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April 12th - Shannon Airport![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Mass civil disobedience against the war The Irish Anti War movement has called a demonstration at Shannon airport for Saturday April 12th. The Socialist Workers Party are calling for mass non-violent civil disobedience to protest against the use of Shannon airport by the US military in their brutal and illegal war against the Iraqi people. 150,000 marched on February 15th as part of the international day against the war, calling for US military out of Shannon. Again on March 29th, over 60,000 people marched. In the face of the government's complicity in war crimes the SWP is calling for people to engage in civil disobedience against the war. The mass walkouts against the war on day X was the start of this campaign as thousands of oridnary Irish workers downed tools against the war. The imperialist UK/US troops have got bogged down in their invasion of Iraq. They now need massive numbers of reinforcements to continue their bloody war. Without these reinforcements they will not be able to keep the massacre going. 40,000 troops are set to pass through Shannon - we can still stop this war! Details of transport to Shannon and other information will be available soon. Everyone to Shannon on April 12th |
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15Before the October 12th demonstration and at it the SWP dished out leaflets that ended in a call for direct action at Shannon. Yet when a direct action started (the tearing down of the airport fence and the occupation of part of the airfield - see )they not only stood on the sidelines they ordered their members not to take part. On the bus back afterwards they attacked those who had initated the action and after the text of their own leaflet was read out for them claimed that by 'direct action' they had just meant marching to the terminal.
We can endlessly drag over what has already happened if we like. I'd prefer though if the SWP could spell out what they actually mean this time in a way that would not allow them to pull the same stroke again afterwards. Possibly you are serious this time but after the last few Shannon demonstrations it should be obvious that trust is something you need to earn rather then assume in this context.
Just wondering what kind of non-violent mass civil disobedience is being planned-hoping it's not going to be another sit down protest or lie-down-and-pretend-to-be-dead protest.It's about time the IAWM called for something beyond the very predictable, boring and not very effective marches and speeches.
will members of the SWP please stop exaggerating the numbers at marches / demos? I was there Saturday, 20,000 max. At a TDs clinic last week - 15 max, although someone here reported 25!
Is anything being organised to support possible defendants after April 12th.
It seems they exaggerate more for the South of Ireland. In the North of Ireland despite all those in the anti war coalition on Feb 15th agreeing there was 20,ooo at the belfast march their paper 'Socialist workers' said there was only 15,000 at the march 'less' that what some main papers said much to the anger of some swp members in the North while 150,000 they said marched in Dublin 3 times 'more' than the main press said. Then at the last march the media said in Belfast that there was 5,000 at the Belfast march and also 5,000 at the Dublin one. Socialist workers said 3,000 in belfast again lower than most main media estimates and saying there was 10,000, then 15,000 then 20,000 in Dublin in different parts of their paper. Does anyone know the reason for this. Their paper also said very little of the marches and direct action the swp are involved in in Belfast or Derry as seen on this site again to the anger of their 'comrades' up here, is it because they disagree with it. So take' the 60,oo with a pinch of salt as people do.
Cheers SEAN, that clarifies a lot and also raises more questions than it answers. Perhaps I'll take it up with their editor?
Counting (or estimating the size of) large crowds is difficult. I suspect many people just get the number wrong.
I was in Dublin on Feb 15th taking photos of the speakers on the platform for the rally at the start.
It was announced from the platform before the march set off that the crowd "had reached 130,000 and still growing". Given the sea of people I was looking out at from where I was taking photos and knowing that the front of the march was said to be past Trinity before the platform speakers even finished, I would have said 130,000-150,000 was a reasonable estimate. I counted a couple of sample blocks and tried to scale it up and as I said that seemed like a reasonable number.
I was also in Dublin on Saturday. My feeling for it was "about half the size of the February crowd" I'd have said that anywhere between 50,000 and 70,000 was a reasonable guess. It was undoubtedly several times any number I have seen in the corporate media.
I've been at a lot of demos and I have to say that no way were there more than 20,000 there in Dublin on Saturday. I wish it had been 60,000!! This sort of vast over-inflation of numbers does the movement's credibility no good. Get real.
Like myself - I'm sitting a Civil Service exam in the RDS that day. And considering that Saturday April 12th has been designated another "International Day Of Action Against The War" when there'll be massive protests in most capital cities worldwide...Except in Dublin it seems...Where the only protests on the 12th April will be in Shannon warport...Important and all as that is. What about even a token protest in Dublin on April 12th in solidarity with our Anti war brothers and sisters internationally Irish Anti War Movement?
Waah! Why can't we have something in Dublin? Because everything is always in fucking Dublin! Why don't you people try travelling for a change.
What is it on indymedia with all these 'the event your organising does not quite suit me please organise another' whingers. 'IMCer' if you want to be useful on the 12th get off your arse and organise something yourself in Dublin. A march on Baldonnel the same day would be quite useful in making the Shannon one harder to police for instance.
Demonstrating is often depressing. After Day"X" the nos were bound to reduce. Look at the bias in the Media etc. Point ... stop infighting be brave yet peaceful. It is important to support each other in the movement and stand up to the immoral money worshipers.All human life is sacred.Lets keep trying to stop this illegal war.
i wrote in a report there was 40,000 at saturday march i was wrong
the 9 news said 10,000 thats wrong too so if we split the difference we get 30,000 i think thats right
Its great to sit back and watch all ye idiots argue about numbers at protests,the sooner ye get it into yer heads that yer not going to make a bit of a difference the better for everybody!!!!!!!!!!