the child is forced to be silent are we able to deny our pain, and we can again believe what we were told as children: that it was necessary, valuable and right for us to make the emotional sacrifices demanded of us in the name of traditional child-rearing. As a consequence of the adult’s arrogant attitude toward the child’s feelings, the child is trained to be accommodating, but his or her true voice is silenced. Another arrogant and blind adult is the result." (Source: Alice Miller). -------------------------------------------------- THE GOLDEN RULE Do to others as you would wish them to do to you. We all know that is the solution to the world’s problems. Yet we are unable to apply it – even to the ones we profess to love. Why? Because the SECOND MAJOR IMPRINT given to every infant by his mother is too powerful. And because we don’t remember it. IMPRINTING Human beings are by nature imitative and repetitive. This trait originated as a necessary and inevitable survival tool. When a duckling hatches out of its egg, it starts imitating its mother. In some bizarre and cruel experiments, the mother duck was removed from sight of her babies and the newly hatched ducklings were found to imitate whatever they first saw around them. Life could not be otherwise. The survival of the species depends on it. Similarly, there was a recent case of child abuse where a boy was locked in a henhouse from an early age. When finally rescued, he thought he was a hen. He crowed and flapped his arms and tried to peck at the ground with his mouth and scratched the ground, as he had seen the hens around him doing. It took a long time to convince the victim that he was not a hen but a boy. In human beings, the visceral brain predominates in the early postnatal period. When we reflect on the fact that the visceral brain is concerned with survival issues and is governed by repetition, the concept of a PERMANENT IMPRINT follows. Whatever a child survives in the first years of life, a time of intense vulnerability, will be registered powerfully in child’s brain with survival benefits in mind. Whatever is done to the child at this time, he will be compelled to do to others and to arrange for it to be done to himself in adult life. There is no avoiding this. It is the law of our being. THE FIRST MAJOR IMPRINT What was the first major experience for nearly all of us soon after we were born? The infant’s body is being touched all over, usually in a loving, caring, pleasurable way. The mother, of necessity, must wash, clean, feed, and dress her baby. If the mother is emotionally healthy and physically gentle, the infant experiences this as loving caresses all over his body. If we want to be honest, we can only describe this as non-penetrative lovemaking. Nature has decreed it, by making the infant completely dependent on the mother. This lovemaking between mother and her infant is registered powerfully in the infant’s brain with survival benefits in mind. This is the FIRST MAJOR IMPRINT – ‘Mummy loves me, Mummy gives me delightful, loving caresses in every part of my body.’ The pleasurable sensations involved in all these caresses make it all the more imperative and inevitable that the infant will seek to repeat them, meaning to give the same caresses to others. But next something very sinister and very ugly happens. When he gains the power of movement, the infant – compelled by the IMPRINT cemented into his brain - reaches out to return his mother’s loving caresses all over the mother’s body. The mother pushes her child away, communicating fear and shame. The infant is bewildered, grief-stricken and heartbroken. The infant also feels rage, and a sense of having been used / exploited by his mother. The mother saw her infant naked, saw him going to the toilet, lovingly washed him in the bath, caressed every part of his body. Now, when the growing infant unavoidably reaches out to return those loving caresses, he is denied access to his mother’s body. EXPLOITATION And that is the SECOND MAJOR IMPRINT – ‘Mummy is exploiting me.’ In their arrogance and blindness, adults refuse to apply the Golden Rule to their dealings with infants. This is how and where exploitation entered the world. This is where and when we all lost the Garden of Eden. That awful moment when the infant reaches out to Mummy to return her loving caresses all over Mummy’s body, and finds only fear and shame and exploitation there – that is THE EXIT referred to earlier. That - when we remember it - is THE EXIT from where we are now and the entrance back to the Garden of Eden. That SECOND MAJOR IMPRINT – ‘Mummy is exploiting me’ – will now repeat itself forever in the growing infant’s life. Because he was exploited by his mother at this vital moment, he will forever exploit others or offer himself for exploitation, or a combination of both. That’s why we have exploitation everywhere – in the family, the factory, the office, the battlefield…... Often the exploitation is denied. This is repetition of the denial of the mother’s exploitation of her infant when her infant reached out to return her loving caresses, and had to deny what happened next. COLLECTIVE AMNESIA Amnesia occurs when an experience is so acutely painful that it doesn’t bear thinking about. That is why we don’t remember our infancy in this civilization. The mother’s rejection of her infant’s attempts to return her loving caresses all over her body places every infant in an impossible bind. Amnesia is the only refuge. What is happening to every infant is too terrible to allow into consciousness: My mother has exploited me. She enjoyed giving me loving caresses all over my body. When I reached out to return her loving caresses all over her body, she pushed me away and shamed me. I am condemned to profess love for the woman who has exploited me and rejected me. Amnesia is the only refuge. Constant repetition in adult life is the only possible result. Whatever is repressed and denied must repeat until it is faced and resolved. So we have exploitation and we have rage everywhere in this world, and we can’t remember why we are doing this to each other. All sorts of social theories and philosophies and political systems have been proposed as solutions to this world’s ills. They all failed and they always will fail. THE EXIT – the only one – is to remember what happened to the infant at that awful moment when he reached out to return his mother’s loving caresses all over her body. That is THE EXIT from this great big gladiator’s arena we have built for ourselves. That is our passport back to the Garden. BALLYSEEDY CROSS There is a lonely crossroads in Kerry, south-west Ireland. "Around Kerry in the autumn and winter of 1922 and the spring of 1923, an ominous wall of silence was drawn. The rumours that came through were so terrible that they were scarcely believed. Those rumours were less terrible than the truth." (Dorothy Macardle, ‘Tragedies of Kerry.’) On 6 March 1923, five Irish government soldiers, among them a well-known torturer of prisoners of war, were killed when they were lured into a booby trap bomb near Knocknagoshel. Late that night, other Irish government soldiers chained a number of prisoners of war around a bomb at Ballyseedy Cross and detonated it under them. For days afterwards the birds were eating human flesh off the trees at Ballyseedy Cross. They sent back the wrong number of coffins to Tralee the next day. There was no way of knowing how many men had been killed. Eight prisoners of war were murdered that night at Ballyseedy Cross. Nine coffins were sent back to Tralee the next day. What were the people of Tralee to do with that ninth coffin? A mother wailed: ‘But my son was six feet tall. How can he come home to me in such a small coffin? They would not let the mother open that coffin. ------------------------------------------------ Why was Ireland’s civil war in 1922-23 so exceptionally vicious, exceptionally poignant? Because the soldiers on both sides were fighting for the same cause. Those soldiers loved one another, but had been ordered to turn their guns on one other. Their impossible dilemma resonated with something deep inside each one of us, something we have forgotten. When Irish government troops blew those prisoners of war to bits at Ballyseedy Cross, what were they really saying? They were saying: ‘I HATE YOU BECAUSE I AM FORBIDDEN TO LOVE YOU.’ That is every infant’s dilemma too, and the pain is unbearable. Amnesia was the only refuge. Repetition is the only possible result. We often speak of ‘infantile rage.’ All rage in this civilization is infantile in the final analysis. From the long-forgotten dilemma of every infant, the road led on to that bloody climax, a repetition of infantile rage by amnesiac soldiers at Ballyseedy Cross. ‘I HATE YOU BECAUSE I AM FORBIDDEN TO LOVE YOU.’ Hence the ferocity of every civil war. But it was more intense, more poignant, more tragic than ever, in south-west Ireland in the spring of 1923. THE REAL CAUSE OF WAR Repetition is what makes the world go around. Everything keeps repeating itself in different forms. Our problem is that we’ve forgotten what it is that we are repeating. The rage we see everywhere is repetition of the infant’s rage when he reached out to return his mother’s loving caresses all over her body and was pushed away and shamed. In the family, in all adult relationships, there is conflict, and lots of it, often inexplicable in its intensity. People don’t know why they fight so ferociously over trivialities. The rage the infant felt at that awful moment when Mummy rejected his caresses – that rage was so intense that it must be repeated until it is recognized and resolved. THE HOBO The down-and-out beggar on the street often stops washing his and her body. Whatever the immediate cause might seem to be, I see a deeper connection. He or she is saying: ‘Mummy, take me to the bathroom and wash me again, but let’s do it correctly this time. It’s the Golden Rule, Mummy. If you washed me, you must let me wash you, Mummy. Otherwise you have exploited me.’ That is what the unwashed hobo is unconsciously striving to make us understand. THE NURSING HOMES The majority of us spend our adult lives poisoning ourselves with smokes, drinks, fake medicines, junk food. And collectively we tolerate the poisoning and polluting of our water, air and soil - by remaining passive about it. The result is that in old age most of us end up in a nursing home or hospital ward with crippled, decaying bodies and minds, reduced to a child-like state again. Then the caregiver washes, spoonfeeds, dresses and toilets the patient, just as in infancy. And the ‘caring’ is usually just as dysfunctional and as misery-making as it was sixty years before. Whatever is repressed must be repeated in different forms until we remember it and resolve it. FULL CIRCLE Interestingly, many of us end up nursing our frail, aging mother in the family home. So after 40 years, we finally get permission to return mother’s loving caresses all over her body. But why wait those 40 years? And what a price we have all paid for waiting those 40 years! It would be better for all concerned and it would be a sign of intelligence if mothers simply permitted their infants to return the mother’s loving caresses there and then, instead of the mother slowly crippling her body for 40 years just to get to that stage of finally accepting those loving caresses from her child. Life is trying to tell us something. THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN As the mother pushed her infant away when he reached out to return her love, the world turned upside down. At that moment the mother sent karma into reverse. The mother punished her infant for doing the right thing. What Mummy did was so terrible it had to be denied and repressed. Whatever is repressed must be repeated until it is recognized and resolved. Hence all over the world we find the local equivalent of the saying: ‘No good deed will ever go unpunished.’ And another common saying: ‘I’ve got the punishment, so I may as well commit the crime.’ That sums up the infant’s rage at the unfairness of what happens when the infant reaches out to return the mother’s loving caresses. Our civilization is shaped accordingly. Love-hate relationships are the norm. PEDOPHILES I don’t want to engage in any convoluted discussion on this subject. Before the last few poleshifts, in the lost Golden Age, the age of Saturn, before the deluge, the concept of pedophilia was unthinkable. It’s a fake debate at present. It all reduces to the following: As soon as the time comes when infants are given the freedom to return their mother’s loving caresses, then pedophiles will again be unheard of and unthinkable anywhere on this planet, just as in the age of Saturn, which most of us have forgotten. There is a missing link to the present debate, something we’ve all forgotten because it was so painful. Insert that missing link, and the previous debate collapses. BABY MASSAGE Many trendy educational colleges are now offering courses in ‘baby massage.’ The tutors and students at these courses congratulate themselves on being progressive. In fact ‘baby massage’ will be an absolute disaster the way things are now. The practice of formal baby massage is putting us on the road to a re-run of the bloody massacre at Ballyseedy Cross. Where are we going wrong? We don’t remember. Amnesia was the only refuge, repetition the only possible result. If you formally massage your infant, so far so good. But be aware you are powerfully IMPRINTING the practice of loving massage on your infant’s brain. Again, so far so good.
IMPRINTED behaviour MUST be repeated. IT IS THE LAW OF OUR BEING. So the infant soon reaches out to return the same loving caresses to his mother. Then your infant is heartbroken and enraged when you push him away and shame him for returning your love. Amnesia is the only refuge, repetition the only possible result. The mother has placed her infant on the road to Ballyseedy Cross. Baby massage, however fashionable and trendy, is exploitative and abusive as long as the infant is denied the right to return his mother’s loving caresses. The Golden Rule cannot be cheated. Do to others as you would wish them to do to you, and include your infant in the human race and include your infant in the Golden Rule - if you respect your infant. MY HEART CRIES FOR YOU Words and music: Faith/Sigman "My heart cries for you, Sighs for you, Dies for you, And my arms long for you Please come back to me." American country music has its counterpart throughout this civilization. Our songs, art, literature all sing of a vain and fruitless quest for a love that has been lost. We have forgotten what we are singing about – because amnesia was the only refuge. In place of Hank Williams or Tammy Wynette, substitute an infant singing those words to his mother after the infant reached out to return his mother’s loving caresses and was so cruelly pushed away and shamed. Have you got that? Are you starting to remember what I remember? Picture every bewildered, heartbroken infant in this civilization singing those words to his mother after she pushed her infant away: "My heart cries for you, Sighs for you, Dies for you, And my arms long for you Please come back to me." Interestingly, another line states: "This loneliness is driving me mad." Well yes, we found that out at Ballyseedy Cross. Happily, another part of the same song tells you: "You’ll have a million chances to start anew Because my love is endless for you." And so it is. An infant is bursting with love for his mother. An infant’s love for his mother is boundless and indestructible. That’s what makes it so traumatic to be pushed away and told it is shameful and wrong to return your mother’s caresses. Amnesia was the only refuge. So the pretending starts. And the repetition. It’s the road to Ballyseedy Cross. SAD DAY IN AFRICA In one of his later books, Professor Wilhelm Reich told an anecdote about a young African boy who was sitting by the tall grass weeping and nursing his wounds. He had been beaten mercilessly by a Christian missionary who had come to Africa to save other people’s souls. What had prompted the priest to commit a vicious assault on a young boy? The boy had been playing with the other children. While at play, he kissed his playmate on her vulva. The white-skinned savage from Europe saw this and flew into a violent and jealous rage because he had never been permitted to kiss his playmates in this delightful way as a child in Ireland.
SHAKING THE BABY Look at a mother anywhere in the present civilization. When her baby cries, she starts shaking him. You’ll see mothers doing that in every country. Suppose you saw an adult weeping. Would you walk up and start shaking the adult? One could imagine the conversation: ‘Why are you shaking me?’ ‘Oh, it’s to stop you crying.’ ‘Oh, yes, thank you, a violent assault on me is always so comforting....’ So why do human mothers shake their babies when they cry? And even when they don’t? And why do human babies cry so often? Which came first, the shaking or the crying, the chicken or the egg? Did you ever see a monkey shaking her baby? Who drove the mothers of this civilization insane? THE ENTRANCE When you walk into an old fashioned Christian church building, do you know what you are walking through? Until recently, the entrances to all Christian churches had the shape of a curved arch with stone ridges, representing the human female vulva and labia. Have a look at a picture of the entrance to any traditional church building. Then get a pornographic magazine and look at a picture of a woman with her legs wide open. There between every woman’s legs you will see the same shape as every traditional church door. Ripon Cathedral in England is particularly replete with such images. We could debate this connection at length. However, it can only mean something along the lines that the women of this world hold the key to our return to the Garden of Eden, which is the whole point of this essay. THE CURSE OF EVE? Traditional Christian doctrine speaks of original sin, from which we need to be ‘saved.’ Interestingly, the account in Genesis appears to blame women for original sin and for our expulsion from the Garden. The Garden was real. It was a sane civilization before the last few poleshifts. The authors of ‘Genesis’ sent down to us a symbolic representation of what really did happen to us. The ‘serpent’ or ‘dragon’ was a giant apparition that appeared in the sky as another planet passed close to the Earth at the time of the deluge. After the deluge, mothers could no longer respect or love their babies any more because the Earth’s vegetation was depleted and warring tribes were fighting each other for the scant resources that remained. In the circumstances, every male child had to be crushed and trained to think of himself as a future warrior and looter, while every female child had to be crushed and trained to think of herself as a future baby machine and household servant to produce another generation of warriors / looters / baby machines. It was do or die. Any tribe which failed to crush its children in this way would be swiftly annihilated by competing tribes who had no scruples about crushing their children for the sake of the tribe. The vegetation grew back. The Earth again had the resources to feed all its inhabitants. Yet, bizarrely, the human race remained in survivalist mode. Mothers still continued to crush their infants, starting with pushing the infant away when he reached out to her to return the mothers loving caresses. It all starts there. And THAT is ORIGINAL SIN – every mother’s refusal to accept her infant’s caresses when her infant reaches out to return her love – that is the mysterious ORIGINAL SIN, which no theologian has ever explained. Theologians don’t remember their infancy. And we certainly DO need to be saved from ORIGINAL SIN. But we wont be saved by some chancer faking his crucifixion in a bid to gain power as king of his tribe, with all the perks of kingship, such as a vast harem of 1,000 or more concubines (sex slaves). That’s all Jesus was interested in when he made his bid for the throne. No, it’s the mothers of this civilization who will save us from ORIGINAL SIN, by simply finding in their hearts the courage to stop committing ORIGINAL SIN, which means just stop imparting the SECOND MAJOR IMPRINT to every child. Stop abusing every infant in this civilization by pushing your infant away when your infant reaches out to you to return your loving caresses. That’s ORIGINAL SIN. That’s what we need to be ‘saved’ from. It’s as simple as that. CAIN AND ABEL Sticking to the symbolism, old and new, why did the archetypal Cain murder Abel after the expulsion from the Garden? His rage was for Eve, his mother, but he had forgotten. The collective amnesia had begun to set in. The repetition had begun. Cain’s murder of his brother was the precursor of the massacre at Ballyseedy Cross. Then, as now, it was the raging, rejected infant inside Cain that was driving him. ‘I HATE YOU BECAUSE I AM FORBIDDEN TO LOVE YOU’ was the force driving the first murderer. ‘I HATE YOU BECAUSE I AM FORBIDDEN TO LOVE YOU’ was the force driving those Irish government soldiers at Ballyseedy Cross. ‘I HATE YOU BECAUSE I AM FORBIDDEN TO LOVE YOU’ is the very foundation of our civilization and you can see it everywhere – from infancy to family life to the factory and the office….from Ballyseedy Cross to Basra and Baghdad….until we remember our infancy…. THE CHAIN OF LOGIC Why does the mother push her infant away when he reaches out to return her loving caresses? She’s been giving these loving caresses to her infant for months, until these loving acts become a powerful IMPRINT on her infant’s brain, which the infant is compelled to try to repeat. Where exactly does the shame come from? Explain your shame, mother? If it is shameful for the infant to caress his mother, then it is equally shameful for the mother to caress her infant. A caress is a caress. To lovingly wash another person is to lovingly wash another person. Either it’s right or it’s wrong. You can’t have it both ways, mother. If it is shameful for the infant to caress and lovingly wash his mother, as the IMPRINT will COMPEL the infant to try to do, then logically it has to be equally shameful for a mother to caress and lovingly wash her infant. Therefore, logically we must prohibit every mother from caressing and lovingly washing her infant. It’s called ‘Reduction to Absurdity’ in the science of Logic. AND THE CHAIN OF LOGIC IS UNANSWERABLE. You can’t have it both ways. Every infant knows this in his emotions and is heartbroken and enraged at having been so cruelly exploited and deceived by his mother when he reaches out to return her loving caresses and gets pushed away and shamed for doing the right thing. Amnesia is the only refuge. Repetition is the only possible result. So the mother’s exploitation and abuse of her infant keeps repeating all around us. It’s the root of all evil. It’s the real ORIGINAL SIN. That is the ‘curse of Eve’ – not that Eve and her descendants are to blame. The dragon appeared in the sky. The Earth’s poles shifted. Continents sank beneath the sea. Necessity and survival decreed that the mothers of the resulting civilization would have to strike the first blow to turn every baby into a warrior or a baby machine to save the tribe. Returning to the symbolism of Genesis – Jehovah placed an angel with a flaming sword to guard the entrance to the Garden, to prevent us returning. The mothers of this civilization were forced to accept that role. The mothers of this civilization are the angels with the flaming swords keeping us from returning to the Garden. And conversely it is only the mothers of this civilization who can get us back to the Garden, when they finally reject the cruel child-rearing practices which are only a legacy of post-poleshift survivalism. THE EXIT from all this madness is clearly signposted. At least here is one little boy who has found his voice and is pointing at THE EXIT. THE EXIT lies in the nursery and in what you mothers are doing to your infants there. It has to repeat itself in disguised forms until it is remembered and resolved. From the nursery we get all our family strife, divorce, exploitation, famine, wars, and finally a slow, lingering and miserable repeat performance in the nursing homes. From the nursery the road leads on to Ballyseedy Cross, Basra, Baghdad. I HATE YOU BECAUSE I AM FORBIDDEN TO LOVE YOU. The Golden Rule is the only way. Do to others as you would wish them to do to you. The mother caresses every part of her infant’s body, then she violates the Golden Rule by denying the infant access to the mother’s body. Apply the Golden Rule in infancy and we’ll have no more strife, no more Ballyseedy Cross, no more nursing homes. These things are repetitions of what happened in infancy but was repressed because it was too terrible to think about. Amnesia was the only refuge. We’ll keep repeating it in disguised forms until we remember what happened to each one of us in infancy. This little boy is starting to remember. This little boy wants mothers to stop doing these things to their infants. Mothers of this world, don’t put any more of your sons on the road to Ballyseedy Cross, Basra, Baghdad…. Only the mothers of this world can start leading us toward THE EXIT, out of all this madness and back to the Garden. This little boy has had the courage to say it publicly. Now you mothers do it publicly and without fear. The English courts will back you up. The English courts are half-sane already! The judge was once an infant too. It’s too late for me. I’ll go on hugging my pillow and waiting to die of loneliness. But we’ve had enough of bewilderment, Ballyseedy Cross, Basra, Baghdad. I don’t want any more boys to suffer in this way. Mothers of this world, wake up. ----------------------------------------------
About the author: Peter Newman was born in Dublin in 1948. His Irish catholic mother crushed him so completely that his emotional development was arrested at age 2 years, while his intellect matured. Quite literally, he is still a two-year-old boy emotionally, but with the intellect of an adult. As such, he is finding it easier to remember THAT which we have forgotten because it was so painful. If you dislike some of what is written above, it may help to know it is a two-year-old boy who is saying it to you. He does not want anyone to contact him. His only motive in publishing this is that some good might come out of all this pain. What we don’t remember is hurting us. And it is putting us on THE ROAD TO BALLYSEEDY CROSS. ==================================
ADDENDUM --------------------- I could add some comments on my essay, 'THE ROAD TO BALLYSEEDY CROSS.' As Alice Miller indicated in her quoted paragraph, this is the one thing everybody fears: a two-year-old child finding his authentic voice and confronting the adults of an insane civilization with the root basis of their insanity. This is the nettle nobody wants to grasp, the hot potato nobody wants to catch. If we grasp this nettle, maybe there will be no more poleshifts and we can start to correct 'original sin' ourselves. If we don't have the courage to grasp this nettle, a poleshift is needed, with all the horrors that entails. We get WORSE after poleshifts, not better. The effect of the poleshift will be to push us deeper into our present errors, until everybody else has the opportunity to suffer the way I did with my mother, because my mother had been driven insane by this civilization more than yours had been. Another few poleshifts will give ALL of you the opportunity to have a mother like mine in a future incarnation. Alternatively we can grasp this nettle now and do it the easier way. That is my analysis. Lemuria was a sane civilization, and its sanity MUST have been rooted in respect for infants, which must include giving the infant equality of access to the mother's body as the mother has to the infant's body. This accords with basic fairness as encapsulated in the Golden Rule. The purpose of the essay was to START a discussion, not to end it. Obviously anybody is free to write a similar essay in his or her own words, perhaps in a less confrontational tone than mine. That would be fine with me. I've no interest in glory. You all know what I am interested in. Our major fear would be that people with simple, single-dimensional thought processes may brand us 'pedophiles' if we say the infant is entitled to the same access to his mother's body as the mother has to the infant's body. I have made clear the distinction. Pedophilia is about exploitation. But exploitation first entered this civilization at that awful moment when the infant reached out to return his mother's loving caresses. EVERY mother in this insane civilization is condemned to exploit her infant by enjoying access to her infant's body while cruelly refusing her infant the same access to the mother's body. That 'original sin' of exploitation by every mother is what makes exploitation possible in the first place, including the form of exploitation called pedophilia. Take away that first act of exploitation by every mother, and ALL forms of exploitation will cease to exist. It's as simple as that. Exploitation is IMPRINTED on EVERY infant's brain at that dreadful moment when he reaches out to return his mother's loving caresses, and the infant finds he has been used and exploited by his mother. If we collectively grasp this nettle and stop exploiting every infant in our civilization, there will be no more poleshifts. That is my analysis. I hope this is helpful.
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Comments (16 of 16)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16This is just pure lunacy! Shouldn't this be on some geocities site somewhere between cattle mutilations and conspiracy theories about ZOG?
Trash. This disturbed indivivula should publish this kind of seafóid on a blog.
Yes, that's all you can say, and it was to be expected. You can't reply to that essay on the intellectual level. Hysteria is the only refuge. Anonymity gives a voice to cowards. Look into my face the next time you make comments like that. And then suffer my reply, and finish the conversation. --Peter Newman
And I think it's gibberish too. If you can't make head nor tail of your article, how the hell are you supposed to respond to it on an intellectual level?
Derivity, appallingly laid out, over bearing wank.
Nahh....tried me best, but eh I am totally confused with the text. Some interesting stand alone treads but the erractic nature of the writing could mean that it is merely a coincidence.
Sorry - don't get it :)
Ps the author - your email address orally is 'soon too be one uk'.
What is soon to be one uk - the kingdom of god or some political structure????
If that's a question, my email address has no connection with the essay. It's just personal. You can see from the other 'comments' how problematical the core message is. Therefore I though it better not to come straight to the point but to interweave it with other related issues. I've also invited the readers to write the same core message in a better form than I did.
If we leave out Ireland's civil war, poleshifts, church doors, the identity of Jesus, then we are left with the core message - mothers in this civilization are condemned to exploit their infants and then to pretend they have not exploited their infants and to force the infant to pretend he has not been exploited, which drives every infant half-insane. The mother enjoyed giving her infant loving caresses all over his body; this powerfully IMPRINTS such physical expressions of love on the infant's brain, compelling the infant to try to return his mother's loving caresses all over her body as soon as the infant can move. The mother then pushes her infant away, communicating fear and shame, and then the infant knows in his emotions that he has been used and exploited by his mother, and this has to be covered up and forgotten so that life can go on. The results are all around us. It's good to protest at war, but I am asking people to address the root cause of war.
I accept the offensive 'comments.' I have the same rage inside me.
I am disappointed that the respondents were apparently all male. Only women can get us out of this mess.
Peter Newman
We Arena Centrist Green Gladiators Hail & Salute You!
Enter The Arena Of Peter Newman and his divine Exit... and snagglepus Stage left...
Do you know of Us?
"I am an Arena Gladiator" (english)
Arena of "I am an Arena Gladiator" 6:17am Sun Aug 17 '03
We now know of you and your wonderful Article!
Great Post Up There Mate!
Do you always know we have both a beginning Entrance ( Enter Into The Arena Of)
& an Exit ( Exit Out From The Arena Of)on pretty much every post up we do, Now you Do and we do it for many of the reasons YOU SO NOBLY & Bravely Stated!
You hit the Bloody Nail Right On The Head These Other Morons Don't Have The Brains To But understand your Marvalous Post!
Please Post this on The Mail IMC Page if you have not already!Is there anybody out there.
We even have a snagglepus Post That stated EXIT STAGE LEFT!
Case and point of this below and in most of our posts! Always an Entrance and always an Exit!
At Least You Peter Newman are smart enough not only to get it but brilliantly expand on it!
Again We Arena Centrist Green Gladiators Salute you there Mate!
Enter the":Code Pink:" Lysistrata Project (english)
Arena of ":Code Pink:" Lysistrata Project 7:50pm Tue Jan 21 '03
Exit now out from The Arena Of Peter Newman
And then....
Fade To Black
I would like to inform any readers who access this thread that the essay titled 'THE ROAD TO BALLYSEEDY CROSS' has now mutated into a full-length book, which has been retitled as
"THE VOICE OF THE VOICELESS - The Universal Infant talks back to the mothers of this civilization."
The following is the press release issued by the publisher in August 2005.
The following promotional statement was issued by AuthorHouse publishers in August 2005.
For further information or interview requests contact
Peter Newman
email: [email protected]
Author Seeks to Liberate Humankind from Damaging Mother-Infant and Societal Relationships
NORTH YORKSHIRE, England - In his new book, “THE VOICE OF THE VOICELESS: The Universal Infant Talks Back to the Mothers of This Civilisation” (now available through AuthorHouse), Peter Newman explains why he believes that the ties that bind mother and child in today’s society are destroying the human race.
In a contemporary civilisation that “can find nothing new to say or do,” Newman challenges the “fake debates” that rage between opposing camps today. “At last here is a book that offers to break through the impasse by entering forbidden territory (and) tackling the ultimate taboo.”
THE VOICE OF THE VOICELESS explores disturbing issues as Newman questions the validity of the mother-infant relationship as it is presently constituted, first connecting his own oppressed childhood in mid 20th century Ireland to global societal and familial maladies. His key tenet is based on the work of Dr Immanuel Velikovsky, who caused an uproar in the 1950s with his book, “Worlds in Collision.”
Newman pays tribute to Velikovsky’s work and further pushes the envelope with the ideas set forth in his book. He argues that the human race exists in a state of collective amnesia, and that the emotional trauma experienced at some point in history was so severe that the mind cannot contemplate the horror and buries its true significance under religious allegories and guilt-infused mother-infant relationships.
Writing with forcefulness and conviction, he delivers a message that is disconcerting and challenging. From short-sighted legislation to grassroots efforts that, according to Newman, only serve to manage problems, not heal an afflicted race, THE VOICE OF THE VOICELESS takes a stand against complacency in the face of societal deterioration.
“The reader will either put this volume aside and return to the mundane practicalities and compromises of everyday living, or else the reader will feel compelled to embark on a quest of enquiry and reflection to determine whether the civilisation we were born into really has any validity at all,” he writes. “There is no middle ground. This book is about a choice between healing or management - all or nothing.”
Newman was born in Dublin in 1948. He writes that his Irish Catholic mother crushed him so completely that his emotional development was arrested at the age of two, although his intellect eventually matured. He claims to remember his firsthand experiences with the psychodynamics of the mother-infant relationship, and on that basis, posits that he is “in a unique position to contribute to the healing of our civilisation.” THE VOICE OF THE VOICELESS, his first book, seeks to deliver an important message, which Newman strongly believes: “God exists and life has meaning, although they may not be the God and the meaning we expected to find.”
For further information or to purchase THE VOICE OF THE VOICELESS, please go direct to:
This is going to be a long haul.
Nevertheless, at the time of writing the following progress report is possible:
Since I first started offering this unique healing formula to suffering humanity in April 2003, nobody - yes nobody - has ever contradicted me in terms of the essentials of that analysis of human history and the road map for leading us back to the Garden of Eden.
There is a great deal of awareness out there now, but it will take a long time to gather momentum and reach 'critical mass' or 'escape velocity.'
Meanwhile, the following links are an indication of how far we have come since April 2003.
(currently being revised)
Related links – global healing /
30 items as of 8 August 2006 /
these are best viewed in the following order:
The Golden Age (image) / Lucas Cranach
New Planet (image) / Konstantin Youon
Cranach’s Silver Age (image)
Baby Massage
Shaking the Baby
The Fourth Commandment
Reversed Morality
Mummy’s Bum
ADHD and Indigo Children
Healing Our Tragic Civilisation
The Voice of the Voiceless – Introduction
Vampires and Saturnalia
Silence of the Damned
Declaration for Healing
Remember Or Die
The Law of the Sea
Breatharians and Breastfeeding
Countdown to Dictatorship
The Explosion of Saturn
The Holy Grail
Paradise Lost – The Real Story
Vivisection and its Crucial Role in the Scheme of Things
The Girls of the South Sea
Practical Reparenting Therapy – One Step At A Time
Lady Mary’s Anus
The War In Lebanon
Printed book:
“The Voice of the Voiceless – The Universal Infant talks back to the mothers of this civilisation”
(Note: a plain text version of the complete manuscript of this book will be sent free of charge on email to anyone who requests it, as the book is not for profit but for healing. However, the printed version with meaningful illustrations is recommended.)
This healing process clearly is in its embrionic stage.
We have a long way to go and there is a lot of work to be done.
At least we have made a start.
The silence has been broken.
Meanwhile, for information of those truth seekers who come to this page -
The article planet links are now unreliable.
At the time of writing, up to date articles on this healing process are accessible at
Thanks to for archiving publicly the important historical document dated April 2003.
Saturnian Love always,
I respect the operators of this site for keeping this important historical document in their archive and actively available to search engines. Thank you. The healing process cannot be thwarted. A recent manifestation is:
This document still lives.
For updates see
The Ballyseedy atrocity was a local response to irregular outrages, not sanctioned by the Free State Government the sovereignty of which was not well established in all regions at that time especially those distant from Dublin. Irregulars were felling trees and blocking roads with them. They were also booby-trapping some of them so that when the Free State forces tried to move them they would be blown up. Ballyseedy was a counter atrocity in reaction to this. People on both sides dealt with this and other events in their own way in later years. Usually it was not discussed and there were not prosecutions. It was a war to the death in very troubled times. Later Governments of various stripes saw fit to leave the issue alone. There was guilt on both sides. This is as legitimate a way of facing up to all this as confrontation which could be harmful in stirring things up again.
Again I would like to thank the operators of for keeping this important historical document archived and available to search engines.
It was a slightly clumsy document, born of a passionate wish to contribute to the healing of our tragic civilisation.
"Half baked" is a phrase that comes to mind. The embrionic document of April 2003 was undoubtedly half baked.
As the months and years passed, the output became more and more articulate..... depending on the balance between drunkenness and sobriety.
The analysis and healing formula presented back then in April 2003 in a clumsy form, and now much more articulately, is easy to understand if you open your mind to it.
I'll just refer you to some links to more recent articles and discussions which express that analysis and healing formula much more articulately than in 2003:
"I Still Miss Someone"
"Collective Mental Illness"
"Mass Scotoma Rides Again"
The most important of the healing articles have been placed on Google
Documents and can be accessed via the link below.
For information of Mr Leroy Ellenberger, the references to the
explosion of Saturn and the visitations of Ishtar remain. Suffice it
to say that the evidence stated in "Mass Scotoma Rides Again" is
sufficient in itself to prove the presence of Ishtar close to the earth
only a few thousand years ago. There is no other explanation for
destruction on such a vast scale.
My agenda is healing. My aim is not to 'nit pick' about the detail of
the recent (but forgotten) global catastrophes and the dire
survivalist emergencies that followed them, nor about exact dates, but
only to say they happened within historical times, and they drove our
ancestors insane, and we have inherited our ancestors' collective
insanity and must now make a start at breaking out of it in the only
way we ever will be able to break out of it.
All that remains is to reduce the analysis and healing formula to
proven essentials in a revised "Declaration for Healing" which will
stand the test of time and will never need to be altered until healing
is achieved. That is our only way out of the hole we've dug ourselves
into - because if we say such a Declaration can be altered, we open
the door to infiltrators and saboteurs who see profit in retaining the
present collective insanity.
If you don't want to respond and support this forumla for the only
sustainable long-term healing process, you have that choice. You have
the freedom to delay healing and to prolong human suffering and child
abuse - but not forever.
I can take comfort from knowing that in time your addiction to pain
will be cured by the sheer intensity of the future traumas that will
automatically be heaped on you by your pain-generating societal
arrangements which are so precious to you.
For Healing,