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BAGHDAD OR BUST![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Side stepping the gore of collateral damage from dumb mercenaries' smart bombs dropped by degraded geriatrtic warriors, the chicken hawks zip up the body bags and bring the first of the boys back home in bits. The George and Laura show rolls into town for a prayer pow wow as the bodies are fork lifted out on a back lot. "Heros fallen in foreign fields, at great sacrifice for the stock market and our nation, in the eyes of God etc" and more of the same Bushshit! SHYLOCK BUSH'S POUND OF FLESH
Side stepping the gore of collateral damage from dumb mercenaries' smart bombs dropped by degraded geriatrtic warriors, the chicken hawks zip up the body bags and bring the first of the boys back home in bits. The George and Laura show rolls into town for a prayer pow wow as the bodies are fork lifted out on a back lot. "Heros fallen in foreign fields, at great sacrifice for the stock market and our nation, in the eyes of God etc" and more of the same Bushshit! Already they're haggling over the film rights and scouting for more dramatic live authentic death on location. Try spinning that together again, doctor Fleischer you heartless drone. Amerikan working class minority youth once more wrapped up in Old G'ory to keep usurpers like you in power without ever a vote kast for the Lon Cheney Bush youngun' war kabinet. Amerika get ready, here come the flashbacks from Vietnam but without the saving grace of the soundtrack of the Sixties. Your laptop generals and corporate officer executives of death in this most evil conglomerate in history crunching out numbers and bones from the comfort of their Haliburton air conditioned textile Pentagon in the sand safely across the border. Old men to a man like the good ol' boys back home who thought all this pentagonese s#it up in the first place. The daily briefing, an obscene monotone of carnage and snuff videos for the emasculated in bedded media, a CNN braiwash, a tasteless blow job served up in cold consolation by some afro-gringo military spokes-stooge ( death industries is an equal opportunity employer) like Brigadier Vince Brooks in the tent on the ground, Uncle Tom Powell on the road for the AIPAC and Aunt Jemima Rice beside der Fuhrer in the White House, all of whose ancestors were Southern slaves presumably. Ironic really what it takes to become a Republican guard warmonger. Tamed and grateful like mindless zombies that licked the right boots up the ranks, they unwrap in pentagonese the pre-bodybagged statistics of the thousands of Iraqis "neutralized". Saddam could take classes from these folks. Remorse? Not even an afterburn! The rights of Amerika and white Amerikan meat, with the exception of Taliban Johnny, now that's another thing. Don't you even imagine photographing those bodies until my government's next of kin notification barcodes are in the e mail; these are Amerikan lives for gawd's sake. "We hold the Geneva Konvention is for good, gawd fearin' chrissen folk. And we will hold the enemy responsible for these photographic war crimes, "let there be no misunderestimating that". Iraqis, who gives a damn about those raghead walla walla sand niggahs. Bulldoze them into the desert like Pops did back in 92! War crimes what war crimes? What nasty new products have Shylock's merchants of death and carpetbaggers schlepped in as they storm this land like barbarian hordes from the Middle Ages and like Spielberg ghouls demonstrate the wonders of their satanic technology? Are they up to the job, will the batteries hold out? Will there be enough smart ammo so the "guys" never have to get up so close as to have to put on their latex gloves and actually bleed for this Bushshit? Multi million dollar Apaches already scalped by old farmers with rifles in the fields. Black Hawk down all over again and shades of ignominious tail between thier legs out of Somalia. David against Goliath! David always wins, sooner or later. How did Perle the Prince Of Darkness and Bush's Brit Amerisraeli koalition miss that at their bible briefing? Sandstorm shifts to Baghdad and the scene quickly turns to Stalingrad with the New Nazis at the gates; is Stalin still at home? Street to street, house to house through the living room walls and hand to hand with human shields of one kind or another down the cut throat alleys and sewers. If it gets out of hand then I expect the diabolic Pentagon ones already have the IOF's Jenin scam down to a T, IOF professional exterminators liaisoning "in theater". And comrade Putin can teach Bush a thing or two from his Grozny deal not to mention gassing hostages and terrorists in confined theatres etc.. Bring in the 'dozers, guys and and we'll pile a mound of ruins in that biblical tradition, a monument to our great Judaeo-Christian culture in Washington, here where Satan fell. Proudly raise the standard on a modern Iwo Jima of re-bar, cement-dust, rubble and human flesh. Sound the bugle and frame the photo, a pledge fulfilled to Freeiraq, the latest proctectorate of the US oil industry. Meanwhile the index wavers down on Wall Street as the Firm's accountants calculate the dividends of death. "Cough up 75 billion bucks for now" says Bush Two while your sons cough up blood in the foxholes around Saddam's ring of fire. Amerika is bankrupt in every sense of the word and even the world's school children see the monster is spooked and lurching to its next catastrophe.
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