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Voltaire NetworkVoltaire, international edition
Government invests in cars, cars, cars and more cars![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (Public transportation is for kids and poor people) In a world of oil wars, climate change, gridlock, and 2-hour commutes the government is investing massivly in cars and a future that has already been shown to be a disaster elsewhere. Unsustainable, destructive behaviour is being hardwired into the Irish infrastructure. "Green Party Transport spokesperson, Eamon Ryan TD, said today, “Five years after their National Roads Needs Study the Government has finally produced a matching 20 year plan for our rail service and their message to the Irish people is crystal clear, stick with your car." "This years capital budget gives €1250 million to new roads as opposed €261 million to public transport. It is obvious that public expenditure is massively biased in favour of roads and this is set to continue for the next 20 years. The Minister for Transport is never done telling us about all the public transport plans that he has sitting on his desk. However, recent correspondence from the Minister for Finance released under the Freedom of Information Act showed that the Government’s transport policy has been agreed. Motorways will be built and there is no money for anything else." "Mary O’Rourke spent her five years trumpeting ‘A golden age’ of rail travel, which in reality involved some safety measures on the Kerry, Sligo and Westport lines but no new or additional rail services. Minister Brennan looks set to extol same message for the next 20 years: Keep the weeds down on our existing track, try to avoid any crashes and buy a few new carriages every now and then to keep the complaints down. " "It is remarkable that both Strategic Rail Review and the National Roads policy place the emphasis on interurban routes. We are already investing €22 billion in the interurban motorways to Dublin. This should be scaled back in light of the fact that the Strategic Rail Review is targeting the same routes. It is hard to believe that the report failed to see the potential in new commuter rail services to cities such as Cork, Limerick and Galway as well as Dublin. With The Western Rail line written off, the hubs of Mallow, Ennis, Tuam, Castlebar, and Ballina will remain figments of the Minister for Environment’s imagination. The National Spatial Strategy may as well be consigned to the bin." "The greatest cost in running our rail system is the capital cost in providing |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5Most destructive type on earth - protests have to confront those driving alone in SUVs in Ireland because they are the problem - big car big dick moneygreedy heads who hate people excepyt their own pampered ferried children - the same ones who will get sick from Athsma from living in a 'bubble' away from the nitty gritty of life itsself - where wqill they go when the oil runs out and the resource wars kick off in earnest (in the next 40 years or so)? Do they think George Bush and The American Multinationals will give them free trips to bubbles on Mars? Or do they not think about anything except expensive grub big cars property money.
It's a sad thing to say but economic collapse and the cancellation of all air travel and unnecessary use of road travel in individual bubbles is what is needed more than anything to save this planet.
It will happen here - and who will be scapegoated - environmentalists and Peace Protesters and Anti-neoliberal Activists -
No more asking permission people must begin sorting things for themselves and not rely on the bankrupt states that exist in Spain /Ireland /Uk etc. Creating an ante-chamber into the future
my 2c G
Background at
paul gogarty would trade his car in for a bike. ;)
and great publicity.
a mate is building them some 'made in erron' ones - I wonder will they accept them?
How dare the GP go on about cars. Was it not Paul Gogarty that refused to prevent the cops beat protesters at the Dáil on Day X because he wanted to drive home.
Practice what you preach HYPOCRITES!