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Colombia, not Iraq, is Haunting the Empire![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Publisher's Note: While the population of the United States is transfixed in front of the screen, obsessed with the "war" that Power wants them to see, that Power designed to distract them from all other realities, a long-running war continues to rage in our own hemisphere; a 50 years war: The Colombian Civil War. Questions Without Answers
Publisher's Note: While the population of the United States is transfixed in front of the screen, obsessed with the "war" that Power wants them to see, that Power designed to distract them from all other realities, a long-running war continues to rage in our own hemisphere; a 50 years war: The Colombian Civil War. After the filing of this report by Authentic Journalist Augusto Fernández last week on Narco News' Spanish-language pages, a story asking questions about the downed U.S. spy plane in Colombia last February, another U.S. espionage craft - one seeking the three POWs of the last one - crashed to the ground in territory of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, the FARC. Narco News refers you to Authentic Journalist Maria Engqvist's report for the New Colombia News Agency on the latest evidence of increased U.S. military intervention in Colombia. Your publisher adds another question to the excellent ones posed here by Fernández: If the second downed U.S. spy plane was there looking for the crew of the first, how long until the third comes looking for the second, and the fourth comes looking for the third? Ah, but this is the war that Power doesn't want you to see… Or think about… Or act upon. Another question: Why not? Why hasn't Washington "embedded" journalists in Colombia? Why has the illegitimate "government" of Alvaro Uribe banned reporters - national and international - from traveling in Colombia's war zone and reporting the facts? Why has CNN spent $30 million dollars to hypnotize you with its coverage of the "war" across the Oceans where they want you to divert your time and energy, but offers only a pittance of coverage to the $13 billion "Plan Colombia" and the escalating U.S. involvement - now with U.S. POWs and U.S. casualties - in the jungles of the Andes? Could it be, kind readers, that the script in Colombia is not going as planned? Augusto Fernández is on the ground in Colombia. The questions he asks contain answers. Questions Without Answers
From the first moment that the events related to the airplane downed by the FARC in Colombia - in which four North Americans and one Colombian traveled - a war of versions in the Commercial Media has been unleashed, in which the key characteristics are ambiguity, suppositions, and the incapacity to question official sources. The first version of the story
The plane was downed by a division of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC, in its Spanish initials), as the guerrilla organization later confirmed in a communiqué published by the Agencia de Noticias Nueva Colombia (New Colombia News Agency, ANNCOL). According to the Colombian military, the FARC’s "Teófilo Forero Column" operates in this area. The government of the US and Colombia later confirmed that four US nationals, and one Colombian, were aboard the downed aircraft. At that time, their identities were not released. According to the US embassy in Colombia, the passengers were involved in military "intelligence" work for the US government. Two hours after the fact, said government sources, the Armed Forces found a pair of bodies close to the crash site. Days later, the government claimed to have captured Fidel Casallas, supposedly a guerrilla commander who had participated in the attack on the airplane. According to Cambio, a Colombian weekly magazine, Casallas was a witness to the murder of two members of the plane’s crew – the Colombian and one of the Americans. Several days after the incident, the FARC release a communiqué claiming that they had shot the plane down, and taken the three surviving Americans as "prisoners of war." The prisoners were, according to the FARC, spies for the CIA and DEA… The Media Circus and the Different Versions of the Events
But what caused this information war? Let’s begin: February 13th: The first reports appear in the Colombian media that a US plane crashed in the Caquetá jungle while on an anti-narcotics mission. The Medellín newspaper El Colombiano also reported that four US nationals and one Colombian were in the aircraft – which left Bogotá headed for the Larandia military base in the Caquetá but lost contact with the control tower at 11 AM.
On the same day, the newspaper El Tiempo reports, President Uribe will request international assistance in the effort to free the three North Americans. However, he didn't mention that the assistance would be in the form of military aid...
The AFP also reports that the other three Americans were "kidnapped," according to testimony by several local farmers. The US government declines to comment on the identity of these men for security reasons. A representative of the US embassy in Colombia could only tell the AFP that, "we are very worried about their safety. We can’t say any more."
As soon as this document was released to the public, the US government, considerably irritated, denied that its "three citizens" were CIA agents, but would only say that they were "civilian contractors." It did not specify what organization they belonged to or what the men were doing in Caquetá. Meanwhile the Colombian government rejected the FARC’s proposal of a prisoner exchange via the state media, and demanded the immediate freedom of the "kidnapped" men from "the terrorist group." That same day, various media claimed that the Teófilo Forero Column had not shot down the plane, but that it had crashed due to technical failures, and that once the crew was on the ground, the guerrillas attacked. This version cited statements from the director of the National Police, General Teodoro – who just possibly may have been trying to discredit the FARC. White House spokesmen said that, "this is only another one of these peoples’ (FARC’s) lies." That statement carries no weight, though, after various weekly publications reported the testimony of the local farmers that have claimed the opposite… February 20: The Colombian army drops leaflets on the jungles of Caquetá offering one billion pesos, about $340,000 US dollars, to whoever can provide information leading to the rescue of the US citizens.
In Colombia, a great controversy erupts over this latest announcement from the US. People from across the political spectrum begin to say that this decision seriously hurts national sovereignty, and question the president’s sanity in inviting more foreign troops onto Colombian soil. On the same day, the newspaper El Tiempo reports that US President George W. Bush labeled the FARC as "heartless killers" and praised the work done during President Uribe’s time in office: "He is a great leader and I am very impressed with his work." El Tiempo also reported that US congressman Tom Davis said, at a press conference that, "this act of the FARC will provoke a very strong retaliation. They committed a very grave error." Davis had just returned from a visit to Colombia to observe the ways that US anti-narcotics resources were being invested. Mark Souder, the Democratic congressman who accompanied Davis, said that the hostages will spark a fierce debate in his country, and claimed that the majority of the public would be outraged at the FARC. "We won’t be intimidated if they try to stop the war on drugs," Souder told El Tiempo. "These statements from the US can be understood as official approval of the intervention which is already underway, although I don’t think the North American soldiers could withstand three days of the mosquitoes down here," said Colombian congressman Roberto Camacho after hearing the US politicians’ statements.
Casallas also claimed that the FARC commanders later gave him a mission to deploy "queibrapata" (leg-breaker) landmines in the mountainous zone known as the Alejandría pass, just 60 kilometers from Caquetá’s capital of Florencia, to push back the advance of the army patrols. Acording to the alleged interview with Casallas, one of the mines exploded in his hands. His companions picked him up and at nightfall tried to bring him to a hospital in the "Santana de las hermosas" sector in an improvised stretcher. But suddenly, one of the patrols from the military base discovered them. A gun battle followed and lasted for several hours. When it was all over, according to this report, Casallas realized that his comrades had abandoned him, in full view of the military base. The army captured him and brought him to the 8th Brigade’s military hospital in Florencia. Once there, he was interrogated, first by military intelligence agents, then by investigators from the Public Prosecutor’s office. The magazine also reported that Casallas would be taken to the maximum-security wing of the "La Picota" prison in Bogotá. Once there, he will face serious criminal charges as an insurgent who has attacked US interests.
The anonymous source said, contrary to White House claims, that the 360 US soldiers already in Colombia would also be authorized to participate in the search and rescue of the three prisoners. During the interview, the source further identified the US citizen supposedly killed by the FARC as Thomas Janis, 56 – a decorated Vietnam veteran who had retired from the US Army 5 years earlier. The big Colombian media, such as the "TV Noticiero" program on the channel Caracol, declared Janis a "war hero." He was buried a few days ago in the US with full military honors.
Likewise the FARC reaffirm in this communiqué their demands for a prisoner exchange with the Colombian government in a demilitarized zone, and for the cessation of all military operations in the Caquetá jungles as a condition for the lives and safety of the three US operatives in their custody:
"I do not see the possibility of establishing a dialogue with the FARC, and… I don’t see a negotiation with the FARC for our hostages" declared Grossman after meeting with Uribe in Bogotá’s Nariño Palace. According to the AFP, the Colombian government also strongly rejects the possibility of establishing an exchange with the FARC in a demilitarized zone and holds the guerrillas responsible for the safety of the three US prisoners. Furthermore, Grossman calls Plan Colombia "successful" and emphasized the necessity of continuing coca and poppy fumigation and manual crop eradication.
To open… or to close?
For example, what is behind the US government’s obsession with basing more and more troops in Colombia and other undeveloped or developing countries? How much legitimacy can the Colombian state claim, after giving up so much of its national sovereignty? Who – or rather, what power – does the Colombian president really work for? Are the soldiers the Pentagon is sending really coming to rescue the three US citizens captured by the FARC? Or are they coming to join the counterinsurgency operations more permanently (considering that the "Three Corners" military base – the largest in the country – is in Caquetá)? Or, maybe, they’re coming to help protect the interests of the big multinationals that operate in that area – such as Occidental Petroleum of Colombia – as the three "innocent US citizens" were surely doing? Won’t these interests be, basically, the Texan wet dreams of oil that keep President Bush and his family up at night? With such a mess, where will the resources destined to Plan Colombia really go? Why is it so hard for the US government to accept its own vulnerability after the Sept. 11 attacks? Do they think a policy of war and interventionism, disguised as a "war on terror," is the best way to hide? On the other hand, what’s wrong with the journalists who work for the big Colombian media? Are they merely information mercenaries? Why do they act like they know everything, when in the end they really know nothing? Why do they publish information so lacking in context? Why do they manage the information from such a robot-like and melodramatic perspective – as in the case of one article that appeared in the March 2nd El Espectador, an overwrought piece about the dramatic lives of the families of the three "US citizens." Has that writer given any thought to the "drama" the peasant farmers will suffer when their farmland becomes infertile due to the effects of glyphosate herbicides? Or when, for no apparent reason, they must confront the severe paranoia unleashed by the "war on terrorism," where anyone can become a "suspect?" Why don’t Colombian journalists read the history of their own country? Is one day of real work too much to ask? Don’t they realize that the Colombian conflict is too complex to analyze from this bipolar perspective? The most prestigious universities in the world offer programs in "Colombianism" and "violentology" – fields invented specifically for the study of Colombian society and politics. The journalists here should learn that one needs a magnifying glass to examine the reality of the Colombian situation. The history of Colombia has all the ingredients of a great Latin American soap opera: love, hate, death, resentment, revenge, betrayal, and the rest. The difference is that here, the boundaries between good and evil, madness and sanity, morality and immorality, are blurred. There are no happy endings. That’s why journalists – whether for or against the government – need to stop repeating what they take to be "truths." They need to begin, like Socrates, to ask others and to ask them selves more and more about this country, a country that seems to be the missing link in world history. So, dear readers, I hope you’ll excuse this journalist, lost on the disinformation highway, for not responding to all these questions, and for leaving one simple question open: What is Colombia? Do you want me to keep asking?
** It is important to clarify that the commercial media referenced here are generally owned by huge conglomerates, which both endorse and are endorsed by the government. These include newspapers such as El Tiempo and El Espectador, commercial radio networks such as Caracol, RCN and Todelar, and the Caracol and RCN television networks.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2...Why has the illegitimate "government" of Alvaro Uribe banned reporters - national and international - from traveling in Colombia's war zone ...
What's illegitimate about Uribe's government ? It won free elections last year.
It's very stupid to throw a word like "illegitimate" around. There is too much garbage in the rest of the article for me to respond to it, if you don't know a basic fact such as that Uribe was freely elected then there's no point in talking to you.
Viva the FARC peasant army and Colombian trade union movement!
No racism!
No war!
Yankee Go Home! We are all Palestinians and Iraqi's! U.S. out of Colombia and all countries of the world!