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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13Just learn to walk and chew gum at the same time! Some of us have years of practise of talking or even doing more then one thing at a time. Role up and see this amazing fete at
(its 39 comments now).
See you in Shannon tomorrow!
and further back in the threads again (I'm not looking for you, your seem far too dependant as it is on people thinking and acting for you!)
GE try not to encourage him, more blahing on Saddam from him at
It's all about action lads, seems like a new line for yourselves, can't wait to see the action on Saturday.
or else agents provacateur seeking to foment dispute by inciting sectarian argument.
I look forward to the condemnation of these sectarian attacks on anarchists by our good friends and non-sectarians in the SP, SWP etc. because this sort of thing only splits the movement. It is important that the major Trotskyist parties demonstrate solidarity with their anarchist comrades when this sort of attack occurs.
Interesting that those starting the thread were unwilling to let it die after they got their arses kicked. Maybe they like that?
All the anarchists won't be able to take part cos they either have to work, go to college or THEY WEREN'T GIVEN ENOUGH NOTICE!!!!!!
Ah go back to sleep the lot of ye if all ye can do is post snooze on the net!
I notice that Chekov is putting it up to the Trots to do something at Shannon on Saturday. Funny that, I thought we were all going to Shannon! Is this the WSM way of supporting demos at Shannon? More to the point, what exactly did you do at the last Shannon demo, Chekov? You know, the one with miserable turnout that you didn't even try to mobilise for because you "hadn't time" and wanted "to prioritise other onging work". Remember when Shannon was considered the number one priority? Fucking idiots.
The WSM is an interesting study in self-delusion. It's members endlessly slag off virtually every organisation (except the Catholic Workers!!) and then whine when they're not applauded at every turn. I'm not a member of an organisation myself (other than campaigning groups) so maybe I don't understand the dynamics as well as I should. But, it is interesting that the WSM (with eight members or, maybe, twelve according torecent posting) finds that the best way to promote themselves is to attack everybody else as 'trots' etc. I'm not a 'trot' (whatever that is) but, having read indymedia for some time, I know that that's the customary dismissal of people who don't agree with them. Isn't it time that they grew up?
now Irish anarchists are a bad bunch.
but the anarchists of say the Vatican ooo.
eeeer. ahem. anyway.
keep it with pals.
Yesterday extra official eviction notice of the Camp infront of the seat of Government which isn't a seat of Government in Barcelona.
so we are leaving.
oh yes. we are dissolving into the winds of political commentary and history.
the only peace camp on a governments doorstop in history is just going to dissappear and be completely forgotten about.
our previous addresses have demonstrated a certain weird habit of arriving on the governemnts doorstop though, how many government doorsteps are there?
these questions and others will be answered today on the streets of Barcelona.
at 17h00 a Reclaim the Streets party at Placa Paisos Catalans.
at 18h00 a "Aznar RESIGN NO WAR" march at Placa Espana.
Q. what is an "extra official eviction" about then?
A. well this is when really big, I mean really big, soldier types come in suits and mumble at a few people. I was one. mumble mumble. I offered this man some of my "learn English" that is "apprendre anglès" dominoes.
really quite fun. you get a word and a prefix or suffix. You match them with other words. Very educational.
I told him that since i was an anarchist i couldn't really give him any answer he was looking for. He shrugged and said "esta bé" ("thats ok") he is used to how it goes.
as the anarchist standing next to me mused, at times it is very difficult to be an anarchist. Oh yes. the talking, loads of talking, the assemblies, oh ooodles of them, and the decision making, sure we looked at the 80year old anarchist munching his free fruit and wondered had he been here since the first assembly.
ageing is the anarchy.
anyway. we do our thing slowly.
and we dont deserve the vilification.
so enough of this "anarchists are a bad lot"
we are not, we just have a difficult time commuinicating our concensus when we dont yet have one.
"the answer is in the assembly so to speak".
they are big assemblies.
go read the big bad anarchists of Ireland and Errons words at
Ipsiphi- thery're not bad! Just useless!
1. Faux naivety
2. Obsession with anarchists
3. Saying: "I'm not a member of any party"
4. An anonymous name that attempts to pass them off as a neutral, independent activist. 'Observer', 'activist', 'ordinary person' are all favoured.